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November 07, 1976 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-07

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Sunday, November, 7, 1976

Carter gets a taste of 'presidential' transportation

UAW shifts focus on contract

(Continued from Page 1)
which borders the comfortable
cabins in which the Carter partyi
is staying.I
M E A N W H I L E, in an1
interview session with reporters
released yesterday, Carter said:
he never would have made it to
the White House if it hadn't
been for the televised presiden-
tial debates.
He feels that the second de-
bate, dealing with foreign poli-
cy, made him "a more respect-
able person" in the minds of!
the electorate and blunted the!
Republican effort to paint him
as an unknown quantity to be
feared as a leader.
That effort, he feels, was re-
sponsible for half the votes I
President Ford polled and has
left him, even in victory, with
"an image in the country which
is still there, which I've got to
(Continued From Page 3)
Transferring the microphone
to the other hand, she leans
back and reaches for the half-
empty bottle of wine on the
counter-top. Refilling her glass
and taking a drink, she con-
"My life is probably a little
microcosm of the way I would
like the world to be on most
.evels, even with some of the
strife I'd like to see removed.
One's politics radiate from
one's own personal life. There's
no doubt about it and you can't
be on every front all the time
and you can't be cheering and
supporting every candidate,
even those you believe. in."
"It was much easier in the
sixties," she says, speaking
slowly and choosing her words
carefully. "You could draw the
lines more clearly and say 'this
is the establishment, this is the
anti-establishment, this is the*
war, these are the people that
are for it, these are the peo-
ple who are against it, there-
fore I can see where I stand
more clearly.'
"Now it isn't so easy, it takes
a lot of thought, a lot of in-
ternal hashing over," she says.
"Only one thing makes ftotal
sense to me and that's to keep
struggling in local situations to
get the. right kind of politics,
in medicine, in education, in
women candidates."
Flanked on either side by twin
reflections of herself in the
mirrors which line the dressing
room walls, Collins dwells on
her strong commitment to fem-
inism which appears to color
most of her outlook on life now.
"I think that therein (in fem-
inism) lies the secret to most
of this mess we've gotten our-
selves into. I strongly support
women candidates everywhere.
Until we can get that 51-49 per
cent balance we're going to be
stuck. I mean whether they're
conservative women or radical
feminists, or what have you."

A LOT OF people still feel, fidence that we were doing the
I'm sure, a question about what best we could and the accumul-
is going to happen when Jimmy ative impact of my family con-
Carter gets in the White House," stantly campaigning, and the:
he said. Georgians constantly campaign-
Carter has no sore feelings, ing and the neutral numerical
however, about what he called advantage of other Democrats,
the -Republicans' "negative" would eventually win."
campaign tactics, accepting 'But he said television cover-.
them as clean and clever cam- age focused on his owi mis-!
paigning, which he never knew takes in contrast to "a defer-
how ng tocombat ence" shown to the President
He aohmast.nlypai which gave Ford unfair advan-
He also has only praise for'tg.H ecrbdta s
the "positive" aspects of the tage. He described that as
"crippling" to his campaign.
Ford campaign. That was the "I HAVE a feeling that had
onsition, Carter said. "which is it not been for the debates I
legitimate and I think accur- would have loft," he said. "I
ate," that Ford had done a think the debates let the Amer-
"repsonablv" rood Job a gov- ican people be kind of reassur-
erning and this deserved his ed, well, at least Jimmy Carter
own ric-nir;strntion. has some judgment about for-
"T I N1VTLY hare npmer I eign-affairs and defense and all.
r*a1htd that I would win," Car- Carter said that he had ap-
ter said. proved a draft of a challenge
"T'M not saving that in an to Ford to debate which was to
nrroaant way, but I had a con- have been issued the mornig

