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November 14, 1976 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-14

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Roge Two


Sunday, November 14, 1976


"The History of the Thanksgiving
Celebration in the U.S.A."
Dr. A.K. Stevens
Professor Emeritus
Department of English Language and Literature
EcumenicaI Campus Center}
LUNCH (75c) is prepared and served by
Church Women United

Den draws late-nighters into its lair

(Continued from Page 1) the time. I've never tried to lege in New Jersey, but I
boxes. talk to him." dropped out," he said, speak-
Three other restaurants - The man Paul was pointing to ing slowly with long pauses be-
Onassis, the Jolly Tiger and the did seem to be smiling a lot ,tween his words. "I got into
Plaid Pantry - are open all occasionally breaking into ameditation a little bit, read
night, but the regulars prefer light chuckle at nothing in par- about it - the Maharishi, he's
the Den. ticular. He had a cup of tea great-and I read Siddhartha. I
in front of him into which he really want to read more Jean-
"YOU WANT ME to show had emptied at least six packets Paul Sartre. I liked him."
you who the regulars are?" of sugar. Ann Arbor is small town fare
asked Paul Christenson an en- o for Mike, who has been around,,
gineering student who lives in The smiler - whose name arriving here less than a month
University Towers apartments turned out to be Mike - works ago from Denver. "I like New
down the block. "There's that as a dishwasher at the Mariott York," he said. "The streets
guy the bhe sort of thin one Inn until two in the morning, are long and straight in New
with the beard - he works at Then he comes to the Den for York."
Campus Pinball - and the guy a bite and spends his day sleep- Conversations in the Den can
in that booth, and, lately, that ing, going to an occasional take off on two or three alarm-
guy by himself over there has movie, or doing "nothing in ing tangents at once. "Hey,
gu by himsegf .vethreks particular."' fool!" exclaimed one customer.
been coming in. He looks "Yeah, I'm talking to you. How
strange - he's just smiling all "I WENT to Monmouth Col- are things with you this fine
evening?" After some prelim-
nary conversational sparring,
it turned out that he had some-
thing profound he had to get off
his mind. Pushing aside his

cheese sandwich, he looked his
one-man audience solemnly in
the eye.
"THERE ARE a lot of people
in the world," he confided,
"with different opinions about
things." And in one breath he
announced that he was inter-
ested in stereotypes of people,
that there were things to be
learned from electroencephalo-
grams, and that he didn't know'
how he was going to pay for his
"Yeah, we get a lot of pseudo-
intellectuals in here," complain-
ed Paul. He enjoys conversing
with strangers ,though, espe-
cially the "regulars".
"A friend and I were sitting
in here one night discussing thet
theories of Einstein and how
they related to the sex drives of
African bull elephants. Sonya-
she's not here tonight - just;
leaned over from her booth and:

said 'That's. a very Jewish
nose. You have very Jewish
features. Einstein? Oh, he's the
great Jew scientist.' She can
really bother you."
"YOU SHOULD have been
here a few nights ago," said
Joanne, one of, the Den's be-
leaguered waitresses. "These
two women just got up and
started dancing. Well, they,
danced for a while and then
went outside. One of them had
on a sweater, but she didn't
have anything on underneath
it, and she just stood outside
the window flipping it up and
Waitresses at the Den rotate,
so no' one is permanently sad-
dled with the" early morning
shift, the early portion of which
consists largely of drunks let
loose after the bars close.
In fact, the late-night Den
is a zoo of altered minds: acid
fans helplessly watching the
trails flow off the serving trays,
speed freaks hurriedly piling
and unpiling the sugar packets,
dope' smokers laughing as they,
order extra - large triple cheese

(Continued from Page 1)
r the voluminous and de-
tiiled transition studies for Car-
tar. J-wlan's strong point is con-
siderp to b his political savvy,
i mnier attribute when it comes
to fillinq sensitive positions
which must be confirmed by
Worki-g with both sides of
the anrintments effort is Frank
Moore. the Carter veteran who
is heading the President-elect's
congressional liaison office in
Moore worked to co6rdinate
with . Democratic congressional
races but also to line up coop-
eration for the future.
Following up Moore's own ad-
vance efforts, Carter has per-
sonally contacted the top con-
gressional leadership and the
committee chairmen and is now
down to the subcommittee level
and ranking minority members.
THE OBJECT of all this care,

