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November 07, 1976 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-07

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Page Eight


Sunday, November 7, 1976

Boilermakers end Blue streak

(Continued from Page 1)
"THE CROWD (57,205, some
12,000 under Ross-Ade Stadium's
capacity) got us going;" said
Purdue quarterback Mike Vi-
tali. "We got the adrenalin
flowing and knew we could do
"Everyone was sick and tired
of hearing how Michigan was
going to come down here and
kick our ???," said Purdue full-
back John Skibinski.
But on the Michigan side, pea-
ple weren't talking emotion.
Schembechler, who kept lock-
er room doors shut for half an
hour before allowing the press
in. "They moved the ball on us.
"We had, enough opportuni-
ties,". continued the visibly up-
set Schembechler. "They turned
it over too. It was just a total
The breakdown wasn't imme-
diate. After a first quarter Pur-
due fumble, Michigan ripped 58
yards in six plays to take a
7-0 lead.
right back at Michigan, though,
returning Wood's kickoff to the
35 (the furthest anyone has re-
turned a Michigan 'kick this
yearj, and then marching down
to Michigan's ten before being
stopped on fourth and one.
Michigan moved dut to its
own 48, but Russell Davis,
temporarily subbing for Rob Ly-
tle, fumbled on his first carry.
Lytle, who suffered a hip point-
er came back to finish with
153 yards.
Purdue took only four plays

to score and it looked like Mich-
igan was in for another Wis-
consin-type game - both teams
moving at will.
BUT MICHIGAN soon found
out it couldn't move at will:
the Blue punted after three
plays on their next possession.
The Boilers keptpmoving,
though, and with 9:57 remaining,
Dierking, magnificent all after-
noon, swept 25 yards to score.
Mike Jolly blocked Purdue's
point-after try, but the Boiler-
makers led 13-7 and Schembech-
ler had the dogfight he'd been
'wishing for in recent weeks.
Purdue stopped Michigan
again, and the play that typi-
fied the afternoon better than
any other followed.
from his 46, the ball landing
at Purdue's.15. Smith and Max
Richardson were near the ball
but not in front of-it, and when
the oblate spheroid took a pre-
dictably unpredictable bounce
and headed into the end zone,
the pair were out of position
to down it.
Not a major physical error,
not even a heinous mental mis-
take. Just a little less than the
two were capable of, and it
cost Michigan 15-20 yards.
The Boilermakers again mov-
ed smoothly up the field, twice
converting on fourth-and-one sit-
uations - the first of which
came at their own 29. The Boil-
ers were rolling enough to take
down conversion Vitali, who
was 10-14 for 109 yards, let
loose a long pass from Michi-


gan's 40. Jerry Zuver picked it
off for Michigan, probably sav-
ing Michigan the ignominy of
a 13-point halftime deficit.
Michigan came out passing: for
the first time in the game, and
an apparent reception by Curt
Stephenson was ruled incom-
plete by the umpire who had
been 30 yards farther away
than the referee who first ruled
the catch good.
"The umpire was totally out
of position," said Schembech-
ler. "He had no business stick-
ing his nose in. That was a com-
pleted pass."
SIDELINE observers agreed
with Schembechler, but the play.
was history and Purdue left the
field six points ahead - with-
out having punted in the first
B Uoilin

Lytle popped for runs of 20
and 34 yards in Michigan's sec-
ond half bpening drive, the sec-
ond giving Michigan a first and
goal at the four, but on fourth
- and one quarterback Rick Leach
pitched to Harlan Huckleby and
the drive was fumbled away.
"The goal line stand was in-
describable," exclaimed jubilant
Purdue coach Alex Agase. "It
was a sight. To hold Michigan
out is impossible."
displayed some of their famed
offense when Leach led Smith
perfectly on a 64-yard touch-
down strike. Michigan, outplay-
ed and outgained, was suddenly
The Wolverines couldn't keep
things together though. They
exchanged Zuver's second in-
terception for a fumbled Leach-

to-Lytle pitch before Purdue
drove down to Michigan's six,
setting up Supan's winning field
goal. Dierking again provided
most of the yardage.,
Schembechler's been looking
for a "test" for several weeks
now. There were the inevitable
questions about what he thought
of this one.
"WE DON'T accept defeat,"
said Schembechler. "No defeat
works out in anyone's favor. It
might have helped if we'd kick-
ed the field goal or caught the
pass or scored inside the ten,
but we'll see. We'll find out
what we're made of in the next
two weeks, won't we?"
Middle linbacker Calvin
O'Neal, magnificent amongst
the mediocrity with 24 tackles,
summed it up.
"You suffer for a minute after
a loss just like you celebrate
for a minute after a win,' said
O'Neal. "But we're still in the
running. If we beat Illinois and
Ohio State we still go to the
Rose Bowl."
But the long, motionless, pain-
ed faces on the Michigan team
bus afterward indicated the suf-
fering might go on for a little
longer than O'Neal had hoped.

