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November 17, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-17

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See Editorial Page



:43 a t t

See TODAY for Details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 60 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 17, 1976 Ten Cents E

ight Pages

Cats 'n dogs
Important business was on the agenda for the
Michigan House when it returned from its elec-
tion recess Monday-cats and the weather. Debate
was scheduled on a bill allowing county agencies
to pick up and dispose of strays. Rep. John Engler
(R-Mt: Pleasant) offered an amendment that
would also let counties enact ordinances for
"weather modification." Democratic House Speak-
er Bobby Crim promptly ruled the amendment out
of order because the bill dealt with cats, not
weather. "There's -an expression, 'It's raining
cats and dogs,' " Engler retorted. "My question
is, if I add dogs to the rain, would we then have
a germane bill?" The bill-without Engler's
amendment-was moved into position for a final
vote, expected sometime this week.
Happenings .. .
. commence at noon with a brown-bag lunch
in the faculty dining room at the Lawyer's Club.
A speaker from the State Department will lecture
on "The negotiating process and treaty making"
.. at the same time Dr. LZ: Osayimwese from
the University of Ibadan will speak on "Africa and
the New World Economic Order" at the Center
for Afro-American and African Studies, 1100 S.
University . . . the Latin American Teach-In be-
gins its events for the day at 1 in the Rackham
West Conference Rm. with Abe Feinglass, Enrique
Kirberg, and Esteban Torres lecturing on "The
Status of Labor Unions in Latin America;" at 3
in the East Conference Rm. Carmel Buciardjo,
Amy Congers and Eliana Loveluck will speak on
women political prisoners in Latin America . . .
at 3:10 in the RC auditorium, Morton Mintz, in-
vestigative reporter in consumer affairs for the
Washington Post, will speak about "Power, In
Corporate, Public, and Private Rulers and How
to Make Them Accountable," as part of the Jour-
nalism Department's lecture series . . . the Teach-
in picks up again at 3:30 in Rm. 100 of Hutchins
Hall where Frank Newman, former Dean of the
University of California at Berkele- and David
Weisbrodt, Professor of law at the University of
Minnesota, will lecture on "Latin America and the
International Legal Community;" at 4 in Aud. A,
Angell Hall a presentation on the church in Latin
America will be given; and the Teach-in wraps
up for the day at 7:30 p.m. with a workshop on
"The Coup in Chile and Its Aftermath: What
Americans Can Do To Help," in the Rackham
Aud. . . . also at 7:30 Victor Miller, fiscal exam-
iner with the Office of Management and Budget,
will speak on "The Federal Budget Process: The
Intergovernmental Dimension" in the Rackham E.
Lecture Rm. . . . at 7 the Jung group will discuss
"Archetypes-Gods and Goddesses"at Canterbury
House, corner of Catherine and Division
Gay Community Services sponsors Student Night
at 6121S. Forest at 8:30 . . . and for anyone in-
terested in helping out with the swine flu in-
noculation program today, jist report to the
Central Campus Recreation Bldg., the Union or
the IM Bldg. between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Enough
to keep you busy?
Hot pants
John Ervin of Springfield, Ill., is flaming ma
with Sears. Roebuck & Co. A welder from Alton,
Ervin was wearing a pair of Sears' thermal
underwear when a spark from his torch dropned
down his coveralls, "lodged in the groin area,"
and ignited the underwear. Before co-workers
could pull Ervin from the narrow shaft in which
he was working he was engulfed by flarpes and
severely burned. Ervin went to court, claiming
Sears failed to warn customers that the thermal
underwear was flammable. But the justices ruled
that Ervin's claim had . . . er . . . no foundation.
Monkey see, monkey (lie
For 15 years, a spider monkey named Cheetah
was Clifford Wade's constant companion. After
Wade died last week in Benton, Ky., the monkey
was killed and buried with him. "He said he

wanted to be buried with the monkey, and that's
what he got," said Earnest Collins, the adminis-
trator of Wade's estate. "The monkey was his
best friend, his companion." Collins said Wade,
75, expressed the wish a few days before he died
last Friday. Cheetah was put to sleep by a veterin-
arian and placed in Wade's coffin. The two were
buried together in a local cemetery.
James who?
The White House press office, evidently uncom-
fortable with .Jimmy," yesterday issued a routine
announcement identifying the President-elect as
James Carter. Carter's given name is James Earl,
but he always caled himself Jimmy during his
political career and is not expected to change
after he moves into the White House. A President-
elect by any other name .
On the inside . ..
Matnie Heyn gives us a column on Jimmy
Carter and his Baptist Church on the Editorial
Page : . Arts Page features a review of the
Ars Musica concert by Jim Stimson . . . and Billy
MNef ,,.,,,'o RA Ten ncoche on theu rcnnnmn2

