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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 26
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 8, 1976
Ten Cents Ten Pages
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Tuition protest
The Michigan Student Assembly (MSA is look-
ing for people willing to drive to Lansing next
Wednesday to demonstrate against increasing tui-
tion rates. If you're planning on going - and can
drive call MSA President Calvin Luker at
763-3241( or leave your name and telephone num-
Feorced bsin
City residents and property owners raised so
much objection to an Ann Arbor Transportation
Authority (AATA) decision to shift the downtown
bus transfer location that the ATA board has
abandoned the change. In a 4-2 vote Wednesday
night, the board acknowledged complaints from
residents of East Washington St. that the new bus
depot location brought them too much noise, fumes
and trespassing on their lawns. The switch back to
the old location, at Fourth and William Streets, is
expected within six weeks. "AATA can't take part
in destroying a neighborhood," said board Chair-
woman Joyce Chesbrough. "I feel guilty for not
having looked at this more carefully."
B~utt's5 loose tontme (col 'd)
The state 2 Senate has oted to censure former
U. S. Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz for the rac-
ial clurs that led to his resignation earlier this
weeks The censure resolution, approved by voice
vote yesterday, cited Butz for "crude, vulgar and
insulting racial slurs and an overall lack of human
dignity." Republican Senate .members ,unsuccess-
fully attempted to delete parts of the resolution
that accused Butz of a poor record on hiring blacks
in the Department of Agriculture, saying there
was no evidence that the charge, which popped
up in newspapers this week, was true.
Happenings Ar p
...are unceasingly diverse today. At noon,
there'll be a program entitled "Tapestry: A femi-
nist Counseling Collective" at Guild House, 802
Monroe, For 50c, you get home-made soup and
sandwiches . . . Dr. M. IL D. Sharma will lee-
tueon "Eradication of Smallpox in India", at
noon in the Auditorium of the School of Public
Health .. .at 2:30 p.m., you can attend a relevant
meeting, "How to Deal With the Bureaucracy at
the University of Michigan: Continuing Orientation
Series", at the International Center, 603 E. Madi-
son . . . unwind at the International Center Cof-
fee Hour at 3:30 . .d. The University Aikido Club
is sponsoring a demonstration by Takashi Ku-
shida, a Seventh Degree black belt, at the I. M.
Bldg wrestling room at 6 . . . Don Riegle, Denbo-
cratic candidate for Senate, and Ed Pierce, Demo-
crat running for the Second Congressional seat,
will appear at the Ypsilanti Armory at 10 p.m.
with, spaghetti and live entertainment at 6 p.m.
Armory is located at the Huron and Whittaker
Roads exit of 1-94 . . . Tyagi Ji, everyone's favor-
ite cosmic transmitter, will be at the Friends
Meeting House, 1420 Hll at 7 p,m. . . . There'll
be a candidates nightat 7:30 p.m. at the Memorial
Home, 314 East Liberty. Event is sponsored by
Graf-O'Hara Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No.
423 and its ladies auxiliary . . . at 8 p.m., Ralph
Davis will head a discussion on "Astrology: An
Analytic Symbol System" at Canterbury House,
corner of Catherine and Division . .. Herself, the
community women's newsaper collective, pre-
sents a coffee house featuring poetry and read-
ings at Guild House, 802 Monroe. There'll be herb
tea, cooki's, and it all starts at 9. A dollar con-
tributioni's appreciated . .. And don't forget about
graduation photos. They're now beirlg taken at
the Student Publications Building, 420 Maynard,
and you can sign tip on the Dias. Yearbook sales
are also in progress, so just drop by 420 May-
All in a(I lCa le~
What's the most common last name you can
think of? Smith? Jones? Well, down in Virginia
it seems as though the Carters haye it by, a long
shot, at least on the election rolls. A board spokes-
person said Wednesday that if all the Carters in
Virginia were kinfolk to Jimmy C., the most fa-
mous Carter, the Democrat would sweep the Old
Dominion come November. Judging previous elec-
toral history in Virginia, this isn't just a coinci-
dence. The second most common name in the
state is Johnson, and a certain Texan by that
proud surname was the last Democrat to carry
Virginia in a presidential election.
