Wednesday, November 10, 1976
Page Seven
Wednesday, November 10, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY
Young season.. .
. Bad calls
Last Friday night, Michigan's hockey team out-offensed Min-
nesota to win its home opener 8-6, in a game ridden with 23 pen-
I over heard the following conversation after the game:
Wolverine fan: "Great hockey game, eh?"
Second fan: "Ya great!"
First 'Fan: "What did you think of the refs?"
Second fan: "They sucked!"
Curious to see if the opinion was shared by others, I asked
around and got some similar responses. One spectator re-
marked, "They called the game too close, which ruins the
"They ought to get a contract with the NHL, and use some
good officials for a change."
Interestingly enough, another person who saw only the third
period thought that they had called the game too loosely.
Both were probably right to an extent. During the first
two periods on Friday night, the men in black and white al-
lowed little beyond a friendly love pat to go unpenalized. After
a third period brawl that sent five men to the box, the offic-
ials let up, to an extreme, perhaps.
Even open acts of aggression were simply stopped and for-
gotten, hardly commensurate with previous calls. This policy con-
tinued on into Saturday night as only seven penalties were served
in a similar contest.
Minnesota coach Herb Brooks said after Friday's contest,
'"The officials were over reacting. This wasn't a'very rough
game, but you wouldn't know it if you counted the penalties."
Michigan coach Dan Farrell, who came within a hair's
breadth of acquiring a bench penalty in his disgust with some
calls, was of the same opinion. He added, "They just aren't
consistent from one night to the next."
So both teams and the fans are upset with the officials. But
I feel a feWv words should be said in the referee's behalf.
Those men you see out on the ice on Friday and Saturday
night are selected because their peers think they are the best
available to work in the college ranks. They ar not profssionals
at the job, officiating is an avocation for them. Many are doctors,
lawyers, or dentists during the week.
Each man officiating in the WCHA has worked his way up
through the ranks, judging in lesser leagues. He has been recom-
mended and scouted before becoming a WCHA official. They
aren't paid very much and most do it for fun.
It might be nice to hire professional officials from the
NHL, but that costs money and money talks in today's col-
legiate sports. The hockey program isn't being slighted, foot-
ball and basketball officials are picked the same way.
As far as the accusations of inconsistency, that is well found-
ed and should be remedied. The season is now, however, as are
some of the year's WCHA officials. The officials have not work'
ed together for very long, and will have to work out how they
will call the close plays.
When you have two coaches and 4 n^"f-ins screaming at you
for calling penalties, you might have f-dency to back off a
bit. That is exactly what happened in the third period of Friday
night's contest, carrying over to Saturday night.
I'm not condoning the bad calls the officials make. My
opinion of the Friday night contest was much the same as
everyone else's. But hockey referees have to make more
judgment calls than just about any other official in any other
The fine line between a good check and roughing is often
difficult to define and no matter how you call it, someone will
be made. Only time and experience brings the consistency in
making those calls.
Like the democratic system which operated just a week
ago, it may not be perfect, and you might not always get who or
what you want, but it is the best we've got, so bear with it.
Laker 4;
By The Associated Press
Randy Smith scored eight points in over-
time to cap a stirring Buffalo comeback
that brought the Braves a 121-116 National
Basketball Association victory over the Los
Angeles Lakers last night.
The Braves trailed by 20 points going
into the final quarter, but held the Lakers
to 15 points in the last period and finally
tied the game on Bob McAdoo's 20-foot shot
with two seconds to go.
'McAdoo, who did not score in the over-
time, had 34 points and 22 rebounds.
ers with 35 points and 21 rebounds.
The Lakers led 108-106, in the overtime
and Smith hit three jump shots in a row to
make it 112-108, with 2:20 to go. The Braves
held the lead to the finish.
Smith finished with 21 points while Abdul-
Jabbar was foiled by Cazzie Russell's 15
points for Los Angeles.
