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November 24, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-24

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tC .


Lov- 26
See Today for details

See Editorial Page

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 66 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 24, 1976 Ten Cents E
f ..

ight Pages

Happy holiday!
'Twas the day before Turkey Day
And not a reporter had stirred
'Cause the Daily's gone home
To eat stuffing and bird
We've packed up our pencils
We've stopped rolling the news
We're taking a vacation
From bringing you our views
But we'll be back next Tuesday
with the info we rake
So in the meantime, readers
Have a nice holiday break!
A rosy dual
C'mon folks! We take the trouble to roll sev-
oral hundred additional -copies of last Sunday's
Rose Bowl issue for you and now we have about
150 of thee priceless souvenirs cluttering our
business office. The Sunday issue, which has be-
come the hottest item on campus since the early
CRISP ticket, gushes forth all the fragrant de-
tails of Michigan's big blue blanking of the bat-
tered Buckeyes and offers a two-inch high banner
headline to boot!. So don't pass up this rosy op-
portunity. Rush on down to The Michigan Daily
offices, 420 Maynard St., for your souvenir copy
of the paper which makes it to the end zone
every time!
New developments
Slutterbugs, take note! While you're lounging
at home during Thankgiving, put your photo-
graphic talents to work and submit entries to the
Michiganensian student Photo Contest. Just print
your best pictures (either black and white or
:olor; transparencies acceptable) and bring them
to the Ensian office, 420 Maynard St., before Dec.
3. There's no theme, fee or limit on number of
entries. Just remember - don't mount your prints
nor exceed the 8 in. by 10 in. size limit. For
more information, call 764-0561. So whether you're
a weekend snapper or budding paparrazzo, lock
yourself in the darkroom this week and let's see
what develops!
Return of the swinte
Remember last week when you chickened out
just before the nurse pumped swine flu serum
into your ,arm? Well, now you have a few days
to regather your courage. Due to the enormous
response to the campus-wide swine flu innocula-
tion program, the pressure guns will be squirt-
ing again on Nov. 30. So if you neglected to take
Mom's advice the first time around, drop by the
Union next Tuesday between 10. a.m. and 6 p.m.
for a free shot in the arm.
Mr. Speaker
State Rep. Bobby Crim, has been re-elected to
another two-year stint as speaker of the State
House beginning in, January. The Davison Demo-
crat was chosen yesterday morning during a
closed-door caucus of House Democrats. The Dem-
ocrats apparently encountered little trouble when
coming to their decision: Crim was unchallenged
for re-election.
Happenings .. .
... are a mixed bag today and throughout the
Holiday period. The Commission for Women holds
a noon meeting today in the President's Confer-
ence. Rm. of the Administration~ Bldg. ... Dr.
Charles Moody speaks on "Public Education for
Blacks in the U.S.," Center for Afro-American
and African Studies, 1100 South 'University, at
noon ... Foreign couples without children or sin-
gle persons are invited to attend a "Thanksgiv-
ing Homestay Weekend" beginnin tomorrow and
rnning through the 28th. Contact Ellen Kolovos
or Carolyn Odio at 764-9310 between 8 a.m. and
5 p.m. ... Attend a theater exercise involving
historical gay figures, Sunday at 3 at Canter-

bury House, corner of Catherine and Division ...
Gay Alcoholics Anonymous meets at the Gay
Community Services Center, 612 S. Forest, Sun-
day evening at 6:30 ... On Monday night, see
the movie "Rolfing: Gravity is the Therapist"
Universalist Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw,
at 7:30 ... the Chinese Harmony Society and
East Wind sponsor a slide presentation by Prof.
Steven Liu on the Chinese community in Brazil,
7:30 p.m. Monday at the hiternational Center ...
and there'll be a Social Meeting at the Gay Com-
munity Services Center, 612 S. Forest, Monday
night at 7:30. t
On the inside . . .
..Keith Richburg gazes into his crystal' ball
and tells us about the future of liberals on the
Editorial Page ... Rob Meachur reviews Lou

to carry
government yesterday took its
second step within 24 hours to
phase out fluorocarbon aerosols,
this time by announcing an in-
terim requirement that your
spray antiperspirant or perfume_
be labeled as hazardous to
In what surely ranks as the
most unique health warning ev-
er demanded of consumer pro-
ducts, that can of Right Guard
- and virtually all other aero-
sol items in the cosmetic and
personal care market - would
have to carry this caveat:
W A R N I N G: Contains a
chlorofluorocarbon that may
harm the public health and en-
vironment by reducing oz~one .
in the upper atmosphere."
The rule, not yet final, was
announced by the Food and
Drug Administration, (FDA)
which claims regulatory juris-
diction over 80 per cent of the
aerosol products that now con-
tain fluorocarbons, the pres-
surized gases that act as the
spray propellants. More than
a billion cans of such items are
sold every year.
On Monday, the Consumer
Product Safety Commission an-
nounced it has, begun proceed-
ings to flatly ban fluorocarbons JO1N
in all other aerosols not can- as par



run again-almost

Wheeler to decide
candidacy by Dec.
Mayor Albert Wheeler said last night he was "about
98 per cent committed" to running for a second term
in the April city elections.
Wheeler told the gathering of city Democrats at the Ann
Arbor Community Center, that he was "very close to making
an announcement" but was holding back for the moment be-
cause of personal considerations.
THE MAYOR ALSO SAID he was concerned about keeping
the party organization united behind him "so I'm not defeated
before I begin."
Referring to rumors of opposition to his candidacy within
the Democratic ranks, Wheeler said: "I would walk out as
a candidate if I thought my running would cause a rift in
the party."
Strong pressure was brought to bear on the mayor to make
a firm commitment at the meeting, but he said he would an-
nounce his candidacy sometime during the first week of De-
of the upcoming City Council
races were, however, virtually
completed last night. .
In the First Ward, incumbent
Council member Liz Keogh an-
nounced she would not run for
re-election next year. Keogh
faced serious opposition from
within her ward organization,
and her decision came only as
a mild surprise to the gather-
"I feel good about this;" said
Keogh after making her an-
nouncement. "I don't need to
put up with thisdkind ofshit
for two more years."
..erged to fill the void left by
Keogh's withdrawal. ~.
Gary Baker, a University stu-
dent until this December and
a resident of Arrowwood inn; _N

