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October 23, 1976 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-23

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Saturday, October 23, 1916


Page F ,re

Saudy coer2,17 KpMCIA AL


Irish j
DUBLIN (Reuter) - Irish
President Cearbhall O'Dalaigh
resigned his post yesterday af-
ter a stormy disagreement with
the government, throwing the
political scene into confusion.
Prime Minister Liam Cos-
grave went into emergency
session with his cabinet after
the President's announcement,
which came three days after
a government minister had
called him "a thundering dis-
THE 65-YEAR-OLD Presi-1

president steps down

Carter given edge in
W illiamsburg debate'

dent's resignation was thought
likely to put severe opposition
pressure on the Fine Gael-La-
bour coalition government as
the machinery to choose a new
candidate as head of state went
into action.
O'Dalaigh had been attacked
by Defense Minister Patrick
Donegan because he exercised
his presidential powers to delay
anti-guerrilla - legislation giving
the security forces greater pow-
ers to hold suspects without
An-opposition Fianna Fail m6-

tion to fire Donegan was voted minister of state and in partic-
down in parliament Thursday. ular as a minister of defense?"

O'DALAIGH, a former Chief
Justice of Ireland who was chos-t
en as an unopposed candidate
for the presidency in Decem-'
ber, 1974, gave no reason forI
his resignation in a terse state-
ment last night.
But a letter from thej Presi-
dent to Donegan made it clear
that he saw no alternative butI
resignation after the Defense
Miniser's remarks and the de-
feat of the opposition motion
The President asked Done-!
gan, who had offered an apolo-]
gy: "Have you any conception;
of your responsibilities as a


(Continued from Page 1)


tion a new president must be And Ford said Carter has slip-
elected within 60 days, but it is ped id the public opinion polls,
thought the government is un- although still leading; because
likely to be able to find a candi- the Democrat "is inconsistent
date acceptable to the opposi- in many of the positions that
tion. he takes ..."
An open presidential election But it was not the strident
with candidates from both sides stuff of the campaign platform,
could lead to the fall of Cos- or of some points in the previ-
grave's government. ous debates. When the debate'
was over, the candidates met
Until an election, a presiden- in center stage, smiling, shak-
tial commission, consisting of ing hands, exchanging the pri-
the Chief Justice and the chair- vate words of men who know
men of each house of Parlia- that next time they meet; one
ment, will take over the duties will be President-elect and one
of the head of state. will be a loser.
Their familiar economic litan-
ies came up repeatedly.
I) leTM

Now that's true love...
TOWSON, Md. UP - Stewart Goldstein stood before the
judge, waiting to be sentenced for hiring a man to kill his wife.
Beside him was his wife Julia.
"I really don't believe Stewart meant to do what trans-
pired," the 25-year-old woman told Judge Marvin Land in Balti-
more County Circuit Court.
"STEWART MEANS a great deal to me," she said. "To lose
him would be very painful."
Her plea left Land unmoved, and he imposed a maximum 18-
year sentence Thursday on the 30-year-old defendant.
His crime? Paying a "hit man" $5,000 for a murder in April,
1974. The intended victim? Julia Goldstein, then his bride of
nine days.
THE MURDER NEVER occurred because Goldstein selected
an undercover detective as the contract killer so he could collect
on a life insurance policy.
"I am really that much in love with Stewart," Ms. Goldstein
"He's that important to me. If we can just get, this thing
over and behind us, I think we would have a chance to make this'
a normal and kind of happy marriage."
GOLDSTEIN WILL be eligible for parole in three years.,
"All my life I've always considered myself to be a tough
guy. I always used people, and I never cared how. much I hurt
them," Goldstein said. "Now I know I'm no longer that tough
guy. I no longer have the cocky attitude I once had. I'm afraid.
I'm scared. Being in prison has taught me a lasting lesson. I
realized Julia really counted."
Rep. hopefuls. talk
ed. funding, welfare

public schools. Carter said he
would not lend support to such
a change.
ter said the only purpose of
handgun registration would be
to prohibit ownership by those
proven incompetent to own a
gran. Ford said registration does-
n't work in jurisdictions where
it has been required, and that
the remedy for gun problems i;
near-certain sentences for per-
sons convicted of using a gun
in crime.
endorsed what he called the
progress of both the Warren
and Burger courts. Ford said
he was glad the court was modi-
fying the decade-old Miranda
decision which requires police to
warn arrested persons of their
rights to remain silent and have
the services of an attorney.
* CIVIL RIGHTS: Ford claim-
ed quiet progress in civil rights
bht Carter said he couldn't rec-
ognize the President's descrin-
tion of administration achieve-
The nuclear submarine Sea-
dragon made the first under-
water transit through the North-
west Passage_ during August

