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January 20, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-20

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See Editorial Page


t Yi


See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vo. LXXXVII, No. 90 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 20, 1977 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

What's your problem?
Bet you never knew it until now - you've
always had a secret craving to work at The
Daily! Remember those nightmares you had as
a small child in which you ran through the night,
seeking security in the sound of dark, pounding
machines? Hell, that just meant you wanted to
be near our Associated Press wire! And the time
you tripped and hurt yourself in front of an ad-.
vertising agency, only to get yourself put up there
for the afternoon until your mother came to pick
you up? YoW subconscious was telling you to join
The Daily business staff when you got a little
older. And the themes you wrote in the sixth
grade about being a great big basketball play-
er or an Olympic swimmer? Just the start of a
stint on The Daily sports staff. Why be unhappy
any longer? Come to The Daily mass meeting
next Tuesday, January 25, at 9:00 p.m., or watch
this space for the times of some dorm get-togeth-
ers next week. Let your subconscious be your
A resignation
Walt Borland, treasurer of the Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly (MSA) since October of last year,
resigned his position at Tuesday night's assem-
bly meeting.-Colleagues say Borland is boning up
on his studies for graduation, and that he feels
he doesn't have enough time to serve as treasurer.
MSA members appointed an interim treasurer.
Happenings . .
..don't kick off today until 4 p.m. when the
Advisory Committee for Recreation Intramural
and Club Sports (ACRICS) meets at the Central
Campus Recreation Building ... also at 4, John
Varey of the University of London's Westfield
College will lecture on the "Staging of Plays in
the Corrales of Golden-Age Spain" in the MLB
Lecture Rm. 2. The talk is sponsored by the
Dept. of Romance Languages ... then, at 7 p.m.,
the U of M Sky Divers are holding their first
jump course in1047 E. Engineering ... at the Gay
Community Services Center, 612 S. Forest, Suite
B tonight at 7, there will be a meeting of the
Gay Academic Union ... The Spartacus Youth
League is holding a forum entitled "What Next
for the Palestinians: Pax Americana or Prole-
tarian Revolution in the Near East" at 7:30 in
Conference Rm. D of the Michigan League ... and
if yu're capable of being in two places at once,
at 7:30 you can attend a poetry reading with
Martha Merrill and Bob Walker at the Guild
House, 802 Monroe ... and if you can't find any-
thing to do at 7:30, how about dropping in at
the Michigan League for a meeting of the Inter-
varsity Christian Fellowship - you'll find the
room number listed on the board just inside the
door ... at 8 p.m., the Ann Arbor Democrats will
have their general meeting at the Public Library,
where the discussion will focus on the chief is-
sues comprising the Democrats slate for the April
city elections ... finally, the Michigan Women in
Science are sponsoring a panel discussion at 8
p.m., in the East Conference Rm. of the Rack-
ham Building. The topic: "What's a Nice Girl
Like You Doing in Graduate School?" Refresh-
ments will be served.
Hua still around
An official Chinese spokesperson dismissed re-
ports Tuesday that former Vice Premier Teng
Hsiao-Ping has become China's premier.. "The
premier of the state council is comrade Hua Kuo-
Feng," the spokesperson said. He said the report
of Teng's appointment, which appeared in the
Hong Kong newspaper Ming Pao, was absolutely
groundless. For the past week wall posters have
demanded the rehabilitation of Teng, who was
purged last April and brandedh a rightwing "cap
italist roader." Some posters have called for Teng
to be made premier.
r !

Mood of the campus
Turbulence will return to the nation's college
campuses - but it will come from teachers
rather than students, a man who saw much of
the campus violence a decade ago said yester-
day. "I see more turbulence," said Dr. Clark
Kerr, president of the University of California
at the height of 1960s antiwar demonstrations.
Kerr, basing his forecast on the results of a survey
of 25,000 U. S. university teachers published yes-
terday, said tension on campuses will increase as
teachers become more willing to strike to get
their demands. Meanwhile, the same survey
showed college students have become more con-
servative about executions (only 36 per cent be-
lieve capital punishment should be abolished) and
busing (74 percent oppose it), but are more lib-
eral about women's equality and marijuana -
55 per cent of the nation's undergraduates believe
the weed should be legalized.
On the inside .. .
Ybu'll find stories on gymnastics and wrest-
ling on the Sports Page ... the Editorial Page
devotes all its space to today's inauguration of
Jimmy Carter ... and Arts offers Lee Donald-
son's story on the New Black Repertory Com-