Food for the ineedy
TAYLOR and Lynette Carter load a box of food into a station wagon yesterday
rt of a food for the needy program sponsored by Trotter House on Washtenaw. See

See AEROSOLS, Page 2

story, Page 8.

See WHEELER, Page 2

If' heeler



Carter targ et-s unemployment


By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - President-
elect Jimmy Carter said yester-
day that he intends to reduce
unemployment to 6.5 per cent
and to boost the nation's eco-
nomic growth rate to six per
cent in his administration's first
Carter told a news conference
at the Capitol that Chairman
Arthur Burns of the Federal
Reserve Board told him at a
meeting Monday that both goals
strike him as "reasonable."
THE NATIONAL growth rate
heas ,been fixed at an annual in-
crease of just over four per
cent while unemployment has
hovered around eight per- cent
for much of the past year.
On foreign affairs, he said
that economic considerations
would play a much greater role
in international concepts during
his presidency.
"I do see an inexorable in-
crease in the importance of eco-
nomics as an aspect of our
foreign policy," Carter said. He
added he would involve the sec-
retary of the treasury in stra-
tegic policy decisions and in
National Security Council meet-
ings and will select an expert
in international economics to be
one of the three members of
his Council of Economic Advis-
ments at the half-wav noint in
a fast-naced day of conferences
with the Democratic and Re-
nublican leaders of Congress.
On Monday he had met with
President Ford and top offic-
iahl of the Ford administration.
The onestioning turned to the
nossibility of a tax cut next
year and Carter said "it would

be a mistake to presuppose a
tax cut would be my approach
to stimulating the economy."
He said that a wide range of
options are open to him and he
will not attempt to make a
choice among, them until he re-
views January's economic in-
not always agreed on what
course the nation's monetary
policy should take, but Carter



McCracken hails
Carter tax plan'
University Business Prof. Paul McCracken said yes-
terday he approved of tax reductions under consideration by
president-elect Jimmy Carter.
But the former economic advisor to President Richard
Nixon suggested Carter "consign his suggestion about asking
for standby wage and price controls to the same trash can
that much campaign rhetoric goes to after an election."
McCRACKEN, ADDRESSING an audience of several
hundred at the School of Business Administration, said he did
not know of one historical instance where wage and price
controls had worked successfully, adding that the "tempta-
See CARTER'S, Page 8

First Lady Betty Ford will be campus.
awarded an honorary doctor of "Our+
laws degree Dec. 19 at the Uni- Presider
versity's winter commencement here,"
exercises. Vice Pri
University President Robben tions an
Fleming, out of town on busi- versity.
ness, praised the First Lady in whether
a statement issued yesterday. dren wo
"Mrs. Ford exemplifies today's their par
independent woman, expressing
her views honestly and force- Comm
fully," he said. will beg
earlier t
h . Presider
i *

said he expects to be able to
cooperate fully with Burns
should Burns retain his of-
And he said he fully expects
Burns to stay.
Meanwhile, at the White
House, President Ford worked
on the federal budget for the
fiscal year 1978. The- budget
must be submitted to Congress
in January.


ring her visit to the
expectation is that the
nt' will probably be
said Richard Kennedy,
resident for State Rela-
d Secretary of the Upi-
Kennedy was uncertain
any of the Ford chil-
uld' make the trip with
ENCEMENT exercises
in at 1 p.nf. - one hour
han usual - because the
nt and First Lady have

CARTER SPENT the day on
Capitol Hill talking with Repub-
lican and Democratic leaders
of the Senate and House of Re-
presentatives and members of
the powerful legislative com-
mittees which hold the key to
the success of his domestic and
foreign policies.
He pledged to take effective
steps to rebuild a spirit of co-
operation and good feeling be-
See JOBLESS, Page 2
made plans to fly to Vail, Colo.
for a vacation following the
ceremonies. Kennedy, explained
that the airport the Fords will
be using there closes at dusk.
. Although Ms. Ford is expected
to make some brief remarks
,after she receives her honorary
degree, she will not be the fea-
tured speaker at the exercises.
The University will announce
its winter commencement speak-
er in a few days.
Kennedy insisted that the First
Lady was chosen to receive an.
See BETTY, Page 2

3200 students fast
Organizers for the United Farm Workers (UFW) announced
yesterday that 3,200 dorm residents had signed petitions pledg-
ing to give up their dinners last night in observance of a sec-
ond annual fast.
Dormitory food services willfturn over 91 cents, the cost
of the meal,, to th UFW Support Committee for each person
joining the fast. Three hundred other students were also ex-
pected to participate, and organizers hope to raise well over
$3,000 for UFW activities in California.

CSJ rejects amendment for a
revised student government

Reed's Monday night concert at Cobo Hall
Arts ... and Sports Page offers a preview of


A constitutiona1 amendment which if an-

a body of 36, with half its members elected at
large and half annointed from school and college

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