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LalICJestDedine Cin the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 39 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October'23, 1976
Ten Cents Eight Pages
Parents of a 19-year-old University student,
Leigh Anderson, are scouring New York City for
their missing daughter because no law enforce-
ment officials will look for her. According to a
story in yesterday's New York Times, Anderson
failed to return to Ann Arbor after a long Week-
end in New York as scheduled. Sunday night. Her
parents drove to New York from their home in
W. Bloomfield, Mich., after learning police would
not search foT her because she is over 18 - the
maximum age' for officially - classified "missing
persons." Nor will the FBI enter the case, since
there is as yet no evidence of foul play. Ander-
son's brother, who the student stayed with over
the weekend, said she held "the typical reac-
tion-she liked to visit New York but she wouldn't
want to live here." Anderson's local address is
on Hill St.
Happenings .. .
... begin at 11 a.m. with the kickoff of the
second annual Fall Flush Canoe and Kayak Race
Weekend at Delhi Metro Park on the Huron River
between Ann Arbor and Dexter. Registration for
the day's slalom races begins at 8 a.m. ... You
can catch Bo and the Team at 2:30 on local radio
stations ... Keith Jarrett holds an informal dis-
cussion session at 2:30 p.m. in the Union's Pen-
dleton Rm. ... and History Prof. Chun-shu Chang
speaks on "The 1976 Congress of Orientalistes in
Mexico" at 7:30 p.m. in the Internation Center.
How to sell a newspaper
We thought we were being relatively daring
when we printed the uncensored version of Earl
Butz' controversial joke, but the paper at the Uni-
versity of Alabama, the Crimson and White, has
completely outdone us. Thursday's editions car-
ried seven photographs of a nude woman under
the headline "Photo Essay by Reid Pruitt." Each
photo. was apparently of the same vman, her
face'never completely uncovered. Abo 't 20,000 cop-
ies of the paper were printed - and immediate-
ly became scarce collectors' item. The editor had
no comment. Neither do we.
The selling of the Senate
Politicos aspiring for a seat in the upper house
of Congress had better check their bank accounts
first - running for the U.S. Senate is getting
more expensive every time. A study by Common
Cause, the so-called "citizens' lobby," revealed
that Senate hopefuls are spending nearly $4 mil-
lion more than two years ago, and that Michi-
gan candidate Don Riegle of Flintis among the
top 15 spenders, with $518,477 in expenditures as
of Oct. 1. Leading the parade to Capitol Hill is
Rep. John Heinz, a Pennsylvania candidate who
has shelled out $1.8 million so far - all but
$300,000 of it from his own pocket. Sen William
Proxmire, running for re-election in Wisconsin,
has managed to get by paralleling his constant
calls for cost-cutting in the national budget. As
of the first of the month, Proxmire had laid out
only $1,681.
No fair
It may not grab as many headlines as the
stories from West Point earlipr this year, but a
Denver school district official said this week that
more than ten per cent of the city's graduating
hight school seniors qualified for diplomas last
spring by cheating on reading and arithmetic
exams. In a letter to school board members, Sterl-
ing Cooper said he also believed teachers and
counselors connived in the cheating and helped
change hundreds of wrong answers. He said the
students supplemented their studying for the pro-
ficiency tests - which must be passed by sen-
iors prior to graduation - by using stolen tests
and having test answers changed before submit-
ting them for grading. Cooper's superior denied
the charges, calling them unsubstantiated.
How now, Madame Mao?
First there were the posters, then the official
radio announcements. Now the Chinese have taken
to verse in blasting their purged leftist leaders,
printing full pages of little ditties in the People's
Daily newspaper praising the new tommunist Par-
ty Chairman and attacking the radicals grouped
around his predecessor's widow, Chiang Chang.
Part of one poem, "The Motherland is March-
ing Forward," can be loosely translated:
Down with,
Down with,
Down with the anti-party plotters,
Beat down the dirty rotters ...
Headed by Chairman Hua Kuo-Feng,
The Central Committee of the Communist Party,
Will be strong, hale and hearty.
On the inside . ..
The bottle-making industry wants you to "look
at the facts" before you decide how to vote on
Proposal A. It's hard to find those facts in their
advertising, however. Tom Stevens probes the bot-
tte ban question for .Editorial Page ... Arts offers
Varied issues debated
WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (AP) - President
Ford and Jimmy Carter warily argued issues
ranging from abortion and civil rights to the
economy and their own campaign tactics last
night, then concluded their nationally-televised
debates the ,way they began -- each claiming
that he is a leader and the other a pretender.
