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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVIl, No. 41
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 26, 1976
Ten Cents Ten Pages
Clean sweep
The University of Michigan, known for a pro-
ficiency in turning out president and playwrights
from its hallowed halls, now boast a different kind
of alumnus. Dan Ogden, a 28-year-old graduate,
has turned his sheepskin into ashes - and is one
helluva chimney cleaner around these parts. Og-
den, who dresses himself in the traditional threads
of a 19th century English sweep, can frequently be
seen lugging a trailer full of brushes, ropes, poles
and gigantic vacuum cleaner from chimney to
chimney in the Metro-Detroit area. Ogden usually
declines slithering down the dusty chimney in his
crisp, cockney garb, and uses his special vacu-
um cleaner as a super suction for most jobs. The
chimney sweep learned his trade last summer
after the energy crisis facilitated widespread use
of home fireplaces. It's comforting to know that
our honored alumni aren't letting their lives go up
in smoke.
Sunday jocks
If you feel like a little wholesome athletic com-
petition on Sunday afternoons rather than six
hours in front of the tube watching football, there
may be hope. Both the Central Campus Recreation
Building on Washtenaw, and the old Intramural
Sports Building on Hoover will soon'have hours
on Sunday. The Hoover complex will be open from
3 to 10 p.m. Sundays beginning Nov. 7. The new
facility on Washtenaw will have similar hours
starting this week.
Happenings.. .
. . . begin with the weekly luncheon at the
Ecumenical Campus Center, 921 Church St., fea-
turing Conzalo Castillo-Cardenis speaking on "The
Colombian Indians: Western Power and Cultural
Crisis. Lunch is 75 cents . , . Also at midday is a
free string bass recital by Erik Dyke, at the Pen-
dleton Rm. of the Union . . . Ari Congress-
man Morris Udall and Democratic Senate candi-
date Don Riegle speak for Jimmy Carter at 1:30
in the Union Ballroom . . . The Advisory Commit-
tee for Recreation, Intramural and Club Sports
meets at 3:30 in the conference room of the Cen-
tral Campus Recreation Building. It's open to the
public ... LSA Dean Billy Frye has the second in
his monthly series of teas this afternoon at 4:15 in
rm. 2050 of the Frieze Building. You're encouraged
to stop by . . . Representatives of the local Ford
and Carter campaigns will debate at 7 in Mosher-
Jordan .. . The Center for Coordination of Ancient
and Modern Studies sponsors the first of three
sessions on "Has Democracy Survived? Perspec-
tives from Acient and Modern," at 7:30 in the Ku-
enzel Rm. of the Union. This session will feature
Near Eastern Studies Prof. Louis Orlin, History
Prof. Chester Starr, Classical Studies Prof. Gerald
Else . . . Also at 7:30, Perry Bullard will be
among the politicians at a Candidate's Night, spon-
sored by the League of Women Voters, in the City
Council chambers at City Hall . . . Yael Rom, Is-
rael's first woman pilot, meets informally with
students at Hillel, 1429 Hill, at 8 . . . The Under-
grad Political Science Association meets at 8 in the
Commons Rm. on the sixth floor of Haven Hall
George Steeh, Democratic candidate for Washte-
now County Prosecutor, will be there to answer
questions . . The Michigan Student Assembly
holds its weekly meeting at 8 in rm. 3909 of the
Rape remedy
John Hoffman, a Republican candidate for the
state house in Missouri, said over the weekend that
men convicted of "violent rapes" should be cas-
trated. "I don't think it would be any more cruel
and inhumane than the act perpetrated on the
lady," said Hoffman. "The man is not affected
mentally as the woman is affected mentally."
Hoffman added that rehabilitation doesn't bring
back a lady that has been killed, and it doesn't re-
move the stigma that she will have to bear for
the rest of her life." He admitted that his proposal
was "radical." but said that "the people think its
time to do something radical. Rape is a serious
Blusnan 's holiday
Devoy Geiger is a bus driver. So when he and his
bride Phyllis decided to tie the knot, they did it
while Geiger moved his rig at a healthy clip along
I-40 in Tennessee. Later, the newlyweds and their
passenger-guests celebrated the holy rites of matri-
mony at a hamburger joint in Nashville. "I'm a
bus driver, and we met on a bus trip," Geiger
said of his first meeting with Phyllis. After the
wedding, relatives tied cans to the bumpers, and
Geirger pulled his chapelmobile into a filling sta-
tion for rfueling. Refueling the gas tank - refuel-
ing for the honeymoon - we just don't know .