Otn the intside , .
Editorial Page offers an article on the roles of
teaching assistants by Richard Fedder . . . Billie
Scott previews the Black Repertory Company's
production of "The Devil in Otis Redding" on the
Arts Page . . . and Kathy Hennegan has a scout-
ing report on the MSU Snartans for Sports.
Thai regime begins crackdown
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New govt.
13v AP and Reni ter
B A NGK K, Thai-
land - Thailand's day-old
military regime, enforcing
martial law after Wednes-
day's bloody riots, clamped
down on government ma-
chinery and the press yes-
terday and arrested abot
3,000 persons in and
around the capitd.
Police spokesner~sons said
those arrested, most of
thea rUniversitystudents
and about a quarter of
them women, were being
held on various charges of
subversion. Some could face
a lifetime ail sentence.
P O 1, I C E fired carbines
in . the air to disnerse a crowd
nar Tlamnsa t University,
whiere sraage fighting Wednes-
(1i hetween university leftists,
rioait-wi'4g aro~los and. police
left at lentst 26 dead and about
W twol'ded, by police count
"We have lost ou~r freedom
hvt have law and order," a
Thanirasnt graduate told re-
porters near the university.
The new military government
acsnd stuidets and others of
ensine.rin. Communist plot
to take n<°^r the country. It
critici7Pd the ousted Docra-
tic 1~,wl-rs for failing to sup-
press those elements.
T'W MV MAOR auestion here
last night was how the 'new re-
?inWe's t ' canti-Communist
sfance wold affect Thailand's
relntinns w ith the Indochina
(Hnoni Radio yesterday ac-
clised the United States of aid-
in~c Wednesdayv's coup and said
See BANGKOK, Page 10
By AP and Reuter
President Ford yesterday
tried to extricate himself from
his biggest campaign blunder
so far - telling the world that
he did not think the Soviet Un-
ion dominated Eastern Europe.
The statement, made in the
television debate with Jimmy
Carter Wedinesday night, has
drawn a storm of criticism
from leaders of East European
groups and members of Con-
DURING the debate, Ford
said there was no Soviet domi-
nation over Eastern Europe and
there would never be as long as
he was President. He named
Romania, Yugoslavia and Po-
land as being independent Com-
munist countries.
Yesterday, in a speech in Los
Angeles, he amplified on his
remarks by declaring: "The
United States has never con-
ceded - and never will con-
cede - their (East European)
domination by the Soviet Union.
"I admire the courage of the
Polish people and have always
supported the hopes of Polish-
Americans for freedom of their
ancestral homeland," he told
several thousand students at
the University of Southern Cali-
A STUDENT heckler inter-
rupted him, shouting: "Make
uo your mind, Jerry." One stu-
dent held up a sign that said:
"Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hun-
A gasp of surprise went up
from the audience in the de-
bate hall Wednesday night as
Ford said: "There is no Soviet
domination of Eastern Europe."
He went on to say he did not
qualifies debate stand
believe the people of Yugosla-
via, Romania and Poland con-
sidered themselves dominated
by the Soviet Union.
"Each of those countries is
independent and autonomous,"
he added.
CARTER, more confident and
aggressive than in the first de-
bate last month, shot back: "I
would like to see Mr. Ford con-
vince a Polish-American or the
Czech-Americans or the Hun-
garian - Americans in this coun-
try that these countries don't
live under the domination of
the Soviet Union."
Carter said in San Francisco
yesterday that Ford "disgraced
our country" by claiming that
the Eastern European nations
are free of domination by the
Sov et Union.
"'Ihat's obviously untrue and
it was a very serious blunder
for him to say it," he said.
"The Poles, the Czechs, the
Hungarians and the East Ger-
mans have been under Soviet
domination for a long time."
AT THE airport in Salt Lake
City, he said Ford's statement
was one of "either complete
ignorance on Mr. Ford's part,
or he said something he knows
isn't true."