AP Photo
Michigan's Rob Lytle (41) fumbles the ball as he is tackled by Purdue's Mark Travline (top)
in the closing minutes of yesterday's game at West Lafayette. The Boilermikers recovered
the fumble and moved the ball into Wolverine territory to set up the winning 23-yard field goal
by the Boilermakers' sophomore placekicker Rock Supan.

Harriers ralce to tit le

First downs..............17
Rushing (att-yds) .. 50-256
Passing (att-com-int) 2-8-0
Total yards............335
Punts (no.-avg)....... 3-142
Penalties-yds.......... 0-0


Smith.......... 2
Skibinski ............. 4
R. smith ..... .....2
Arnold ............... 1
U nk................1

yds long
79 64



U Se 'OZSS . ,. .
...like a bad dream
A PAIR OF DISRESPECTFULLY downtrodden buttons graced
the cold ground outside Ross-Ade Stadium yesterday after-
noon. One said simply, "Fod-Dole"; the other read, "Go Blue-
Wolverines No. 1."
As the final gun's bark pierced my somewhat numbed con-
sciousness I again experienced a feeling familiar from election
night, the strange sensation that occurs when something you've
seen seems still outside the comfortable bounds of reality.
Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States ...
Ohio State took over the Big Ten lead . .. whether you con-
sider such phrases "good" or "bad," neither has really sunk
into my mind yet.
It's sort of like going to a horror movie-you want to be
scared, but not TOO scared. Today proved too much. I began
talking myself out of the situation as much as possible, saying,
"It's only a football game" like you'd say "It's only a movie -
perhaps a useful perspective for a journalist.
But movies are only movies and football games are only
football games, right? Maybe. As George Orwell might say, "All
football games are created equal-but some are more equal than
This was one of those games, and in that light I can almost
forgive Bo for his -post-game atics. He initially barred the
panting press from his locker room, a trick labelled Woody
Hayes, before his class showed through and he relented.
But no man, regardless of character, would've performed
much better in Schembechler's shoes. Sure, the loss was
hard to stomach, as it brought the undefeated' season and top
national ranking crashing to earth to join those aforementioned
Bo also learned some things about his personnel that he
must've found equally hard to take. While Purdue played an
exceptional game, the Wblverine defense did help them a little
with some missed- tackling and otherwise poor execution.
The game also wrote another chapter in College football's
first version of the test-ban treaty, namely the rise and fall of
Harlan "H-bomb" Huckleby. While still a good runner, Huckleby's
faults are growing painfully obvious, such as his general inability
to get past anyone he can't merely outsprint.
Fullback Russell Davis, he of the standing reservation in Bo's
doghouse after his recent fondness for fumbling, came in and did
it again the first time he touched the ball to set up Purdue's
initial score.
Of course, the truly amazing Rob Lytle has come on to
pick up the rushing slack as of late. The elusive Lytle put
some more impressive stats in the recordbooks, including his
second straight 1,00-yard season.
But he and some 'of the other Michigan seniors-the men
who've been there, the team's leaders-failed to pull their mates
through when it counted.
Lytle, after some impressive, tackle-breaking running, com-
mitted the crucial 4th-quarter fumble which ended a serious
Michigan scoring threat and started the Boilermakers on the drive
ot their game-winning field goal.
Wingback Jim Smith snared one touchdown bomb and near-
ly pulled off a ci'cus catch on another Rick Leach toss. But on
Michigan's last drive, with everything on the line, Smith worked
his way open and grabbed another TD-ticketed pass - and sim-
ply dropped it.
And, at the end, reliable Bobby Wood watched his last-
ditch, 37 yard field goal attempt waft inches wide - an ad-
mittedly tough kick, but still a good two yards short of the
diminutive booter's seaon average.
,Michigan's outstanding luck with injuries also took a dive,
as defensive end-punter John Anderson fell sidelined for an as
yet undetermined stretch with a sprained knee. Lytle and "Mo"
Morton also spent some time ailing on the bench.
But the unkindest cut of all had to be the damper this puts
on what kSchembechler has called the most enjoyable season of
his coaching career.
It proved quite ironic. A mere week after Bo decided to
stop pleading for slugfests and said, "We haven't had any close
games, let's keep it that way," his team got into a dogfight -