On the inside.*.
. . . Keith Richberg writes about current cam-
paign lingo on the Editorial Rage . . . Jim Stimson
reviews Keith Jarrett's concert and lecture for
Arts .. . and our friends from Sports Page offer
Rick Bonino's lowdown on Bo's weekly football
"i:Fr."r :"S Ji}..' V r.
} n s
Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
Football squad academic counselor Jim Betts and standout linemen Bill Dufek and Greg
'Mo' Morton take a breather last night at Markley Hall, where six brawny members of
the Number One Wolverines met with 150 admiring fans.
MarhleyreTsidents swoon
over six Wolverine stars
By JENNIFER MILLER with him," one woman drooled as the players
A hush fell over the waiting crowd. Necks took' their seats, "Oh, he looked right at me,"
craned forward to catch the first thrilling sighed her friend, apparently in reference to
glimpse. "They're coming, they're coming," Rick "what-a-nice-ass" Leach, as he is
someone gasped, "Oh, I'm fainting." sometimes known.
No, it was not the presidential cavalcade For the first few minutes no one spoke. The
coming over the crest of the hill-but six mem- audience, awed by the sight of so many celeb-
bers of the Michigan football team making rities in one place, simply stared.
an appearance at Markley Hall last night.
"ARE WE JUST going to sit here and look
RICK LEACH, Jim Smith, Dwight Hicks, at them?" one woman asked her friend. "Isn't
Bill Dufek, Bob Wood and Greg "Mo" Morton that enough?" she answered.
answered questions before a crowd of ap-
proximately 150 addring fans. As the session got going, the half male-half
"Oh, you guys, I wish I could get a picture See WOLVERINES, Page 7
.asogmgagmeeasgsatmsmseea masmgaasnmgmasmae
k Project
From Wire Service Reports
Jimmy Carter says if he's
elected President he will
not allow the U.S. Navy to
build Project Seafarer in
Michigan's Upper Peninsu-
la against the wishes of U.
P. residents.
And, Carter said in a
statement issued yesterday,
the people of the U. P. have
already made their opposi-
tion to Seafarer patently
released by his Atlanta head-
quarters and distributed by his
Detroit campaign office, said
he shares the concerns of U.P.
residents "that this project will
jeopardize their investmentswin
their homes, farms and lands."
campaign '76
Project Seafarer is an ex-
tremely low - frequency subma-
rine communications network
made up of underground cables
to be used in maintaining con-
tact with submarines at sea. It
has emerged as a major issue
in Michigan and particularly in
the U. P.
In other camoaign news yes-
terday, the eighth day before
the election, President Ford
told Americans they would suf-
fer a new round of inflation if
they rejectedthis economic poli-
cies and elected Carter..
FORD SAID his rival was in-
exnerienced and would be un-
able to restore full prosperity
after the 1975 recession.
Carter said he issued his
Seafarer statement after con-
ferring with Frances Brouillette,
the Democratic candidate in the
11th Congressional district,
which includes all of the Upper
Peninsula. Brouillette is run-
ning against Republican incum-
bent Philip Ruppe.
The former Georgia governor
said he believes the residents of
the Upper Peninsula have made
it clear through several adviso-
ry votes that they do not want
Project Seafarer in their midst
and that the Navyshas yet to
present a good case for the
Michigan site.
"I DO NOT feel that the Navy
or the Department of Defense
have been open or forthcoming
about the effects of Project
Seafarer, and I intend to change
that if elected," Carter said.
"The navy has yet to
satisfactorily demonstrate the
military necessity of Project
Seafarer, but even if this
particular system is shown to
be needed there are other
nlaces where it could be builT
including land owned by the
federal govfrnmenttwhich is al-
readh dedicated to military
use," he said.
In Iron Momtain, Brouillette
See CARTER, Page 2
GEG may take',
walkout moves
After months of fruitless bargaining with the University, the
Graduate Employe Organization (GEO) will gather tonight at a
meeting that could set the wheels of a strike in motion.
The Union will not take a strike vote tonight, but will decide
whether or not to circulate a strike referendum. If the motion
passes, every registered GEO member will be allowed to vote, by
secret ballot, whether to strike.
TENTATIVELY, members will vote tomorrow, Thursday and
Friday, with ballots being tallied over the weekend. The out-
come will be announced at a, mass membership meeting Monday
night, November 1, and GEO could be out on strike by midnight.
It has not yet been decided whether GEO will ask students to
support the walkout by boycotting classes, but Union officials have
hinted that student support will not be sought.
