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October 16, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-16

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Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Saturday, October 16, 1976 News phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Via be electins e dpend on
funding for ind ependents



S. African malarkey

AFTER WHAT THE Federal Elec-
tion -Commission (FEC) did to Eu-
gene McCarthy day before yesterday,
we are inclined to think of that 3-
Democrat, 3-Republican group as the
Three Stooges times two. That's a ra-
ther caustic political metaphor, but
it sums the situation up perfectly.
If the Commission had acted re-
sponsibly, unbent by the members'
diametrical political obligations, Mc-
Carthy might have come out with
$3.2 million in federal money with
which to conduct his third party in-
dependent campaign. It should have
been so.
Instead, here's what happened:
Hoping to split up the Democratic
ticket by making McCarthy a some-
what weightier contender, the Repub-
licans voted to give that candidate the
money. The Democrats, on the other
hand, not wanting any hassle from
an odd-ball barnstormer, voted "no"
to funding him. Thus, a tie and no
money for McCarthy.
If this country were operating as a
valid democracy, at least as repre-
sented by the FEC, McCarthy would
have gotten funds so that he could
disseminate his political views.
THE FEC obviously needs to be re-
organized on an impartial basis.
When such casesnas McCarthy's come
up, the gaping holes in the Commis-
sion's structure are glaring, and de-
trimental to the proper operation of
a presidential campaign in this coun-
try. The FEC could go on indefinitely
voting down funds for independent
party candidates whether they are
valid and serious or not. This is not
good because it limits creative poli-
tical input and sets our system way
off balance. If by virtue of their
Sports Staff
'Bill Stleg ... ........... ........... sports Editor
Rich LernerE.... Executive Sports Editor
Andy Glazer...........Managing Sports Editor
Rick Bonino...........Associate Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Tom Cameron, Enid Goldman,
Kathy Henneghan, Scott Lewis, Rick Maddock,
Bob Miller, John Niemeyer, Mark whitney.
STAFF WRITERS: Leslie Brown, Paul Campbell,
Marybeth Dillon, Ernie Dunbar, Henry Engel-
hardt, Jeff Frank, Cindy Gatziolis, Don Mae-
Lachlan, Rich Ovshinsky, Jim Powers. Pat Rode,
John Schwartz,.

strict conventionalism we are provid-
ed with only two similar dishrag-type
candidates, all campaign diversity is
lost and we are reduced to watching
a couple of faceless characters bland-
ly banter back and forth.
Independent candidates usually
keep the major candidates on their
toes, if they don't get too far: out
trying to get attention, and usually

ANNOUNCER: "Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt this regu-
larly scheduled broadcast of "As the Domino Falls" to bring
you an emergency announcement. Due to the increasing violence
on our university campuses, and looting in the streets, right-wing
forces of the military have temporarily asumed control of the
government. A state of insurrection has been declared by the
junta, and until further revisions 'in policy, martial law will be in
effect. Here in our studios to explain in detail the new govern-
mental edicts is the leader of the Military for Democracy Party
that sponsored this coup, Rear Admiral Yan-Kee."
Yan-kee: "Good evening. First let me apologize to you for inter-
rupting the regularly scheduled program. I can assure you, how-
ever, that the program will be shown in its entirety when we al-
low television stations to resume broadcasting, within 2 years or so.
I feel it is my obligation to explain to you, the people, just
exactly why we assumed temporary control of the government.
The military leaders have declared that it is in the best inter-
ests of your personal liberty and freedom that we place certain
controls on them for the time being. Violent demonstrations by left-
wing student groups have gotten out of hand. The reaction to these
outbursts from the business interests of the capital city has caused
much bloodshed and widespread terror. Strong measures have
to be taken to deal with this revolt. So in order to resume the
tranquility that the citizens of this coutnry are entitled to, we
are now in the process of rounding up and executing all dissidents.
UNTIL CALM has been restored to the city, a 10:00 curfew will
be in effects. Anyone seen outside after this time will be shot. To
discourage the breeding of any large scale dissent that would
subvert the democratic principles that this regime is attempting
to establish, assemblage of more than five persons in a group is
strictly prohibited. This is not to say that the people do not have
the right to voice their grievances. The freedom of speech is an
essential right and is a cornerstone of our policy. Anyone' voic-
ing his discontent is free to do so at a special hearing before the
newly created Democratic Inquisition Tribunal. If the tribunal con-
siders the gripe valid, the dissenter will have the right to choose
his own form of execution.
I feel it necessary at this point to emphasize that this military
takeover is only temporary, and that popular rule will be resumed
as soon as we feel that all factions that would tend to under-
mine the principles of freedom inherent in a democracy are crush-
ed. But first the people must be educated in the correct ideology
of democracy. Until such time as this new educational processes
can be implemented, all schools will be indefinitely closed.
AS I AM SURE you are aware, in order to fully repel the Left-
wing influences that threaten your liberties, it will be necessary to
exert'minor controls on the mass media. They will be free to pre-
sent both sides of the present crisis as we relay to them all per-
tinent information through our news agency. This of course does
not apply to the members of the international press, who may print
what they wish, and the should not view the slight inconvenience
of government representatives monitoring their transmissions to
their editors as having any bearing on what they intend to report.
In closing, let me read to you a communique sent to me from
Secretary of State of our illustrious Western ally:
(reading) 'Shall continue support for the fine job you are doing
in restoring the country to popular rule. If you at any point in the
near future waver in your efficacy of the lofty ideals you have
based your government on, then recall with a warmer feeling the
other oppressed nations of the world like Chile and Spain that
threw off their shackles of subversion and restored normalcy
to the government."
These are the inspiring words representative of a great nation
$y our actions of this day, we have started on the road to the
same sort of greatness. For the first time in decades, you may
sleep well tonight, my people. The country is safe, fear no more."
Michael Beckman is an Editorial staff writer for the Daily.