Lytle. ........21
Leach ............... 8
Davis ..............4
Smith ............... 2
Vitalil................ 5
Brown ............... 1




MICH. - Leach, 8-yard run
(wood kick)....... 7
PUR.-Dierking, 4-yard run
(Supan kick).....7
PUR.-Dierking, 25-yard run
(kick failed)7........7
MICH.-J. Smith, 64-yard
pass from Leach
(Wood kick).......14
PUR.-Supan, 23-yard FG . 14
MICHIGAN .... 7 0 7
PURDUE....... 7 6 0


special to The Daily
GLEN ELLYN, Ill. - Craig
Virgin became the first man
ever to win four consecutive
Big Ten individual champion-
ships, and Michigan captured
its third straight team title yes-
terday in the 62nd annual Big
Ten Cross Country Champion-
The Wolverines were sparked
by gutty performances from Bill
Donakowski (fifth in 24:01),
Steve Elliott (sixth in 24:18) and

third place finisher Greg Mey-.
er (23:50).
_ Probably the most remark-
able thing that emerged from
the -meet was the fact that
Michigan won the title with-
out their first, fourth, and
fifth runners from last year.
Mike McGuire and Jack Sin-
clair were out with mononu-.
cleosis and Jay Anstaett was
suffering from a stress frac-
Heavy pre-meet favorite Wis-
consin seemed likethey had the
championship wrapped up, aft-


er beating Michigan by 40 points
in the Notre Dame Invitational.
But running with a never say
die attitude, the Wolverines to-
taled 67 points to Illinois' 78
and Minnesota's 82. Favored
Wisconsin slipped into a tie with
Michigan State with 98.
"It just shows what kind of
kids we have," said an emo-
tional Michigan coach Ron
Warhurst. "All our guys are
competitors and I haven't seen
them choke in a big meet in
three years.
"Nobody thought we could
win the thing," added War-
hurst. "But we knew we were
good enough to win it and we
bounced back from our Notre -
Dame defeat to win."
The Wolverines had their
hands fullforithe first four
miles as Illinois ran a surpris-
ingly tough race.
But afterhseveral position
changes in the final. miles, it
was/ Michigan and not Illinois'
that went to the victory stand
to receive the Big Ten trophy.
Running at the front of the
pack from the beginning, Vir-
gin took command of the race
at the 1.5-mile mark and was
never challenged.

"Ultimately I think I ran
harder today as far as effort
wise than I did in any of my
previous three Big Ten meets."
Virgin's winning time of
23:16.7 was twenty two sec-
onds faster than Michigan
State's Herb Lindsay, who fin-
ished second for the second
year in a row.
Coach Warhurst received an
outstanding performance from
sophomore Elliott, who kicked
past Wisconsin's Steve Lacy
and Mark Johnson to give Mich-
igan three men ahead of the
Badgers first man.
"I felt like dropping out aft-
er that first mile," said Elliott.
"But there was something with-
in me that I had to do it.
liott surprised himself with
his fine performance. "I was
really happy with 'the way I
finished," he said. "I thought
I could do it all the time but
I didn't think I'd be. that far
For Meyer the race had a
double meaning. Individually
the senior from Grand Rap-
ids was.dejected that he did-
n't beat MSU's Lindsay. How-

In a hard-hitting game last
night at Yost Ice Arena, the
Michigan hockey team defeated
defending NCAA champion Min-
nesota 6-3 for the , Wolverines'
third straight victory and a
sweep of the weekend series.
The Wolverines, now 4-2,
came out hustling in the first
period and jumped out to a
quick 2-0 lead. At 6:03 defense-
man Bill Wheeler pounced on a
rebound of a Rob Palmer shot
and the Blue led 1-0.'
Just thirty seconds later, Kris
Manery took a pass from Bill
Thayer and pushed it past Min-
nesota goalie Steve Janaszak
as Michigan continued to buzz
around the Minnesota net.
Michigan looked like iti
was headed for a rout butj
Minnesota stayed right with'
Minneso u
SCORING: 1. Mich. - Wheeler
(Ro Palmer, Hodne) 6:03; 2. Mich.
- Manery (Thayer) 6:33; 3. Minn.
- Yackel (J. Micheletti, Lambert)
PPG 8:22.
PENALTIES: 1. Mich. - Maurer
(2-hold) 7:34; 2. Minn. - Larson
(2-rough) 8:59; 3. Mich. - Turner
(2-trip) 14:04; 4. Mich. - bench
(too many men) 17:50.
SCORING: 4. Mich. - Brennan
(DeBol, Wheeler) 1:04; 5. Minn.--
Lambert (lind) 5:32; 6. Mich. - Ka-,
wa (Waymann) .12:19;7. Minn. -
Gorence (Strobel) 17:33.


