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September 10, 1976 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1976-09-10

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rFriday, September 10, 1976


Page Three

Friday, September 10, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

Congress spends $1

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i lion

on itself

Friday, September 10, 1976

Black Repertory Co.: Caldwell's
iThe Devil &, Otis PoeAineor The

NEW YORK (P) - A new
study shows that Congress spent
nearly $1 billion on itself in the
last fiscal year, almost triple
what it spent in 1970 and more
than five times what it spent
in 1960.
The study was developed by
the Tax Foundation, Inc., a non-
profit research organization. In
a report released yesterday,
the foundation said most of the
spending increase was due to
"the substantial growth of leg-
islative branch employment as
well as significant increases in
salaries and other costs."
appropriations for the Senate,
the House and their joint activi-
ties totaled $426.3 million in fis-
cal 1976. The sum covers every-
thing from stationery to sala-
Appropriations for legislative
agencies set up by Congress -
from the Government Printing
Office to the U.S. Botanic Gar-
den - were $498.3 million.
The total congressional ex-
penditure of nearly $925 million
works out to about $4.30 for
every man, woman and child
in the country.
spending level is going to rise
still further. "The operating
costs of the legislative branch
. . . are certain within a year
or two to reach an annual lev-

el of $1 billion or more," the3
group said.
It also noted that Congress
"determines its own budget
which, under law, must be in-
cluded in the President's bud-
get submission exactly as pro-
posed. It makes its own rules,
determines its own staff and
salary levels, provides itself al-
lowances and perequisites . . .
"Beyond this, each house
makes these determinations for
itself. When the annual legis-
lative appropriation bill is act-
ed upon, the House passes only
upon its own funds and the
Senate later adds in appropria-
tions for its operations and sel-
dom, if ever, does either body
challenge the operations of the
THE SIZE OF Congress'
budget is small compared to
some items. It is less than 1
per cent of the defense budget,
for example, and only about
one-fourth of 1 per cent of the
total U. S. budget. But the in-
crease in Congress' spending
on itself is bigger than either
the boost in the over-all federal
budget or the rise in the Con-
sumer Price Index.
From 1960 to 1976, the bud-
get for the legislative branch
increased 441 per cent; the
over-all federal budget grew 305
per cent, and the Consumer
Price Index, went up about 93
per cent. From 1970 to 1976
alone, Congress' budget in-

creased 168 per cent; the total sued in July 1975 estimated the
U. S. budget went up 90 per average income of Senate em-'
cent, and the CPI rose by 47 ployes at about $15,000 and the
per cent. average income of House em-
A small part of the spending ployes at $14,000. That compar-
increase is due to the creation ed with a national per capita
of new agencies since 1970. A average icome of just over
more important factor is the $5,000.
growth in the congressional
payroll. More than half of con- a inUes pased E N c-
gressional operating costs in tobencrease passed last Oc-
fiscal 1976 were for salaries tober accounted for $4.7 million
and related expenses for mem- of the appropriations for oper-
bers of Congress and their staffs ations of the Senate; $5 million
and leadership offices. of the appropriations for the
House; $158,000 of the appro-
THE FOUNDATION said that priations for joint activities and
the number of legislative branch $8.6 million for appropriations
employes has risen 22 per cent of legislative branch agencies.
since 1970. The congressional Here is a rundown of the esti-;
staff alone has grown 44 per mated 1976 and 1970 expendi-
cent since 1970. The total civil- tures for Congressional agencies
ian labor force grew 12 per cent not counting the supplemental
in the same period and the num- increase:
ber of people employed rose 8.2 * Architect of the Capitol, in.
charge of the Capitol building:
per cent. and grounds and the operation'
Members of Congress have of the Senate restaurant: $74.5
gotten three pay boosts since million in 1976; $24.4 million in
1960 and now earn $44,625 a 1970.4
year, plus allowances. The 0 U. S. Botanic Garden, col-:
House and the Senate voted re- lects and grows plants for dis-
cently to exclude members of play and congressional offices:
Congress from an automatic, $1.2 million in 1976; $599,800 in
cost of living pay raise due 1970.
Oct. 1 to all federal Civil Serv- * General Accounting Office,
ice employes. The increase helps Congress in connection
would have boosted salaries for with legal, accounting, auditing
representatives and senators to and claims settlement roles and
$46,750. oversees campaign spending:
Congressional staff salaries $137.2amillionin 1976; $63.5 mil-
vary, but the foundation says lion in 1970.
levels "are high by almost any & Government Printing Office,
standard." It said a 'report is- prints and sells government

publications; $147 million in
1976; $40 million in 1970.
" Library of Congress, ac-
quires and catalogues books,
provides reference services and
is responsible for copywriting:
$116.8 million in 1976; $43.9 mil-
lion in 1970.
* Cost Accounting Standards

Day Calendar King of Soul, Arena Theatre,
Classes begin, Frieze, 8 pm.
WUOM: Vladimir Frumkin, Dir. Word of God: Concert, "The
of Russian House, Oberlin college, Lighthouse," Power Ctr, 8 pm.
on "The Soviet Underground and
The Role of Music," 10 am.
'Ob. Gyn./Bio. Eng. Seminars:
Tim Kriewall, "State of BioEngi- A band of Sioux Indians
- neering in Ob. Gyn. at U-M"
L2204 Women's Hosp, noon. i killed 32 persons and carried
' International Center: Meeting for four women into captivity at
travelers returning from abroad, 23!.
Int'l Ctr, 2:30 pm. Spirit Lake, Iowa, in 1857.

Volume LXXXVII, No. 2
Friday, September 10, 1976
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published d a 11y Tuesday through
ISunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription
rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
ters); $13 by mail outside Ann
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann

Board, draws up cost account- -
ing standards for federal con-
tractors: $1.6 million in 1976;
didn't exist in 1970.
0 Office of Technology Assess-
ment, determines impact of
technological developments:
$6.5 million in 1976; didn't ex-
ist in 1970.
0 Congressional Budget Office,
assists economic committees
with respect to the budget and
revenues: $4.7 million in 1976;
didn't exist in 1970.









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