Sunday, September 26, 1976
Page Five
Tracking down grizzlies
in the Canadian Rockies
Older students
view the
IContinued from Page 3)
now. I'd like to consider mas-
"I was upset if I got any-
thing less than A," she recall-
"Aiy . , - I. -
Contnued from Pmne :
on those frosty nights - full
ski gear including hat, mit-
tens and ski jackets right on
down through tight knit sweat-
ers and turtle necks to long
undies and ski socks. It took, of
course, half the night to change
into our tent wardrobe, take
the day clothes back to the car,
and finally find a comfortable
sleeping position despite the
restricted movement of our
And food - we did every-
thing short ofbsweeping under
the picnic table and scouring
the fire pit to destroy all
traces of it. Joan even went so
far as to clean up departed
neighbors' spots if the grounds
crew didn't do the job to her
And what if a bear still comes
to dinner? What else? You
speak in soft tones, slowly back
away and climb the nearest
tree to beyond the bear's reach.
Now, this could mean an Olym-
pian sprint ten feet up a pine
if it's a grizzly you're sweet-
But what if you've just come
between a mamma bear and
her precious cubs? Drop to
the ground, roll up in a ball
face down with hands shielding
the back of the head and nlav
dead. Then you pray the bear
plays along. If you're lucky you
might escape with a mere
scratch inflicted by the bear's
probing swat.
National Park in Alaska how-
ever, got a little more adven-
ture out of playing dead in the
shadow of a seven foot grizzly
that he had bargained for. Soon
to be folklore, the tale was
passed on to us (such story-tell-
ing runs rampant amongst
campers) by a copie who'd
just gleaned the details first-
Hiking through a part of the
vast Alaskan wilderness, the
unfortunate fellow stumbled n-
on a bear who was evidently
not accustomed to having un-
expected company drop in.
Feeling a bit testy, the host de-
cided to chastise his visitor
without hesitation. And at the
sight of the grizzly's magnifi-
cent teeth, the well-trained hik-
er hit the dirt.
Puzzled over the peculiar
"death" of his prey, the bear
decided he ought to take a clos-
er look at the situation. Lifting
a clumsy paw, the beast took
a wack at the heap of flesh
at his feet, casually drawing
blood from nervously pulsating
veins. He repeated the experi-
ment several times. Finally
convinced he was dealing with
a freshly killed carcass, he pro-
ceeded to do what most bears
do to season their meat - he
buried it. You see, unlike hu-
man beings who savour meat
straight from the butcher's
block, the bear likes his meat
good and rotten, and a hole in
the ground is as good a pantry
as any in the wild.
The battered adventurer re-
mained buried for what he
thought was enough time for
the bear to engage himself in
other endeavors, eventually
emerging with a most amazing
story to tell.
Meanwhile, the naturalist con-
tinued with his own tales of
horror. Joan and I cuickx
caucused to decide whether
more bear tidbits were worth
our while. Curiosity having got-
ten the best of us, we turned
our attention back to the mar
in the brown safari suit.
the bear uses his ca-
nines for tearing and rinning
away at flesh," he was savin
as a slide of a bear, with cav
ernous mouth wide onen flash
ed on a screen behind him
"And he's got teeth for every
different occasion."
"Enogh already," I thought,
"let's not overdo it."
But he went on. "Bears have
been known not only to eat the
beans he stole from you bat
sometimes the can - so yot
s'e they have pretty good di-
gestiN e systems.
"And to go along with that,"
he co-tinued, "they have strong
muscles for mastication enab-
ling them to eat anything soft-
er than steel." Another slide
flashed across the screen, and
we were treated to the sight
of some black bears blissfully
devouring someone's picnic
Once the naturalist had every
one under his spell he informed
us there's no hiding from the
King of the Rockies. "Smell is
the dominant sense in the bear's
life and when man goes out
in the woods he can be a pret-
ty smelly animal despite his
best efforts to mask it with de-
odorants," he said, inciting a
patter of nervous laughter. He
recalled a mountain fable to
illmstrate his point:
"There was once a pine needle
that fell. The eagle saw it fall,
the deer heard it fall and it
was said that the bear smelled
it fall."
But wait, the bear has even
more virtues. And the interpre-
ter swiftly ruled out every pos-
sible escape route I had plan-
bear ... he had to be shot."
The crowd was silent.
Some bears, the first and sec-
ond "offenders" we learned,
suffer less severe penalties.
They are carted off to the deso-
late Yukon region some 600
miles north. And many die-hard
domestics make the long pil-
grimage back again, sometimes
only tosbe met by a bullet in
the chest.
The program closed with one;
last slide of a dead black bear
severing the white line stretch-
ing down the middle of an end-
less ribbon of asphalt. Music
permeated the chilled dusk air:
"You are a child of the uni-
verse. No less than the moon
and the stars, you have a right'
to be free."