The first signal of voter reaction indicated
that Democrat Carter had been judged the vic-
tor in the rubber match of three presidential
campaign debates.
THE CANDIDATES' final summations in Wil-
liamsburg went to the point raised in opening
statements in their first debate in Philadelphia:
the qualifications of the Republican President
and of the Democrat challenger to lead the na-
tion for the next four years..
Ford said he had observed presidents, and
sometimes differed with them, during his 25 years
in Congress.,"For the last two years, I've been
the President, and I have found from experience
that it's much more difficult to make those
decisions that it is to second-guess them," he
The President said the nation is healed after
a troubled time of Watergate and war, and "the
American people are moving again, and moving
in the right direction."
But Carter said otherwise. He said Ford's
administration has not provided national leader-
"MR. FORD IS a good and decent man, but
he's been in office now for more than 800 days
I'd like to ask the American people what's
been accomplished," Carter said. He added that
he offers no magic answers to the, nation's prob-
lems, "but I believe together we can achieve
great things."
"I believe the American people are ready
for a change in Washington," Carter said. "We've
been drifting too long, we've been dormant too
long, we've been discouraged too long."
Through much of the 90-minute debate, both
Ford and Carter avoided direct attacks. There
was an air of studied politeness. Gone were the
sardonic tones Carter took in San Francisco, the
hard line with which Ford keynoted the opening
debate in Philadelnhia.
BUT THERE WERE infrequent slaps, each
at the bther. Carter, for example, listened to
Ford boast of administration economic policies
and said "with all due respect to President Ford,
I think he o'ight to be ashamed of making that
statement" with 72 million people out of work.
See CARTER, Page 5
AP Photo
At the close of round three, President and Mrs. Ford g-eet the audience in Williamsburg. They
were joined onstage by their daughter Susan and Liddy Dole, wife of the Republican vice-presi-
dential candidate, Senator Robert Dole.
ISH studies votingtrends
By BARBARA ZAHS ler, director of the Institute for same group of people.
Why in the world would any- Social Research's (ISR) Center THE 1976 ELECTION study
one vote for Jimmy Carter? for Political Studies, is to "ana- is similar to one that the ISR
What could possibly prompt a ly7e and understand voting be- conducts every election year.
person to pull the lever for havior." He said researchers The results of the studies are
Gerald Ford? are primarily interested in ex- analyzed and compared to de-
University researchers hope amining long-term voting pat- termine possible long-term vot-
o have the answers to these terns rather than predicting ing trends.
and other questions when election outcomes. Although issue voting was a
they've finished their 1976 elec- Field workers are still con- dominant factor in the 1972 elec-
tion study. ducting pre-election interviews, tion, Miller predicts that can-
THE PURPOSE OF the sur- a process which began Septem- didates' stands on the issues
vey, according to Warren Mil- ber 17. Participants are quizzed will have far less impact this
on a wide range of topics - in- year. Instead, he said, party
chiding racial and, economic at- loyalty will play a gredter role
tittides, trust in government, in influencing voting decisions.
narty identification and issues. Following a spurt of indepen-
Once the information is collect- dent voting in 1973 and 1974,
s e a ed researchers will review the Miller said, party identification
data in an effort to see how seems to have returned to its
ed with six Phoenix missiles. these factors affect voting de- oriainal level.
The missiles can be fired at cisions. "We would expect it to be a
argets as much as 100 miles Approximately 2,000 people, reasnably stable attribute," he
away. randomly selected across the The data obtained from this
It will cost the Navy more nation, will be interviewed. A vear's study should be ready
han $20 million to replace the post-election questionnaire will
P14 Thp Phneni miscile st also be administered to the (See VOTING, ,Page 2.
Navy missule
lost at
vanced Phoenix missile is still
missing in the Atlantic Ocean,
the Navy disclosed yesterday,
a day after the missile was re-
ported found.
The secret missile was attach-
ed to an F14 fighter that fell
overboard from the carrier John
F. Kennedy on Sept. 14.
FOLLOWING AN extensive.
search the fighter was found in
1,900 feet of water on Thursday
and at that time the Navy said
the missile was still attached
to it.
But an embarrassed Navy
had to backtrack yesterday
morning, announcing that the
Phoenix "is not attached to the
aircraft as originally believed."
