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October 19, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-19

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94ce M'rlyi an a'll
Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Tuesday, October 19, 1976

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Detroit New sInstor
a journalistic disgrace

the turn this fall's U. S. Senate race
has taken. Marvin Esch's chief me-
dia supporter - the Detroit News -
last weekend jolted political observ-
ers across the state with a story
reporting an alleged . extra-marital
affair between Democrat Donald
Riegle and an unpaid member of his
staff in 1969. Written in an unmis-
takeably gleeful, and biased tone, the
copyrighted story represents all the
worst in journalism.
Riegle has charged for several
weeks that the News has taken
Esch's side in its reporting of the
race, saying that its editorial favor-
itism of Esch makes its bias clear.
This is standard talk. We never gave
it a second thought until now.
Where is The News' conscience
aside from in its circulation figures?
Here are a selection of items it saw
fit to print as indicative of Riegle's
ability to serve as a U. S. Senator:
* Throughout tape recordings of
telephone calls between Riegle and
the staff member, the two used the
code words "Dorothy't for the wo-
man and "Prince" for Riegle.
* The two spoke over the tele-
phone of Riegle's telling Meredith
Ann White, another aide and his
present wife, of "our last time to-'
gether" and "what an exquisite ses-
sion we had."
* Riegle promised to marry "Doro-
thy". and predicted that he would
become President, saying, "I doubt if
we'll make it by '76. I think '80 will
be our' year."
* During one conversation, Tfhe
News says, "Riegle said he had to
break away 'to go to a lousy subcom-
mittee hearing now.' It is in the sub-
committees that Congress does its
basic legislative work."
After a visit to the space center
in Houston, Riegle told "Dorothy" he
found the astronauts "only 'semi-
interesting' because they 'weren't too
* Riegle wrote a letter to "Doro-
thy" telling her that he felt extreme-
ly confident about himself and that
'If I'm ever President and a mo-
ment of supreme national crisis ar-
rives - I hope to be as deadly prag-
matic and aware as I am this sec-
ond. I'm equal to any problem at the
moment .. ."'
, He writes to "Dorothy" about
how hard it is for him to imagine her
with another man.
With all of this damning informa-
tion, the Detroit News has implied
that a man is not capable of being a
Senator who has had a difficult mar-
riage and has chosen to have a pri-.
vate affair with another woman;
who occasionally gets tired of his
job; who is not awestruck by astro-
nauts; and who would like to be
To be sure, Riegle looks a little
foolish, a little impetuous, and cer-
tainly endowed with a generous ego.

S ex
FOR SOME, the discovery of sex
comes during frantic groupings
in the cramped back seat of a car.
Others become aware while absorbing
graphic scenes from a novel or film.
But I obtained sexual awakening
through advertising.
It happened innocently enough one
day while I browsing through a book-
store and came across the book Sub-
liminal Seduction by Wilson Bryan Key.
A seductive title, with an even more
enticing question: "Are you being sexu-
ally aroused by this picture?" The pic-
ture was a photo of a whiskey glass
with ice cubes and a lemon twist. I
am of an innocent nature and easily
seduced; I bought the book.
Several days passed before I read
the book and realized my life of rela-
tive simplicity and peace would soon
be over.
I turned to the pictures first. Among
them were a few bared breasts, silky
backs, broken cigarettes, and soft and
hard drink commercials with lots of
ice. There were numbers for each ptoto
so I leafed through the book to find
the related paragraphs. When I found
that there were vaginas and penises
slyly hidden in sunglasses and ice, I
became hooked. Soon I dispovered the
joy of bestiality in Sprite, the symbolic
supernatural fears of Calvers Whiskey,
and the virility of the Camel cigarette
You see, the one humped camel is
the symbol of a pregnant woman, and
the cigarette and for that matter all
cigarettes are phallic symbols. I rev-
eled in the newly discovered knowl-
edge of how a woman can gain self
fulfillment through Virginia Slims.
Heh, heh.







shall McLuhan's introduction. The sec-
tion about the empirical evidence on
the phenominal success of the tachisto-
scope, a machine for flashing on a
screen, invisible messages seen only
by the subconscious, didn't faze me.
I hurriedly paged past the part that
"A check of U.S. and Canadian stat-
utes failed to turn up any legal pro-
hibition against the use of sub-
liminal or subaudio techniques in
the public communications."
Finally I found the section I want-
ed. The words and their meanings.
Here are a few:
come = cum
whose = whores
shot shot
taste = testes
luck = suck or fuck
Kent or cult = cunt
Hmmm. What does coke really,
when it says, ''It's the real thing.
Is Ronald McDonald a bi - sexual
when he says, "We do it all for you?"
Is there more offered by the young
lady of McDonald's than breakfast
when she says "Come on in"? Who is
flicking whose bic? And ladies, dbes
the cigarette you're smoking have "the
taste that's right for you?"
ARMED WITH this information, I
won't have to worry about being
rejected in my quest of lust. And no
more threats of V.D. I could become
the truly existential man.
I decided to try new knowledge out.
I turned on my faithful black and
white in time to see a Max Pax com-
mercial. The painting couple wanted
some coffee and the girl was explain-
.ing how Max Pax filters, (condom)
filter the bits of coffee bean (sperm)
to keep it from tasting (hmmm) bit-
ter (pregnant). To top it off, while the

