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January 16, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-16

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See Inside


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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVII, No. 87

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 16, 1977

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Delhey denies
Washtenaw County Prosecutor William Delhey
yesterday denied charges that he withheld infor-
mation that could have exonerated convicted mur-
derer John Norman Collins. Collins, who is serv-
ing a life sentence for the 1968 murder of East-
ern Michigan University freshwoman Karen Sue
Beineman, also said in an interview this week
that police pressured witnesses to give testimony
against him. "If we had withheld evidence," said
Delhey, "I'm sure it would have been brought up
during the lengthy appeals process." It was
Delhey who prosecuted Collins and obtained his
August 1971 conviction.
Happenings ...
.Begin at 3 today with this week's Gay Dis-
cussion at Canterbury House, on the corner of
Catherine and Division. The topic is "The Nature
of Love" . . . At 7, the Church of the Good Shep-
herd, 2145 Independence, holds a special service
celebrating the "Living Spirit of Martin Luther
King, Jr. . . . The Baha'i Association sponsors a
World Religion Day Celebration at 7 in the Inter-
national Center, 603 E. Madison . . . Faye Dukes
speaks on "Head Trips and Human Potential
Movements: An Analytical Survey," 7:30 at the
Wesley Foundation, at the corner of State and
Huron . . . On Monday, anthropologist Vern Car-
roll speaks on "The Natural History of the Con-
cept of Culture," at 4 in Rackham's East Con-
ference Rm . . . The A Squares Dance Club pre-
sents free beginning lessons at 7 in the Assem-
bly Rm. of the Union. No partner is necessary
. . . Exiled Soviet dissident Andrei Amalrik speaks
on Detente and the Soviet Dissident Movement,"
at 7 in the Rackham Aud......
Close calls
An off-duty Beverly Hills, Calif. police officer
escaped death Friday night from a gun that mis-
fired five times while pointed at his face, au-
thorities said. The 48 - year - old officer, whose
name was not released, has been off duty with
a disability and wears a back and neck brace
in addition to walking with a cane. After visiting
the police station Friday night, the officer walk-
ed out to, his car. As he entered the vehicle, two
men emerged from a nearby clump of bushes,
opened the passenger door, pointed a gun in his
face and pulled the trigger five times. The gun
misfired and the officer opened his door and
rolled out to the ground as the sixth shot was
fired. The bullet pierced his back brace below
the neck, going in one side and out the other.
The two men fled, but not before the officer got
off six shots, hitting one of the assailants. The
officer was not injured.
The Russians are gumming
Chewing gum, that old symbol of Western de-
cadence, has gone into production in the Soviet
Union. The first Soviet-made gum appeared in
stores in Armenia and Estonia at the start of
the year, and another gum factory will open in
Moscow in 1978, a Soviet newspaper said yester-
day. The story praised the new gum as "color-
fully decorated and good tasting, and good for
the human organism." The chewing of "zhevatel-
naya ryezinka" - literally translated as chewing
rubber - has long been considered an "uncultur-
ed" American vice. Customs inspectors have been
known to confiscate it, and newspapers have lec-
tured about the bad habit. But after an intense
battery of tests performed by the All-Union Scien-
tific Research Institute of Medical Equipment, the
gum was finally certified for chewing.
Argentine anti-semitism
The bombing of an empty movie theater featur-
ing "Victory at Entebbe" and the robbery of a
Jewish-owned bank are apparently part of an
anti-Semitic camnaign in Argentina, police sources
said yesterday. Both incidents occurred Friday in
the city of Cordoba, 450 miles north of Buenos
Aires. Police said four men broke into the empty
Cinerama movie theater in a shopping arcade

at dawn and placed two charges of more than 30
pounds of TNT each. They fled and the bombs
exploded, badly damaging the theater and 100
surrounding shops.- Two hours after the blasts,
six armed men kidnaped the security chief of
the Cordoba Israeli bank from his home, took
him to the bank and forced him to let them in-
side, where they made off with $100,000.
Antais in
Author and diarist Anais Nm died in a Los
Angeles hospital Friday night, it was announced
yesterday. Details were being withheld until rela-
tives were notified. The Paris-born Nin wrote
criticism, fiction, and essays, but the larger part
of her literary reputation was based on her six
volumes of diaries. In them, she recounted a life
that stretched back to the days of the so-called
"Lost Generation" of writers and artists that con-
gregated in Paris durine the 1920s and 1930s.
On the inside...
. . . Tom O'Connell takes a look. at legalized




