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November 24, 1976 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1976-11-24

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hge Two


Wednesday, November 24, 1976


Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Until 9:00
Saturday Until 5:30 P.M.

'.Ie. .
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V,; $

Jobless r
ob esas, top Ca
(Continued from Page 1)
tween the White House and
He said jobs will be a major
focus of the first months of his
administration and that he ex-
pects before his Jan. 20 inau-
guration to have worked out
with the Congress the outline
of major unemployment reduc-
tion legislation.
IN GENERAL, Democrats
said they were pleased with
Carter's attitude.I
"I have pledged to the mem-
bers of the (Senate) foreign re-
lations committee that there
will be close consultation;
throughout the whole term of
office," he told reporters.
Veteran congressmen said
they could not remember a j
president - elect consulting so
closely with Congress before
taking office.-j
CARTER TOLD the clearly
delighted leaders of the Demo-
crat - controlled Congress: "I
will be consulting in an almost
unprecedented wa. with con-
gressional leaders on major
pieces of legislation in the em-
bryonic stages."
He told each one he met that
he would consult with the ap-
propriate committee chairmen
before deciding on any of his
cabinet appointments and gave ,
then his private telephone num-
ber so they could call him with
suggestions. ,
Most of the congressmen who
met Carter warmly praised his
grasp of affairs and knowledge
of the subjects discussed. Sen-
ator Charles Percy (R-Ill.), told'
reporters that Carter was ob- I
~- ~U


(Continued from Page 1) to win in," said Seeligson. "But ranged from a charter amend-
rter goa the city's Pontiac Trail area, this might be a good year to ment to bring greater citizen
intends to make an appeal to try." participation into the city's as-
student voters in his area. Bak- ! According to party workers sessment system to one resur-
v iously an expert on nuclear er announced he would "work in the Fourth Ward, no definite recting the often - debated is-
proliferation and energy, the with other Democrats instead candidate has been named to sue of compensation for Coun-
topics discussed with the Sen- of fighting them" - a pointed run in that area. cil members. In addition, a rent
ate Foreign Relations Commit- reference to Keogh's reputation KEN LUDWIG, owner of a control proposal and one which
tee. as a maverick Council mem. local antique restoration and could help politicize city bud-
D E M O C R A T I C sena- ber. furniture store, "The Wood- geting procedures were discuss-
tors and House members said He is being opposed by Zane shed", has declared himself as ed.
they were extremely leased a contestant in the Republican- "Ballot issues help get the
th Crer's extely pade Olukans, who described herself held Fifth Ward. voters involved in the election,"
Hubert umphrey (D-Minn.)-ias eholding down about eight Ludwig, who expressed gen- said chairperson Lana Pollack.
sabd "s e(long time since, part-time jobs and is a down- erally austere opinions about "The HRP (Human Rights Par-
idtown resident. city spending policies during tY) used it as a successful tac-
I've heard talk like that."' IN THE SECOND WARD, vet-1
the meeting, described himself tic for many years."
But Republicans were some- eran Ann Arbor Democrat Les- proundly as a conservative. ! But there was opposition to
what more .cautious and Sen. lie Morris has surfaced as the "But it'll take a conservative some of the proposals, especial-
Robert Griffin, (R-Mich.), the i candidate to fill retiring Coun- to win in the Fifth Ward," he ly to the - pay - for - Council
Senate's GOP Whip, said Re- cil member Carol Jones's seat. told the assembled Democrats. scheme. Many Democrats felt
publicans are ready to give|Morris was opposed by Mike Though the Fifth has long it might hurt, rather than help,
their support to Carter "when Yancey, a University student been conceded to be a GOP their candidates to bring the
we think President Carter is and Bursley Hall resident who stronghold, party workers there issue up during an election.
right." ' intended to appeal to the ward's are surprisingly optimistic about "I don't want to see anything
"We are ready to be part- heavy student population by April's possibilities for electing on the ballot that'll bring out
ners," Griffin said in a state- contrasting himself with Morris. a Democratic Council member. the conservatives," said Coun-
ment at the opening of a meet- Yancey, however, has apparent- THE DEMOCRATS also dis- cil member Jamie Keiworthy
ing between Carter and thq GOP ly withdrawn from the race. cussed plans for the approach- (D-Fourth Ward.) Besides,
congressional leadership. Local attorney Les Seelig- ing party primary Feb. 20, and Kenworthy added, the matter is
"BUT WE RECOGNIZE that son intends to challenge a long- debated the possibility of put- still being discussed in a pend-
the price of partnership is gen standing Republican monopoly ting as many as four charter ing court case.
uihe prcolatnphipigen- of the largely residential Third amendment issues on the April -~
une consultation, participation Ward. "It's not the easiest place ballot.
and mutual respect,"he said. in the world for a Democrat The proposed ballot issues
"When we think President