23 points and Moe Layton led a second-half
surge that carried the New York Knieks to
a 106-97 victory over the Washington Bul-
The Knicks went ahead to stay by scor-
ing the last eight points of the third quar-
ter to take a 74-68 -advantage.
John Cianelli hit a driving hook shot to
tie the score at 68-68 with 2:17 to play in
the third quarter. Then Frazier sank two
free throws and Layton added a jumper
and, a layup to give New York a six-point
THE KNICKS CLINCHED it with a 10-4
burst early in the final period.. Baskets by
Frazier opened and closed the spurt that.
put New York ahead 88-78 with seven min-
utes to play and Washington could come
no closer than five points after that.
Earl Monroe added 19 points for the
Knicks, Jim McMillian scored 18 and Lay-
ton and rookie center Lonnie Shelton had 14
apiece. Shelton scored 10 and Layton eight
in the final period.
winning streak snapped, got 19 points from
Elvin Hayes and 18 from Len Robinson and
rookie Larry Wright.
Elsewhere the New Orleans Jazz got 52
points from Gail Goodrich and Pete Mara-
vich to beat the New York Nets 110-99 in
a game that the Nets played under protest
Tuesday night.
Goodrich scored all of his 28 points in
the second and fourth quarters. Maravich
got 18 of his 24 in the second half, when
the Jazz overcame a 54-46 halftime lead by
the Nets.
UPI Top 20
Bv United Press International
Team Pts,
1. Pittsburgh (30) 9-0 404
2. UCLA (8) 8-0-1 373
3. Southern Cal (2) 7-1 286
4. Michigan (2) 8-1 247
5. Texas Tech 7-0 224
6. Georgia 8-1 196
7. Maryland 9-0 182
8. Ohio State 7-1-1 131
9. Nebraska 7-1-1 142
10. Missouri 6-3 25
11. Houston 6-2 23
12. Alabama 7-2 18
13. Tulsa 6-2 8
14. Oklahoma 6-2-1 6
15. Florida 6-2 4
16. tie Daily Libels 8-0 3
16. tie Iowa State 7-2 3
16. tie Arkansjas 6-1-1 3
18. Baylor 4-2-1 2
19. tie Notre-Dame 6-2-0 1
19. tie Brigham Young 7-2 1
19. tie Wyoming 7-2 1
Note: By agreement with the
American Football Coaches Asso-
ciation, teams on probation by the
NCAA are ineligible for the top 20
and national championship con -
sideration by the UPI Board of
Coaches. Those teams on probation
for 1976 are: Mississippi State, Mich-
iga state, Long Beach State and
Southwestern Louisialn.
AP Photo
HE MAY NOT be the eighth wonder of the world, but Los
Angeles Lakers' center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar plays a con-
vincing Colossus of Rhodes to opposing pivotman Bob Mc-
Adoo. McAdoo' and his Buffalo teammates eventually won,
121-116, in overtime.
12-Student Average
Class Size
5 Specialist Instructors
18 Class Hours
play abroad?
Michigan's men's basket-
ball team makes its first ap-
pearance of the season in an
intra-squad game Thurs. Nov.
11 at Flint Southwestern High
School. The team will con-
duct a brief clinic at 7:30 p.m.
with the game to follow at 8
p.m. Admission is $1.50 for,
adults and $1.00 for students.
By RICK MADDOCK I cause of the WCHA vote not to
and AP Reports lift the restriction.
Organizers of the American "I understand that the ex-
team that will compete in the ecutive committee voted,
International Ice Hockey Feder- unanimously not to let these
ation world championships for guys (the players from the
juniors, asked the Western Col- WCHA) compete," Farrell
legiate Hockey Association said. He added that the vote
(WCHA) yesterday to allow was taken a couple of weeks
players from its member ago, and he had no input on
schools to participate in the the vote.