Come February, the University faculty's Sen-
ate Assembly will vote on a Civil Liberties
Board (CLB) recommendation that the Univer-
sity drop two clauses from its job recruitment
policy - one barring from campus companies
without affirmative action guidelines and anoth-
er excluding companies located in foreign coun-
tries where the government sanctions discrim-
Prof. Brymer Williams, Chairman of the Sen-
a e Advisory Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA) which has already approved the CLB
recommendation, calls the revision a "tidying
up" of the 1971 statement on recruitment. '
IF THE REVISION is approved, people in the

University Placement Offices generally
recruitment on campus will not change
The new provision would demand an a
tive action program only of those compan
quired to instate one by federal law.
In addition, the section barring recru
by multinational companies in coun'ries
discrimination is legally enforced on the b
race, color, creed. sex, religion or nation
gin." would be dropped from the present
"WE WANT IT (the policy) to be as o
possible" explains Dr. Bruce Friedman,
man of the CLB.
"We can't judge degrees of moral culp
The discrimination sta ement was origina

agree, tended against South Africa, but it'.s unworkable," CLE and S
appre- he added. mit some (
Director of the Engineering Placement John be discrimi
ffirma- Young claims the present policy is impossible principles o
ies re- to enforce and called the clause on foreign gov- Al hought
ernment discrimination "a laughingstock." anti-discrim
uitment ed, the prop
"where FRIEDMAN also defends the new guidelines by ance proce
asis of citing results of last year's student referendum by any cor
ial ori- on Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Nation- vestigated.
policy. al Security Agency (NSA) campus recruitment.
In that advisory vo'e, the students supported the MOST PL
pen as right of the intelligence organizations to recruit taking the
chair- at the Universiy. Friedman interprets the results 'This re
as an affirma ion of free speech. re ative to
ability. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
ally in- printed a statement in 1968 which supports the

ACUA stand: ". . . a decision to ad-
companies) and exclude others would
natory and an incursion into the basic
of academic freedom."
the mandator affirmative action and
ination stipulations may be eliminat-
posal, if approved, will include a griev-
dure whereby alleged discrimination
mpany, while on campus, will be in
LACEMENT office administrators are
proposed changes without worry.
evision will mean no major change
industry" predicts Jim Klee, director
See 'U', Page 7


Judge denies plea


execution foes
save Gilmore

From Wire Service Reports
TAIN, Utah - Capital
punishment oppo-
nents said yesterday it ap-
peared unlikely they could
stop convicted killer Gary
Mark Gilmore's execution
by firing squad at sunrise
"Obviously we've used
our best shots," said Shir-
ley Pedler, director of the
local American Civil Liber-
ties Union (ACLU) affill-
and n*',"rs to have Gilmore's
ex '' staved by state and
feder-1 'rirts failed on Fri-
Althoigh unlikely, a reprieve
remained conceivable if law-
years could find a judge willing
to grant it.
David Lewis, chief justice of
the 10th U. S. Circuit Court of
Apneals, upheld a decision yes-
terday of federal Judge Aldon
Anderson who had rejected ar-
guments Friday that Gilmore's
execution would hurt others on

death row. It was the fifth stay
effort in the last two days.
Attorneys representing other
death row inmates had sought
The state-ordered execution
of convicted murderer Gary
Gilmore is an act of barbar-
ism and at dawn tomorrow,
the appallina precedent will
be set. See Editorial, Page 2.
a stay of execution for Gil-
M E A N W H I L E, Attor-
ney Gilbert Athay indicated

that he would seek a stay from
U. S. Supreme Court Justice
Byron White on today.
Attorneys for the ACLU filed
a taxpayers suit in Third Dis-
trict Court asserting the exec-
ution was a wrongful ;use of
public money. Judge Dean
Conder said he lacked jurisdic-
tion tbecause Gilmoredwas
convicted in another district
court, and a state supreme
court justice also declined to
Then the ACLU lawyers
souight a stay from Gov. Scot'.
Matheson, but the newly-elect-
See JUDGE, Page 2

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Dizzy Dazzles
Dizzy Gillespie, one of the inventors of 40's b op jazz, blows his horn before fans Friday night
in the Michigan' League Ballroom. The sixty- year-old trumpet player, who calls himself a
"living legend," also staged a jazz clinic for lo cal musicians and music buffs yesterday.