Hayden sees new
movement rsing
"A grass roots movement of economic democracy is
growing in this country, rising out of the frustration of the
shadow of the -1960's," said Tom Hayden, speaking to a
standing-room-only crowd at Rackham Auditorium last night.
Hayden, a former Daily editor, founder of the Students
for a Democratic Society (SDS), and activist in the civil
rights and anti-war movements, spoke of a new way of
dealing with our traditional national problems.
"THE UNITED States is coming out of an age of expan-
sionism and is finding out that the old way of dealing with
problems no longer works," said Hayden.
Sporting what he would call his "non sellout" clothes,
Hayden looked as casual as the colleagues he addressed.
"College grads can't find work, the middle class dream
is crumbling, and the sick cannot get health care," he said.
"While all this goes on, everyone is demanding more.
"THE POOR are still poor but now they demand more
See NEW, Page 9

Blacks protest Senate
Judicars decision
Special to The Daily
WASHINGTON - The Senate Judiciary Committee
yesterday approved the nomination of Judge Griffin
Bell as U.S. attorney general, a move one civil rights
activist called "a battle cry of attack on black Amer-
The vote of consent for president-elect Carter's
choice as the nation's chief law enforcement officer was
10-3, with Michigan's Democratic Sen. Donald Riegle
voting "present."
IN A FINAL day of hearings before the committee, Bell was
criticized again and again by black witnesses who attacked his
record on civil rights as a Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals judge
and his membership in private clubs which exclude black and
Jewish persons.
The head of Washington's NAACP, Clarence Mitchell, said he
was disappoin'ted by the outcome of the committee vote, and

Doily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
Tom Hayden

vowed to continue the fight
against Bell by attempting to
block formal approval in the
full Senate.
The Senate is scheduled to
meet today shortly after Carter
is sworn into office to confirm
tOf annointment of his cabinet
selections, all of whom have
now been cleared by appro-
priate committees.


By AP and Reuter
CAIRO - President Anwar
Sadat, confronted by violent
demonstrations which left many
people dead, injured and ar-
rested, yesterday suspended
government-ordered price in-
creases on several key com-
Authorities ordered a 14-hour
curfew in several cities and
gave riot police orders to shoot
anyone outside without a pass.
Four hours after the curfew
went into effect at 4 p.m. po-
lice reported they were still
battling demonstrators at sev-
eral locations, one near the
People's Assembly in Cairo and
another at a string of nightclubs
on the road to the Pyramids.
of Cairo, however, streets were
generally quiet. There was no
vehicle traffic, though a few
people walked about.
The reported deaths tonight
brought the unofficial fatality
toll to 30 with some 400 in-
In the Cairo suburbs of Shu-
bra and Babel Shareya, eye-
witnesses said anti-riot squads
opened firetand used tear gas
bombs on thousands of rioters
during six hours of post-cur-
few fighting in the two suburbs,
the poorest and m1ost densely
populated in Cairo.
' Firemen and ambulances con-
verged on the areas, described
by one witness as a "battle-




Sadat, who has been pressing
richer Arab nations for more
financial aid for his impover-
ished country, returned to Cairo
from the winter resort of As-
wan to deal with the crisis.
THE DEPUTY prime minister
for economic affairs, Abdel Mo-
neim Kaissouni, who was re-
sponsible for the price increas-
es, submitted his resignation
'but it was immediately refused
by Prime Minister Mamdouh
The riots broke out Tuesday
after the government ended
price subsidies on many items,
jumping prices on food, gaso-

line, cigarettes and other prod-
ucts. Most of the increases
amounted to only pennies, but
they would total a sizeable per-
centage of the average Egyp-
tian's monthly ,salary of $80.
A quarter of this goes for hous-
ing, education, medicine, cloth-
ing and utilities, leaving $60
for food and all other items.
By giving in to the demon-
strators' demands, Sadat again
opened the question of whether
Egypt can make the necessary
reforms to put its economic
house in order.
A MINISTRY of Interior state-
See RIOTS, Page 2