tournament. Farrell is in full support of
The WCHA is the last of the the WCHA lifting its ban. The
three college hockey leagues to international tournament is
holdout. Both the Eastern Col- scheduled for Czechoslovakia'
lege Athletic Conference (EC -.-----
AC) and the Central Collegiate
Hockey Association (CCHA)
have decided to let their play-I
ers join the U. S. team, accord- 'l
ing to Hal Trumble, executive
director of the Amateur Hockey: V
from December 22 - January' would be eligible for the team
2.. Michigan is scheduled to 'if the WCHA lifted its restric-
play in the Great Lakes Tourna- tion, would be interested in the
nment on December 28-29 in De- chance to go to' Czechoslovakia.
troit. Farrell said he would defi- "I think any guy would just
nitely excuse his players from jump at the opportunity to ,go
the Great Lakes obligation to to Czechoslovakia and represent
play for the United States. his country. I know I would,"
"It would help our team if we Turner said.
had players that went," Farrell "The thing that makes it so
said. He felt that the experience sticky though, is, that the Great
they gained would make them Lakes Tournament would be a
better hockey players. team (function) and the inter-
Dean Turner, a freshman de- national one wouldn't," Turner
fenseman for Michigan who: said.
' i
CHICKEN-Bar-B-Q and Fried
All Dinners include Fries, Slaw & Bread
Mon., Wed.,
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I ~m Ii TbQ rnwnAT1Phil
Association (AHA).
Trumble sent a letter to
the WCHA executive commit-
tee saying the National Col-
legiate Athletic Association
(NCAA) had waived its rules,
thus allowing student - athlete
"They (AMA) phoned me a
couple of weeks agoabout a
couple of our players," Farrell
said. He added that he has
heard nothing since then be-
Spikers end topsy-turvy year
.1 lGLl. .111 mill1Jb L 1 .l VV 1_________
By TOM SHINE playoffs with a 16 run victory in A reminder that entries for
the title game and the Markley the All-Campus pre-holiday has-FT FF
As the cold weather forces MAC's rolled over the competi- ketball tournament are due this
the IM sports program indoors, tion to another track meet vic- Friday, November 12, at the IM
all the outdoor championships tory. building by 4:30 p.m. The entries
have been decided, except foot- Battlin both otten weather should include the $15 registra
ball, which is in the midst ofits and the Dental school, Ward C tion fee. An informal iscussion with
playoffs. managed to win the Graduate Mandatory manager meetings
Mosher-Blue walked away softball playoffs. will be held Monday and Tues-
with top honors in the Resident Law Green and Nu Sigma day, November 15 and 16, in the KEN FET
Hall sofeball playoffs, capturing Nu also became winners, fin- IM building at 7:30 p.m. Atten-
the class A crown. Blagdon-Van ishing first in track and cross dance is required on only one tinerant Fool, Poet & Storyteller
Tyne, Adams and Scott houses 'of these days.
won the class B, C, and D titles country respectively. dynamic o l
respectively. The only finals in the All Cam-. -- --- On th e cynamic ol
In the water polo playoffs, pus division saw the Krazy's TONIGHT:
Wenley House splashed s fight their way to the class A
Wanly toeAschampships soccer crown. as a way of life.
way to the A championshipsocbthh wm 'sstal
while Elliot and Reeves In both the women's softball:
Houses prevailed in the B and and water polo, the WD Fans Wed.November 1 97
C categories. proved too much for the rest of W N
Rumsey House would have to the league as they came out on (FormerlyWhiz Kids)
qualify for the "almost but not top in both categories.IIud. A Ange l Hp:m.
aite" Residence Hall team of The class B and C softball
t"e fall. It lost the outdoor track tiles fefl to Barbour Dolls and Vna nJ ''I1j"#
meet to Alice Lloyd by just six Thronson house while the Sisters? ' U IU I IUSponsored by Canterbury House and
and one-half poits and the golf showed their talent by winning 994 5350 the Office of Ethics & Religion
match to Taylor house by only the recreative league of the
seven shots Women's'division. --evshots.