woman was explaining her preventive
measures, -there was a close up shot
of the filter. In the background, out
of focus were the girls lips exactly
in line with the center of the filter.
Using my limited imagination, the Max
Pax resembled the head of a penis,
single eye and all. That's the best
contraceptive yet ... so I've been told.
Just check the name out: Max Pax
maximum penis or larger condom to
facilitate the largest whatever.
I rolled on the floor in orgasmic
ecstacy for the better part of an hour.
My strength returned just in time for
me to see and hear, "When I want
to call my chick all I do is flick my
bic (dick). I started to lose it but
maintained until that damned parrot
started screecking, "She's flicking her
bic (clit). She's flicking her bic." That's
all it took, I was gone.
When I stopped trembling, my face
felt flushed, sweat dripped to the floor.
The 11 o'clock news had just started.
Unfortunately they broke for a com-
An athletic, easy on the eye young
lass, drenched in healthy sweat, pant-
ing heavily, gave a long sigh, smacked
her lips and said, "I've never been
quenched like that before."
The human senses can only take so
much stimulation before it overloads
and tauses a black out. Consequently,
I passed out.
I woke up the next morning clinging
from my drapes after a ni'ght of fright-
ening fantasies. Scoops of ice cream
had transformed into mammoth breasts
that tried to smother me. They melted
into pools of milk. I struggled to keep
from drowning by clinging to a cigar-
ette that became a gigantic phallus.
The current took me towards a pair
of sunglasses partially submerged in
the milk. As luck would have it the

sunglasses turned into a huge vagina
and I drifted straight for it. I screamed
and lunged for a handful of pubic hair,
frantically pulling myself for the fluid.
That's when I woke up, hanging
two inches off the floor holding onto
my curtains. Ripped the hell out of
them too.
I knew I was over my head so I
was -careful not to turn the TV on
while dressing for school. My trusty
Pinto was in good form, the morning
pleasant, and the memories of the past
night quickly dimmed. I turned on the
"MAKE IT MILK, it's a natural.
Make it milk, it's a natural." The
windows began to steam. up.
"Ahh do it, do it, do it, it's a nat-
ural." My speed exceeded the 55-m.p.h.
"Make it milk."
I quickly analyzed it: make it, it's
a natural, ahh do it, do it, milk is
suspiciously white, the bottle is phal-
lically shaped.
I arriVed late for school that day.
To some I may appear apathetic
and perhaps a bit lethargic. I ask you,
how would you function if every time
you turned around you went through
an orgasmic frenzy? Every time some-
one lights up a cigarette, I have to
come with my own latent homesexu-
ality, I can't read magazines because
of commercials. Each pair of sunglass-
es become symbolic vaginas. No TV
or radio. No driving or walking out-
side because of billboards. No noth-
I have related my experiences to
you as an example of what could hap-
pen to you if you let the advertisers
get away with it. The only thing that
could save you from my fate is that
you have the constitution of a rabbit.
In any case, good luck.



Like the rest of us, Riegle is guilty
of the .sin of being human. Yet the
Detroit News has strewn his human-
ity across its pages in the most em-
barassing way, in a way that makes
him seem despicable and politically
At most, the News caught Riegle
at his most honest and vulnerable,
and the picture is merely one of a
man who possesses both passion and
ambition: Since when are these the
makings of political scandal?
A good Senator is one who works
hard to represent the people of his
state, who takes stands on the is-
sues, who is honest in his financial
and political affairs, and who works
hard to pass effective legislation. The
Detroit News has forgotten these
things. Its reporting of Riegle's pri-
vate life of seven years ago reads
like someone else's mail, and incred-
ibly irrelevant mail at that.
By publishing such trash, the News
swings the focus of the campaign to
the petty and shallow. Substance has
disappeared from the Senate cam-
paign. Issues are cast aside for gos-
We don't know for sure whether
the Detroit News is actually out to
smear Donald Riegle. Poor journal-
ism, one supposes, is to be desired
over malicious journalism. Either
way, the News has polluted this
state's U. S. Senate campaign, and
made a healthy contribution to all
that gives newspapers and politics
a bad name.
Sports Staff
Bill Stieg .................. ... ... Sports Editor
Rich Lerner.... ........ Executive Sports Editor
Andy Glazer ............ Managing sports Editor
Rick Bonino..... ,....... Associate Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Tom Cameron, Enid Goldman,
Kathy Henneghan, Scott Lewis, Rick Maddock,
Bob Miller, John Niemeyer, Mark Whitney.
STrAFF WRITERS: Leslie Brown, Paul Campbell,
Marybeth Dillon, Ernie Dunbar, Henry Engel-
hardt, Jeff Frank, Cindy Gatziolis, Don Mac-
Lachlan, Rich Ovshinsky, Jim Powers, Pat Rode.
John Schwartz.