sate cited

Wheeler mayoral bid likely


::t; , .
: :

f tV

Carter is right, we will support
him. When we think he is
wrong, it will be our duty of I
course, as the loyal opposition,
to oppose him."

3etty Ford to get
1 -1

thrown out

the ever-popular cotton flannel sport shirts by
Augie. . .trim European styling that fits you perfectly
and looks comfortably at ease in all sorts of situations.
Choose from many colorful plaids. S-M-L sizes. $14




The LS&A office ofSt
two informational mee
terested in participatin
Michigan Junior Year
France and Germany:
Tuesday, D

Carter also said that although
his process of picking his Cabi- lio n o rar
net will be slower than in past,
new administrations, he hopes
to send "informal" nominations (Continued from Page 1)
to the Congress before his in- honorary degree on her own
auguration to give the Senate merits, not just because she is
the President's wife. He praised
a head start in the confirmation Ms. Ford's "ability to think
process. through issues on her own and
IN-ON, stand by her own convictions."
"I THINK she merits it (the
honorary degree) on her owi
hook," Kennedy said.
S OR ERMANY President Ford was awarded
an honorary doctor of laws de-
)F MICHIGAN gree when he was the Uni-
ROAD PROGRAMS' versity's commencement speak-
er in May, 1974. Ford earned his
bachelor'sbdegree in economics
sudy Afaannous'from the College of Literature,
atings for students in- Science and the Arts in 1935.
g in the University of Nominations for honorary de-
Abroad Programs in 3r esare usually made by pro-
fessors or deans of the Univer-
sity's individual colleges, Ken-
nedy explained. In this case.
ENCE, FRANCE however, it was the Board of

y degree

by CSJ-

NOMINATIONS must be ap-
proved by a special honorary
degree committee. Kennedy,
President Fleming, Vice Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Frank
Rhodes, Vice President for Uni-
versity Relations and Develop-
ment Michael Radock and six
faculty members serve on the
Normally, the recipient's oc-
cupation will determine which
degree will be awarded, but
Kennedy admitted that in Ms.
Ford's case "her field doesn't
fall within traditional academic
lines." He said that the degree
which the First Lady will re-
ceive, the honorary doctor of
laws, is the one most commonly
Ms. Ford will be the only per-
son to receive an honorary de-
gree at the winter commence-
ment exercises.


(Continued from Page 1)
failed to mention the mandatory
fee that each student would be
assessed under the amendment.
It also contained phrases s'ich as
"guarantees honest elections,"
which CSJ termed "biased lan-
ber and author of the proposed
amendment, said, "The ruling
was not fair.sIdfeel that they
were looking for an excuse to
keep it off (the ballot)."
He said the supporters of the
amendment were correct in
what they did and "followed
precedents of what had been
done in the -past in writing the
"We couldn't list all the
changes," he said, "so we listed
the ,positive changes."
Laskey and other proponents
of the proposal plan to try again.
They will circulate new positions
to place the amendment on next
spring's all-campus ballot.


lecember 7


Use Daily Classifieds

I $

R e g e n t s that recommended
Betty. Ford be awarded a de-


uervo: ~~

TheTeachings of Jose C

Thursday, December 9
PLACE: International Center
(Recreation Room)
603 E. Madison
TIME: 8:00 p.m.
All students who think they might be intereste
in applying for 1977-78 should definitely at
tend. Students who think they might apply a
some later date are also cordially invited. Brin
a friend.


