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November 02, 1976 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-02

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Tuesday, November 2, 1'976


Page Seven

Tuesday, November 2,. 1976 THE MICHiGAN DAILY


Senate race presents two
distinct political outlooks


factions clash

(Continued from Page 1)
trasting terms. Esch is the 'de-
termined trouble - shooter,
Riegle the firebrand advocate
of broad national concerns.
This difference is best seen,
perhaps, in their plans for the
nation's economic recovery.
ESCH believes in an economy,
that relies on a partially regu-
lated, but strong, private sec-
tor; Congress and the Presi-
dent, he says, must find so-
ciety's "pressure points" and
move in with cautious financial
aid and training. He says his
record shows him to be a prag-
matic problem - solver of just
this sort.
He is most proud of the Com-
prehensive Employment Train-
ing Act. (CETA), a bill he or-
ganized and helped to write.
CETA provides federal funds
for training in 'skilled profes-
sions and other areas. Esch
cites it as the type of jobs leg-
islation which must be passed
to preclude the need for a "cen-
tral economic planning" pack-
age, such as the Democratic-
sponsored Humphrey - Hawkins
He has advocated a year-
round youth employment pro-
gram, saying such a plan should
be "the number one goal of the
country." He has also suggest-
ed combining the Dept. of La-
bor's manpower training office
with the Dept. of Health, Edu-
cation, and Welfare's education
office. He has called for the
institution of a tax credit to
employers who hire back the
RIEGLE firmly supports
Humphrey - Hawkins - type
laws, saying the nation should
"establish a living standard
with a kind of equity and even-
ness throughout the society.
"I think our major problem
is . . economic justice," he
said in a recent interview. "I
think conservation in all its
forms is going to have to be-

come much more of our oper-"
ating ethic. I think the pressure
of g r o w i n g population, of
shrinking resources, are going
to cause us to have to make
profound adjustments. We're
going to have to get more en-
joyment out of simple things.
Riegle is careful to point out
his commitment to a capitalist
economic system, but his atti-
tudes lean fairly far to the left
in traditional political terms.'
"I LIKE the freedom in the
elbow room that comes with the
contemporary free market sys-
tem," he said. "But as the pres-
sures bear in on us, we're go-
ing to have to really make sure
that we tailor that system so
that it's producing really effi-
cient results.
"But," he added, "I don't
want a situation where every-
body gets stuck in a sort of
straitjacket of central decision
Esch has built his campaign
largely on the past, on an en-
cyclopedic knowledge of his op-
ponent's record and his own,
and a comparison of the voting
histories and legislative action.
Behind by nearly twenty points
at the end of the summer, het
opened the campaign with a
stern call for scruntiny of
Riegle's "inactivity and incom-
IN AN interview, with the
Daily, Esch encapsuled his
charges against Riegle:
"You guys can write your edi-
torial and say Riegle's going to
save Michigan, but you ask
him specifically, in perform-
ance, what he has done in the
last ten years to accomplish
that. It's easy to talk about
'what I'm going to do,' but spe-
cifically, how has he voted,
what legislation has he written
that's on the books now?"
These sentiments especially
characterized Esch's early{
campaign. He told group after
group in September that Riegle

had never written a bill that
became law.
RIEGLE hardly had time to
respond that he had, in fact,
helped to write important leg-
islation such as the War Pow-
ers Act, before the media stir-
red the waters. In late Septem-
ber the Detroit News reported
that Riegle had signed the name
of his estranged wife to a $4,525
tax rebate check and kept the
rebate without her knowledge.
Riegle admitted it, said there
was nothing dishonest about it,
but faced questions from the
press on the matter for days
on end.
Esch made only subtle refer-
ences to the issue, saying he
didn't want to talk about "whe-
ther Riegle forged a check or
not. I want to talk about is-
When the News came out sev-
eral weeks later with allega-
tions that Riegle had had an af-
fair with an unpaid staff mem-
ber in 1969, while married to
his first wife, the Democrat
came out with both fists flying.
Admitting the affair, he said
the News was consciously aid-
ing Esrh, and that" he held
Esch "personally responsible"
for the new, low level of the
Meanwhile, Esch toired the
.state with former Governor
George Romnev, who called
Pieele "unstable" 'and said he
Kad lit{1e resnect on Canitol
Full Pressed on the Romnev
matter. that he himself
"wouldn't hnve used the word
'nstable."' Esch has said, how-
'pr. that a candidate should
he h-l ecouintable for his per-
; 'n- life, and that a cndi-
datses extra-marital affair
would influence his own vote.

