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September 16, 1976 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1976-09-16

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Students pin down
Ford on issues

(Continued from Page 4)
clusion. I was not familiar with
that as a hinderance to a per-
son coming in to the United
States. I think that is a matter
that ought to be looked at and
I will have the people do so.
Q. Mr. President, with all the
discussion about breaking up
large oil firms and General Mo-
tors, do you feel it is about
time that something is done
about the more powerful unions?
A. I firmly believe in the
right of employes or workers to
join the union of their choice.
We have major international
unions today that are well or-
ganized, do have a significant
impact on our economy. Just
because a union is big I don't
think it's bad - it depends on
a number of factors: its leader-

ship, its method of negotiating.
We do have two very import-
ant pieces of legislation that
affect the union movement.
First the Taft - Hartley Act
which I support and two, the
Landrum - Griffin bill which I
also support. Those pieces of
legislation provide a proper
procedure and method for re-
cognition of unions for the hand-
ling of labor - management
problems. The Landrum - Grif-
fin bill takes care of many
abuses within labor organiza-
tions: graft, corruption, etc. I
repeat what I said a moment
ago: I don't think just because
a union is big it's bad. If there
are abuses then they ought to
be attacked under the existing
Q. Do you ever feel they're

getting maybe a little bit too section 236 so its not accurate
powerful or more powerful than to say that administration has
the companies themselves? not done something in public
A. It's honestly, my judg- housing section 235, section 236
ment that we've got a fairly and section 8 - all of those
good balance. programs are aimed at meeting
Q. Most people who are enter- the problem of the less well off
ing the housing market today, and the disadvantaged. Now,
(only) one half of them can af- leaving the subsidized housing
ford their homes. And the fact program, we also have released
that rental prices are soaring d3.5 billion in what we call
across the country - much 'tandem financing where if a
builder wants to build a house
higher than the rate of inflation under conventional financing he
- in our large cities and com- has to agree to build a house
munities similar to Ann Arbor under subsidized housing pro-
-they're raising 10 to 15 per grams and in that way we have
cent, in some areas, 20 per substantially aided the housing
cent. Your administration has markets for the single family
done little to aid public housing, homes. One other point: I rec-
has down little to drive down ognize that down payments are
the cost of the private (inaudi- too high, that the monthly pay-
ble). I would like to know your ments in many cases are far:
answer to this problem. too high but we have some ideas'
A. First, I don't believe that in both areas and if you listen
an administration can drive tonight you might hear some-
down prices. It never has work- thing encouraging.
ed, it never will work. You
can do something about the rate Q. Mr. President, the tuition
of inflation and we've done costs in the last few years have
something about that, but price been rising on almost all cam-
controls have never worked and puses and the subsidy, percent-
they won't work in the future. age-wise that the federal gov-
There is a better way of get- ernment has been providing is
ting our economy under con- going down. Do you foresee
trol as far as inflation is con- putting in any kind of acts to
cerned. Now, I respectfully dis- help students, like increasing
agree with you thatthis admin- loansand subsidizing tuition in
istration has done nothing in the the near future?
field of housing. In 1975, De-
cember, I signed a massive A. Let me give you some fig-
housing bill which was worked ures that I think show that we've
out between the Secretary of tried to be helpful in the so-
HUD, Carla Hills and the House called basic educational oppor-
and Senate conferees which tunity grant program. I recom-
provided a very substantial ren- mended, and Congress will fully
tal program under section eight fund it - it's a-billion 379 mil-
for the disadvantaged. It's a lion dollars, it'll help roughly a
very successful program where million 300 thousand students
there is a subsidy of the rental; throughout the country. We have
for people who cannot afford recommended 240 million dol-
out of their income to pay their tars, roughly, for supplemental
rent. I don't recall the precise educational opportunity grants.
amount but to my recollection, The Congress increased that by
it's well over a billion dollars. about 120 million, so roughly
And that includes publichous- 400 million in that program.
ing as well as section 235 and We recommended $400 million
subsidy for the Bank Loan or
Loan Guarantee program so that
roughly a billion dollars will be
loaned to students under that
program, again helping approxi-
mately one million students. We
have granted - recommended

- and Congress approved 11(
smillion for the developing uni.
; versities and about half of tha
6 goes to our black colleges -
e private black colleges - be
.cause of their unique and diffi
cult circumstances. And the
work-study program which is
about $240 million, Congress
added, as I recall, another $50
1or 100 million to that. There are
one or two others - as I re-
call, a total of about $4 billion,
roughly all together. Now, I
recognize it's still a problem.
But I think we have tried par
ticularly to help the students
who come from low income
families where I think federal
help should be given to the
maximum degree and tailor, if
anything, help to the middle in-
come and above.


