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~rI '%JXf"j~l~I k1 r~r
Vol. LAAAV 1, INo, )5
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 14, 1976
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Counting his chickens ....
Republican Carl Pursell said yesterday his nar-
row lead over Democrat Edward Pierce has con-
vinced him to start planning to take office, al-
though the votes in the skin-tight race still may
not be verified for several weeks. By most counts,
Pierce trails Pursell by 300 votes of about 200,000
cast. Pursell, saying he sees no reason for anyone
to challenge the legitimacy of the voting, believes
he "will be the next congressman from the second
district" and plans to "pursue all appropriate pre-
parations toward assuming-office."
Happenings ...
. . are sparse today . . . at 3 an original poetry
reading will be held at the Canterbury House,
Catherine and Division Streets . . . at 7:30, the
Spartacus Youth League is offering a class, "The
Popular Front in Chile: Blueprint for Defeat" in
Rm. 3207 of the Union .. . from 6:30 to 8 Gay Alco-
holics Anonymous will meet at 612 E. Forest, B,
.. Monday's happenings are even scarcer, offer-
ing the beginning of the teach-in on terror in Latin
America at 7:30 in MLB Aud. 3. Tonight's session
features Dr. Lawrence Birns, director of The Coun-
cil on Hemispheric Affairs, and Raymindo Gley-
zer's film "Mexico: The Frozen Revolution".
A comic affair
Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoon, Doonesbury is
catching heat again. A number of newspapers
refused to run yesterday's segment showing
Joanie, a principal character, in bed with a news-
man named Rick. The New York Daily News, The
Boston Globe and The Dallas Times Herald were
among those who declined to run the strip because
it was in poor taste. The Tallahassee Democrat
tried to cover all bases. They cut the strip but in-
formed all interested readers that they would mail
the missing sequence to anyone sending a stamped,
self-addressed envelope.
Full house
Some criminals walk the streets as free men
because they are on bond, on parole, or simply
unapprehended. But in Indianola, Iowa, Sheriff
William Mathews says criminal suspe'cts go free
because his jail is too- full. "You would have
to see for yourself what I'm talking about," he
says in describing the Warren County jail built
to hold 16 prisoners. "When this jail was built
in 1938, it was like having a nice new 1938 auto-
mobile, but you don't see many people driving
1938 automobiles now."
Until death do us part
Marshall County Kentucky's "monkey man" has
passed away at 85, but Circuit Judge Michael
Miller must rule if the man's last wish can be
granted - to be buried with his pet monkey. The
Marshall County coroner's office identified the
man, known locally because of the monkey he
kept, as Clifton Wade. Wade and the monkey
shared a shack in Happy Hollow in rural Mar-
shall County. He had asked neighbors to have
the monkey put to sleep and buried with him when
he died, but the decision rests with Miller.
Private eye
You don't trust the cops? Neither does Houston
Police Chief, B. G. "Pappy" Bond. Fourteen blue
movies disappeared from the department's collec-
tion of 250 hard core films confiscated from the
Houston Intercontinental Airport, and Bond wants.
to know what happened. The chief suspects his
underlings of involvement with the disappearance
and has requested permission to make some of his
officers take a lie detector test so he can locate
the pilfered porn. What would Dick Tracy say?
He hates you, yeah, yeah,
King Khalil of Saudi Arabiatis furious after dis-
covering the presence of Beatle fans in his king-
dom. The monarch, concerned with the spread of
"the sinful Beatle phenomena" sent a memo to
Saudi Arabia Airlines, in hopes of curbing the out-
break. The memo instructs the airlines to be on
the watch for "the growing of long hair, long side-
burns, and long fingernails," all symptoms of the
dangerous and dreaded Beatlemania. The royal
memo also warned: "those who continue Beatling,
should be subject to punishment." Help!
dOin the tside...
.. The Sunday Magazine features Elizabeth.