To The Daily:
THE DAILY'S analysis of the
Riegle - Esch campaign was
interesting and well done. The
campaign has, indeed, focused
on the personality of Mr. Riegle
and not on the issues. But is
that not largely Mr. Riegle's
own doing? All of the Riegle
campaign literature is built
around the theme that Riegle
would be an effective advocate
for constructive. change - the
"fighter" Michigan needs to
mgake her views known in the
Senate and to move the Senate
to adopt them. -The nature of
thisd"constructivehchange" is
left nebulous in the literature,
which immediately and effusive-
ly focuses on fiiegle's personal-
ity - on what Time and others
have saidwabout how fine a
young man he is.
If Mr. Esch wished really to
be bitter, enough nagging ques-
tions about Mr. Riegle's integ-
rity surround Riegle's divorce
(financial dishonesty among
them) that Esch could really
get nasty. Instead, he has fair-
ly met the substance of Riegle's
campaign literature, showing
that Mr. Riegle has not been a
forceful, effective leader in the
House despite having been
there many years now. As Gov-,
ernor Romney pointed out this
weekend, Mr. Riegle is not ef-
fective because of his personal-
ity: his colleagues in the House
- both Democrat and Republi-
can - do not respect him. They

find him politically as well ast
personally unstable.1
If I accept the major premise
of Mr. Riegle's campaign-that
I should choose the best man,
whatever his stand on the is-
sues, to represent me in the
Senate - then I must vote for+
Mr. Esch. Though not terribly 1
charismatic, he is well-respect-
ed by his House colleagues for
personal stability and integrity.
Like President Ford, he's a like-
able man - if a bit of a plod-
der. And like Congressman
Ford, he can get his colleagues
to follow his lead even as a Re-
publican in a heavily Democra-
tic Congress.
I do largely accept that pre-
mise. I Want a wise man for
my Senator, but I also want a
good man: a man I can like and
respect as I have liked and re-
spected Phil Hart. Though I am
not always happy with the posi-
tions Mr. Esch takes, I can
live with them.
He has my vote November 2.
Greg Hill
October 7
carter amnesty
To The Daily:
between Jimmy Carter's sup-
port for a pardon of Vietnam
War resisters and Gerry Ford's
opposition to a pardon for any-
one but Richard Nixon compels
me to state my concern on this
major national issue.
As a veteran of two hundred
fifty reconnaissance flights in


the Vietnam War, I feel strong-
ly that fairness requires a full
amnesty policy for the war re-
Two years after the final
withdrawal of United States per-
sonnel from Vietnam, the scars
of that ten-year long misadven-
ture linger on in the hearts and
minds of millions of Americans.
For thousands of Americans
who resisted the draft or who
left the military because they
could no longer stomach the op-
erations being conducted, or
who received less than honor-
able discharges from the mili-
tary, the psychic wounds of that
war have not yet begun to heal.
These victims of the war
should be brought into full par-
ticipation in the life of our so-
ciety. Many acted from con-
science, but many were also
simply caught in the grinding
wheels of this brutal and un-.
necessary war.
Only the President of the
United States can take the lead-
ership in declaring a full am-
nesty for these American vic-
tims of our Vietnam War policy.
President Ford has failed to
heal these serious wounds in
our society. His limited and
conditional clemency proposal
was so worthless that only 10
per cent of the resisters were
willing to sign up for it.
To bring our society together
and heal the wounds of the Viet-
nam War. the President must
issue a full and unconditional
amnesty for all of the Ameri-
cans who resisted the war or
who could not accommodate
themselves to the military ma-
chinations of the war. If this
President won't issue a full am-
nesty, we need a President who
Perry Bullard
State Representative
53rd District
October 4
n.y. senate
To The Daily:
AS A CITIZEN of the State of
New York, and a member of
the Republican Party, I found
Keith Richburg's October 15th
editorial on the Senatorial race
in New York insulting and irre-
sponsible. The purpose of an
editorial is to present opinions
of the management of a news-
paner. It is not the place of an
editorial writer to engage in
slanderous name calling and
ridicule, as the author did
Apronos of his philosonhy,
Mr. Richburg finds it Annro-
prite to point out that the ideals
of conservatism put into ereater
practice would lead our country
to levels of disaster nnaralled
in history. It would do the au-
thnr well to abandon his stereo-
tirned views towards a nailnGn-