Pd. Pol. Adv.
> P M)CRAT for
VIOLENT CRIME must be given top priority
for effective prosecution.
Priorities are misplaced when, as now, 13% .of 'mis-
demeanors but only 50 of felonies go to trial. Prosecu-
tion is not effective when, as now, 2 fetony cases in 3
ore dismissed or plea-bargained, often only fair adminis-
trative convenience.
George Steeh has the experience and ability to give us
better performance. He will commit additional staff,
time and other resources needed to effectively prosecute
violent crime.
Graduate Research
Assistantships In
Civil Engineeringy
The Department of Civil Engineering at Princetor
University invites applications for graudate study
and research in the areas of Structures and
Mechanics, Transportation, and Water Resources
leading to M.S.E. and Ph.D. degrees. Annual re-
search stipends start at $4,240 plus tuition and are
offered to all admitted students requesting sup-
port. For details and applications write:
Professor Peter Lee
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Civil Engineering
Princeton University
Princeton, N.J. 08540

w 0ITtrr~

X X tE / / Iti i t..,U < t I t O 1 itCARTER ATTACKED nation-,
. 2 al unemployment and inflation
") ' problems as the fault of the ad-
ministration, while Ford said "I
'56 re ol naive don' thn merica can go on
a big spending spree with a
(Continued from Page 1) terizes this tendency as a wolelost ogfinewprograms that
Shortly after Stalin's death "psychological outlet." federal budget."
the Soviets replaced Hungar- Trying to leap the twenty-year
ian prime minister Matyas Ra- gap between the revolt and now, Some of the tonics they touch
kosi (whom Strumpel describes Strumpel and Racz often seem ed on which had not been dis-
as a"ba dicato") wth mreto have difficulty pinning down cussed in their previous debates
Nagy, who later led the revolt, their conclusions.included these:
Both Strumpel and Racz agree 0 PLAYBOY INTERVIEW:
"HE WAS TOO popular, too na- that the Hungarian economy isI Carter said in retrospect he
tionalistic. The RussIans want- significantly better than when wished he had not granted an
ed him to apologize for certain they left and that the political interview to the men's maga-,
reforms but he didn't want to. atmosphere is looser, since peo- zine in which he discussed lust
He was removed and replaced ple are less afraid to criticize of the heart and other sexual
with Ernoe Geroe . . . It was - though they caution that it topics in a context of his relig-
as bad as turning back". is still dangerous to speak out ious beliefs.
"Nobody had weapons, no- on vital issues. * ABORTION: Ford repeated.
body believed there could be his support for a constitutional
armed resistance - it was HOWEVER, NEITHER Strum- amendment which would give
spontaneous . . . a certain fer- - pel nor Racz can speculate states the right to limit abor-,
mentation. We didn't expect' whether or not Hungarian so- tions. Carter again said he per-
anything that devastating, but:? ciety would have improved with- sonally opnoses abortion but
11a 4, nl tn" l. . out the revolt. w ild rntfa r n rnc i i l

This Game Goes
ON and
ON and-
ti 1 a m. tonight
the- UNION


we idc teel there should be
some change by people express-
ing hemselves."t
Barnabas Racz, who was in
legal practice in Hungary dur-,1
ing the revolt, echoes Strum-1
pet's description of optimism.
among Hungarians.
"IT WAS A SHORT period of
time where the people were
united... a period of spon-
taneous brotherhood", he says.I
Racz, a political science pro-I
fessor at Eastern Michigan
University says conditions in
Hungary since October 19561
have fluctuated between great-
er freedom and "tightening of.
the belt."
"What characterizes Hungar-
ians now is political apathy,
cynicism and a turning toward,
cogsumerism. It's a rather sad '
picture" he adds.

