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September 15, 1976 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1976-09-15

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Page Two



Student groups gear
up for Ford's visit.


rematches set; }
issues for conrcT

I nn~fii1

WASHINGTON (AP) - As yet to be settled, the announce- broadcast live on national radio
President Ford and Democratic ment said. and television.
challenger Jimmy Carter con-nBoth presidential contenders
tinue preparations for their IT ALSO SAID the single vice are sharpening their knowledge
Sept. 23 debate in Philadelphia, presidential debate between Re- of issues and - at least in
the League of Women Voters publican Sen. Bob Dole and Ford's case - practicing de-
announced yesterday the fixing Democratic Sen. Walter Mon- bating style as the confronta-
of dates for their two return dale will take place during the tion in Philadelphia draws
engagements. week of Oct. 11, but that no nearer.
The League's education fund, precise date or site has been
sponsor of the debates, said the fixed. FORD AIDES said the Presi-
second one will be held Oct. 6 .Ident has the key elements of
and the third one Oct. 22. Lo- All of the debates will begin his subject matter for the first
cations and other details have at 9:30 p.m. EDT and will be debate, economics and domes-

According to several sources, "Sometime between 6:00 and!
Ford will also make another' 7:00," he estimated.
stopbefore his Crisler appear- COACH BO SCHEMBECHLER
rance, this time for an inform- confirmed that he would be
al meeting with the members
record his performance. The of the University football team. meeting the President.
results will be studied and "I don't expect to see him
analyzed by advisers including FORD, WHO PLAYED 'cen- at practice, but I do intend to!
Don Penny, a comedy writer and ter for the Wolverines and was see him," he said.
show business professional who named the team's most valuable But not everyone is so pleasedj
serves as a consultant to Ford player in 1934, will meet the about the President's trip.
and had a key role in preparing players at their training table
him to deliver the acceptance in the Michigan Union. ON THE EVE of Ford's visit.
speech at the Republican con- groups were meeting across
vention in Kansas City.
Dla WFll l M~ra 11tr Icampus to diSCu1s Sstrategy for

NEEDED: 4 students with 20-20 vision (or cor-
rected to 20-20) to participate in visual form
detection experiments. One hour is required
per day (same hour each day), Monday-Fri-
day, beginning Sept. 13 and ending Dec. 10.
You must be available all term. Pay: $2.50 per
hour. If you are interested, call Thelma at 764-

tic issues, "down pretty cold,
and is concentrating or organ-
izing the material.
$y the weekend, they said, he
1 will be ready for the first of a
series of dress rehearsals, in
which he'll be drilled by some
of his advisers masquerading
as reporters asking tough ques-
While his aides shy from the
comparison, there is a certain
amount of show biz flavor to
Ford's preparations. In rehear-
sals, the President is expected
to use a videotape camera to

CARTER, meanwhile, is us-
ing some of the time during his
cross-country campaign travels
to bone up on issues from a
21/2-inch-thick dossier of briefing
papers dealing with 23 poten-
tial " subjects from agriculture
to unemployment.
The papers cover questions
the candidates are likely to be
asked, with attempts to antici-
pate the answers that Ford
might give and the subjects he
is considered likely to stress.}
Carter says, however, that heI
thinks the best way to prepare
for the debates "is to be con-
stantly in contact with the peo-
ple of this country," listening
to what they say as he moves
along the campaign trail.

uanwens, Genera manager
of the Union, could not confirm
Ford's visit.
"I know that the security men
have made arrangements, but
that doesn't mean he'll be here,"
Wells said. " But," he admitted,
"the area will be secured from
5:30 to 7:00."
vice could not be reached for
confirmation, it did request that
the management close the Uni-
versity Cellar at 5:30, instead
of the usual 9:00.
Rumors that University Cel-
lar employes planned to hold a
demonstration during Ford's
visit to the Union were denied
by Cellar Manager Wilson.
"There's no organized demon-
stration," he said.