'Basically, somebody
as gotoIe fi
WASHINGTON (UPI) - Gary Gilmore's execution by a Utah
firing squad tomorrow wiil end a 10-year moratorium on capital
punishment in the United States.
Merely ending the moratorium is worrisome for the approxi-
mately 350 persons on death rows in 20 states, many of whom are
too young to remember the decades when executions were almost
FOR THEM, Gilmore's highly publicized dea h at the hands
of government may reduce some of the typical jailhouse optimism
about "beating the chair' and prove that legal execution once
again is a reality.
An important question likely to be resolved by Gilmore's exe-
cution and those which follow is how many of the nearly two-thirds
of Americans whom polls show favor capital punishment might
change their minds once the practice is resumed.
"We're dealing wi h a potent psychological force now - the
first execution in 10 years - and I don't know which way people
will think," laid Deborah Levy, who lobbies against death penalty

Sorensen nomination in trouble

By AP and UP]
The nomination of Theodore
Sorensen to be head of the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency ap-
peared yesterday to be running
into serious and possibly fatal
Sorensen called "totally false"
allegations of impropriety stem-
ming from a newspaper report
that he took secret documents
as his own, used them for a
book before donating them to

the government for a tax de-
duction and leaked classified
material to reporters.
SORENSEN, in a statement
read by his law partner, Mark
Alcott, said he talked yesterday
with President-elect Carter, who
"reaffirmed his strong deter-
mination that I serve as director
of central intelligence and I ex-
pect to do so."
Earlier, Senate majority lead-

er Robert Byrd- said without
elaborating that he believes Sor,
ensen's chances of confirmation
are "questionable," and Sen.
Strom Thurmond, (R-S.C.), said
his name should be withdrawn.
Alcott, asked whether Soren-
sen would withdraw, said, "Ab-
solutely not."
SORENSEN goes before Sen.
Daniel Inouye's intelligence
committee for confirmation
hearngs tomorrow.

Suspect confesses murderiIng
reporter; two others arrested

By Al and UPI
PHOENIX, Ariz. - A man accused of killing
investigative reporter Don Bolles pleaded guilty
to a reduced charge of second-degree murder
yesterday, three hours after two other men were
arrested and charged with murder and conspir-
acy in the case.
John Adamson admitted to Pima County Su-
perior Court Judge Ben Birdsall in Tucson that
he placed a bomb under Bolles' car in a mid-
town Phoenix hotel parking lot last June 2.
THE BOMB exploded as Bolles drove from the
hotel. and the reporter died in a Phoenix hospital
11 days later.
Adamson originally pleaded guilty and was
tried in Phoenix, but a mistrial was declared
because of massive publicity surrounding the
A new trial was begun in Tucsan, and jury se-
lection was under way when Adamson pleaded
guilty to the reduced charge in exchange for in-

Adamson said he would be paid $50,000 for the
three killings, according to Sellers' affidavit.
Adamson confessed as part of a plea bargain-
ing agreement in which he would be sentenced to
20 years and eight months in prison under the
reduced murder charge, and receive state and
federal immunity from prosecution in return for
testifying about the Bolles killing and other
BIRDSALL SAID he ;would rule Wednesday on
whether he would accept the sentencing deal but
said he was pleased with the overall plea bar-
gaining agreement.
No charges were lodged against Marley, who
was not available for comment on the affidavit.
Authorities refused to comment on Marley's al-
leged involvement in the case or to say whether
any charges were planned.
Adamson reportedly called Bolles, who was
working on articles exposing fraudulent land

The main trouble appeared to'
be the affidavit Sorensen gave
duing the 1972 Pentagon Pa-
pers trial of Daniel Ellsberg on
the defendant's behalf, appar-
ently trying to show that re-
leasing some classified papers
should not have been a crime.
The affidavit was circulated to
committee members, and a re-
port of its contents - by the
Long Island newspaper, News-
day - came on top of rumblings
of discontent about Sorensen on
other grounds, namely his lack
of intelligence experience, his
ties to the Kennedy family and
his conscientious objector status.
IN THE affidavit, the news-
paner said, Sorensen admitted
"He took seven cartons of
classified material from White
Jlowse files and later, without
nermission. used the informa-
tion to write a book about Pres-
idet Kennedy.
"He received a tax break for
donaing the classified material
as his own oroperty to the Na-
tin,'al Archives.
"He reneatedly leaked ciase-
fied information to the n-ws
media and used secret informa-
tion to write sna-hes when he
Sprvir1 at the White Ho;se.
"ANY ('H AR(E that I have
P "tnd imnrorsnerly with respect
to c1nsifiod information or
White -hose napers is totally
false." Sor--sen said in his
statement. "My affidavit, which
is tie source of the current
cf ntrrrirsy has been a matter
of n-hlic record and knowledge


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