The humbled audience dispers-
ed and as people shuffled back
to their campsites they wereI
ters work. I'm interested in ed. "I found that my family and
law and I'm interested in pub- the housework were interfering
lic relations." with my school."
Now a single parent, living Speaking of her two sons -
with two of her children, Jen- a 20-year-old University junior
nifer finds the major obstacles and a high school senior - Sel-
to her education not inside of a ma says, "The one thing I didn't
the class, but outside of it. want to do is compare my tran-
Along with a full academic load script to theirs. I didn't want
and her responsibilities as a to compete with my children."
homemaker, Jennifer works Unlike Selma's late return
twenty hours a week. She also to school, Barbara's re-enroll-
finds herselfhdoing more home- ment came as natural to herE
work than the average student as breathing. She has done it a
- not always because she has number of times.
to, but because, "It's a basic nme ftms
worry among returning women! She sauntered through her un-
that they are going to have to dergraduate years at Michigan
work twice as hard." State University, entering in
But in class Jennifer feels, 1962 and finally earning her!
"very much a part of the scene bachelors degree seven years
- I've been in classes with ' later. In the interim, "I was
freshpersons and felt I had just in and out a lot, takingj
more of of an edge because of part time classes, I got mar-
my maturity. Although they ed, had a kid and worked."
have more of a continuity to She returned to school in 1971,
their education. - I mean I took a masters in community
took my last French class in ' psychology, and is aiming to-
1959. But actually . . ." Jenni- wards a doctorate from the Uni-
fer interrupts herself, "I don't versity, with help from a CEW
have a great deal of time to scholarship.
think about it." "I worked 40 hours aweek
Yet, she admits "it's still a dents, "This campus is set up
drain. I really feel a need to for kids from 17-22. It has no
contribute financially and to concessions for child care. Sim-
give them (her family) some of pie things like going to the li-
my time." brary for reserved reading
means babysitters. It's a big,
A LTHOUGH A FEW services, hassle."
lik C :W nd UNScatr yet despite the inconveniences _
exclusively to the mature stu- which await them, older students
dent, University policy towards continue to enroll in ever in-
many of their needs remains in creasing numbers, as high
large part one of simple ignor- school students become mare
ance. aware that no law bars those.
In one effort to fill this gap, who are over 18 from applying
the University Commission for to college.
Women will be opening in a Says Marilyn McKinney, ad-1
lounge in the Union next week missions counselor for students
where in the words of commis- in EONS, "They have a tre-
aon memer stcanrolKirkland, mendous desire to go back to:
"Study for your psych test, sit school and get that degree.
and talk about similar concerns These people know within them-
- like how do you get home selves that if given the chance,
to make dinner. It's a place to they can do it."
eat lunch, be yourself." But for most, the benefits ex-
In the words of Lena Wallin, tend far beyond that piece of
an LSA counselor for CEW stu- parchment.
"It's a time of real growth
for me," sivs .Jennifer. "The
world is a lot bigger than it
The u iters are lady staff
Have a floir for
artistic writino ?
r " 'y o u a r e nt e r . -
poetry. and mis t
or wri-i g fea ture
arts: Contact Arts
E d itoar. co The
Paste this inside
vour medicine cabinet.
no doubt occupied by the more
selfless meaning of "Don't feed
the bears" and "You are in bear
country." So occupied were they
that no one but the naturalist
spotted the bear who casually
strolled past the stage after the
ned should I find myself face to A FEW DAYS LATER on our
face with anywhere from 200-600 way South to Banff we
pounds of angry meat. spotted our first bear.
"Here's something you should There he was in all his stark'
remember if you're planning to glory, lumbering across the
run away from a bear: If a highway to the delight of seven
bear was running the 100 yard carloads of tourists. We pulled
dash he would beat the fastest over to the side of the road,
human being on earth by 30 locked our doors and rolled up
yards," he said. the windows. From five feet
"That wv's, before the "Six I could almost feel the coarse-
MIllion Dollar Man!" chirped ness of his coal black coat. He
one wit from the audience. stood, I imagined, about five
The speaker plowed on. "May- feet tall, weighing maybe 300
be grizzlies can't but black pounds. He was small for a
bears can climb trees. Remem- bear.
ber that when you plan to flee .n As he caressed the tall grass
by the vertical route,,,inthe gutter of the road with
by tevria ot. his wet snout, Joan and I noted
1j"INALLY, THOUGH that aft- how he didn't even seem to no-
I , U had oft- tice our presence. Shortly, we
ernoon we'd heard of a decided we'd had our fill and
woman who just the day before kourfan
had taken to the water to we siddedbcn track.
thwart a bear's attack, "Any- Rligdown the window I
one who has ever told you to tuck my head out and looked
jumo in a lake and swim from back. A man and his family
a bear hear this - grizzly emerged from a station wagon;
bears can swim and black bears and headed slowly but directly,
bars caneswime ndbtter m ers for the bear - cameras and
are even better swimmers." poaocisnhnd
The audience seemed to be potato chips i hand.
growin irritable with the na- Maybe our face to face en-
cocky manner just as counter with a bear was from
he hifted into a mellow I behind a pane of glass and we1
MORE COMMON around cam-
pus than the Jennifer;
Sarahs, are those students who,r
having finished a first degree
a number of years ago, are
returning to get a second. Such1
is the case of Barbara Bader'
a grad student in social work !
and psychology, and Selma
Weisman who is working to-;
wards a specialist in aging cer-
tificate in Rackham.