Kraft writing on a University graduate who has
tnfrnpAd to far,,,inay and Ann,.tc DPne nc the
may ask
to marry
By AP and Reuter
ed murderer Gary Mark Gil-
more, who says he would rath-
er be executed than spend a
life in prison, may ask to be
married before he faces a fir-
ing squad, his attorney said
And Samuel Smith,wthe war-
den at Utah Prison who must
approve inmate marriages, said
he would consider such a re-
quest from- Gilmore - though
he sees little value in it.
SMITH, WHO HAS prohibited
news interviews with Gilmore,
said a London newspaper's in-
terview with Gilmore in which
the marriage issue arose was
"a slip-up in security." The
telephone interview was ar-
ranged by the condemned
man's lawyer.
Gilmore's execution has been
stayed by Gov. Calvin Ramp-
ton awaiting a meeting Wed-
nesday of the state Board of
Pardons. The execution had
been scheduled for tomorrow.
Pardons Board Chairman
George Latimer has said the
board would have little choice
but to ask for a new execution
date if Gilmore insists on death.
ert Hansen said Friday Gil-
See UTAH, Page 7
Win sets stage for
Coluiii)s sh1owdown
The Michigan Wolverines returned to normalcy yes-
terday, swamping Ilinois 38-7, setting up next week's an-
nual battle for the Big Ten clampionship and Rose Bowl
berth with arch-rival Ohio State.
The Buckeyes remained undefeated in conference
play outlasting Minnesota 9-3 and cling to a one-game
lead over the fourth-ranked Wolverines.
BOUNCING BACK from a shocking loss to Purdue last week,
Michigan rode to victory on the strength of quarterback Rick
Leach's passing and running back Rob Lytle's three touchdowns.
Both Leach and Lytle etched their names into the Michigan re-
cord book.
Lytle's 89 yards rushing in 21 carries vaulted him ahead of
Billy Taylor on the all-time rushing list with a total of 3085 and
MICHIGAN'S DWIGHT Hicks and Jim Bolden a)ply the cruncher to Illinois wingback Tom Schoo-
ley after an eight-yard passing gain. Scenes lik this were repeated often enough for the Wol-
verines to limit the Illini to only 79 yards passing.
Leach's 12th and 13th touch-
down passes tied the school's
sinCleh- season mark set by
Bf~h Chapnuis in 1947.
"This is a good win for us,"
said coach Bo 'Schembechler.
";t oleased me very much. I
liked everything about the way
we played today, the way we
came back. This team had all
iNq hones destroyed last week
and it carne back strong.
"W E C 0 U L D have
beaten anyone today. Now we
himie to do it again next week. I
xlways feel good going to Ohio
tnte, we have never played
hadly aenins9 them," said
At long last, the Wolverines
can turn their attention to their
nemesis from the south.
"You can throw out all the
record . books. We'll just go
down there and play a head-to-
head battle,. The team, that
makes the fewest mistakes will
win," said Lvtle. "We've been
heaten once this year and we
don't want to go through it
"WE'VE ONLY lost three
games while I've been here and
we've never been to the Rose
Bowl." said senior wingback
JIim Smith. "I don't want to be
denrived of that. This is my
last shot."
"There's no feeling in the
world like practicing for the
Ohio State game," said Leach.
"Thursday or Friday, that's
when the cold sweats will start
comi-Q," said Lytle.
THE 104.107 fans that saw
Michigan recover from last
wek's stinning defeat to Pur-
0-e set an NCAA season - at-
tendance record. In seven
home games the, Wolverines
played before 722,113 people for
AP Political Writer
ATLANTA-Now that Jimmy
Carter has sorted out his per-
sonal staff, his next big step
is to pick Cabinet officers to
help him with the bigger prob-
lems ahead.{
Carter has already indicated
that he expects to face major
decisions as soon as he takes'
the oath of office in January,
principally at first on the econo-
my and whether it needs boost-
pr)ach Congress with any sub-
stantiveprograms, he has to
have his own team in shape
to back him up. And that is
what is foremost on the minds
of the Carter organization.
A first step toward lining
things up was the meeting inl
Plains, Ga., over the weekend
between Carter, transition chief
Jack Watson and campaign
manager Hamilton Jordan. One
of their leading objectives was
to sort out responsibilities.