demonstrations against thej
The Spartacus Youth League,1
the Revolutionary Students Bri-
gade, the Michigan Vietnam Vet-
erans against the War and the
Veterans for Peace all announc-
ed plans to participate, but the
organizers suffered from an ap-
parently low level of student in-
terest and lack of a single is-
sue around which to unite. 1
Said one disgruntled organi-'
zer, at a meeting in East Quad,t
"If anything happens tomorrow
it'll have to be spontaneous."
"DO YOU KNOW that Annt
Arbor is considered a center of
radical activity in the country.
East Quad is considered the;
most radical dorm on campus
- and look at this," He ges-t
tured around a room in which
six people were gathered.
At a meeting which drew ap-1
proximately 35 persons to the1
Michigan Union, plans called
for a pre-speech picket line in
front of the entrance to Crisler
arena. The group then hopes to
disperse themselves among the
crowd inside the auditorium, and
encourage everyone to heckle
Ford, "everytime he makes a
reactionary statement."

Wednesday, September 15, 197
Abrief history of
resi entia visits
By BARBARA ZAHS say: It was then, after a Ion
When Gerald Ford returns to and weary way, that man turn
his alma mater today, it will ed the exploits of his genius t
mark only the second time in the enrichment of his life."
the University's history that TEN YEARS later, Geral
an incumbent President has vis- Ford, then vice president, de
ited the campus. livered the 1974 commencement
The only other occasion when address from the podium at
the campus played host to a Crisler Arena, the same place
president was in May, 1964 where he will appear tonight.
when Lyndon Johnson deliver- That appearance came in the
a commencement address be- midst of the Watergate scan-
fore 4,800 graduates and more dal, and Ford's speech was in
than 80,000 sweltering specta- terrupted by frequent jeers an
tors at Michigan Stadium. 'disnlavs of protest
In what has now become dislthoFprtest.
known as his "Great Society" Although Ford will becom
speech, Johnson told the crowd: only the second President t
"Your imagination your in- ever appear on campus, sev
itiative,i your indignation will eral other presidents have visit
determine whether we build a ed the University - either be-
.e h progress is the fore or after serving their
society where rgrs steterms - but never while in
servant of our needs, or a so-
ciety where old values and new office.
visions are buried under un- Democratic presidential can-
bridled growth. didate John Kennedy, then a
"FOR IN your time we have Massachusetts senator, launch-
the opportunity to move not ed a whistle stop train trip in
only toward the rich society and 1960 with an appearance in Ann
the powerful society, but up- Arbor. In a brief speech de-
ward to the Great Society," livered on the steps of the
the cap and gown-clad President Michigan Union at 2 a.m. on
said. the morning of Oct. 14, Kennedy
He concluded by telling the urged members of the student
crowd, "Those who came to audience to serve their country
this land sought to build more by working as teachers, doctors,
than a new country. They sought and performing other duties in
a new world. I have come here underdeveloped nations. From
to your campus to say that you this idea, the Peace Corps was
can make their vision our real- born. A plaque now rests out-
ity. Let us from this moment side the Union, designating the
begin our work so that in the spot where Kennedy made his
future men will look back and historic remarks.
Faculty panel calls
for hefty pay hie,

One of the last two debates av
is expected to deal with fore-tfthaven'heard anyrumor
ign~~~~ ~~ poiyaddfnstsus o that effect," said Dennis
ign policy and defense issues, Warsinske, a Cellar employe.
with the other one open to a "I think (the closing) is pri-
variety of issues. marily for security."
JERRY ZUVER, a Michigan
Joi The Daily's football player, acknowledged
that the team would meet with
Sports Department #Ford.

If you suffer from the limited
accuracy of eight digits in your
calculator readout and yearn for
more, here's fast relief.
The 4660 from National
It has a 10-digit mantissa plus
2-digit exponent. Not to mention
other dynamite stuff like three

separate addressable accumulat-
ing memories, algebraic logic and
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And our cure is very reason-
able. Suggested retail price at
your campus store is under $85.
Suffer no more.
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Phone 764-0562 r
Pol. Adv., Paid for by
Veterans for;'Peace
542 S. Dearborn, Chicago, III.