"I would never have gone
back (to school) if it wasn't'
for living in Ann Arbor," Sel-i
ma, 50, says. "I never lived in1
a town where everything ist
swallowed up by the University.i
So I finally decided to take ad-:
vantage of the best thing this,
town has to offer."' b
"I felt the need to be back
in school especially since I
wasn't working. I suddenly felt!?
a motivation I didn't even real-'
ize I had. But I was twenty;
years out of school and things
had really changed."
Selma attended school full
time for two semesters lastf
year. This term, she is auditing
a biology of aging class, while
looking for a job where she can
combine her skills in the health
field, social work and gerontolo-;
(as an undergrad)," she says,
"and I've always thought that
all the work I've done has made
me appreciate school.
"And you have a different
perspective on school when
you've been out in the field
working," Barbara continues.
"I'm pretty independent, I've'
worked and paid my own way.
And there's something to be
said about the maturity you
gain from having been out."
Barbara has found that her
work experiences between col-
legiate stints have related well
to her chosen program - com-'
munity psychology and social
work - which emphasizes field
training and working with peo-
ple in the "real world."
"The older you get, the hard-'
er it is," Barbara says, from
experience. "You have a family,
you move ... If you're commit-
ted to maintaining some sort
of family life you have to make
sure your family is behind you.
Fortunately for Barbara, her
family has been supportive of
her decision. "Around finals
time, my husband will step in!
and help (with extra house-!
work). It's always been that
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September 24-26
Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m., Sunday at 2p.m. and 8 p m
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e.. a .. I
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1. Change in bowel or
bladder habits.
2. A sore that does not
. Unusual bleeding or
4.'hickening or lump
in breast or elsewhere.
5. Indigestion or difficulty
in swallowing.
6. Obvious change in wart
or mole.
.7. Nagging cough or
If you have a warning signal,
see your doctor.
Cancer Society 1
7H IS S C - Y P I
first Suddenly we weren't couldn't take home a fanatastic gy.
deal frith the bear, a wanton tale, but that man was putting "I'm listening harder now.
warrior, but with his instigator: 'half his ass on the line just When I took a biology class
homo sapiens. so he could one day say, "I've years ago it was required and!
"By fartes t da r seen a bear." I couldn't have cared less about
eBy far the most angerous it. But I'm taking it now be-
man himself," he said somber- On July 7, 1962, the first at- cause I want to."
ly. "Campgrounds are like one mospheric nuclear test within However, Selma encountered'
big open salad bar and you can't1 the United States since 1958 difficulties trying to pursue both
'blame the bear for wanting to took place when a low yield her family obligations and!
come into this buffet where a weapon was exploded in Ne- ncourses in which she set loftyI
mnltitude of food odors come vada. standards for herself.
drifting, wafting up his nostrils,
wheting his appetite.
"And because a bear is cuteFo TLo
and cuddly," hebcontinued, Looking For Things To Do?
"people tend to lose their fear
of it on sight." MICHIGAN S T U D E N T ASSEMBLY
Incidents of assault on people
by bears usually amount to a ; (MSA) is interviewing for the following
case of human provocation or! important positions:
else man overstepping his
bounds, the narcisist he is, and TREASURER, ELECTIONS DIRECTOR
challenging the bear's authority
over its own territory. True, and DIRECTOR OF
sometimes encounters are acci- STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS
dental but often the bear be-
comes involved against his will.
This encounter related by the MSA is also interviewing for positions on various
naturalist belongs to the latter internal committees and University committees.
"This man cruising along the CONTACT MSA NOW!
highway spotted a bear and de- MSA OFFICES 763-3241
cided he wanted a photo.for his S 3909 M. UNION BLDG. 763-3242
family album. Well, because the
bear appeared so oblivious to_-- - - -
his arrival, the gent hopped out
with a bag of marshmellows -'
Sforbaikt. Heo ured the bear THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN BANDS
closer and closer with each one
and ' hen he snapped the shot Present
he nutdthe bag of marshmellows
in his pocket and turned his
back on the bear.
"Well, the bear figured he
hadn't had enough marshmel- t
()"lv half a derrierre and the R E D
nork ended up with one less
Why not consider participating in a CAREER PLANNING
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A Paramount Picture
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Last Lectures
Several Michigan professors have been asked to prepare a
lecture as if it were the lost lecture they would ever give-
to consider what things they feel would be most important
to say. These last lectures will be up to one hour in length
with no questions or discussion following.
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