ISAELLETL Radressin t e eac-Ins one erroraa
canae eig ild ooby HRISTi eImS"EcaE
they worked for a more just society."
Teach-in listens
to Letelier wi' Zdowv
Still dressed in mourning for her late husband, Isabel
Letelier told a sympathetic, standing-room-only crowd at
the Modern Languages Building last night that "Journal-
ists, artists, students, doctors, politicians '.. they were all
killed because they worked for a more just society in
Latin America."
Ms. Letelier spoke in conjunction with the Teach-In on.
Terror in Latin America. Her husband, Orlando, former
Chilean ambassador to the U.S. under the late Salvadore
Allende, was assassinated in Washington, D.C. in Septem-
ber. A bomb was planted in his cat.
See LETELIER, Page 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





By AP and Reuter
Gilmore, the convicted mur-
derer whose execution was
delayed despite his request
that he be allowed to die,
was found unconscious yes-
terday in an apparent sui-
cide pact with his, girl-
friend, who was found com-
atose in her apartment.
Deputy Warden Leon
Hatch said a note found
in Gilmore's Utah State
Prison cell said: "I leave
all of my personal belong-
ings to my mother."
"HE TRIED to take his own
life," prison medical technician
Tom Anguay said. "He tried
to OD."
But doctors said that although
both Gilmore and his girlfriend,
Nicole Barrett, apparently took
drug overdoses, Gilmore took
a "sub-lethal dose" of 10 to 20
sleeping pills which would not
have killed him even if he had
received no treatment.
Ambulance attendants said
Gilmore almost died as he was
rushed aw.ay from the prison
gates onto the highway for the
20-mile drive to the hospital in
Salt Lake City. They said he
stopped breathing and had to be
GILMORE was listed in seri-
ous condition at the University
of Utah Medical Center last
night, and hospital spokesman
John Keahey said he would
probably remain in a mild com-
atose state for 12 to 24 hours
before making a full recovery.
But Barrett, a 20-year-old di-
vorced mother of two, was in
critical condition at another hos-
pital after being found uncon-
scious in her apartment in the
small town of Springville, 20
miles south of here.
lour hours after she was hos-
pitalized, hospital administra-
tor Grant Burson said she was

still in a coma. He refused to
say what her chances of sur-
vival were.
vo said two sealed letters found
near her were "very similar to
suicide notes."
The apparent suicide attempts
came one day before Gilmore
was scheduled to appear before
the Utah Board of Pardons,
which will consider whether to
commute his death sentence to
a lesser penalty. Gilmore has
said that he wants to be exe-
cuted by firing squad rather

than spend the rest of his life
in jail.
A hospital spokesperson said
yesterday that Gilmore definite-
lv could not appear at today's
board meeting. The governor's
office announced that the case
had been removed from the
agenda, and Chairman George
Latimer said it might be con-
sidered at the board's next
scheduled meeting beginning
Dec. 8.
It was not known how Gilmore
got sleeping pills. They said

the inmate may have gotten
them during visits from outsid-
ers, hiding them under his
tongue during later searches.
Gilmore had been visited by
his attorneys, Barrett and fam-
ily members.
Meanwhile, the Deseret News,
in a copyrighted story yester-
day, said Gilmore had expressed
remorse for his two admitted
killings in letters to Barrett,
saying "hat murder is a means
of venting rage and "it doesn't
necessarily matter who gets
See UTAH, Page 2

Carter plans meetings
with Ford, Kissinger

By The Associated Press
President-elect Jimmy Carter arranged for
meetings with President Ford and-Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger as he stepped up his per-
sonal involvement yesterday in his transition fron
private citizen to president.
Carter has left most of the transition work so
far to aides but it was announced yesterday
that Carter and Ford arranged a White House
meeting in phone calls Monday night. The exact
date and time of the session has not been set.
THE PRESIDENT and President-elect will also
be briefed Friday by CIA Director George Bush
and sevefl intelligence experts. Their meeting
with Kissinger will be the next day and will in-
clude transition aides and Lawrence Eagleburger,
deputy secretary of state for Ford's administra-
At the same time, Carter is beginning what he
called "a careful and thorough and deliberate"
process of screening the thousands of men and