(Continued from Page 1)
trolled by FDA, principally
household cleaners. And both
agencies, meanwhile, are work-
ing with the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) on a
d ban, probably several months
away, of all fluorocarbon aero-
I~t i sols.
ander Schmidt said yesterday
that the interim warning re-
quirement of the personal care

Aerosols to carry warning




products "is to encourage self-
restraint by consumers in pur-
chasing aerosol products con-
taining chlorofluorocarbons and
to encourage them to seek alter-
native products.
"Our goal is to reduce con-
sumer use . .. by voluntary ac-
tion until such aerosols are
phased out by mandatory regu-
lation, he said.
Fluorocarbons, commonly
known as "Freon," a trade
name of principal manufactur-
er E. I. du Pont de Nemours &
Co., are thought by many scion-
tists to break down the ozone in
the upper atmosphere, a layer
that protects the earth from ul-
traviolet radiation. Such radia-
tion can cause skin cancer, and
some suspect it may also be
harmful to the photosynthesis
necessary for plant life.
T H O U G H fluorocarbons
are much heavier than air, they
nonetheless mix with it and,
over a period of years, can be
carried into the stratosphere

and the ozone layer - presum-
ably by the so-called vertical
storms around the equator.
It is generally accepted that
the United States, because of its
wealth and bent for convenience
items, releases at least half of
the entire amount of fluorocar-
bons that escape. into the at-
mosphere around the world.
Public comments in the pro-
posed warning labels will be ac-
cepted for the next 60 days. The
FDA said the proposal would
take effect 30 days after a final
order was published in the Fed-
eral Register.
action "is unique and should
represent the first of a world-
wide series of actions by all
nations to limit the release of
chlorofluorocarbons. Given the
long-term nature of the hazard,
the way in which we are going
about- the phase-out and warn-
ing labels on aerosols will be to
the consumer's maximum bene-

p X C

3200 students fast
in support of UFW



f p


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San Francisco/Monterey/Los Angeles
With deluxe 2 days motorcoach excursion Son
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3 days Los Angeles Marriot Hotel: Las Vegas
Land Mark Hotel.
Dec. 28, 1976-Jon. 2, 1977
Los Angeles Marriot Hotel.. .
Dec. 30, 1976-Jan. 4, 1977
Los Angeles Marriot Hotel .. .
(schedule D United Airlines Flight)


(Continued from Page 1) ing boycott
I DORM RESIDENTS vote on it in effect
the boycott each semester, andj ter.
in the last election (April, 1976), According
56% voiced support for continu- from the fa
in~ the ban, which is part of support ur
a ation-wide drive against non- and socials
UFW produce. the UFW in
- as to pay
"IT WAS THE pressure of the UFW's ca
boycott that got the growers. labor amen+
and the Teamsters to agree on fornia Cons
a compromise farm labor bill The propo
in 1975," . according to Choly. osition 14,
"The continued boycott is oneN
way to see that a cut-off in November
funding (to the Farm Labor have gua
Board) doesn't happen," she rights for
stated. and funding
. al Labor R
Choly and other local UFW. plan also v
backers hope that last night's °union orgy
fast will publicize the upcom- growers' lE
___________---- n-----

vote and help keep
for another semes-
to Choly, the funds
ast will be used to
rionizing activities
service programs of
California, as well
off debts from the
mpaign for a farm
dment to the Cali-
sal, known as Prop-
Was defeated in the
2 election. It would
ranteed bargaining
agriculture workers
for the Agricultur-
elations Board. The
would have allowed
anizers access to
ands for soliciting
r support.
and other opponents
raised an estimated
o campaign against
4. The UFW spent
00 on its campaign,
00 into debt in the

* Round trip transportation from Detroit on American Airlines or United Airlines chartered
jets f Accommodations for stated number of nights superior hotel, including double occ.
0 All transfers and baggage handling 0 Admission to Disneyland and 11 attractions " Su-
perior reserved grandstand seat for Rose Bowl Parade Y Reserved seat for Rose Bowl Game
* Fully escorted.
Deposits fully refundable if the U of M football team doesn't go to Rose Bowl. (Heaven
Forbid!) Other Individual Rose Bowl Tours Available.


presents: Slides Show
Mon., Nov. 29, 7:30 p.m.
International Center
"Chinese Community in Brazil"

farm worke:
of the bill
$3 million t
Proposal 14
about $500,0
going $200,0

I C I h. t

1TIrnr~i Un,-,a11he-c .SnpcinI




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