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January 18, 1977 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-01-18

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Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109_
Tuesday, January 18, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
It take to awaken the pUbIc

TF YOU'RE a Big 10 football fan,
yourself. The following .is going to
But the truth USUALLY hurts. An
truth in this case is: The Big 10
very bad football.
Now please don't draw back fron
page offended and shocked . . . no
YET, anyway. Instead, try reading
with an open mind. Perhaps it isn
late to rectify the situation.
Now, in order to put the upcc
statistics and figures in a viable
spective, the Big 10's football recor
been compared to the Big 8's. Onl
comparative purposes, remember.
to EMBARASS the Big 10 any
than can be helped.
regular season games 1970 through
the seven football seasons of this de
To wit:

Ten' lives on
Press polls have ranked. Ohio State and in '71, No..
Michigan ALWAYS either No. 11 or bet- homa State
steel ter. That makes a total of 14 appear- 19th in '76.1
hurt. ances for the two schools. But on 10 87% of the c
d the occasions, the final poll knocked them OVER - RA
plays DOWN. (In one instance, Ohio State able to win.
went from pre-season No. 11 to off the about the Bi
m this last poll completely. That was in '71.) who's respon
t just Only two times did one of the two wind fortune? A
g this up HIGHER than predicted. Michigan, servative it's
't too both times. (In '72, 10th to 6th; in '74, never see a
6th to 3rd.1 Ohio State stayed the SAME ward pass) i
oming twice. But Ohio State has every OTHER Read (and
per- occasion SLIPPED. HAYES: A

16 in '75 and '76. Missouri guard in t
and Iowa State 14th and man. Was
That's SEVEN members, or now is lea
onference. TOON foot
TED, unbalanced, and un- As a ma
That's a very real statement coaches ha
ig 10, accept it or not. And conference
sible for this unending mis- at Michiga
group of coaches so con- That me
s no wonder whatsoever you are woven
wishbone (much less a for- manner. A
n a Big 10 game. 'em down,
-weep): coaches. W4
At Ohio State for 26 years. and the 'B;

he 50's, now the Hawk's head
high school coach in Ohio,
ding exponent of SINGLE PLA-
ball. Another forward thinker.
tter of record, only two Big 10
ave no prior binding ties to the
. Corso at Indiana and Rogers
an State.
ans that 80% of the remainder
together in a most disturbing
bunch of conservative, wear
grind 'em out, power oriented
Vho love Woody and Bo's ways,
ig 10's past. And who are ap-

At 8:07 yesterday morning five Utah
citizens pulled the triggers on their
rifles and made him the first per-
son to be executed by state-order in
this country in 10 years.
That he was.so barbarically mur-
dered is a tragedy, but if we fail to
see the frightening implications of his
death, then we will perpetrate an
even greater tragedy.
Gilmore was a hardened criminal
who was emotionally disturbed. He
wanted to die, and attempted to
commit suicide several times him-
self. But his death may open the
floodgates to a mass slaughter of
death row inmates across the coun-
Many have argued that Gilmore
asked to be shot, and that we should

respect his right to die. This misses
the point. It is not his right to die,
but the state's right to execute him
or anyone else that is presently in
Soon, in what could be the first
pebble in an avalanche of imminent
"legal" murders, the state of Texas
will, electrocute Jerry Lane Jurek. But
Jurek's death won't be so easily
erased from our minds because there
is one big difference between him and
Gilmore - he wants to live.
What will it take to awaken the
American public to the brutality and
injustice of capital punishment? Per-
haps when the first innocent person
is executed people will be sufficiently
outraged to abolish this gruesome law
-- but that will be too pathetically

d has
ly for

~t Ohio State for 26 years. and the B~ig 10's past. And who are ap-

0 VS. PAC 8
" VS. MAJ.

Big 10:
Big 8:
Big 10:
Big 8:
Big 10:
Big 8:
Big 10:
Big 8:
Big 10:
Big 8:
Big 10:
Big 8:

aua,; aJU" l.i

-..- I..- -

28-25-2 (53%)
20- 7-2 (74%)
4- 6 (40%)
19- 3 (86%)
6- 6-2 (50%)
27-17-2 (61%)
3- 3 (50%)
7- 9-1 (44%).
7- 5-1 (58%)
8- 1 (89%)
8-31 (21%)
21- 7 (75%)


.:.' ........
.t":riFi:r; 7:i.:
" :s.:t' L...:
f c: y:.:'ii;iii~~I?:ui" ".