The two sides met today for four hours in a last-ditch effort
to avoid a strike, but both the administration and GEO termed
the talks "disappointing."
"WE DIDN'T reach any agreements today,"' said Chief Uni-
versity Bargainer John Forsyth. "All in all it wasn't a very pro-
ductive session."
GEO Treasurer Barbara Weinstein echoed Forsyth's senti-
ments. "There was some movement on the information clause,,
but we didn't discuss any of the lig issues." She added, "It's about
time they start moving . . . they've been inching along since sum-
The "big issues" that remain unresolved include salary, tui-
tion, class size, affirmative action, non-discrimination in hiring
and fraction.
ONE LAST bargaining session is scheduled for this afternoon,
but neither side expressed optimism toward reaching a settlement.
"You always have some hope," said GEO President Doug
Moran, "but given the administration's attitudes in the past, it
seems they are not prepared to reach a just agreement." Moran
added that 'tonight's vote "is a decision to fight for a contract, or
give in and take what the University has offered."
Forsyth was equally pessimistic. "Reaching an agreement to-
morrow is impossible," he said. "They don't seem to be in any
hurry to reach a settlement."
Tonight's meeting will be held at 7:30 in the League Ballroom.
Free clinic
The Ann Arbor Free People's Clinic is
being pressured by its landlord to vacate
its E. Iiberty St. location, according to a
clinic spokesman.
Dale Jarvis, financial co-ordinator of the
organization, says the clinic has been in-
structed to leave the building at 225 E.
Liberty St. sometime next January. He
-Concepts Four - has orally made clear
its eviction intentions.
BONNIE DeLOOF, a partner in Concepts
Four, a realty firm, confirmed that the
Clinic is expected to move. However, she
says the decision to move was the Clinic's
and not the landlord's.
The Clinic is one of the few in Ann Ar-
bor which offer free medical services to
pitals who contribute their time on a, regu-
lar basis.
The Clinic serves an average of 150 peo-
ple each month, according to Jarvis.
WHEN CONCEPTS Four purchased the
building last July, owners DeLoof and Es-
telle Schneider met with individual tenants
to discuss future plans. Representatives for
the Clinic told the pair that the building
conditions were unfavorable, and the Clinic
would not stay beyond January.
See FREE, Page 7
added that although the clinic has not yet low-income residents, Jarvis says it has a
received any notice of eviction, the landlord "stable staff" of doctors from area hos-
I hate both of them'-U'
Not all the University's foreign
students are eligible to vote in
next week's presidential contest,
but that doesn't seem to have
discouraged them from scrutin-
izing the prime contenders for
the world's most powerful poli-
tical seat - and they're giving
a slight edge to Jimmy Carter.
Of 15 students attending the
E n g 1 i s h Language Institute
(ELI), six said they would cast
their ballot for the Georgia pea-
nut farmer, if given the op-
portunity, five supported Presi-
dent Ford and four had no pref-
ONE Venezuelan student in
Carter's corner, Miriam Ernst,
says she's not particularly im-
pressed with Carter but would
vote for him primarily because
of her dislike for Robert Dole,
Ford's running mate.
"Dole is an egotist," she says.
"I saw him on the debate and
he thinks he's very attractive."
But Khalil Mazahery of Iran
is much more critical of the
Democratic candidate. "I hate
both of them, but Ford is a
little better," he said. "I would
weigh candidates
realistic than Ford's.
The incumbent's economic
policy "is impossible," he said.
"It's very much rich versus
poor. The rich eat the poor."
"I WOULD probably vote for
Ford," counters Iranian student
Behdad Far, who is majoring in
biology. "He seems to be a
logical person. I only know that
See FOREIGN, Page 10
"I would only vote
,for Ford because Car-
ter is crazy . . . He's
always smiling that big
smile." - Iranian stu-
dent Khalil Mazahery
China's left accused
of plot on Teng's life
PEKING, (Reuter) - Teng Hsiao-Ping, the once-powerful Chi-
nese leader purged last April, was the target of an assassination
plot organized by his radical leftist enemies, reliable sources said
The former vice-premier dropped from public view after his
supporters were blamed for street riots here. The sources said
they had been informed that the first months of Teng's political
exile were spent in Peking but he was moved when the authori-
ties heard of the plot to kill him.
TENG IS believed to have spent some weeks in northern Shan-
si and possibly Canton, the sources said. They added that he was
k m .-it,1n ia. i 'a aft. +er t e ~t searl this month nf the