Afts' n di.. r dhe ~ ~"- - - -- t- - - - - ~-
Special To The Daily
EAST LANSING - Michigan's
Volleyball team concluded its
regular season on two sour,
notes by losing to Michigan
State and Calvin College last
The lossto MSU was not as
surprising as other Michigan
losses have been this week. TheI
Spartans won the Big Ten!
Championship recently while'
the Wolverines finished in the
THE FIRST game exposed a
chronic case of Wolverine ner-
vonsness as the sniker weref
so'mdly defeated, 15-3. Co-cap-
tain Jarnie Spohn settled her
1i !F
troops with cool-leadership and out an overtime victory, 16-14.
play, as the spikers performed And then there were none.
much better in the second game. Poor serves, weak spikes andt
However, it was a case of few returns spelled out Michi-t
too-little-too-late. They played gan's fate for the remainder of
well but were simply outclassed the evening.
by the Spartans, 15-7. It seemed as if MSU had put
The second opponent to face on Calvin's uniforms as Michi-
the Blue was Calvin College, a, gan let Calvin look like the<
team which they had defeated;
h amions in a secnd gam er a
; ealierin te sason Howver Beta Theta Theta Pi and Phi i
earler i the season However, Blue loss, 15-7. Co-Rec softball titles were fin-,
Michigan quickly found out that: Thelta Theta proved the power-all awarded. Hacker's Row
they coul~d not rely on past his- Terbergm fth ac houses of the Frat division as all a rdou ned.Hacer'snRowe
tory o asCalvin jumped tso a dproced to be much closer butach racked u two champi came out n ber one t
to4-9 eacharacked up two champion- pClass A division. The Condors,
lead in the first game. concluded with similar results. sisIarlsHus nume'
ledmtefrtgm.Calvin thwarted a valiant Michi- sins. . Bartlas House- and Rumsey's
JAMIE SPOHN re-organized Calvin li Tennis and water polo went to I Ramrods were victorious in the,
the troops and the spiker came gan resurgence as Calvin won Beta Theta Pi and the Phi Delts B, C, and D classes respectively.
alive. They rattled off seven the game and the match 1-1. nabbed the cross country and Th recreative league was taken
consecutive points and pulled track titles. by The Home.
The men of Kappa Sigma
SC O RESdismayed their talent on the
ball diamond. winning the soft-
ball crown while Sigma Alpha
NBA Ensilon ruled the links, easily
Buffalo 121, Los Angeles 116 (OT) canturing the golf match. .
New York Knicks 106, Co'wzens is off to a great start,
New Orleans 110, New York Nets 99 erabbing three of the six In-
San Antonio 138, seattle 114 denendent championships. Bowl- "*,
11) Duke at N.C. State Cleveland 111, Milwaukee 90 ing, cross country and golf were
12) The Citadel at William Houston 111, Chicago all dominated by Couzens. who
and Mary NHL also took a second to BHS in?!
New York Islanders 8, DETROIT 1 .in atsocarpenter Od.AnnArbor*971-4310
13) Georgia Tech at Navy Montreal 8, St. Louis 1 tennis.
14) Yale at Harvard washington 4, Vancouver 2 Law Gold claimed the softball
15) LSU at Mississippi St
" ' !
1) Illinois at MICHIGAN
2) Michigan St. at N'western
3) Ohio St. at Minnesota
4) Purdue at Iowa
5) Wisconsin at Indiana
6) Air Force at Vanderbilt
7) Alabama at Notre Dame
8) Western Carolina at
Appalachian St.'
9) Texas A&M at Arkansas
10) Arkansas St. at
Southwestern Louisiana
16) C. W. Post at Lehigh
17) Missouri at Oklahoma
18) Florida St. at North
Texas St.
19) Mississippi at Tennessee
Pirgim Pumpkins
i i
Have "PunWhIleGetting V-M Credit!
" Round River Adventures, LTD. & the U-M Extension Service, Education Division,
are offering a Marine Biology workshop (2 credits) from Dec. 26 to Jan. 6 in
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