VA murders: Monkey trial

WHAT IS Richard Delonis up to?
If the young assistant U.S. at-
torney embarked on his prosecution
of the nurses charged in the Veter-
ans' Administration Hospital mur-
ders with justice in mind, he has evi-
dently strayed from his course.
Judge Philip Pratt ruled on Thurs-
day that Delonis and his colleagues
actually withheld evidence from the
attorneys for Filipino Narciso and
Leonora Perez - evidence that lends
credence to the defense and makes
the prosecution look bad.
If Pratt's contention is correct,
(and Delonis has not denied it,) then
the judge barely averted a tragedy
in the making.
Here's what happened:
Pratt, back in December, had or-
dered the prosecutors to give the de-
fense all the relevant documents it
possessed, and Delonis had handed
over what seemed to be the right
stuff. But the defense lawyers sub-
poenaed the original FBI forms, re-
ceived them last Wednesday, and
found by comparison that the prose-
cutors had deleted important pass-
ages and had restructured para-
The defense attorneys, outraged,
moved for Pratt to dismiss the case.
Pratt called all the lawyers in for a
four-and-a-half hour meeting in his
chambers on Thursday, and emerg-
ed with a declaration that he had

found some "merit" in the defense's
demand but that he wouldn't neces-
sarily throw the case out. But he did
halt all court proceedings on the
case, which is scheduled to be tried
starting February 1.,
Delonis said that at the time he
turned over the documents he wasn't
stire the defense was supposed to have
unlimited access to them. But Pratt's
original order was clear - the prose-
cutors were supposed to turn over vir-
tually everything they had. Delonis
apparently saw it in a different light,
and proceeded to withhold evidence
"which seemed favorable to the de-
fendants," according to one of the
nurse's attorneys.
Narciso and Perez have suffered the
agony of awaiting trial long enough;
to find that the evidence was almost
made to weigh against them is un-
believable. We don't know why Pratt
didn't throw the case out, and no
one will until the proceedings of that
closed-door meeting on Thursday are
If Delonis just made a mistake,
two women might have been found
guilty, unjustly, because of his negli-
gence. If he did not make a mis-
take, then we are left to wonder what
could have compelled him to know-
ingly suppress information from the
defense. In either case, it is time to
get this awful matter resolved - once
and for all.

(W. Va., Miami of Fla., Pitt,
Notre Dame, Air Force, Ga. Tech)
Tally: Big 10: 56-76-5(42%)
Big 8: 102-44-5 (70%)
During the '70's, against ALL non-con-
ference foes:
Big 10 is: 87-106-7 (45%)
Big 8 is: 166- 53-5 (76%)
But don't be misled by the near break
even status of the Big 10. To show the
true imbalance and ineptness of the con-
ference, take out Ohio State and Mich-
igan's combined record (33-2-3). That
leaves the conference with THIS result:
54-104-4 (34%)
BUT TAKE the Big 8's perennial pow-
ers (Nebraska and Oklahoma: 49-4-4) out
and that leaves THIS:
117-49-1 (71%)
Many enjoyable Saturday afternoons
for the remaining school's fans, is what
THAT leaves.
The excuse that the Big 10 plays a
tougher schedule won't help explain away
the Big 8's 22-6 record against the Big
10. That's a winning percentage of 21%
for the Big 10 this decade, by the way.
(But even THAT'S higher than the
Big 10's winning percentage for it's last
ten Bowl appearances. A hefty 2-8, for
20%! 1-7 Rose, 1-1 Orange.)



--.._.. /


The Big 10's been officially over-rated
71% of the time, people.
fIN THE OTHER hand, Nebraska and.
Oklahoma have had the same 14 op-
portunities to rise or fall, and have only
wound up lower than expected 35% of
the time. So the pollsters have a 65%
succes srecord with the Big 8, and only
a 29% record with you know who.
(Remember also Oklahoma was twice
pre-season pick as national champ and
defended the position easily: Ohio State
fell from No. 1 to No. 5 in 1970.)
Further, the Big 10 has had but one
other of it's members ranked in the
final (post-Bowl) top 20: Michigan State
in '74 wound up 12th. That means only
30% of the conference has been so rep-
The Big 8, however? Colorado No. 3
in '71, No. 16 in '75 and '76. Missouri
No. 17 and Kansas No. 18 in '73, Okla-

The dean of the "Three Yards and A
Cloud . . ." offense.
SCHEMBECHLER: A former Hayes.
assistant. Reveres Woody. Emulates him.
MOELLER: Brand new at Illinois. But
otherwise a Schembechler assistant since
YOUNG: Likewise brand new, at Pur-
due. Played for Woody, coached for
Schembechler. A deadly combination.
(Read on . . . it gets worse.)
PONT: Played for Woody at Miami of
Ohio, has been a Big 10 coach SINCE
1965. Famous for innovation in offensive
style at same level as rest of these guys.
STOLL: Minnesota has him. Michigan
State USED to.sAssisted there TEN
YEARS! ! (Can you believe all this? ? ?)
JARDINE: Now at Wisconsin, but
PLAYED at PURDUE. Assisted there in
COMMINGS: Iowa's 165 both-ways

record has been,
can match it.
The past seven

as the conference's
the Associated Press
preseason Associated




Daou I hope that this type of injus-
tice does not occur again.
Mike Arbuch
Januarv 10

