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November 24, 1976 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-24

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Wednesday, November 24, 1,976


Page Three

anWolvernes w'n it al?
For the first time since the Cazzie Rusell era a decade ago,
basketball is big at Michigan. The Wolverines return four starters
from last year's NCAA runner-up team: Guards Steve Gote and
$ Rickey Green, forward John Robinson and center, Phil Hubbard.
Also back are all the top subs: David Baxter, Tom Staton, Alan
Hardy, Joel Thompson, Tom Bergen and. Bobby Jones. Most experts
consider Michigan one of the top contenders for the Big Ten and
national titles. Here's what some of them are saying ...
"I liked Michigan very much because of its quickness.
When I was coaching, I looked for as much quickness as
possible with as much size as possible, while some other
coaches looked for size first, and then took what quickness
they could get.
"I think they should be very good this year, one of the
strongest teams in the nation. I was impressed with Mich-
igan as a team rather than by any individuals. I think they
are a good, balanced team where anyone could score for
"I was impressed by the way he (Orr) could bring that
third guard in there. The top seven or eight players all
impressed me." -
-John Wooden
"Phil Hubbard is one of my favorite basketball players
and he has a great future ahead of him. He was my room-
mate in the Olympics. Rickey Green is one of the best
players around the country. They're one of the best teams
in the country.
-Adrian Dantley
"On paper, Michigan is the best in the country. They
"Guys like Rickey Green and John Robinson are real have two All-American candidates, experience, quality,
experienced and know how to play when it gets tough. Phil depth, all the ingredients of a national champion. Rickey
Hubbard can certainly play as a center-he handles him- and Hubbard have been with the system a year now. That
self well. In fact, he's one of the best centers in the coup- should make up for the loss of Britt."
try." -Jim Dutcher
-Phil Sellers
"Rickey's one of the top players in college ball today.
"Michigan's the only team with no weakness." He has the talent to be a first-round pick."
-Fred Schaus, Purdue coach Campy Russell
"I thought last year they
were the best team we play-
ed all year. They have great
quickness, a very s ound
team in every aspect of the
game. I r e a lly like them.
They have a huehiuva chance
to win it all.
"Hubbard is an excellent
player, and I think Rickey
Green is the premier guard
in the country. I was im-
pressed with t h e i r players
coming off the bench, too.
But that Green can just fly, ,# .w:
down the court. If I was in
the pros, I would pick him i
first. You could build a team
around him.. No one can ac-
celerate like he can."
-Jerry Tarkanian,
Nev.-Las Vegas coach r

"Rickey Green is the fast-
est and quickest player I've
ever played against."
Ernie Grunfeld,

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