The State Department declin-
ed substantive comment Thurs-
day on Ford's statement. "It
would be inappropriate for me
to get into the subject," said
spokesman Frederick Brown.
Jody Powell, Carter's press
secretary, said the Democrat
will keep pressing the question
until Ford explains what he
See FORD, Page 7
Ford orders future list
of Arab bc
By The Associated Press and Reuters
WASHINGTON - President Ford, reversing
administration policy, ordered the Commerce
Department yesterday to publish all future re-
ports made to the government by U.S. firms
taking part in the Arab trade boycott against
However, Commerce Secretary Elliot Rich-
ardson said the order only applies to companies
solicited for support by Arab countries yester-
day or later. If a company has already filed
reports with the government saying it was par-
ticipating or was asked to take part in the boy-
cott, this information will be withheld.
IN HIS DEBATE Wednesday, Ford had led
many viewers to think that past reports would
be made public.
"Because the Congress failed to act, I am
going to announce tomorrow that the Depart-
ment of Commerce will disclose those com-
panies that have participated in the Arab boy-
cott," Ford said during the debate. "This is
something that we can do. The Congress failed
to do it, and we intend to do it."
His action fell short of demands in Congress
for full disclosure about firms who acted to
support the boycott before he signed his order
during an election campaign swing in California
BUT WHITE HOUSE AIDES said the reports
to be disclosed could also refer to past com-
pliance with the boycott if it had not been
reported previously.
U.S. firms" have been required by the Com-
merce Department for the past year to file
reports on requests from foreign governments
to participate in international boycotts.
The President's order- means that the Com-
merce Department will have to make public the
fact that a firm is cooperating with the boy-
cott. But it would not have to detail transac-
tions if this puts the firm at a disadvantage
with competitors.
See FORD, Page 2
SRepublican State Sen. Carl Pursel (eft) got a na-
tional shot in the arm for his 2nd Congressional Dis- .
Strict bid from Sen. Charles Percy (R-lll.), who took
up his cause yesterday in Detroit. Percy said he and
Pursell enjoyed compatability on several -important
Pure i inDetoit
Special to The Daily
DETROIT - Illinois Senator. Charles Percy flew into
Detroit yesterday to lend his national reputation to Repub-
lican Carl Pursell's Second Congressional seat campaign.
In a news conference at the Detroit Press Club, Percy
lauded Pursell, a six-year state senator from Livonia, as
Sa candidate who had proven his effectiveness as a legis-
By JOHN V. CIPRIANI against th
A white Bursley Hall senior, who is con- iary Coin
testing his defeat in an election for a mi- ballots bW
nority seat on the dorm's Board of Gover-
voted. Ho
nors, said he received two threatening land aske
phone calls late Wednesday night-one
election, m
saying that he might be stabbed. Patross
Mark Patrosso, who claims he was de- he drop o
feated by ballot stuffing in the Sept. 20 elec-
tion for the eight-member governing body, "HE SA
said that he received both calls in his room mny phone
at Bursley around 11 p.m. Wednesday. He threat,"s
said he believed that both calls were from out of th
reports threats
he board with the Housing Judic-
mittee (HJC) charging that 170
ere cast in the election for the
that only 130 people had actually
using Judiciary Justice Jim Hol-
d the committee to run a new
which could take place next week.
o said the caller demanded that
ut of the election.
AID he knew where I lived and
e number, and that this was a
said Patrosso. "If I didn't pull
e election and apologize I could
Minority general seats have almost al-
ways been held by minorities, although a
white did hold' that position last year for
the dorm's Hamilton-Sanford wing.
REACTION in the dorm's black com-
munity was unsympathetic. Charles Hol-
man, a former member of the Board, call-
ed Patrosso "an obnoxious and unpopular
figure on both sides. He will stop at noth-
ing to get his point across. We have all
faced these things before. Last year a
threat was made on a black member's
life. This is nothing new. Nothing has
acrn onnn f a- nna , 1 ad hn