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November 20, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-20

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See Editorial Page


Sir iauF

D~ali 1

See ',frHigh - 42d
Low -220
See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXViI, No, 63

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 20, 1976

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Why are people




Columbus so strange?

'Open doors shut
The Ann Arbor Free People's Clinic will be
closing its doors to the public on December 16,
1976 for an undetermined time period. Recently
renaming itself the Ann Arbor Community Health
Center, the clinic will be forced to vacate its
present'225 E. Liberty location in January be-
cause of building renovation. Presently hunting
empty office space, they hope to eventually set-
tle down in a neighborhood as a community
Go Blue!
Gov. Milliken will be fighting his own battle
this weekend with the 1977-78 state budget, but
he found the time to make an unofficial appoint-
ment with Michigan coach Bo Schembechler -
for Jan. 1 in Pasadena. Aides said Milliken phoned
Bo Thursday to wish the Wolverines well in their
Big Ten title tilt today with Ohio State. "I wish
you well in this crucial game," said Milliken.
"If I don't see you before, I'll see you -in Calif-
ornia." Aides also said that Milliken reported the
Wolverine coach sounded confident, and said his,
team was showing "great spirit."
Its all on the line today, as Bo's Boys take
on The Forces of Darkness in Columbus. If you're
watching on the tube, kickoff time is 12:50 ..
Otherwise, everything comes out after the sun
goes down. Tonight is your last chance to catch
"It Is So! (If You Think So)" in the East Quad
Aud. at 8. Tickets are a buck ... Tb "e's a berle-
fit concert for Ozone House, 761-HELP, Commu-
nity Switchboard, and all that other good stuff
from 8-1 in the Michigan Union Ballroom.. It'll
run you $2.50 at the door.
The State Department has eased ahead of Sen.-
elect Daniel Patrick Moynihan for the Doublespeak
Award of the National Council of Teachers of Eng-
lish. Daniel Dietrich of the University of Wiscon-
sin, chairman of the council's doublespeak com-
mittee, cited a State Department announcement
that put the striped panted boys over the top:
The coordinator will "Review existing mechan-
isms of consumer input, thruput and output and
seek ways of improving these linkages via the
consumer consumption channel." Moynihan, New
York's new Democratic senator, got on the map
for a promise he made when he resigned as a
U.S. delegate to the United Nations in 1975: "I
would consider it dishonorable to leave this post
and run for any office, and I hope it would be
understood that if I do, the people, the voters
to whom I would present myself in such circum-
stances, would consider me as having said in
advance that I am a man of no personal honor
to have done so." It makes you dream of Ron

Special to The Daily
COLUMBUS, Ohio - This city and Woody
Hayes, it has been said, deserve each other.
Normally a mild-mannered and somewhat gritty
industrial town, every autumn Saturday it slips
into a nearby phone booth aid-presto-Mania
Saying that football is popular in Columbus
is somewhat akin to saying that ice is popular
in Alaska - there's just no getting away from
BUT FOR THE ANNUAL showdown against
arch-rival Michigan, which kicks off at 12:50 this
afternoon, the Buckeye fans reserve a special
brand of zeal.
One enterprising fan took the trouble to silk-
screen "Wipe Michigan" on every sheet of , a
roll of toilet paper; another cut up a massive
computer printout into confetti which read:
"Ohio State smells roses, Michigan sucks
oranges" merchants or the main drag of com-
pus High Street have taken to posting their own

predictions of the final score in their shop win-
"I've been up for all of Michigan week,"
exclaimed scarlet-and-gray-clad Scott Kingsbury,
a Buckeye fan for 11 years. "I've got a quad-
rophonic stereo and I'll probably play all the
Ohio State songs real loud the morning of the
"FOR SOME PEOPLE, this is the highlight
of the whole year," said a woman at Papa Joe's,
a loud, beer-drinking bar which wds so full last
night that the windows steamed up. "If OSU
wins tomorrow, High' Street will go crazy,"
she added.
After last year's dramatic victory, jubilant
fans took over several blocks of Columbus,
smashing parking meters, tieing up traffic; and
turning over cars with Michigan license plates.
Columbus cops are taking extra measures this
year to prevent a recurrence, but students are
"That's a nice-looking car," said one, eye-
ing a sparkling new car with Michigan plates.
"Too bad it won't be after this weekend."
See COLUMBUS, Page 5

AP Photo
WHICH FINGER are these Ohio State fans raising to has-been head football, coach Woody
Hayes? Ah, they must believe their team is still Number One. In fact, they are mistaken. The
venerable Hayes' words in Columbus last night must have been poor persuasion indeed.