SOUTH AFRICA is conducting an advertising
campaign to improve its faltering inter-
national image; just this week a large half-
page ad ran in The New York Times. It pro-
claimed the independence and freedom of the
Republic of Transkei. The caption read: "Now
we know how you felt 200 years ago."
Now if you're wondering just where the Re-
public of Transkei, then you are wasting your
time. Failure to recognize the country does not
mean that you didn't read your geography book
in fourth grade.
FOR YOU SEE, Transkei is a non-existent coun-
try. It is a political division of the Republic
of South Africa and it has been designated as
a homeland area. What is a homeland area?
A homeland area purportedly is a place where
Black South Africans can be independent and
free. A homeland area in fact is a blatant myth
propagated by those in the South African govern-
ment who would have us believe that they
really aren't such ugly racists after all.
The ad itself is really not so bad for a public
relations. It is clever propaganda.
UNDERNEATH THE caption is a large photo-
graph of a stamp proclaiming the independence
of Transkei. It is superimposed on a background
of American stamps commemorating our Re-
volution. Some of the words on the Transkei
stamp are blackened-out. I wonder what the
blackened-out words say. The Ann Arbor post
office asures me that the stamp is not Amer-
Listen to the ad:
"Independent and free. But there's a very
good chance that our indepence will barely make
the history books. After all, not a shot was
fired. That's because we've worked alongside
South Africa in peaceful preparation for this day
since 1951. And it never made the headlines."
"IN FACT, DURING those years we also de-
veloped our very own democratic parliamentary
system. Which held its first multi-party elec-
tion in 1963. We also planed our own judicial

system, civil service, army, police force, econ-
omy and free society. But then, we've always
been a free society with its own language, cul-
ture and piece of Africa. Since the 17th century."'
"We didn't arive, we've always been h e r e.
Writing our own tranquil history, without battle
scenes. For further information on Transkei, and
its attractive investment incentives, write Tran-
skei Development Corporation, P.O. Box 103, Um-
tata, Republic of Transkei."
NEXT TO THE print there is a map of the
African continent. It has no political markings
whatsoever aside from a dot marking Umtata,
the political capital of Transkei. In the adjacent
Indian Ocean, a whale is happily blowing water
out of its spout. The words underneath the mal
proclaim: 'Republic of Transkei - Africa's quiet
Well, I am more optimistic than the ad. I am
very confident that Transkei will one day find its
rightful place in the history booksl But it won't
be recorded as a sovereign state. It will enter
the books as a policy move that attempted in
vain to content the South African majority with
their second-class status.
IT IS UNLIKELY that many will be taken in
by such a villainous advertisement. It is on page
twelve of The New York Times, edition of Oc-
tober 12.
On page one and on page seven are some coun-
ter-advertisements. They are also called news-
paper articles. The article title on page one says:
"South Africa Weighs Prosecution of Whites in
Mixed Rugby Game." It is about eight white rug-
by players that played rugby on the same field
as twenty-two non-white rugby players.
The headline on page seven is "Two Black Ac-
tors Seized in South Africa 'Homeland.'" The
article is by the Associated Press. The dateline
reads Umtata, South Africa. It' is about two
black South Africans who were arrested after
performing in a play. The arrests were made by
security forces, from the 'Republic' of Transkei.
Steve Kursman is a ntem ber of the Editorial
Page staff.