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_.'191i Mnrndi.', o ,=fin *, J
Teach-InOn Terror
- E
in Lati n America
Advance Tickets Available in the Fishbowl - $3 for Series
Monday, Tuesday Night-$1.50 Wednesday, Thursday Night-$1f
onday, November 15 Amalgamated Meatcutters and Butcher sciencia Boricua, and has written ex-
Workmen of North America; Enrique tensively on the independence move-f
MLB AUD. 3-7:30 P.M. Kirberg, former rector of the Technical ment in his country.I
University of Chile.
Abe Feinglass led a group of Chicago THE ROLE OF THE UNITED STATES
AN EVENING LEOR labor leaders to Chile in 1974, and is IN LATIN AMERICAN
RAYMUNDO GLEYZER one of the few Americans who have had TOTALITARIANISM
Speaker: Dr. Lawrence Burns, di- a first-hand look at the conditions which
rector of The Council on Hemi- workers have been subjected to since Rackhom West Lecture Room,
spheric Affairs. the junta took power. Enrique Kirberg, 1:00 p.m.
FILM: MEXICO: THE a Chilean refugee, is a noted educational
FROZEN REVOLUTION reformer, whose efforts to admit working Speakers: Ken Langton, University of
people to engineering programs of the Michigan; Toer Lobe, University of South
Raymundo Gleyzer, one of the Technical University won worldwide at- Dakota; Robert Matoon, University of
world's leading documentary filmn- tention. Michigan.
makers, has been imprisoned with- Three American scholars will discuss how
tan arg Inth.rg entina frorte WOMEN POLITICAL PRISONERS American foreign policy and business ac-
t.dItivity, has supported repressive regimes.
near death as a result of torture. Rackham East Conference Room, Ken Langton has written several books
The Teach-In will begin with a 2:00 p.m. on political mobilization. Robert Matoon,
screening of Gleyzer's Mexico: Thethe
Frozen Revolution, winner of seven Speakers: Carmel Buciardjo, of the History Department, taught a the
major international awards at its Amy Congers, Eliana Loveluck University o Sao Paulo, Brazil, and was
a Fubright scholar in Latin America.
release in 1972. Carmel Buciardjo, a former political Tom Lobe is an expert on international
Lawrence Burns was chief economic prisoner in Indonesia, is currently on a police and social control.
affairs officer for the United Na- world-wide speaking tour' to dramatize
tions Economic Commission for the treatment of women prisoners. Amy EXAMINING THE RISE OF
Latin America. He is presently pro- Congers, a University of Illinois art his- TOTALITARIANISM
fessor of political science at the torian, was imprisoned and tortured byN N
New School for Social Research in the Chilean junta in 1973. They will dis-IN LATIN AMERICA
New ' ork. cuss their direct experience with govern- Rackham West Lecture Room,
ment-sanctioned brutality. Eliana Love- 2:00 p.m.
luck, a lecturer at the U-M's Residential
Tuesday November 16 College, is a Chilean who has not re- Speakers: Charles Bright, University o
turned since the 1973 coup. Michigan; Peter McDonough, Institute
NOON-5:00 P.M. for Social Research; Frieda Silvert, City
LATIN AMERICA AND College of New York; Gino Germani,
CAMPAMENTO, CAMPANERO LEGAL COMMUNITY Charles Bright, of the History Depart-
ment, is an expert on prison systems.
UGLI Multipurpose Room. Continuous Room 100, Hutchins Hall (Law School) Peter McDonough taught in Brazil for
showings of three short features on the 3:30 p.m. four years, before becoming research di-
rise of totalitarianism in Latin America. Speakers: Frank Newman, former Dean, rector at the Institute for Social Re-
Universitysearch. Frieda Silvert is a sociologist and
U nvi e i s o ,C a ri f sora a ,e hey; w rote D issent D enied: T he T echnocratic
LB Aud. 3, 7:30 p.m. Uavid Weisbrodt professor of law, The Response to Protest. Gino Germani is a
University of Minnesota. sociologist and an originator of the Latin
POLITICAL REPRESSION IN Frank Newman is a leading figure in the American Depeendence Theory.
LATIN AMERICA international effort to free Latin Ameri-
Speaker: Isabel Letelier can political prisoners, as well as a re-
nowned expert on administrative and WORKSHOP ON AMNESTY
Films: Brazil: A Report on Torture; international law. He has been a special INTERNATIONAL
Interview with Allende o counsel to the United Nations, and is RchmEs etr om :0pm
Isabel Letelier is the widow of or etytecetdere tad Rckham East Lecture Room, 2:00 p.m.
Isael etlle isth wiow r- currently the chief representative of
lando Letelier, Chilean ambassador Amnesty International in Chile. Inter- Speakers: Peter Weber, Detroit Chapter-;
to the United States under Allende, national Law professor David Weisbrodt Barbar Francisco, Ann Arbor Chapter.
who was recently assassinated in is Secretary of the Amnesty Interna- Aon
Washington, D.C. tional Committee for Human Rights. A discussion of Amanesty International's
Brazil: A Report on Torture was They will discuss ways in which Ame- anti-torture campaign by members of
ecently completed by Saul Landau cans can work to ameliorate conditions this highly-respected international or-
(The Jail, Fidel) and Haskell Wex- in Latin America. ganization.
ler (Medium Cool, Underground).
Wesley Foundation, (See Tuesday evening schedule) Rackhom West Lecture Room,
' 4:00 p.m.
First Methodist Church Speakers: Judith Elkin, Albion College;
NW Corner of Huron and State Victor Mirelman, Rutgers University.i
Speakers: Rev. Joel Gajardo; Martin THE COUP IN CHILE AND ITS udith Elkin and Victor Mireman are
Garit, otr DmeUnierit; Pul 'FTEMAH:WHAT experts on the history of Jews in Latin
Krischki. AMERICANS CAN DO TO HELP America. They will discuss the current
Two refugee ministers, one Brazilian, the Rackhom Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. wave of anti-semitism sweeping Argen-
other Chilean, will discuss the role of tina and Chile.
the Church in Latin American political §Peakers: Amy Congers, University
and social affairs. Rev. Joel Gajardo is a of Illinois, former prisoner; Ab THE ARTS AND REPRESSION
leading Protestant theologian in Latin Feinglass, Union vice-president, ex-
America, and a major figure in ISAL, the pert on unions in Latin America; Room 126 East Quad, 4:00 p.m.
central organization of progressive Pro- Enrique Kirberg, former rector, Speakers: Louise Bernikow, poet; Frances
testantism. Martin Garrity is an expert T e c h n i c a University of Chile; Wyers, University of Michigan.
on the Catholic Church in Latin America. Frank Newman, United Nations
Subcommittee on Human Rights, Louise Bernikow is a noted poet, and
Wednesday, November 17 University of California (Berkeley) editor of The World Split Apart, an
Law School; David Weisbrodt, Uni- anthology of women's poetry. Frances
WORKSHOPS AND PANELS versity of Minnesota Law School, Wyers is a specialist in Latin American'
secretary of Amnesty International literature. They will discuss the plight
THE UNITED STATES & REPRESSION Committee for Human Rights. of Latin artists under repressive regimes.
Rackham East Conference Room, _
1*0 .anam . f .. . rn a /./