Daily Editorial staff, and opin-
ion, such as the article by
Keith Richburg. Staff editorials
appear under The Daily's logo
at the left side of the page. The
right side of the page is meant
to be a public forum, and as
such, doesn't necessarily repre-
sent the opinion of anyone oth-
er than the author.
As to the charge that "it is
not the place of an editorial
writer to engage in slanderous
name calling and ridicule," we
feel that, within reason, it is
the decision of the author as to
the tone and direction of his
or her opinion, as that person
will ultimately be held account-
able to any criticism.
Rob Meachum
Edtiorial Director.
To The Daily:
I GREATLY enjoyed Keith
Richburg's article concerning
the New York Senate race pub-
lished October 15, However, I
have a few observations and
inquiries concernings some of
the statements:
1) Senator Buckley's lead'
"due to the inherent advantage
of incumbency" appears to be
somewhat less than that of
Ford over Carter: a major poll
conducted nearly a month ago
indicated 52 per cent for Moyn-
ihan and 39 per cent for Buck-
2) Mr. Reagan is hardly a
"McGovernite" compared to
Senator Buckley. Their positions
on major issues are quite simi-
lar, though Mr. Reagan is not
so passionate concerning abor-
3) Apparently Senator Buck-
ley is not completely at fault
for his views because he
"comes from a family of con-
servatives who are all dement-
ed." Could it be that this type
of disturbance is hereditary in
origin and could be corrected
by eugenic manipulation? Per-
haps President Carter will
create an appropriate federal
agency for this vital task.
4) The political party situa-
tion in New York is not really
analogous to that in most other
states. In 1970, Mr. Buckley
ran on the Conservative slate,
Mr. Goodell was nominated by
the Republicans. Mr. Ottineer
renresented the Demortic
party, and Mr. Costello was the
chaice of the Liberal party. The
Conservative party was not ab-
sorbed by the Renublican organ-
i7ation (or vice versa) - it
contineCto exist as a senerate
entity. Thi year. gnator Rik-
I'v ha5 ben nomminntd by
both Rpn1,hlican and Conserva-
ti-P narties, while Mr. Mnvni-
b'n is'cTnn'rtpd by 't1 ih-ra
and DTn-onrratic nn-ties. Four
other cnndidatps will also ap-
near on the hallot.

sertion is valid is "normal" is
descriptive of Daily staff writ-
6) Senator Buckley, "sick in
his conservatism," recently de-
scribed the underlying princi-
ples of conservatism as:
the primacy of liberty in the
political life of America; con-
fidence in privite initiatives;
hostility to any concentration of
power; distrust of government
planning and regulatior; a com
mitment to the traditional fisca
virtures; a belief in our systen
of free enterprise; a subordina
tion of government to the indi
vidual, and a rejection of gov
ernment as an instrument of so
cial manipulation.
To many people, this is not
necessarily "nonsense" what-
ever Mr. Goodell says. Indeed,
quoting Charles Goodell will
hardly reflect kindly on Sena-
tor Buckley as his major
achievement is being an in.
cumbent senator who lost his
seat to a third-party challenger.
7) The quote from Mark-
mann's books directly compar-
ing "conversatism or reaction-
ism" to "Nazism or Fascism"
fits in well with the article and
The Daily's editorial policies in
general. Perhaps you could in-
vite him to contribute on a reg-
iiUar basis?
8) What is the meaning of the
nnrenthetical phrase, "As a
freshman Senator, he wasn't
lareelv a real effect?" Senator
Bucklev has been one of the
most articulate and influential
se--tors elected in 1970.
One might speclate that The
Dnily could chalk up more
points for displaying a "dis-
torted sense of reality" in a sin-
gle editorial than Mr. Buckley
could garner in another full
term in the Senate. Or does that
transcend the unthinkable?
Douglas S. Cross
October 16, 1976
To The Daily:
students rallied in Lansing to
protest high tuition costs. Com-
menting on the poor showing
of University students, MSA
president Calvin Luker said,
"That's because mommy and
daddy are paying for their edu-
cation." (Quote in the article
anpearing in the 10/14/76 issue
of the Daily.)
Well let me tell you some-
thing. I too would like to see
tuition lowered. But, currently
being a resident of New Jersey
as determined by the regula-
tions set forth by the Board of
Regents, your state legislature
is in no way providing for me.
I can understand your plight,
but the average out-of-state
student is paying $1,500 to
$2,000 more than you are, Mr.
Luker, so we're wondering

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