Tra nskei


Eugene McCarthy

see that a larger part of the political
truth gets before the people..
Independents are a catalyst, and at
least one valid independent, Eugene
McCarthy, deserves some federal cash
to stir things up. Not only McCar-
thy, but the other independents that
get on the national ticket should get
funds. If the major party candidates
get scared a bit, maybe they'll get
down to brass tacks.
In America,- equal opportunity
should also apply to valid candidates
for the office of the President.
News: Tim Schick, Jeff Ristine, Bill
Turque, Mike Norton, Pauline
Toole, Lani Jordan
Editorial Page: Mike Beckman, Jon
Pansius, Stephen Kursman, Charlie
Kane, Tom Stevens, Lisa Zisook
Arts Page: Lois Josimovich
Photo Technician: Andy Freeberg

Butz legacy: Tight trade,
Loose wheat, Warm Aloha



Mac Bride
To The Daily:,
Bride's appearance in Ann Arbor was
both welcome and generaly accurate.
the last statement in the story, how-
ever, is incorrect. Mr. Mac Bride did
not say that the Robber Barons did
not attempt to. gain monopolies -
which, of course, they did. Rather,
Mr. Mac Bride pointed out that these
efforts were unsuccessful until the
government began to regulate the in-
'dustries in question.
This is rather important since it is
contrary to the prevailing economic
and historical folklore. In a free mar-
ket competition is possible and will
undermine monopolies and trusts;
and, in fact, this is exactly what hap-
pened. For historical evidence I re-
commend work by the historian Mr.
Mac Bride mentioned, Gabriel Kolko.
Dave Lovelace
October 8, 1976
To The Daily:
YOUR PAPER, in the past, has al-
ways reflected high quality report-
ing. Your fairness in approach, and
illumination of concealed news will
probably hurdle you into the halls
of fine college newspapers. H o w -
ever, recently you've caused o u r
above exhortations to become misre-
presented. Why, you've even overlook-
ed one of the major candidates in the
race for the Presidency of these Unit-
ed States of America!
Our Society had felt that you would
keep up on such matters. Tsk, tsk.
Well, here's some information y o u
might desire (that is, of course, if
you still maintain the policy of
hbing fair and renortina all the news).

contender for the office. However, we
decided that Mr. Papoon lacks that
energy, that power, that 'electricity'
that is to desirable in political can-
didates today.
Messrs. Proctor and Bergman pro-
posed the idea of running a truly
surreal candidate who could meet the
aforementioned expectations. He is
"The Electrician, or Someone Like
Him". The Electrician is the o n 1 y
candidate who can put some power
back into the White House. His basic
platform is founded on the formation
of a politically charged community
known as Washington A.C. Located
on the West Coast, it would contain
the same components as its Eastern
predecessor, including the official se-
cond residence of the President - the
Watt House. The formation of a sup-
plementary Capitol would serve to
transform the presently existing par-
ty polarity into a single 'party line',
extending from coast-to-coast. The
Gallup Poll indicates that little re-
sistance would be encountered with
such a move. The people are already
begining to realize the potential of a
high-capacitance project of this na-
The current administration's power
has been practically neutralized by
a battery of charges stemming from
its dubious concern over anything
other than the campaign circuits. The
time is ripe for the magnetism of the
Because of a low election fund, we
have not been able to get as much
coverage as the 'other two'. But our
members, extending nation-wide, are
working hard to extend this hope of
a "shining light and power for all".
Sure, foreign aid and SALT talks are
mighty important in times of crisis
as thes e. t it alls ees uele if