To The Daily:

New Ford budget dumb

ALTHOUGH HE will be leaving of-
fice this Thursday, President
Ford has nevertheless submitted a
budget to Congress. The last-minute
effort by the lame-duck administra-
tion will almost certainly become a
dead duck since the Carter admin-
istration that will soon be taking of-
fice has already begun its work on
their own budget proposal. This im-
minent extinction of the Ford pro-
posal is cause of both regret and
Unfortunately, all the money and
time spent on it was essentially in
vain. Ford talks frequently\ about
reckless spending and waste in gov-
ernment, yet he sees fit to expend
much precious money on a proposal
that can have little if any effect
on the course of events and which
will be undoubtedly ignored by the
majority of Congress. Apparently the
President was attempting to upstage
the President-elect's budget proposal;
it certainly seems that the reverse
will occur.
The budget proposed by Ford con-
tains no surprises, and Carter advi-
sors foresee no difficulty in convinc-
ing the heavily stacked democratic
/Congres.) ,to adopt Carter's budget in-
stead. In the words of Ford's own
address, "If we could ever afford the.
'luxury' of this inefficiency and in-
eptitude, we can no longer." How elo-
quent; how many millions did it take
to enable him to say that into empty
However, perhaps we should be
thankful that this bit of play-acting
will never be seriously considered. It

et. Too much of our current defense
outlays go to defending oppressive
regimes in various odd parts of the
world like South Korea. Even so, the
budget as proposed by Ford increases
the budget for national defense by
some twelve per cent, to $112.26 bil-
lion. This is well ahead of the in-
flation rate, so it has been increased
in real terms as well. Various Con-
gresspersons from defense industry
oriented areas like Texas are prob-
ably smacking their lips along with
some of their constituents at all that
extra gravy money.
Yet Ford proposes to restrain the
amount of national expenditures in
1978. With military outlays rapidly
rising, that money can only come
from social services, which is exact-
ly where it comes from. True, the
proposed budget for health, educa-
tion, and related areas is increased,
but not enough to keep pace with
inflation so that it has decreased in
real terms. With thousands of Ameri-
cans uneducated and our cities de-
teriorating, this seems puzzling in-
deed. Our way of life is no longer
the best in the world; our personal
income is only sixth in the world
and we rank only 21st in infant
survival, while we lead the world
in murder and divorce. Beset with
such problems, why do we devote
less resources to them? True, ineffi-
ciencies are rampant in these pro-
grams, but these services are import-
ant enough so that we should not
curtail them but rather make them
work better.
There are many more minor mis-

I CONSIDER it my sincere
obligation to commend you on
your January 13th editorial con-
demning French action in the
Abu Daoud affair.
This is just another in a long
list of political blackmail
spreading in this "oil" world.
Five years ago the surviving
terrorists from the Munich Mas-
sacre were released by the West
Germans. Also terrorists respon-
sible for a Ben Gurrin Airport
bomb were released a few years
This trend continues to dis-'
turb me deeply. It's hard enough
for the Israelis to overcome the
Arabs and their Third World
Supporters without trying to
contend with their suspected
"friends" -such as France and
West Germany.
This type of West European
acquiesence into Arab demands
in return for valuable oil must
stop soon if terrorism is to be
checked and justice is to live
I have just lost any respect
for the French government and

To The Daily:
A PORTION of the "Perspec-
tive" column by W. L. Scheller
in your issue of Friday, January
14, (page 4) prompts me to com-
municate the following c o m-
plaint about Daily editorial pol-
icy. I have been meaning to do
this ever since reading "Taxa-
tion: All-American non-issue" by
Jon Pansius in the Daily of
Thursday, September 23; 1976,
(page 4). If earlier action on
my part could have forestalled
the Scheller travesty, I apolo-
gize for not speaking out soon-
My specific references are to
Pansius' discussion of "tax
brackets" and Scheller's pro-
nouncements on the "Right to
Work" laws and the "Taft-Hart-
ley Act." Briefly, the statements
made by these two writers about
these two legal issues are worse
than meaningless; they are flat-
ly wrong as matters of ascer-
tainable fact.

