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January 18, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-18

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Death spurs mixed
campus response
Campus reaction to Gary Gilmore's execution yester-
day morning was mixed. While there was neither strong
support nor opposition to Gilmore's death, 'several stu-
dents expressed disgust with what was termed "the
curious sideshow" ,atmosphere of the execution.
Although Gilmore was the first person in the U.S. put
to death with the sanction of the law since 1967, Univer-
sity law professor Jerry Israel said he does not see the
case as a major legal precedent.
"I THINK FOR each case they'll have to go to the
Supreme Court and have it ruled on. I'm sure there will
l e a series of cases in the future," he said.
Israel said he feels the Gilmore case will be noted in
legal history mainly because Gilmore didn't want to pre-
vent his execution.
Israel foresees a rise ir capital punishment in the
next two years and predicts more executions will take
place than in the four years preceding the last execu-
tion under the death penalty in 1967.
"I DON'T see that more states will adopt capital pin-
ishment . . .," he added, "It's possible that some juris-
dictions will re-examine capital punishment, resulting in
fewer executions."
"The sideshow atmosphere of this (execution). could
have a bearing on future rulings," Israel said.
Student reaction to Gilmore's execution varied widely.
"I think there is no doubt about having capital punish-
ment in crimes like that (murder)," Jeff Holden, a soph-
See CAMPUS, Page 2

First person executed


U.S. since


(UPI)--A squad of marksmen fired four
bullets into the heart of Gary Gilmore
yesterday at 8:07 a.m., killing him in the
first execution in ten years in the United
"Let's do it," Gilmore said calmly just
before he was strapped in a wooden chair
25 feet from his executioners, hooded and
the target pinned to his chest.
The Supreme Court yesterday postponed the
execution of convicted Texas murderer Jerry
Jurek, which had been scheduled for tomorrow,
morning. See story, page 2.
THERE WERE FIVE riflemen, but the
weapon of one contained a blank. An
autopsy disclosed that all four slugs pass-
ed through Gilmore's heart in a pattern
of one or two square inches, but he lived
for two full minutes afterward.
The execution, which had been Gil-
more's ardent wish, followed a night of
frantic appeals, stays and reversals in
three courts. The legal wrangle continued
until just before his death.
Dr. Serge Moore, Utah state medical

examiner who pinned the target on Gil-
more, said he could not determine wheth-
er the killer suffered any pain.
"ALL I KNOW IS that he was breath-
ing and that what are called the auto-
matic functions were going on for two
minutes," Moore said.
Moore said the two-minute life span
was normal for persons shot the way Gil-
more was. He added that pain is usually
impeded by shock.
Gilmore maintained his composure to
the end. He tried throughout the night to
calm his relatives and lawyers who were
with him in a special visiting room.
HE EVEN DANCED with his cousin, Toni
D'Amico, to give others there a lesson.
And. according to his lawyer, he sparred
around, giving pointers on _boxing.
He refused his final dinner - steak,
potatoes, peas and cherry pie. But he had
a breakfast of eggs, hamburger, potatoes,
milk and coffee. He even managed to take
a nap during the night.
Some two dozen foes of capital pun-
ishment maintained a vigil throughout the
See GILMORE, Page 3

AP Photo
THIS WAS THE VIEW the five executioners had for the Gilmore execution yesterday morn-
ing at the Utah State Prison. The view looks through the slot for the rifles toward the chair
where Gilmore was seated.

See Editorial Page

'Yl r e



High - 14°
Low - 2°
See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI1, No. 88

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 18, 1977

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Was your hundred-watt lamp bulb putting out
like a firefly yesterday? Was your electric yogurt
machine just not making the stuff like it used
too? Wait. Don't trash your favorite appliances
or get ripped off have them fixed. 'They're not
broken, the Detroit Edison Company is having
problems. Yesterday, Ann Arbor and other cities
in the Detroit vicinity were victims of a brown-
out. And Edison officials, fearing an abnormally
high demand for power during peak use. periods,
asked customers to cut their use of electricity
by at least 10 per cent to avoid a further power
shortage and possible blackout. But Edison doesn't
seem to be doing such a good job of following
its own suggestion. Last night, as one of our
printers passed the Ann Arbor Edison building,
he noticed that every light, 'including those to
offices that are vacated at 5:00, was shining
brightly; wasting our energy. Shame on you
Detroit Edison.
Happenings ...
. begin to warm up (even if nothing else will)
at noon today when the Center for Continuing
Education of Women (CEW) opens its winter
series of Reports from Returning Women: Re-
search and Progress at 328 Thompson St. Andrea
Sankar, a doctoral student in Anthropology, will
discuss "An Anti-Marriage Movement in Southern
China 1850-1930" ... also at high noon Mary Elton
Coltar will discuss "The Sex Role and Female
Personality" at the Ecumenical Campus Center
at 921 Church St. ... at 4 p.m, the fifth in the
series of monthly "Dean's Teas" will be held at
3501 LSA where students are welcome to "come
by and chat with LSA Dean Billy Frye" ... the
Ann Arbor Libertarian League is sponsoring a
filmed interview with Ann Rand at 4 p.m. in
Anderson Room D of the Union ... at 4:30 p.m.
the University Artists and Craftsmen Guild Steer-
ing Committee will hold its meeting in the Pen-
dleton Rm. of the Union.
Saxe sentenced
Antiwar activist Susan Saxe, charged with mur-
der in the 1970 robbery of a branch of the State
Street Bank and Trust Co. in Boston, pleaded guil-
ty to armed robbery and manslaughter yester-
day and was sentenced, to 12 to 14 years in state
On the inside ...
Football freaks Bob Updegraff and Bob Uetz
of Des Moines examine the Big 10 on the Edi-
torial Page ... the Arts Page brings you Jim
Stimson on Jean-Pierre Rampel ... and Scott
Lewis and Tom Cameron report on last night's
basketballing in Iowa.