S (11(1

,- MITCHELL said. he hones
the ninner body of Congress will
S'onsHder Bell separately, de-
lnving their vote on the Atlanta
iedqe to allow for further de-
hate. He told reporters that
Sen. Daniel Moynihan (D.-N.Y..)
rniaht be sympathetic to
black's nhiections against Bell.
Onlyn Rtblican senators -
Charles Mathias of Maryland,
Jobn Hem III of Penn. and
John Chaffee of R.I. - voted
a7nt Bell's confirmation.
Mathias, his voice breaking
with emotion, said he would
find it "impossible" to approve
Bell even if he had been nomi-
nated by a Republiean Presi-
dont. After his brief statement
which nreceeded the committee
S.ote, Mathias stared' down-
ward at his hands as if on the
verge of tears.
M I T C H E L L called Ma-
thias "a man of real cour-
Riegle said he has told the
n-esident - elect of his reserva-
wr a tions concerning Bell but chose
not to interfere withbthere-
sity commendation. He said he vot-
ed "present" because of the
'act. stren th of the language sup-
ship norting Bell in the committee's
Nhat formal statement of approval.
"I think there is something
wrong, in this case, with this
nominee," Riegle said at one
atis- pint in vesterdav's hearines.
f an "The fact that there is this
the kind of onnosition ought to tell
s something . . that there
are eleme-ts missing in this ap-
rate pointment."

annual decline in grocery prices
helped hold inflation in 1976 to
the lowest rate in four years,
the government reported yester-
Year-end figures from the La-
bor Department showed consum-
er prices rose a moderate four-
tenths of 1 per cent in Decem
ber. For the year, they were up
4.8 per cent.
THIS WAS the best annual
price perfor fanc o the economy
has shown since 1972, when gov-
ernment-wage price controls
held increases to 3.4 per cent.
It also was a sharp improve-
ment from the seven per cent
increase redorded in 1975 arnd
farS 'btertAnthe 12.2tperncent
jrm ie 1974 i-nd the 8.8 pern
nflation rate in 1973.
Falling prices for beef, pork
and poultry led a nine-tenths per
cent drop in grocery prices last
year, the first over-the-year da
mne im 15 years, the govern-
ment said. In 1975, grocery
prices rose 6.2 per cent.
FOOD PRICES rose two
tep nts'an e . per cent eebr
iaft dropping in 1ovember, be-
aefinger cfostsfor beef,
eggscoffeapnoultry, fruits,'
vegetables andre s ta u ra nt
Coffee prices jumped another
6.8 per cent last month, bring-
ing the rise for the year to 57.9
per cent.
Prices for nonfood 'commodi-

AFSCME talks ,g o on

Local 1583 of the American Federation of
State County and Municipal Employees (AFS-
CME) meets Sunday to discuss the progress of
its contract negotiations with the University. But
unlike the ongoing, Graduate Employe Organiz-
ation (GEO) negotiations AFSCME's talks seem
headed tor a settlement rather than a stalemate.
The 2300 members of AFSCME, 'which repre-
sents maintenance men, food service workers,
custodians, nurses aides and other service per-
sonnel on campus, have been without a contract
since a two-year pact expired December 31.
BOTH SIDES AGREED to a one-month exten-
sion of negotiations, and University and union
representatives are optimistic about a settle-

"We haven't really come to
settlement," said William Neff
negotiating team.

an impasse o
of the Univer

"GEO was the renewal of a first contr
This is the fourth renewal - the relation
with the union is farther along. We know m
will work and what won't work," he added.
AFSCME's Art Anderson said he was sr
fied with the pace of negotiations and that if
agreement isn't reached by the end of
month a strike is not the only alternative.
"If we're still progressing at the same
we are now," Anderson said, "I'd have no re
vations about recommending another two-v
See AFSCME, Page 2

RIEGLE agreed with
See SENATE, Page 2



New job
for peanut
From wire Service Reports
peanut farmer yesterday, break-
fasted with his wife and daugh-
ter, signed the trust documents
that will remove him from the
day-to-day control of his peanut
business, packed his bags and :;
headed for Washington where
he will be sworn in as the na-
tion's 39th President today.
The new guard of Democrats
crowded the capital to rejoice'
as their mnan enters the White
House, for Carter was on his
way, promising "a new day, a
new beginning, a new spirit for
our country."

The eleventh

Ford bids
i~.high 'post
A f are Well
w From Wire Service Reports
WASHINGTON '- President
Ford cleaned out his desk yes-
terday, telephoned his farewells
to world leaders, and pardoned
Tokyo Rose..And in his last day
in office, the lame duck leader
approved what amounted to a
token change in the ru s on
clemency for Vietnam-er de-
serters, but rejected blanket
Also, in the Ford Administra-
tion's final communication with
Congress, a plan was submitted
that would automatically re-
move all federal gasoline price
and allocation controls March 1
unless either the Ho.use or the
Senate vetoes the nronosal with-

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