women who are being suggested for Cabinet posts
and other high government positions.
The Kissinger meeting will be the first en-
couner between Carter and the man he accused
of virtually usurping the powers of the presi-
dency in the field of foreign affairs. During the
campaign Carter said Kissinger ran an amoral,
secre ive. "Lone Ranger" foreign policy.
CARTER HAS declined to comment on sugges-
Lions by some Democratic senators that Kissing-
er be retained as a special envoy to continue
peace negotiations in, the Middle East.
Kissinger pledged yesterday to support Am-
erican foreig. policy under Carter.
He said he would see Carter in Plains, Ga., "to
answer fully his questions and to cooperate to the
ful est extent to bring about a smooth transition."
THE SECRETARY said that "I cannot fully
speak for the polities of the forthcoming admin-
istration. Nevertheless the basic foreign policy
See CARTER, Page 8

Committee finds reports
on King death destroyed

By AP and Reuter
for the House committee prob-
ing the murder of the Rev. Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr., said
yesterday that documents re-
lating to the case have been
destroyed since the investiga-
tion began.
Chief counsel Richard Sprague
said he had not been officially
notified of the destruction but
said he had learned of it "from
an individual who has interview-
ed other people."
SPRAGUE SAID the docu-
ments "would have been in the
possession of law enforcement
authorities" and were "rele-
vant to our investigation."
"I have b'een advised that the
destruction has taken place
since it was announced in Sep-
tember that this committee
would be investigating" the
nurders of King and President
John Kennedy, he said.
Sprague would not say which
law enforcement agency had
the documents. However, com-
mittee member Rep. Henry
Gonzalez (D-Tex.), told a te-

porter he believed the docu-
ments had been in the posses-
sion of authorities in Tennessee,
where King was killed in 1968.
the committee voted to issue
subpoenas for information on
the murders. Sprague declined
to specify to whom the subpoe-

nas were directed, saying only
that the panel had authorized
the issue of "quite a few."
Committee sources said that
most of the subpoenas were di-
rected to the FBI, the CIA and
other law enforcement agencies
that had any connection with
investigations of the slayings,

ew advocate plan
nears activation;
A reorganization of the University's minority advocate pro-
gram, in the works for nearly two years, is finally ready
to be implemented.
Under the new set up, each of four University staff mem-
bers will handle specific problem areas for black, Chicano,
Native American, and Asian American students. These are the
four groups defined as minorities by the Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare.
PRESENTLY, THERE ARE only two minority advocates,
Black Advocate Richard Garland and' Chicano Advocate Lino
Mendiola. With the new plan, for example, Garland might special-
ize in financial aid problems for all minority students. The Uni-
See U', Page 8

NURSE JAN GOWANS lays another dose of s wine flu vaccine on a wary recipient, at the Mi-
chigan Union yesterday. You can get yours today from 9-5 at the Union, the Central Campus
Recreation Building, or the Hoover St. Intramural Building.

Swine shots
Uhup in


Ferencto quit HRP?
Zolton Ferency, defeated in his recent campaign
for the State Supreme Court, is expected to leave
the Human Rights Party (HRP) early next week to
rejoin the Democratic Party - the party he bolted
in 1970 and has vigorously attacked since.R
The move has intensified speculation that the HRP
will officiallyv disband its state organization, with
members moving into the Democratic Party to
strengthen its progressive wing.+

Over 8,000 students rolled up their sleeves
yesterday as the program to combat swine flu
commenced on campus with a flurry of pain-
less innoculations and lines reminiscent of reg-
Health-conscious students waited as long as
fifteen minutes to receive the free vaccine ad-
ministered at three locations by the Washte-
naw County Health Department.
ard Yarmain, assistant director of the Health
Department. "We've just got a heckuva turn-
Lines were longest at the Union, where medi-
cal technicians serviced over 500 persons an
hour. The pace was less hectic at the North
Campus Commons and Central Campus Recrea-

hissingo noise from the jet injector, students were
free to leave, recuperate or observe their com-
""It's most definitely worth standing in line
for," one comparative literatur~e student told his
friend. "It's the thrill of being shot at the
end that makes it worth it."
cording to the site. The Union offered standard,
black plastic chairs in its assembly hall set-
It's a conspiracy by the Johnson
and Johnson company to sell mil-
lions of band-aids." - One stu-
dent's reaction to his swine flu shot

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