Attacks s
Route to serve 'Hill'
area, Oxford.housing

The person believed responsi-
ble for a recent series of as-
saults on women is described
as a black male, 5'10" tall,
with stocky build and smooth
or medium skin texture. He
usually wearsnsome kind of
head apparel. In case of emer-
gency, call 911. If you have in-
formation concerning this man,
call the police at 994-2880 or

The Regents yesterday ap-
proved an emergency transpor-
tation plan to serve Oxford
Housing and the "Hill" area
dormitories. The move is an ef-
fort to provide extra protection
to a University community
shaken by a recent series of as-
saults on women.
The "Nite Owl" bus service
begins today - only for days
after the second Oxford homs-
ing resident in three weeks was
raved at South University and
BUSES will run every day
on the half-hour from 7:00 p.m.
to 1 a.m. The network origi-
nates at the Undergraduate
Library (UGLI) on South Uni-
After 1 a.m., women may be
escorted home by University
Security officers from the 525
Church Street parking struc-
The bus service - which is a
dunlicate of one first used six
vears agn during the time of
the so-called "Co-ed Killings."
bht discontinued because rider-
shin fell off - is being funded
n-lv until the end of the term.
An evaluation will then take
niace to determine the system's
"WEF WILL find ouit how peo-
rte are res=onding to it, said
Fnrlnn M'ilder, assistant to the
=ice-president for finance who
estimates the service will cost
? 000. "We've gone 4-5 years
without it so we are responding
tl-e best we know how. If as-
--Its vanish and the need for
the'system vanishes, then we'll
hame to see. Right now, we are
rosnonding to the request of
't-cents and residents in the
Rhit Harlan warns, "We feel
tfi may be one method (to in-
crease saf-tv), hut there are so
many things that individials
m"st use as well to give then-
s-l--q the necessarv secirity."
TTnijrersity Se-ilrity segests
the fnlwing nreenlitions:
w Stidents should walk in
grnoins after dark and use only
xv-11 - lighted, well - traveled
* When walking home at night,
-ntifv someone of the time von
are l ving, your exne-ted ar-
rival time at vour destination
See REGENTS, Page 5

ur CHhtlyTbusNE
iic hi ne,
theatnd ym altman-
. The mighty machine has tak-t;
en over many of the tasks once<
entruisted to mere humans, but }
devotees of the Frisbee never:.
dreamed that their sport was
threatened by mechanical man- my:
ipulation - until yesterday.
Frisbees launched from home-
made catapults filled the air of
the Diag as Pi Tau Sigma, the
honorary mechanical drawing
society, staged its "Fabulous
Frisbee Fling." The catapults
had to weigh under 25 pounds,
cost less than ten dollars, have
a triggering device, and be able
to stand free. The Frisbees
could not be folded or mutliated.
THE STAKES were high-the
winner to receive a dinner for
two at the Old Heidelberg, the
runner-up a large pizza, and Doily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
the third place finisher getting Two contestants proudly demonstrate how their machine works at yesterday's Fris-
See MACHINE, Page 2 bee Fling. Despite their best efforts, this Frisbee was flung only 21.4 feet.