By AP and Reuter
WASHIlNGTON - President
Ford's budget proposals for
the 1978 financial year arrived
on Capitol Hill yesterday but
except for a few routine de-
nunciations by the Democratic
leadership, it was almost to-
tally ignored."
Ford proposed a spending
level of $440 billion and a de-
ficit of $47 billion for the year
beginning October 1, 1977.
BUT BY THE time the in-
coming Carter administration
and the Congressional Budget'
committees get through pulling
apart the massive document,
both figures are likely to be
Carter's is expected to pro-
pose major changes in the doc-
ument but will use the Ford
budget as a basis (see story,
page 8).
"We'll be watching for the
Carter amendments," House
Sneaker Thomas "Tip" O'Neill
told reporters.
"No one pays much attention
to what a lame duck President
has to say . . . With seven and
one-half million people unem-
ployed, this (budget) is insuf-
ficient," O'Neill said.
Chairman Robert Giaimo, (D-

Conn.) said at a news confer- heeded all his recommenda-
ence, "I expect the Congress tions to hold down spending.
and the new administration to
move more positively than does FORD'S PROPOSAL, for the
this budget toward faster eco- fiscal year 1978 is an increase
nomic growth and substantially of $28.8 billion over the pre-
different budget priorities." vious year, against receipts of
Giaimo said some of the $393 billion. The difference is
spending restraints Ford pro- a $$47-billion deficit.
posed have the effect of reduc- But projecting plans a year
ing federal aid to "the working ahead, Ford said the budget de-
poor and the near-poor." ficit should be only $11.6 billion
"In many ways, the Presi- in 1979 and that if the economy
dent continues to make it more perked up more than has been
attractive to remain on welfare predicted, "it is entirely pos-
than to work," Giaimo said. See FORD, Page 3

By The Associated Press and United Press International
WASHINGTON - Theodore Sorensen, denouncing attacks on
him as "totally false" and "absurd," yesterday withdrew as
Jimmy Carter's nominee 'to head the CIA and said he was un-
willing to compromise his conscience to be confirmed.
Carter agreed that was the best way out of the controversy
about Sorensen's record and' credentials for the top intelligence
post, but said 'he regretted the loss of "an extremely talented
and dedicated man."
A SPOKESPERSON SAID CARTER will choose a new nom-
inee for the CIA- post some time after the inauguration on
Thursday. Until a.new appointee is named and confirmed, the
CIA apparently will be run by E. Henry Knoche, a 25-year
agency veteran now serving as deputy director.
Several liberal senators were outraged by the "persecution"
of Sorensen.
Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.), said yesterday as was "deep-
ly, distressed at what has happened.
"I DEEPLY RESENT the scurrilous attacks - it is a dis-
grace to decency and justice. I had hoped he would be con-
firmed but the ghost of Joe McCarthy still stalks the land,"
McGovern said.
See SORENSEN, Page 3


HE SAID HIS committee ex-
pects Carter's recommenda-
tions for immediate economic
stimihis as early as next week
and Congress could enactthem
by the end of March. The new
administration's amendments
to Ford's budget, which is for
the next fiscal year, should be
along in about a month, he
The outgoing President's fis-
cal plan reflected his campaign
pledges to cut taxes, bolster
defenses and move toward end-
ing red-ink spending.
But Ford acknowledged the
budget could not be balanced
so soon as he had planned,
partly, he said, because the
Democratic Congress had not

County jail prisoner
A 27-year-old man hanged himself Sunday night in his Wash-
tenaw County Jail cell - only two weeks after being diagnosed
as "potentially suicidal" by a psychiatrist.
At a press conference yesterday, Sheriff Tom Minick said
Edward Hughes, an Ypsilanti resident who had been awaiting
sentencing since Sept. 11 on three counts of larceny and passing
bad cheeks, had declared since the beginning of December that
he wanted to die.
CIRCUIT COURT Judge Patrick Conlin ordered that Hughes
be examined on Jan. 3 by the Center for Forensic Psychiatry-
a state-funded unit adjacent to Ypsilanti State Hospital used pri-

m r"slam s
The U.S. should use economic
and political pressure to force
the cretion of a more "open"
Soviet society Andrei Amalrik
told a University audience yes-
Using an interpreter, 38-year-
old exiled Russian dissident

marily to determine if priso-
ners are psychologically fit to
stand trial.
Conlin ordered the examina-
tion after Hughes expressed his
death wish statements, as well
as what Minick called "mone-
tary offers to officers (at the
jail) to put him out of his
According to Minick, psy-
chiatrists at the Forensic
Center warned Hughes might
try to take'his own life.
ed on that diagnosis when
Hughes apparently hanged
himself. The judge would have
determined if Hughes should
stay in jail or be placed in a
mental health facility such as

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