1s sweep iviinn
it throughout the game and after a good move that turned
never allowed the Wolverines two Gopher defenders and Jan-
more than a two goal advan- aszak into spectators.
tage. The Michigan defense A late Minnesota flurry was
and a brilliant goaltending held off by Zimmerman but
job by Frank Zimmerman stubborn Gopher forward Tom
were the keys to Wolverines' Gorence - who scored the hat
dominance, trick in the first game of the
"We played much better than series - cut the lead to one
Friday night, one hundred per once again at 17:31.
cent better tonight," said a A somewhat sloppy third per-
pleased Michigan head coach iod saw both teams trade excel-.
Dan Farrell. lent scoring opportunities which
Trailing 2-1 entering the sec- forced each goalie to make
ond period, Minnesota came spectacular saves. Both teams
out aggressively and throughout went to a free wheeling style
the period they peppered Zim-with ma shots coming from
merman from all angles. the ilue line.
Eah ea sard ary n While Zimmerman shut out
Ea2:hteamBd ewar and the Gophers in the period,.
at 12:19 Ben Kawa and John Mcia u w atJns
Waymani combined on a beau- zak with put two past Janas-
tiful passing display to give ik hishsecond ofManery scor-
Michigan a 4-2 lead. Kawa tuck- and Dean Turner adding some
ed the puck under the crossbar icing at 19:46
ameltedManery earned first star hon-
I Mors for the game and his goal
midway through the third stan-
PENALTIES: 5. Mich. - Turner za appeared to be the one that
(2-trip) 13:02. took the steam out of the Min-
THIRD PERIOD nesota attack.
SCORING: 8. Mich. - Manery Manery also received a
(Turner, Thayer) 9:51; 9. Mich. - seven stitch gash over his
Turner (Kawa, Palmer) 19:46.
PENALTIES: 6. Minn. -- Boo (2- left eye. Minnesota was play-
elbow) 14:07; 7. Mich. - Palmer (2- ing without its top forward
holS) 17:3s-IN Tom Vannelli who ironically
SCORING BY PERIODSws also caught in the e by
MINNESOTA......... 1 2 0-3 was ascughti h ye by
MICHIGAN..........2 2 2-6 Manery's stick Friday night.
Vannelli is in an Ann Arbor
GOALIE SAVES hospital because of internal
Janaszak (Minn.) ... 13 8 15-36 hospital aus be there a
Zimmerman (Mich.) . 9 12 9-30 bleeding and will p-
Attendance: 4,952. proximately ten days.


Vannelli, a senior, was sore-
ly missed by his team. Gopher
coach Herb Brooks was disap-
pointed with his team's show-
ing but pointed out that, "We
only had two seniors out there
and we're a young team."
"We have to be patient with
our young players. I expect
them to come around about Jan-
uary or so."
The series lived up to its bill-
ing as a tough one. Penalties
were extremely light in com-
parison to Friday night's in-
fraction filled game. Officials
allowed a much closer check-
ing game and play washalted
numerous times because of
shaken players.
Michigan appeared to justify
the number one ranking given
them by Hockey magazine and
with increased improvement,
should be in the thick of the
WCHA race all year.

"I put the pressure on early ever his feelings on the out-
on purpose to see if I could get come of the race reflect fiis
anybody to give in," said the his team attitude. j
senior from Lebanon, Illinois.
"I just opened up and nobody "I ran pretty bad," said Mey-
went with me and that was er. "But it'll ,come back. All
when I decided I better puter"Bti'lcm bakAl
my marbles in the ballgame that I'm happy about is that
right there." I wa's still in a position to help
Asked if he felt the race had the team the way I did.
gone as he expected, Virgin Other Wolverines to figure in
replied "No. I didn't think I the team score were Bruce Mc-
would get that kind of a leadt4es7reJ
, approximately 50 yards) that Fee (24th in 24:37) and Jon
soon. Cross (29th in 24:48).