I ve never met anyone in
high office before," he gushed.
"I'm kind of excited about it."
Zuver said the President
would meet with the players just



- i
Sw eet, o
I'm an Air Force of
ficer and this is my;
sweetdchar ot When I
vis t home peopledare
happy to see me.And
proud. They say I m
doing my part in the
community by show-
ing the young people
and the adults that
you really can make :
it. You really can get
yourshare of the
good life.s
about my position in
the Air Force commu-
nity. I'm a leader
there, too. I'm some-
one the other broth-
ers and sisters I meet
in the service can
look to. And it reass
sures them to know ,
they have a voice in
Air Force matters that
concern them.
The Air Force needs
more leaders.,. pilots
..aircrew members rDy, ,UF
...math majors.. .sci- f
ence and engineering
majors. You might be
one of them and thef
best way to find that
out is in an Air Force
ROTC program. There
are two, three, and
four~year programs.
Scholarship and non-
scholarship. Why not
look into all of them
and see if one fits
your plans? It's worth
it, brother.
Contact: AFROTCNortb Hall, Ph. 764-2403
Put it all together in Air Force ROTC.

THE COMMITTEE'S findings i"Am lo lvel"V salary at
are reflected, in part in a w there would be an exodus
table ranking the University of some staff members to high-
fifth among 14 top institutions er paying positions.
in the average salary paid to -The only way to keep the
all ranks of professor, - $26, "Tesityfsatee the
700. Harvard, Stanford, the aUn first rate cult" she aid
University of Chicago and Co-
lumbia precede Michigan on FLEMING AGREES with the
sthe list.. basic idea of the report, saying
However, the report notes, "we have to compete with our
some professorial ranks have pe ru.
fallen on the salary list since peer group."
the 1974-75 academic year. Although he could not predict
The proposed 11.5 per cent'if the full 11.5 per cent pro-
hike consists of two parts - , a posal would be met, Fleming
maintenance factor of 10.4 per said there would definitely be
cent designed to perpetuate the Some sort of increase in pro-
University's competitive posi fessorial paychecks.
tion next year, and an improve- "Tre fiventoasev npryc
ment factor which, as the re- for five to seven ercent,"
port states, "can be. viewedFeming noted, "and you get
both as improving the Univer- that much right off the bat."
sity relative to its past perform- CESF MEMBERS plan to sub-
ance and also improving it ab- miCteirMeMusbefrepantoesub-
sutelyithttoitsther request before the e
psoltlywthrspcgents tomorrow, but it will not
E PROPOSED 11.5 per be for at least a month, after
THE POOE 15prdiscussions wt h or n
cent increase translates into an ththeBoardsan
additional X$5.3 million than- Feming, that a final decision
neled into faculty salaries. Ac- will be reached.
cording to CESF Research As- Lat year, the fac was
sistant Olivia Birdsall, who granted a 5.5 per cent pay

(Continued from Page 1)
to cover the proposed pay raise.
Fleming noted, however, the
impossibility at present of de-
termining how cooperative the
state would be.

helped prepare the year-long
report, all full time faculty
members would be tabbed for
the raise. Graduate Student
Assistants (GSA's), however,
are not eligible.
Birdsall believes there is

the Committe on Hopwood Awards Announces
THE 1976-1977
Manuscript Deadline Dec. 1, 1976
Awards Dec. 8, 1976 Speaker: Robert Coles
Deadline Dec. 10,' 1976
Awards Jan. 12, 1977 Reader: Maxine Kumin
(Academy of American Poets, Bain-Swiggett, and. .
Gutterman Poetry contests-same dates) .
Deadline Jan. 14, 1977

s w - ---

Neenan believes the issue of
faculty salaries can be a cru-
cial one, especially in light of
of a state legislature which has
Sbeen anything but generous in
N the past.
4 cerned that, if (the state's fi-
* nancial) erosion continues,
surely there'd be a gradual
deterioration in the quality of
the facnlty," said Neenan.
S However, with signs that the
state is reviving itself, CESF
* does not view it's request as
"We think this year we have
made a tough-minded, lean es-
I timate as to what is decided
N fair," Neenan continued, "and
since the state is improving,
we're hopeful the request can
be substantially met."


Deadline Feb. 10, 1977
Awards April 13, 1977


Lecturer; Walker Percy

Deadline March 31, 1977
Deadlines June 24 and August 3, 1977
Awards August 16, 1977
Rapaport Poetry Contest


. _ " a a

Rl~t4;ncriF gre& Mp.,wn'i IU



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