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Now, I recognizb your tuition
costs have gone up and as I
was coming from the airport
today I was talking to my wife
- and this is hard to believe
- but when I came here in
1931, tuition was $50 a semes-
ter for a Michigan resident. The
truth is I had to borrow the
$100 to go. I got a loan from
the high school student book-
store fund. That's the only way
I gt dwnhere. I don't know
what your tuition isdnow-five
or six hundred? (someone
shouted $480).
Q. Some of the problems you
mentioned that you would tailor
the middle income and upper in-
come needs. A lot of the middle
income people are feeling the
crunch because they don't get
money because they make just
enough not to get scholarships
and loans and not enough to
offard the $5000 or 6 to send
someone to put them up for a
A. I fully agree that that is a
problem. You have a family
with let's say, $10-15,000 income,
they have one or two children
in college, they are in very dif-
ficult economic status-I agree
with that. So we're trying to
find ways in which those unique
circumstances can be remedied.
We're working with the Office

d neet that problem. v
Q. Mr. President, a particular
:oncern of mine is your positio
)n a lot of women's issues an
e ne concern is, I don't reall
inderstand your rationale an
I'd like to know if you thin
there are women, presently wh
are competent enough to serve
on the Supreme Court of thi
country and also how well yo
are committed to appointing
women within your administra-
tion should you get re-elected
again in November.
A. One of the improvements
we've made in this administra
tion in two years has been the
number of women that have
been appointed to very high
posts. First we have a member
of the Cabinet, Carla Hills, Sec-
retary of HUD, the head of the
National Labor Relations Board,
Betty Murphy, a very important
assignment. I have for the first
time in the history of the United
States, appointed a woman am-
bassador to Great Britain. First
time in the history of the United
States and I don't recall the pre-
cise statistics but it was shown
me the other day that we have
' more women in positions of
portance in this administration
than at any other in the history
of this country.
Q. What about the Supreme
A. Alright now, at the time I
was considering the appoint-
ments-the one Justice that I
had an opportunity to appoint-
there were two women who were
in the top five or six, and I
appointed somebody else but
there was no discrimination.
Women were among those ac-
tively considered. I have sup-
ported the ERA (in response to
background chants of 'What
about ERA?') and let me tell
you a story-if you want verifi-
cation, you talk to Martha Grif-
fiths-you know Martha don't
you? She was the principal pro-
ponent of ERA in the House of
Representatives. The Democrat-
controlled R u le s Committee
wouldn't let that amendment get
out of the Rules Committee for
consideration on the floor of the
House. And so they had a dis-
charge petition-a discharge pe-
tition says that if 218 members
of the House sign their names
then thatbill or that Constitu-
tional amendment has to come
to the floor of the House. It's
automatic, it bypasses the Rules
Committee. At the time it was
getting short. They had 201
members that signed the peti-
tion and they needed 218-that's
one over half in the House of
Representatives. Martha Grif-
fiths came to me and she said,
"Would I get 17 Republicans to
sign the petition?" and I got 17
in one day. They signed the pe-
tition and same to the floor and
it was passed by the House by
over a two-thirds majority, pass-
ed by the Senate and it was then
sent to the states and as I recall,
it's shy three or four state
legislative actions. I not only
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e voted for it but I was the on
o that got the necessary petitio
signers to bring it to the floo
r of the House of Representative
n ! Q. How can you justify
d your membership in Michi-
y gama which is one of the
d most sexist organizations at
k the University?
o Q. It's a violation of Titl
e IX and supposedly the HEW
s who has the authority to tak
their funds away but its no
being enforced by you, its no
- being enforced by HEW and it
certainly not being enforced b
the University.
A. Well I think that's a judg
- ment that has to be made a
the local level.
Q. Not according to the Titl
IX legislation.
A. I think that there can b
some very ridiculous decision
made under Title IX.
Q. Well it (Michigama) sup
posedly has an incredible em
ployment network . . .
A. I never got any employmen
because of my membership in
Q. I have a question abou
structural unemployment policy
A. That's a very good ques
tion. ..
Q. I've been looking and there
seem to be very favorable
trends in businesses and capi
tal goods purchasing, a project.
ed very strong automotive year
-all of which tends to predict
a stable recovery and a con
sistent reduction of unemploy
ment. But of the 7.5 million
people unemployed there exists
a substantial number whom
such advancement in the aggre
gate economic level will not be
reached. And traditional ag-
gregate demand fiscal policies
neither reached that, consistent
with price stability. The Demo-
crats have given a whole gam-
ut of structural unemployment
policies ranging from public em-
ployment to now private sector
investment centers and train-
ing programs. You traditionally
have said that the most stable
means to reduce unemployment
is through a rising economic
system. I wonder if you might
have any alterations in that
A. Five out of the six jobs in
our economy today come out of
our private sector and as we
have expanded and improved
the status of our economy we
have added some 4 million jobs
in the last 17 months. Now we
have some serious problems,
the construction industry in our
industrial society has been the
slowest to recover. We have
roughly 17 per cent unemploy-
ment in the construction
trades. It's caused by two
things: one, the multi-family
home building industry has been
very slow to recover but I think
some actions we took within the
last two weeks will change that.
And that will help significant-
ly in the construction industry
unemployment problem. Fur-
thermore, this economic recov-
ery has been caused primarily
by consumer confidence. Busi-
nessmen have been slow to ex-
pand their industrial capacity.
And as a consequence there has
been no heavy construction.
That again has had an adverse
impact on the unemployment
among construction workers.
But in the last month there has
been significant improvement
in proposed corporate capital
investment in plant expansion
and modernization. So we have