(Continued from Page 1)
erated to Smith that the ar-
rangements worked out by Kis-
singer are subject to negotia-
tion, the sources said.
Rhodesian officials said Smith
would attend today's meeting
without commitment and intend-'
ed to stand firm for a two-year
transition period.
Smith, the spokesman for Rho-
desia's 278,000 whites, met pri-
vately with Richard prior to the
announcement of today's meet-
ing. When he emerged from the
90-minute talk, a reporter ask-
ed how he felt about a 1977 turn-
over of power to the 6.4 million
black majority. "I've given no
thought to that," Smith replied.
"It's a new one on me."
white leader let it be known he
means to fly home Wednesday
because he is tired of "twid-
dling his thumbs" in Geneva
and has important work await-
ing him in Salisbury, his capi-
In the oceans there are great
"rivers" called ocean currents.
The Gulf Stream is the largest
and most important of these

One of his main preoccupa-'
Lions is bound to be the esca-
lation of guerrilla warfare along:
Rhodesia's 800-mile frontier with'
Mozambique where Soviet and
Cuban specialists have been re-
ported training black Rhodesian
"freedom fighters." The casual-
ty toll among Rhodesian securi-
ty forces rose to 84 in Octo-;
ber, the highest in almost four
years of fighting.
Mozambique forces fired about
thirty 122mm rockets into a tea

plantation near the Rhodesian
garrison town of Umtali in ap-
parent retaliation for the at-
tack by black and white troops
of the minority government. No
one was hurt in the shelling of
the Katiya estate. Casualties in
the attack on the guerrilla'
camp were not known.
The stepped up guerrilla ac-
tivities along the border seem
to reflect the warning of inten-
sified conflict each black lead-
er issued on arriving in Geneva,
for the conference, which was

brought about largely as a con-
se'quence of Kissinger's initia-
Brief, preliminary sessions of
the conference were held Thurs-
day and Friday, then it recess-
ed while Richard shuttled be-
tween Srrith's delegations and
the nationalists to try to resolve
differences over the target date
for black rule and the composi-
tion of the interim government.
Another formal conference ses-
sion was not expected before



A new feature of
to be corning soon-
But first we need a
name for our elephant!!
The person with the winning
entry'will receive 2 passes to
a local movie of his or her


Election briefs
NEW YORK (P)-The Federal conduct individual and full-scale
Communications Commission surveys in each of the 50
yesterday ordered NBC to sell states."
a half hour of air time to the In other words, there are no
presidential candidate of the guarantees that the outcome in
U.S. Labor party. the F1 'toral College will be
The election eve broadcast nearlxv -s close as that in the,
time was sold to Lyndon La- popular election - or with the
Rouche after a unanimous ruling same winner.
by the commission. Indeed, many political experts
The party had told the FCC are saying that President Ford
that NBC had reneged on an may be out of luck even if his
agreement to sell $96,000 in time come - from - behind campaign
to counter the heavy pre-election propels him past Carter in the
advertising by President Ford over-all count Tuesday. They
and Jimmy Carter. argue that Carter's electoral
Neil Turner, NBC's manager base in the South, whre he is
for network political advertising almost certain to garner at least
sales,said the party's request 100 of the necessary 170 votes

TONIGHT in Aud. A, Angell Hall
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A magnificent western, a film that grows in scope and reputation
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out of time. A modern classic and a true apocalyptic vision,
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I think the name should be:
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Use, Daily Classifieds


Follow N I owlsollow

for a half-hour segment had
been turned down "because it1
was on too short notice anda
made on the weekend." He said>
he first heard from the party onI
* * *

to win, is just too much for Ford
to overcome.
But one need fetch the mathe-.
matical possibilities only a bit
farther to paint a reverse sce-
nario, in which Ford, by claim-
ing several "toss-up" states,.

F Playing,
no-IAT, "Rnn R
r 312sm

at ...

NEW YORK () - A heavy could win a slim victory in t
demand for absentee ballots was electoral college while losi
reported in some sections of the the popular vote.
nation yesterday, and in a close The slates of electors who ,v
election they could hold the bal- Tuesday will convene at the
ante of power for the presiden- respective state capitals on D
tial winner. 13 to cast their ballots for pre
Most absentee ballots are dent and vice president, and 1
counted along with the regular results, in turn, will be sent
ones but there are enough excep- the Senate for formal counti
tions so that a hairline finish next Jan. 6.
between President Ford and
Jimmy Carter could go unde-
cided for up to a week.
Washington, D.C., for ex-
ample, reported a return of
"boxes and boxes" of absentee
ballots, which will not be count-
ed until a week after today's
In Florida, where an estimat-
ed 150 000 absentee ballots were
mailed, they are not counted
until the day after election day,
thus delaying a final count there
until tomorrow. The same holds
true for an anticipated 17,500
absentee votes in Rhode Island.
North Dakota's absentee bal-
lots normally are counted on
election night, but under some
circumstances, the count may
be delayed by five days.
WASHINGTON (Al) - With a
close election at hand, don't
forget the Old Math of the Elec-
toral College - by which the
man with the most popular votes
can still wind up a spectator on
inauguration day.
It's happened thrice before in
American presidential contests.
And conditions may once again
be ripe for the loser of te na-
tion's plurality to move into the
White House, for the first time
in this century.
Though the final public ooinion
polls point to a dead heat be-
tween Jimmy Carter and Gerald
Ford in today's balloting, the
fact is that neither man will
receive a single vote all day
Instead, those so-called presi-
dential ballots will actually be
cast for people like C. Flipno
Hicks. a Demorat running for
viroinia membershin in the



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