GEO charges





Chinese thrillsg
Mao Tse-tung's widow Chiang Ching, a for-
mer actress, and her discredited fellow radicals
have come under attack not only for their politi-
cal views but their alleged viewing of pornographic
films. According to China's leading newspaper, The
People's Daily, they were privately savoring the
"yellow filmis" - the Chinese term for sexually
explicit "blue movies" - as well as "kung fu"
fighting and adventure films while advocating little
fresh entertainment to the masses. "For these
kinds of movies, no matter how much of the na-
tion's money she spent, Chiang Ching wanted to
import them," the newspaper said. Wonder if
Deep Throat needed any translation.
On the inside ...
On the Editorial Page this week's "On the
Level" has Mike Beckman replying' in kind to
W.L. Scheller's treatise on capital punishment
... Sports Page's Rich Lerner takes a look into
the crystal ball for his post season bowl match-

By AP and Reuter
smiling Patricia Hearst was
freed on $1.5 million bail yes-
terday and went home, for the
first time since her bizarre kid-
naning 33 months ago.'
T h e 22-year-old newspaper
heiress, who has spent the last
14 months in prison, was re-
leased by U.S. District Court
Judge William Orrick on bail
nending appeal of her bank rob-
berv conviction. She also awaits
trial in Los Angeles on state
See HEARST, Page 2


know what to do - so

yesterday filed an unfair
practice charge against The grievances charg
iversity withthe Michi- the University has failed
Employment Relations sign the titles "Research
ssion (MERC), claiming ant" (RA) or "Staff Assi
ninistration is "delaying (SA) to psychology gr,
ning of a contract over students Jeff Evans ant
-mandatory bargaining Hencken. Thetwowork
Psvchiatry Dept. of Unix~
Hgspital and at the Cour
v are blackmailing us," Center of the Institute f
ion President Doug Mo- man Adjustment.
This is very obviously a
busting tactic." SINCE THIS is the only
block to reaching a settl
TWO sides appeared and since GEO believesi
:o settle the eight month "non - mandatory" barg
A dispute late Thursday issue, the union wants t+
vhen the issue of two the contract retaining th
grievances, filed by sent wording, and to
1975, suddenly halted through with its grievanc
ions.The University, howeve
y were on the one-yard- fuses to sign the contra
eady to score a touch- til the matter is "clear
said University Counsel either at the bargaining
zLemmer. "They didn't or in court,"
reft dra-ma

e that
to as-
d Joel
in the
or Hu-
it is a
o sign
e pre-
er, re-
ct un-
ed up

"We can't resolve a contract
until we know what the lan-
guage means," said Chief Uni-
versity Bargainer John For-
syth. "And if we have to go to
MERC to settle it, then we'll
see them at MERC."
THE TWO grievances have
been scheduledgforarbitration
three times over the past year,
but each time the arbitration
has been postponed. The griev-
ances are now slated to be de-
cided in January.

There is no way of knowing
when the unfair labor practice
charge will be decided by
MERC, but, Moran said, "It
will probably take between
three and nine months."
Neither side was optimistic
about how long a settlement
would be delayed while waiting
for the two decisions.
Forsyth said it "could be a
long time", and Moran specu-
lated, "the signing of a con-
tract could be held up almost
until the next expiration date."

Mifistrike prompts
GM-UAW settlement
By The Associated Press and United Press International
DETROIT - The United Auto Workers (UAW) and General
Motors (GM) reached tentative agreement on a national con-
tract yesterday, ending what one GM official called the short-
est auto strike in industry history.
The three-year pact for GM's 390,000 hourly employes was
announced just 121 hours after the union struck 16 key plants,
where 80,000 hourly workers walked off the job at midnight
THE STRIKE FOLLOWED round-the-clock bargaining that
began Thursday morning. Pickets were withdrawn at most of
the strike-bound plants soon after the settlement was announced,
and local union officials said they were instructing second-shift
workers to report to their jobs.
The contract now goes to the rank-and-file, with ratifica-




The Ann Arbor Tenants Union (TU), seek-
ing to pump some adrenalin into its current
rent strike dispute with Reliable Realty
Management Company, took its cause to
the Diag yesterday with a festival designed

-drew a healthy response from the crowd
of 80 Diag strollers. The crowd jeered the
actors' dramatization of the stereotypical
sinister landlord and reveled in the fes-
tival's plea.for tenant power.
"We want to show people who also live

According to TU organizer Kim Keller, 13
of Reliable's 18 houses-encompassing about
70 tenants-are withholding funds from
landlady Edith Epstein in protest of alleged-
ly shoddy maintenance procedures and ex-
cessive rent. They are also seeking a col-

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