E u 11 c w . ,
Racz adds that he feels
"change depends on the inter-
national situation and internal
Soviet conditions."
Both Strumpel and Racz de-
scribe their roles during the!
evolt as passive.
HER VOICE softening, Strum-!
pel described seeing the list of
demands posted by thedemon-",
strators and watching the pro-tetr iln rudteUi
testors milling around the Uni-
versity near her high school.
But later in excited tones she:
and Racz shared memories of:
where they were at particular
times during the eventful day.
Racz describedwatching pro-
testors scatter as the statue of
Stalin came tumbling down, and
Strumpel recalled watching chil-
dren "play United Nations"'
while living in a basement with
her family after their house had
been destroyed.
Both Strumpel and Racz left:
Hungary shortly after the revolt
ended November 4.

woui not favor a constvttonai
here too said he would favor
a constitutional amendment pro-
viding for voluntary prayer in

(Continued from Page 1)
Dietrich suggested welfaref
money be funneled back into
education, and fraud in the sys-:
tem eliminated.
Another highly - debated topic'
was unemployment, specifically
the "right-to-work" laws which'
eliminate union membership as
a prerequisite to employment.
laws with keeping workmen's
compensation wages and sick:
benefits down. "The right-to-
work laws are a fraud," he
"The American Independent
(Continued from Page 3)
time or another, and brother
it shows - the resulting mess
gives us about ten funny min-
utes of Woody Allen and 97 min-
utes of incoherent tedium:. And
ten minutes out of 3 total
hours' of schlock just ain't the
keenest way to spend a Friday
evening - even in Ann Arbor.
UAC Children's Theatre-Dis-
appearing Goobies, RC Aud.,
E.Q:, 4:30, 7:30.
Ark - David Amran, Ray
Maiitilla - 9:30, $3.
Judy Collins - UAC Major
Events, Hill Aud., 8 p.m.
What Every Woman Knows-
See Wed. events.
Bimbo's - The Gaslighters.
6, 50c after ,8.
Blind° Pig - Dave Workman.
9, $1.
Casa Nova - Tom Savada,
9, no cover.
Golden Falcon - Meloioso.
latin-jazz combo, 9:30, $1.
Mr. Flood's Party - Long-
horn, 9, $1.
Pretzel Bell - RFD Boys,
blnegrass, 10, $1-1.50.
Rubaiyat - Celebration, 9,
no cover.
Second Chance - Dennison
Stars, '8, $2-2.50.
Clown white, grease
paint, rouges,
colored hair spray,
and much more.

Party favors right - to - work
laws." Graham said. "(AFL-
CIO President' George) Meany
and others have used labor laws
to gain power."
Bullard stressed the need to
"look ahead instead of back-

R.C. / E.Q. PLAYERS Present
dire ted by ( IRIS I INI (lLD I I
directed by [ESi It I )I )
dire ted by the P1 AYWRIGH I
OCTOBER 21,22,23 8 PM
admtnisson $1 .0

WHAT DO YOU MEAN that's not a
-Bewitched, Bothered and Be-
wildered-by you.
t Trick or Treat 'em in
Put in your own Halloween message.
DEADLINE, noon October 29.

"We need people to organize RACZ SAYS THAT during
and make democracy work in; visits to his homeland he sees
unions and in government," he friends concentrating on ma-
added. terial questions and he charac-





GRADUATION Portraits taken.
Pictures end on Wednesday, Oct. 27th.
CALL 764-0561 for your appointment, or
go to the Student Publications Bldg.,
420 Maynard St. between 9 a.m.-1 p.m.


and 2 p.m.-6 p.m.
Remember-it's FREE and it's your only
chance to be included in this year's


In the time it takes to drive
ur friend home, you could save
hs life.

for killing young people are most
often other young people.
Take ten minutes. Or twenty.
Or an hour. Drive your friend
home. That's all. If you can't do

- - - - - - - - -
I BOX 2345
I want to save a friend's life.
Tl m ht lseIcnn dn

If your friend's been drinking
too much, he shouldn't be driving.


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