Special to The Daily
WEST LAFAYETTE - They didn't
have any champagne on hand in the Pur-
due locker room after the Spoilermakers'
16-14 upset of Michigan here yesterday.
However, what the Sprite may have
lacked in luster the Boilermakers com-
pensated for with their own bubbling high
spirits. Tears still marked the visages of
assistant coach Fred Conti and wide re-
ceiver Jappy Oliver a full thirty minutes
after the game.
AFTER BOUNDING from the field to
their locker room with shouts of "We
beat them!," "I can't believe it!," and
"What a ??????? game!" the Purdue
players rallied and shouted around their
head coach Alex Agase for ten long min-
utes before their ritual post-game pray-
er. '
Following an ear-piercing "Amen," the
rejoicing resumed. '"
49M.... - - . - m - - - a m i

of myregains
of my lifetime, our lifetime," beamed
Agase to the assembled writers only
after he had congratulated each of his
players individually.
"We lost a lot of respect last week
against ,Michigan State (losing 45-13),"
said Agase. "But we couldn't have gain-
ed back our respect any better than by
beating the number one team.
"We took a step backwards a week
ago, but we took 99 steps forward to-
day," Agase enthused.
After each of his answers to mundane
questions about third down conversions,
field position and weak-side coverage, the
ecstatic coach would slam the table and
shout superlatives about his players' ef-
"Oh my God, what a great, great
team effort and a great win," he grinned.
"We didn't do anything special, just play-
ed with intensity. We came to play and
get our respect back.
'It T nDTHF. KTn hefre t he Lame.

face buri
while his
good' I
fumble th
two touch
was than
hearing h<
down here
fired us u

Clubbers lose regional d
By PAULINE TOOLE The loss destroyed all hopes seemed to belie all those state-
The Michigan Women's Field for a state title, and dreams of ments of satisfaction.
Hockey Team ended their season regional participation dissolved * * *
on a sour note as they lost to into nothing.
Central Michigan University yes- "The team played well," Ruggers romp
terday, 1-0, in the State Hockey Coach Phylis Ocker stated. "The The Michigan Rugby Football
tournament at Adrian. defense really pressed. One of team put its experience to work
our problems was that we had yesterday afternoon defeating an
no consistent attack (stressing injury-laden but aggressive Kent
the word consistent)." State squad for the second time
"We met our season's goals: this year, 11-3.
rid e we had a season over .500, The Michigan scoring cpme
the team scored 52 goals com- on two tries by Alan Salisbury
pared to 11 scored against us. and Calvin Bittner, a 25-yard
ed in the natural grass field We are just a year away from drop kick by Rory O'Connor
teammates started their cele- state and regional success, and a penalty kick. Kent
Ocker prophesied. "All in all, State's lone' score also came
I saw the official signal 'no I'm satisfied." on a penalty kick.
was just hoping s we wouldn't "I'm not upset," said goalie The Kent State defense man-
e ball," said King, who made Robin Gelston, who replaced aged to hold the Wolverines on
ehbown,"saingckles.whenmailing Laura Pieri at the half. their own side of the field early
down-saving tackles. "Then I The sentiment was echoed by on. However, by the final part
king somebody - the Man up- other team members. "I'm not of the game Michigan, was mov-
depressed," declared senior ing easily-typified by a 65-yard
1YONE WAS SICK and tired of wing Sylvia Aretakis, who play- run by Bill oCnway which was
ow Michigan was going to come ed in her last game for Michi- stopped just short of the goal
e and kick our ???. That's what gan. However, glum faces line as time ran out.
ip," said Purdue fullback John .................
who r'an for 81 yards and
w h a o 1 ya d n : ............. ... . ...... ... .,:... ........,:.:.::.: .::, .::,::::
caugntW Aou passes xor0anAauuARu0%aOft

caught four passes for an additional 39.
"I had a bad angle, but I thought
Wood's field goal was in,", said Purdue's
leading rusher Scott Dierking. "When I
saw the official wave his arms, it was
the feeling I had all year. We did it for
"There's no longer the Big Two,"
yelled split end Ray Smith.
Denite Smith's analvsi. only Minne-


Purdue 16, MICHIGAN 14
Michigan'State 23, Indiana 0
Minnesota 38, Northwestern 10
Ohio State 42, Illinois 10
Wisconsin 38, Iowa 21
Missouri 16, Colorado 7
Nebraska 14, Oklahoma St. 10
Miami (Fla.) 13, Boston College 6
Alabama 28. LSU 17

Columbia 35, Cornell 17
Massachusetts 21, Holy Cross 14
Pittshiwrgh 37, Aimy 7
Rutgers 34, Louisville 0
Yale 39, Princeton 7 1
Vilianova 23, Marshall 10
Virginia 21, Lehigh 20
Wake Forest 38, Duke 17
William & Mary 23, Appalachian 22
Grand valley 3, Wayne St. 0
Kalamazoo 14. Adrian 10

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