the Dail1y
So, speak up, Daily,. and let the whole housingc
truth be heard! list coul
The Society is appalled that your stances
glorious paper failed to recognize such has tried
a statesperson. Each should have the serious v
opportunity to extend his views, as
well as the next. We feel that you'll be THE G
hearing from us again. saw that
Ronald L. Wiens, Grand Surrealist es and v
E. Louis King, Director of Nihility tain dec
October 13, 1976 the econ
er ,have to c
any boss
rally By not g
To The Daily: by preps
ION, at its last membership meeting, it clear t
voted unanimous support for the GEO the GEO
and its effort to win a good contract union, th
for GSA's. sistance
We encourage all tenants and all that unio
students to support GEO in what- izations c
ever ways they can: by attending the interests
GEO rally on Monday, by circulating The Te
GEO informational leaflets, by re- tenants,1
specting any picket lines the GEO sets aid the
up and by organizing as much pres- ion bust
sure on the U administration as pos- halted by
sible. has mad
The GEO has presented reasonable blame mi
and really quite modest demands that adminstr
point in the direction of a better, more Attend t
democratic educational system.. Re- An
striction of class size is not only a
question of better working conditions
for GSA's but also bears directly on To The D
the kind of education students will re- I AM U
ceive. Affirmative action proposals kamikaze
and wage demands help insure that it greats
minorities and poorer GSA's will not vulnerabl
be denied a position on the basis of for newt
their background, their life style, or accident
their economic status. rant som
But the administration has "stone- and regul
walled" the GEO on all these de- possible
mands. This is consistent with their following
ontniitinn tn anr force that cha11na- . -

or keep dorm rates low. Tt
d go on, but these circun
are familiarto anyone wi
d to change the university

3EO was formed whe
in order to get dec
working conditions an
ent education in the
nomic squeeze, the!
organize. The univers
, has reacted with l
giving an inch in bar
wring contingency ac
t of a strike, they ha
hat they are trying to
. They know that w
here will be no organ
to their attacke. Thl
ns have been the onl,
capable of defending
in this system.
enants Union hopes
be they students or
GEO and stop the
Ing. If student educ
'a strike, a situation t
e every effort to av
ust be fixed squarely
ration. Side with th
he rally Monday at n
in Arbor Tenants Unio
jLTIMATELY fed up'
bicyclists who seem
sport to scatter the g
le pedestrian in thei
thrills. The probabilit
seems high enough
e attention. Enforcir
lations would be well
at this point, and w
suggestion may be
no t' c:.?.:A-


V 'ARL BUTZ may be remem-
bered today for his ethnic
jokes, his attacks on food stamp
recipients and the $150,000 dining
room he built at the Department"
of Agriculture during the height
of the world food crisis.
But he will go down in history
as the man who oversaw the
most dramatic change in U.S.
farm policy since the New Deal
and the biggest jump in food
prices-45 per cent in the last
four years-in recent memory.
Under Butz's stewardship the
" eliminated taxpayer-financ-
ed price-support programs that
had idled 38 million acres at a
cost of $4 billion annually,
0 pushed farm exports to
their present all-time high of
$22 billion, making farm ex-
ports the single largest item in
U.S. trade;
f drastically reduced the'
Food for Peace program: a
foreign-aid effort, set up in the
wake of World War II, to help
poorer nations and get rid of
U.S. surpluses; A
* took on an unprecedented
role in foreign policy by pushing
the use of the U.S.'s massive
food supply as a diplomatic
weapon in international power
When Butz went to Washing-
ton in 1971 from his post as
dean of agricultural sciences at
Purdue University, he took
charge of the nation's biggest
industry - and the one, outside
of defense and aerospace, most
heavily dependent on public
funds and government control
and direction. Butz, a firm be-
liever in modern agribusiness
and the free market, vowed to
reduce the role of the govern-
ment and revive the power of
the market in the food business.

elimination of U.S. grain re-
serves, another Butz scheme,
drove wheat prices - and the
price of bread and grain-fed
meat - skyward. In 1973 prices
rose 20 per cent. According to a
New York Times estimate, this
one deal cost consumers close
to $5 billion on their grocery
In addition, massive grain
sales concentrated greater pow-
er in the hands of the five iuge
grain exporters, two of whom
control half of U.S. grain ex-
ports. Later Butz identified the
growing share of the food dollar
going to middlemen -- proces-
sors, exporters, distributors and
commodity speculators - as the
main cause of higher food prices.
The Soviet grain deal coin-
cided with a worldwide reduc-
tion in food output and the on-,
set of famine particularly in
Africa, but Butz continued to
push sales and reduce foreign
aid - "giving the stuff away,"
as he called it.
This led to a bitter attack on
the U.S. at the 1974 Rome Food
Conference, where third world

