TL1 IA V, utr A1 ii A It .
ruesdmy, September 14, 1976
Page Five"'.
rts & Entertainment
Drum: More exploitation, Mandingo-style
By ERIC GRESSMAN h Blaze, including the scene where after a gay slave-owner shoots, of fact in the plot. A ldt of idea that blacks before 1860 were during the rebellion. I had the
Drum castrates a homosexual Blaze, and the film ends with emphasis is placed on slave- nothing more than sexy bodies. frightening feeling that this film
''SHE SEEMINGLY infinite run (slaveowner and many other Drum fleeing from the planta owners' desires to increase slave There is no mention of black was stomping and killing blacks'
of black exploitation films delicacies, tion where the rebellion is being fertility by buying "stud" slaves. culture or the deprivations suf- cultural heritage. It was depress-
has hit a new low with the re- crushed. In fact, there is little evidence fered by blacks due to lack of ing to realize that someone
lease of Drum, a United Artists AS IF THE crude depiction of Throughout this epic, it is that s tud plantations even exist- education. Thus, slavery is de- jwould dare distort history so
production currently playing at sex and violence is not enough difficult to discern which is ed in the ante-bellum South and scribed only on the most crude blatantly and arouse racial ten-
the State Theater. to turn one's stomach, the film- worse, the acting or the screen- historians believe that Southern- physical level without any of!sions merely to gain a profit.
makers attempt to develop a play. Certainly, Norton contri- ers actually encouraged slave the more subtle profundities. A more ate title for
While the film purports to storyline. Drum is the son of a butes no more than brawn to his marriages. This is not to say The danger of Drum and films this movie would be Dumb. The
depict slavery, an integral as- Havanna slave and a virtuous role, and none of the characters thatsexually perverse slave like it is that people, even film is dumb because it dis-
white prostitute, 'Marianna. Hedipaandet.Pyngwh owners did not exist, but only
pect of black history, it actually is sold, along with Blaze, to display any depth. Playing with that these practices were much blacks, pay to view them. By torts reality and assumes that
degrades the black culture. slave dealer Maxwell Hammond th ale l s,hic se ssfrequent than the film sug appealing to the baser emotions, violence and sex were the pre-
g slav deale Maxwel Hammnd theonly ting whch sees to {less fthuenproducersfilofugthis pfilmerwerethdominantre aspects aofctslavela life.e
Drum appears to be one of (Warren Qates). By ordering motivate Hammond's daughter, ests. able to arouse such comments Finally, it is dumbfounding and
those films in which a set for the castration of Blaze, Ham- Sophie. from black viewers around me disgusting to see blacks in the
multR is applied to an- almost mond incites a revolt of the Even more disturbing than the MORE outrageous- than the as "stomp him"-when Blaze' audience supporting such an in-
nonexistent plot, the primary, slaves Drum joins the rebellion ,poor acting are the distortions tor om ys hs One Drum are as 'ittingonema(the whitealt to their history.
purpose being to saturate the - --
screen with sex and violence. !
Andi unfortunately., too manyt+
people are taking these perver COME TO THE FALL OPENINGS 1977-78 MA
sions of black history as gospel.
The portrayal of "sex" is GIA t LO DO E
achieved by frequent and pro- A M EETING Naptdns-a-sea
longed shots of women's breasts, accepted. These scho
sexual activity involving nearly AND JOIN US Nursery more years of studyi
every character in the movie )M h c
and emphasis upon the muscular * (Indergartnersj
structure of the males such as IMElerentary SchoolR
Ken Norton-a prize-fighter who 3) Power Fellow
plays the part of Drum, an ex COMING SOON TO 9 Child Care Center
cessively virile slave of the 4) London Exchl
Mandingo variety. Sadists will A DORM NEAR YOU An alternative
delight in the bloody fights be- prograOutstanding seniors and r
tween Drum and his slave friend CHECK LISTINGS FOR TIMESIA Faculty are encouraged to
Wheeli, Director of the O
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