"There is too much crossoverf
right now," one veteran Carter
staffer said. "The only delinea-
tioa so far is that Hamilton is
clearly in charge of White
House staff and Jack is clearly
next move: Talent hunt
Lytle ,
an average of over 103,000, shat-
tering the old mark of 98,449 set
just last year by Michigan.
.1In the last ove appearance
of the Wolverines, Leach treat-
ed the masses to a veritable
aerial display. He threw 15
passes completing 10 for 127
yards. His receivers employed
a variety of pass patterns,
catching swing passes, flares,
and button hooks as well as the
long bomb.
The Illini stacked eight men
on the defensive line and
Michigan was forced toeresort
to its passing attack.
"THEY PLAYED too many
people up there on the line so
you have to throw over them,"
Schembechler said. "Illinois is
very sticky to run against, but
you can pass against them."
"Their basic defense put a
See BLUE, Page 8
in charge of the Cabinet."
.been screening names and out-
lining job requirements for
some time with a view to selec-
tion of Cabinet members and
government agency officials aft-
er a series of interviews.
Jordan's assignment to over-
see creation of Carter's per-
sonal White House staff is new
and reaffirms his standing in
light of reports of a mild rival-
ry between him and Watson for
influence in the administration.
It also became clear Jordan
was reasserting his influence
when it was announced over the
weekend he will shift his base
from Atlanta to Washington to
work with Watson-s transition
BEFORE THE election, Wat-
son prepared preliminary lists
of potential appointees for ev-
ery department except the
White House staff, saying that
world be left up to Carter per-
sonally. Carter' s delegation of
it to Jordan reflects the role
Jordan played in his adminis-
tration as governor of Georgia.
Watson, a young Atlanta law-
yer, is the technician who put
See CARTER, Page 2
urans church, faces.
integration questiot
By UPI and AP
PLAINS, Ga. - The white clapboard Plains Baptist Church
has shaped life in this small Southern town for 128 years.
Now it is the scene of a confrontation involving deep-seated
racial attitudes and the pressures placed on a community when
one of its own becomes President.
THE CONGREGATION of the little church takes up a segre-
gation question today that is reminiscent of the 1960s. In the pro-
cess it "either will be torn apart or come out stronger." The
end result could affect Jimmy Carter's presidency.
Members will meet behind closed, doors instead of holding the
regular worship service and may vote on whether to accept their
deacons' unanimous decision to dismiss the Rev. Bruce Edwards,
See PLAINS, Page 7
Cuba knew
WASHINGTON (AP)-A 1964 memo by the
late FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover quoted a
bureau informant as saying Lee Harvey Os-
wald told Cuban officials he planned to kill
President Kennedy,- an informed source said
The informant said his information came di-
rectly from Fidel Castro and was based on a
report Castroshad received from officials of the
Cuban embassy in Mexico City, which Oswald
visited on Sept. 27, 1963, according to this source's
account of the memo. '
THE SOURCE SAID he had personally read
the memo, but discounted its significance since
sion, which investigated the Kennedy slaying in
ber who investigated the possibility of Oswald's
involvement in a foreign conspiracy, said he
had no recollection of the memo.
Justice Department and FBI officials declined
all comment on the matter. Richard Sprague,
chief counsel of a House committee investigating
the Kennedy assassination, also refused to com-
The account of the Hoover memo was pub-
lished by the Washington Post in yesterday's
OSWALD'S VISIT TO the Cuban embassy in
Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
IN THE WEE H6URS of the morning, the Wolverine Den on S. University attracts a strange
assortment of humanity who frequent the 24-hour restaurant with compelling regularity.
'The Den': Nocturnal refuge
By STU McCONNELL THE DECOR looks as if it were assembled by
The red neon sign glares from behind the glass five or -six people, each working from one corner
window - "the DEN", it announces firmly, of the room. One wall is adorned with a huge
"fine food". McDonald's closed at midnight. blue "M", football nennants. snorts photos. and