I will not go into any detail
to explain the many ways in
which these two writers misin-
formed the Daily readership
about the law of taxation and
federal labor relations, because
I am not a writer for the Daily
and do not feel it is my respon-
sibility to spend time undoing -
damage done by it. Another
reason for my choosing not to
attempt a correct statement of
the law is that my qualifications
in these areas are limited. De-
snite my confessed limitations,
however, I am confident as to
the so'indness of my general as-
sertion which is based upon ra-
ther intensive law school courses
in tax and labor relations.
Do not be misled by my legal
emnohasis. Aside from objecting
to Pansius and Scheller because
they purvey gross misinforma-
tion about important laws, I am
also prepared, after subscrib-
ing to your paper for over a
semester, to assert the opinion
that their' contributions to your
opinion pages add little of con-
seaence to the content (if the
Daily. Both of these individuals
are painfully lacking (at t h is
stage in their careers at least)
in experience, writing ability,

and insight both into wor
fairs and into the eleme
journalistic integrity.
The question then be
"why?" It is a series of
tions really: Why does n
Daily send Pansius and Sc
out to acquire the repo
skills of objective fact-q
ing? Why does not the Da
quire those writing opinion
mentary to set forth their
es for the concrete facts
which their opinions and
speculations are based?
does not the Daily devot
limited opinion space to
that are more accessible
vestigation by student v
(e.g. loca land stage issue
/or rely on writers of n
stature for national comm
(unless there are some s
writers who are willing
for'h the effort necessary
come minimally informed)
In order to havg a "pa
tive" on anything one mus
see it (or at least look at
tore of it). Too often P
and Scheller attempt to
colate their views of cre
inhabiting their own im
George Vinyard
January 14
To The Daily:
Smith. But I'm sure I
with many who mourn the
of a 16 year old man, mu
by police in the streets
The Highland Park You
shot to death January 12
a car chase. Police clair
mistook Smith for a pris
capee they were seekin
shot at the car as he fle
But Malcolm Smith'sc
Kevin McClung. says that
was shot after the car ha
stopped by police.
"I heard the policema
shot my cousin say, 'Ye,
got the nigger. That's wl
ge-s. i )

parently incapable of change. And un-
willing to experiment. And unable to halt
the Big -0's inexorable slide into medi-
EVER REALLY wonder why the Big
10 has never tried a wishbone?
Well, instead of wondering, start ask-
ing. Get these inbred coaches inspired a
little - bit, or face facts: Your team is
going to lose 65% of the time.
The Big 10.
Anymore, it is not to weep . . it is
to laugh.
I/ is time to wake up 'the Big Ten,
and the two authors of this story have
formed a group called the Big Ten
Football Revival Association dedicated
to doing just that. If you are interested
write them at:4102 Wakonda Pky., Des
Moines, IA. 50315.
rld af- have created and promoted the
nts of terrible situation in Detroit to-
comes IS THERE NO concern among
ques- Daily readers over outright acts
ot the of racism and oppression in this
cteller state?
rtorial Perhaps there are not a lot of
ather- true Detroiters within the Uni-
ily ac- versity of Michigan student
n/com- body. The Daily only reflects
sourc- owr administration's policy of in-
upon difference, particularly for t h e
w i I d Black people of that city. But
Why there are many of us ex-Detroit
e i t s ers who have a deep interest and
topics even a love for Detroit.
to in- It's true that the Detroit Free
writers Press. and The Detroit News
s) and are available sources of infbrma-
Itional tion about Detroit. But the Free
ontary Press coverage of this incident
'tudent is anything but complete. The
co put ambiguous use of the term po-
to be- lice throughout the story, indi-
)? cafes that the Free Press may
nrsoec- even be collaborating to protect
st first the officers involved.
a pic-
ansms IN THE PAST I have denend-
arti- el on the Daily to provide a
tures more thorough and accurate pre-
aginia- sentation of the news. Ihonethis
convinces the Daily editors to
give this story the investigation
and exosure it demands.
Debra Goodman
rage School of Education
alcolm movieola
joined To The Daily:
rdered IN REFERENCE to Christo-
of De- pher Potter's movie review
(Screening JTan. 13) of Seven
th was Beauties: Anyone who can call
, after Seven Beauties "boring," "not
n they even remotely humorous," a n d
on es- "simultaneously gross and
g and naive" is grossly naive. Which
d their is probably why he is writing for
the Daily. Meanwhile the Daily
cousin, prints not one bt two fairly
Smith long reviews of the chea, ex-
d been nloitntive sequel to Dirty Harry,
the Enforcer. Moreover, the re-
n who views were favorable!'This red
ah, we neck film with a message that
hat he can be roughly stated as "all
wiznks (Thrra o nwn term)


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