Page Eight
T"hereI S a difference!!!
"MCAT *GLSAT DATSoviet gymnass o grace
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&E A'rrnwlAl aRRM 0.fNCLIT 91fA flEQ
Tuesday, October 26, 1976
" NAI I IVJP4JL 5ItLJ. & UtNI1.U * JAiflI
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Information on obtaining
tickets to the event will be
announced later,
Both the men's and women's
squads will perform in what
promises to be a spectacular
evening of athletic entertain-
Michigan gymnastics coach
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Newt Loken predicts a large
and enthusiastic crowd, and is
delighted to have the honor of
hosting the Soviets.
The featured performers that
will appear with the team are
Nelli Kim, Ludmila Hourische-
va, and Nikolai Andrianov.
Kim, a winner of two gold
and one silver medals in the
Summer Games, will be best
remembered as the only gym-
nast other than Nadia Coma-
neci to score a perfect 10.
Tourischeva, a veteran per-
former noted for her classical
style, is the defending world
champion and a winner of two
medals at Montreal.
Andrianov is probably the
greatest male gymnast in the
world.lHe won four golds at
Montreal, incliding the men's
all-around championship.
Player of the Week
CHTCAGO (AP) - Jeff Lo-
gan, the tailback who replaced
Archie Griffin at Ohio State,
has been named Big Ten Play-
er of the Week on offense by
The Associated Press..
Logan, a 5-foot-14, 184-noimd
i'rior. from North Canton,
Ohio, lead the Buckeyes to a
24-1 victory over Pirdu Sat-
,rdgv to keen Ohio State in a
frst-nla-e tie with Michigan in
"le Big Ten race.
Loemn aainpd 175 vnrrls in
?' carries and s-nrQd to eh-
rnm+ on r'ms of 11 and 29
vn-ig in a eapm- whih waq
still tied at 3-3 in the third
Logan's two touchdowns
came after quarterback Rod
Gerald had been kayoed for the
season with an injury and with
fullback Pete Johnson still not
at full efficiency because of
ankle problems.
Buckeye Coach Woody Hayes
revealed after the game that
Logan had asked him to getI
Ron Springs in there becausel
he felt he was getting tired.
Hayes, of course, didn't lis-
ten and kept Logan in the
game. "In order to tire him
out, we'd have to run Jeff
up and down the sidelines,"
Also nominated for the award
were Rob Lytle of Michigan'L a h sr limoven ""
and Larry Canada of Wiscon- ep
Lytle, a previous winner ear- ". . in the head
her this season, gained 175
yardsn touchdowto leads cre LEAD OFF WITH Rick Leach as an appetizer, follow with a
igan to a 35-0 victory over In Rob Lytle entree and finish things off with a bit of Jim
diana. Smith for dessert. Result: Bo Schembechler's press luncheon-
Canada scored three touch- health food with a slight aftertaste of buckeye.
downs including the last one on Though not quite a salad or soup, Leach, the slick, snazzy,
a one-yard dive with 12 seconds sophomore southpaw signal caller from Flint Southwestern, gave
left to give Wisconsin a 28-25 Schembechler the opportunity to warm up his wise words.
victory over winless North-
laughed Hayes.
western. Canada also gained 99
yards in 21 carries.
Ill' ___ __
If you've never participated in Gridde Picks, yet you go to
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"Leach played a great football game at Indiana, definitely
his best game ever," Schembechler said of this week's
Offensive Champion. "Anytime a quarterback plays under
those circumstances (drizzly weather) and handles the ball
like that, it's great.
"He was in for six possessions, and we scored five times
and were stopped once by a fumble," Schembechler added.
"That's quarterbacking."
Of course, Leach still has the same arms and legs which
carried him to a promising freshman performance last season,
but Schembechler credits his improvement to some development
inside the helmet.
"He's smart. He knows what's going on now, and that's
great," Schembechler said. "He's better at reading defenses and
calling plays. Now when a play doesn't work, he knows what
Leach also seems to know how to make some plays work
that otherwise wouldn't, such as Saturday's touchdown toss to
fullback Russell Davis.
"They were in a safety blitz, and Rick did a great job
because we didn't pick up the safety," Schembechler explained.
Fielding questions as diversified as the seafood salad he
slowly munched, Bo gradually turned his Veteran's Day talk
to a discussion of his two offensive veterans, Lytle and Smith.
Lytle and Smith a two-man team
"They're, like half a team," Schembechler praised. "Fifty
per cent of our offense will go when those two leave.."
Not that they have accounted for half the stat sheet offense.
Even though Smith also returns kicks, he usually touches the
ball a mere four or five times 'a game. The speedy wingback's
true value lies in that ever-present big play potential, not' his
actual performance.
On the recently stifled wingback counter play, Schembechler
says, "We'll continue to run it even if we only get three or four
yards because that keeps the outside linebacker in. Then we
can run the option."
Of late, Lytle has been the back making the option go, but
even he has touched the ball relatively few times (averaging 16
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carries per game on a run-oriented team.)
"I've never looked at how much yardage one individual gets,
I just do what I think we need to do to win," Schembechler said.
"For instance, I didn't keep Lytle in against Navy."
This obviously leaves Lytle
at a publicity disadvantage
compared to the big-name
l I backs like Tony Dorsett and
U iowerS Ricky Bell. But Schembechler
defends such manuevering on
practical, as well as ethical
and sportsmanlike, grounds.
"Leaving Lytle in would also
---__risk injury, and I don't want
- -that to happen," Schembechler
r 4..
Sheriff Fred P
Knocking on the wooden table
all the while, Bo discussed his
relative good luck with injuries
this season with growing reluct-
ance as the questions mounted.
"Of all the things that keep
a team going, health is the most
important," he declared. "You
just can't afford to lose key
players. Luckily, the only guy
we really lost is (senior guard
Kirk) Lewis.
All the injury talk inevitably
focused on the current catas-
trophe suffered by Ohio State.
Quarterback Rod Gerald injured
his back against Purdue last
weekend and should sit out the
rest of the season.
"I don't know much about that
kid (senior substitute Jim Pa-
centa)," Schembechler said. "I
didn't know that much about
Gerald. It's hard for me to
But if Bo's injury maxims hold
true-as well as his declaration
that "nobody in college football
has depth anymore due to the
decreases in grant-in-aids" --
the loss can bode only ill for the
With the Big Ten's only other
bona fide contender, the Min-
nesota G o p h e r s, themselves
limping into chilly Michigan Sta-
dium this weekend, it appears
that the healthy Wolverines are
headed to some healthier weath-
er-California, perhaps?
Pass the salad, please, Bo.
at the
at Retail Prices
To Fred Postill the Sheriff's job of running the jail does not mean merely
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INMATE REHABILITATION-Sheriff Postill's inmate rehabilitation program has
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IMPROVED JAIL CONDITIONS-The cleanliness and general repair of the Jail
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