Ralston-Purina, J.T. Case (a
tractor-producing subsidiary of
T e n n e c o) and Stokely-Van
- The small farmers and con-
sumers focused particularly on
Ralston-Purina, one of five cor-
porations that control 90 per
cent of the broiler chicken in-
dustry, as an example of the
growing domination of farming
by large corporations.
THEN CAME the'housewife's
boycott of rising beef prices,
followed by mcore controversy
during the Soviet grain deal over
the tight interlocks between the
USDA and the leading export
firms that virtually control U.S.
grain sales abroad.


Food prices continued 'to soar,
though at a somewhat lower
rate. Consumers complained
that what they saved in taxes
through the reduction of govern-
ment programs was more than
offset by higher food prices.
And the Federal Trade Com-
mission charged that consumers
paid an extra $2.6 billion for
food because of concentration in
the industry.
Farmers were furious over the
brief embargo on wheat and soy-
bean sales in 1974, a move de-
signed to slow the rise in food
prices. (Butz, however, opposed
the embargo.) Farmers, watch-
ing their income begin to de-
cline from its 1973 peak, also ob-
jected bitterly to the growing
share of the farm dollar going
to middlemen identified by Butz
as the main cause of the rise
in food prices.
'TODAY, with prices rising
again despite a 'recent reduction
in this trend, Congress and the
FTC are looking cautiously at
the growing concentration of
power in the food industry sus-
pected by many to be the most
important legacy of the Butz
era. In 1974 the FTC, embarking
on a 10-year study of the in-
dustry, told Congress that So
food manufacturing corporations
"control most of the important
producing positions in all of the
individual food industries and
produce classes."
Although Butz was intimately
connected w it h agribusiness
through his directorships, these
studies have been hampered by
lack of cooperation from the
industry and a lack of congres-
sional funding.
In the future Butz sees "more
h i g h l y concentrated capital,
higher levels of management,
more specialization of labor,
and, if you choose, with a higher
deeree of integration." His
warning to farmers: "Adapt or
Earl Butz was the last of the
brash, innovative policy-makers
of the Nixon administration. De-
Qnitp hi: A nnr.-ra.. i n n:- &1

y ora" THE FOOD system that he in-
workers' herited was still under the con-
trol of policies devised during
that all the Roosevelt New Deal and the
not, will immediate pdstwar years. These
U's un- policies were designed to deal
ation is with vast food surpluses produc-
he GEO ed by a smaller and smaller
oid, the number of U.S. farms.
yon the At home farmers were paid
e GEO. not to plant all their acres. And
io. surplus production was dumped
in. overseas through aid programs,
both direct giveaways and sub-
sidies, to make food available
bikes at less than market price.
Butz argued that these pro-
with the grams reduced the efficiency of
ito find U.S. farms, raised prices and
toodnd cost the taxpayer roughly $4
good old billion a year.. Pushing "trade
r quest not aid," his first efforts were
:y of an directed at procuring new mar-
to war- kets for U.S. food overseas. He
ig rules succeeded brilliantly with the
nigh im- now-famous 1972 Soviet grain
hile the deal, the largest such trans-
equally action in history.
r1...:i.- lorocciuP nlp oi nmn a nd

Earl Butz

nations condemned the U.S. for
failing to meet its responsibili-
ties to poor nations. Butz's re-
sponse sparked further contro-
versy: "Some people are al-
ways starving somewhere."
MEANWHILE, the shrinking
food aid dollar was being dis-
tributed according to principles
of food as a diplomatic weapon
advocated by Butz and the CIA.
For a time aid was increased
dramatically to the failing pro-
U.S. regimes in Vietnam and
More recently, the U.S. has
sent its aid to the pro-U.S. iunta
in Chile and to the Middle East-
ern nations of Syria, Jordan and
Egypt in hones of influencing
the diplomatic situation there.
Rurt.'ca inminsi,.rntinn n Qn,-

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