after Ford's acceptance speech news on weekends "and it used!
at the Republican convention. to make me terribly upset." negotiating to G en
When Ford issued his own chal- "I THINK THE worst one of
lenge, in his acceptance speech,alwsinteNwYkray
Carter's press secretay, Jody all was in the New York rally. By AP and UPI Motor Co. for nearly a month
Powell, released Carter's state- thing about the size of the rally DETROIT - The United Auto earlier this fall before reaching
ment the same night. . or the response to me or the Workers will set a strike dead- an industry-pattern settlement.
Carterismid he thought is potential support for me: The line at General Motors Corp. In negotiations with industry
most grievous mistake in the evening news coverage was al- this week after reaching a last- giant GM, the union will be try-
campaign occurred just after most completely dominated by minute tentative agreement for ing to win a similar pact for
the second debate "when I er- the fact that the truck with hourly employes at Chrysler. 390.000 workers. UAW President
roneously had an overly aggres- the TV cameras was a block UAW and Chrysler negotia- Leonard Woodcock said officials
sive approach to Mr. Ford. Had and a half in front of my car." tors met yesterday to discuss would set the strike deadline
I let him stew in his misstate- He said that sort of cover- a separate pact covering 9,000 early in the week.
ment about Eastern Europe age was typical. "It was just salaried workers. The deadline WOODCOCK SAID Friday that
think I would have been muchI a real problem with how to for that contract has been ex- he expects GM to match both
better off." deal with it." tended indefinitely. the wage and fringe benefits
THE TENTATIVE agreement packages worked out at Ford
Carter said more unsettling But he said that "on balance" for the No. 3 auto maker's 109,- during the strike and matched
than his own mistake was his newspaper coverage of him was 000 U.S. and Canadian hourly at Chrysler with some improve-
treatment in nightly television fair. "If it hadn't been fair, I employees was announced just ments in job-protecting issues.
news coverage. He said he would not have won the elec before the deadline Friday.
watched tapes of the nightly tion," he said. The UAW struck the Ford

rl Motors
The UAW negotiating com-
mittee scheduled a meeting of
the union's Chrysler Council on
Wednesday to discuss and vote
on the tentative agreement. If
the pact is approved by the
council, it would then go to
local units around the country
for a vote.
Three plants reported wildcat
walkouts yesterday over local
issues, but two returned to nor-
mal. Company officials said on-
ly the Ethobicoke, Ont., casting
plant near Toronto remained
closed with pickets keeping the
356 workers off the job.

r tI


nle in power are men and per-
havs 60 per cent of them have
bad politics. I think if we had
a little better percentagehal-
ance we'd he okay. I mean 60
per cent bad politician, but 50
per cent male-female, would
make a lot more sense."
After a long evening under
the spotlight. Collins' work is
only half completed.
Fans wait anxiously in the
cold air outside the stage door,
their faces pressed against the
She plans to meet with ev-
eryone, displaying a firm de-
sire to exchange ideas. There
is a constant hum of activity
around her - a businesslike
air of on-going planning.
She throws out an idea about
doing workshops at universities I
in an effort to keep in constant
touch with trends and move-
"I want more visible -contact
with people and now that I've
gotten over some of the more
perturbing neurotic fear of do-
ing a long tour, this is an area
I'm interested in for my own
Someone brings up the film
Antonia, a documentary Collins
workea )n about Antonio Brico,
a wom a , conductor under whom
she studied piano as a child.
Her face brightens as she re-
calls the project and tells how
the film's success has directly
boosted the conductor's career,
ending her long struggle for
Collins adds that she would
like to make another film, and
a reporter suggests she do one.
on the current political condi-
tions in South America, some-
thing Collins earlier described
as "dreadful."
She picks up immediately on
the idea, her blue eyes narrow-
ing as she gazes to the corner'
of the room.
She's mulling it over.

n ergy
"But those people (South Am-
erican political leaders) are ser-
iotis" she says suddenly.
"They'd blow you," she adds
in excited tones as she anxi-
otisly considers an obstacle to
what might be an inviting profj-

Attention Social Science Undergrads !
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"But ... that's an interesting
idea ... very interesting," she
murmurs, tossing the idea
around. She begins brainstorm-
ing. listing names of people
that could help her.
"Pete Seeger would be very
"We could do the shootings
this way ..."
* The conversation trails off for
awhile as she considers an-
other direction for her ener-
There's a down to earth
warmth and sense of humor
beneath. the sophistication of
Collins' performance and a note
of urgency in her conversation
about politics and feminism.
She has s cceeded where oth-
ers have f iled in keeping in
close touch with the real world,
despite her level of stardom.
Her feeling of commitment
seems unwavering at times.
She can dwell long and hard
on the problems she sees in
American society, and in the
same breath, while talking
about Nixon and Watergate,
laugh as she refers to the Ford
administration as the "hair of
the dog that bit you."
As a final touch and perhaps
a summation of what makes her
tick, Collins discusses Antonio
Brico's interest in m sticism,
adding her own persp ctive.
"I guess there are guiding
forces that we don't have any
real foreknowledge of, because
I don't know where we'd be.
Maybe we would not be able
to handle certain things. But
there must be some kind of
fulfillment and Karmic cir-

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Announcing th e 2nd Annual

Responding to a pointf about
women who have "bad poli-
tics," she adds, "I can't say
that's not true, but I think that
one must take into considera-,
tion that 90 per cent of the peo-

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