Take a load off your mind
and chew the fat with us.

regu- Jordan and Moore point out, is
In such situations the r that finding the ideal man for
lars are sometimes more like the job does no good if he can't
managers than customers. "Ev- be confirmed without ruffling
ery once in a while when it's a lot of feathers or if he can't
really busy, one of us will pitch get along with Congress later.
in and help, like with dishes grss isgetting along with Cone
or the register," explaned biggest problems facing Carter
Paul. "Sometimes they'll pick despite the overwhelming Demo-
up our check, but who cares?" cratic majorities in both houses.
---------- - - The reason is that the major
American farmers number objectives Carter has announc-
less than one per cent of the ed - government reorganiza-
tion and tax reform - fall
world's total but in a normal squarely across the most jeal-
year they produce 15 per cent ously guarded prerogatives of
of all the food. Congress.
Sunday, November 14, 1976 experience covering fields of archi-
WUOM: MARATHON!! tectural history, art history, eco-
Kelsey Museum: Theresa Menard, nomics, horticulture, journalism for
"Gallery Talks on Greek vases," undergrads.,grads. Details available.
Kelsey Museum, 2 pm. Deadline: March 7. 1977.
Sigma Delta Tau: Benefit Spa- wayne County Community Col-
ghetti Dinner, 1405 Hill, 5 pm. lege - Openings for temporary sea-
Musical Society: London Philhar- sonal positions cashier, computer
monic, Hill Aud., 8:30 pm. terminal operator, warehouse aide.
CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT checker.. Deadline: Nov. 15 (received
3200 SAB by them).
Phone: 4-7460byte.
Univ. Minn. Grad. Sch. Bus. Ad-
min. Financial Aids to Grad. Std- TlE MICHIGAN DAILY
dents - Teaching Associates, Assist- Volume LXXXVII, No. 58
ships, Fellowships. Further details Sunday, November 14, 1977
available. is edited and managed by students
Experi. it Intern. LIv ng offers at theUniversity of Michigan. News
Special Language Training Oppor- ahone 764-0562. Second class postage
tunities including Arabic, Chinese, paid at Ann Ar6or, Michigan 48109.
French, Greek, Italian & others. Published d a : 1Iy Tuesday through
Further details available.-( Sunday morning during the Univer-
Brown University, Rhode Island. sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Offers a Program of teacher prep-.Aror, ichigan 48109. Subscription
aratiop for prospective teachers of sates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
English & Social Sciences. Details ters); $13 by mail outside Ann
available. IArbor.
SUMMER PLACEMENT Summer session published Tues-
3200 SAB day through Saturday morning.
Phone: 763-4117 subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Nat. Trust Ed. Services, washing- Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann
ton, D.C. Summer Intern Program Arbor
- 12-week summer worl-training _

" 9 0

We want your corpulent accounts, your
portly portrayals and your stout state-
Questions on weight control and nutri-

Write to:



When someone drinks too
much and then drives, it's the silence
that kills. Your silence.
It kills your friends, your
relatives, and people you don't even
know. But they're all people you

coffee never made anyone sober.
Maybe it would keep him awake
long enough to have an accident;
But that's about all.
The best way to prevent a
drunk from becoming a dead drunk
is to stop him from driving.
Speak up. Don't let silence be
the last sound he hears.

could save.
If you knew what to say,
maybe you'd be less quiet. Maybe
fewer people would die.
What you should say is, "I'll
drive you home." Or, "Let me call a
.cab." Or, "Sleep on my couch
Don't hesitate because your

r----------- -- ----------1
BOX 2345
I I don't want to remain silent.
C ell re whate lse I can co


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