e two good things going f
a that will pick up after th
r sumer confidence improv
s. which is multi-family h
rand two. the expansion (
industrial capacity. Now
Sone problem structural i
ployment-wise that has
serios - and I do't thi
e I Democrats or ourselves
V done as well as we should i
e regard - and that's i
t vonth and in particnlarl
t' minority youth. And if y
s ten tonight maybe you'll
y something in it.
Q. Mr. President, I'd
- to ask you a question
t I abortion. it seems in the
miblican nlNtform, that
e pint'nml hn come out f
' congtitntinnaq amend
e a!?inqt abortion that you
s to renorters on more
one occasion. that you f
I- 1*vinr it n to the st
-i T'A liketo know inst i
side von want to stay o
t v nwant to leave it in t
sttes or do von favor a
cIitttinal amendment
t ning it everywhere? An
yn" want to leave it up t
- states, what wnvld von
- abouit the state in which
ewere to live?
. I'Tre not only favored
- T'ue co-introdiiced what
-enown as the States'
r Amendment to the Consti,
which would permit the 3
in ea"h of the 50 states to
a denision as to what they
:d to do on this uiesti
hannen to believe in the
'idament of the people of
state. I don't see how you
deny the right of the peo
voters-to make that dec
Yore believe in people, i
ers, von ought to favor
amendment rather than a
unalterable road-blocking
some have advocated. Now
t mpndment gives the right
to the peole in the stat
Michigan and 49 other st
I introduced that in March
r - I still believe it and I've
everhodv mnblicly and other
th:t I do. There is no equi
tion on my hart in that re
Back in 1972 in the stat
Michigan there was a ref
dum under our new con.
tion which permitted not
an amendment to the state
stitution but the actual, by
erendum. enactment by
law. And the proposalc
before the people of Mic
in 1972 which said that u
twenty weeks there could b
abortion on demand and
twenty weeks it was restri
That amendment in the
of Michigan, voted on by
people was defeated by
per cent.tBut that's the j
ment of the people and if
believe in them you ough
abide by them. I do.
Q. What is your personal v
A. I voted against the
Q. Representatives R
Kastenmeier, Parren Mitc
Ronald Dellums, a few cong
men, have alleged that
U.S. Justice Department
the State of North Car
have been guilty of col
through. Robert Mardian,
ing convicted felons who 1
perjured testimony. Repres
tive Conyers has conducted
committee hearigs on a
committeeon crime on this
ticular topic as it involved
case of ten individuals f
North Carolina (inaudible)
think the evidence in this Q
has been fairly well docum'
ed. He has subpoenaed pa
and documents from the
tice department allocated
the purpose of silencing

ed by the Justice Departn
and by the Firearms Bur
as beine a dangerous bh
leader. These charges are
ing investigated by (inaudil
nlaces like Newsweek, T
Wicker of The New York Tip
qnd many, many other peo
What I'd like to ask you
17onld von, with your author
authorize the investigation
the Jlistice Department. I m:
add that the Justice Departir
agerts - no the Treasury
nartment agent who is rest
sible for this is still with
Justice Department.
A. Not Mr. Mardian...
(Continued on Page 10)

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