The Navy said a research
submarine is continuing to
search for the missile about 75
miles northwest of Scapa Flow,
Scotland. Other U,. S. ships were
preparing to-raise the F14 from
the ocean floor. The plane,
loaded with sophisticated elec-
tronic equipment, was reported
lying on its back.
two civilian salvage ships leas-
ed by the Navy have left Scot-
land to assist in the search for
the missile. One of them car-
ries an unmanned minisubma-
me equipped with television
Attention was focused on the
loss of the F14 and its Phoenix
missile because Soviet ships
were in the area at the time and
some U. S. officials were con-
cerned they might try to re-
cover the plane, one of this
country's most advanced.
The Soviets could obtain tech-
nological information of great
military value if they could get
their hands on the plane, its
nissile and the complex. equip-
ment which the plane contains.
made an attempt to recover the
aircraft, the Defense Depart-
ment said.
The primary mission of the
F14 is to defend the U. S. fleet
against attacks by enemy
bombers and missiles, and un-
der combat conditions it is arm-
F 1'. e1x1s rfU11 1S1c C
about $515,000.
The missile carries a conven-
tional explosive warhead, not
a nuclear one.
aep.hoeusm t in debate
By JENNIFER MILLER cal science," was met, w
Educational funding and wel- scattered hisses among his at
fare were the two major topics ence.
of discussion at a debate be- Graham blamed the financ
twveen the four candidates for, crisis of colleges in Michigan
the 53rd District State Repre- a budget that gives "311
sentative yesterday morning. cent to social services and
Democratic incumbent Perry per cent to education,"
lBullard, Republican John Diet- said American people were
rich, Libertarian Gerald Wolke ting paid not to work.
and American Independent Ron- This statement led to a str
ald Graham discussed these criticism of the welfare s
and other issues before a Uni-
versity political science class. WOLKE CALLED THE
"WE OBVIOUSLY need to in- tem "robbery" and "immor
'WE BVIUSL nee toin- but said the government is a
crease expenditures on educa-
a tion," Bullard told the student to get away with it. He is
audience. favor of eliminating taxes,
Bullard He urged them to vote- against making contributions to welf
Proposal C, which "will cut voluntary.
funds for education", and to Graham called poverty
look closely at the Republican "lucrative business", and s
M owAT C support of C, which "will crip- Inhe;ure fpin twithte r
.s 11 VV all ple' the University." I epn ihtegn
Dietrich countered: "the lack of disagreement among
) Democrats have been in con- other three candidates on
i n aivtrol of the budget", and blamed issues, Bullard sharply criti
them for allocating more money ed their/ views.
to other areas than to educa- "WE HAVE TO IGNORE
aries are getting old and are tion. backward views of minor p
not in the mood." L I E R T A R I A N ties," he said, "instead. of1
What began as an apparently Wolke's statement that "multi- Salvation Army - charity;
peaceful demonstration by stu- million dollar universities are proach which didn't work
dents and workers on the after- not necessary to teach liberal fore, and won't work now."
noon of October 23, 1956 ended arts, such as history and politi- See REP., Page 5
'56 uprishj
Today marks the 20th anni-
versary of the abortive 1956 re-
volt against Soviet domination
in Hungary. And it is only to
be expected that reminiscences
of the uprising and speculations
about the future of that small
East European nation should re-
Marianna Strumpel, a Hun-
garian high school student dur-
ing the period describes the
atmosphere then as one of "in-
credible optimism" but adds:
"Now it is hard to understand
how people could be so naive
as to assume the Hungarians
could resist the Soviets."
AP Photo
Deep throat
When zoo keeper Karl-Heinz Rosseck fed his five-day-old
charge, he got an unexpected form of gratitude. He has been
bottle feeding the giraffe after her mother abandoned her.
Both can be found at the Munich Zoo, West Germany.
in a violent battle and the event-
ual defeat of the rebels after
a brief interim of peace and
temporary change in leader-
STRUMPEL SAYS the rebels'
demands were for "more free-
dom and ,ustice,' but seems
unable to remember specifics;
and describes HungIrian socie-
tv at the time as being filled
wit? fear. "EverVthing had
ears," sh saVs.
Tronically Stremoel feels.
Court nominees eye past rulings
Last of three parts
Politicians can usually decide whether or not they're going
to talk about the issues - but most of the men running for
seats on the state Supreme Court are forced by the nature of
the offices they hold to avoid issues altogether.
By law, once a judge has taken a public stand on some