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April 14, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-04-14

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol LXXXVII, No. 155 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 14, 1977 Ten Cents Twel

ve Pages



Southern Africa
submerged in
scattered warfare

Anatomy of a rumor
Ever wonder how rumors are born? A little
vignette from the world of the big 'U' illustrates
th'e delicate timing and vivid imagination that
go into the making of a rumor. Picture this scene:
It's approximately 12:30 yesterday, another quiet,
routine day of comings and goings at the Union.
Suddenly, a sharp blast rings out, much like the
sound of a gun firing. A few minutes later, po-
lice and an emergency unit arrive and take away
a 'prostate figure. Curious observers, visions of'
Adam-12 and Dragnet dancing in their heads, pass
the word that somebody has been shot. Upon get-
ting wind of the alleged gunplay, we check with
the desk at the Union and to and behold, the
truth shines forth. Apparently, the rumor germina-
ted from an unusual confluence of unrelated events:
the backfire of a garbage truck and an unfortu-
nate soul's fainting attack. Is this how Rona Bar-
rett got started?
Attention, comrades!
Whether you fancy yourself a budding Lenin
or Trotsky or just a curious proletarian like the
rest of us, you might be interested to know that
Elio Gabbuggiani, mayor of Florence, Italy and
member of the Central Committee and Direzione
of the Italian Communist Party will be on cam-
pus next Tuesday to deliver a public address on
"Eurocommunism and the Future of Italy." One
of the leading figures in the Italian Communist
Party, Gabbuggiani has gained prominence for his
efforts to improve relations between Italian Com-
munists and the U.S. He is in the area heading
up an official delegation from his city, the his-
toric center of the Italian Renaissance, to honor
the opening of Detroit's Renaissance Center.
UAC's new team
The University Activities Center (UAC) - the
organization which funds Musket drama produc-
tions, sponsors Mediatrics flicks and brings big-
name rock groups to campus, among other things-
has put together its team for next year. As presi-
dent, Steve Carnavale, an engineering and business
major, will call the plays and provide leadership.
Carnavale, who played in the student government
league as a vice-president for MSA, is expected
to be a seasoned and versatile performer. Robert
Martin, a music major, will assist Carnavale from
his .coordinating vice-president position. Dave
Daugherty, a business major, will be responsible
for the financial "muscle" of the operation. Jeff
Baker, an economics major, will be in charge of
the airwaves as public relations vice-president.
The new team will kick off on May 1.
..are plentiful enough today . . . PIRGIM
elections for the local board of directors will be
held in the Fishbowl from 9-4 . . . A pair of twin
guitarists called "Gemini" will perform in the
Pendleton Arts Center at noon . . . at 2, Paul
Davidoff, director of the Action Institute, will speak
on "Advocacy Planning" in Rm. 28 in the Residen-
tial College . . . Prof. Rutherford Aris will explain
mathematical models by using the analysis of a
chemical reactor for illustration at 3:30 in the
Rackham Amphitheatre . .. "Evolution in Western
Australia: Harsh and Beautiful' will be the topic
of a lecture delivered by Sherwin Carlquist of
Claremont College at 4 in Aud. B, Angell
or go hear Prof. David Pilbeam p Yale University
talk about "Siwalik Stratigraphy in Pakistan an
the New Evidence on Human Origins" in Rm. 2501,
C.C. Little at 4 . . . then, in the evening, at 7,
there will be a showing of the "Clio Awards" com-
mercials in Rm. 130 of the Business School, bring
your own popcorn . . . at 7:30, Stephan Dunning
will read poetry at Guild House, 802 Monroe .. .
there will be a presentation by the Inter-Coopera-
tive Council's Affirmative Action Committee at
Trotter House at 7:30 . . . also at 7:30, Paul David-
off will once again climb up to the podium to dis-
cuss "Equity and Redistribution in Urban Growth
Policy" in Rm. 126'of the Residential College .. .
and if that isn't your cup of tea, go hear Gino
Lofredo, director of the Washington branch of the
Argentine Committee for Human Rights, discuss
his role as chief lobbyist to the U.S. Congress on
behalf of imprisoned and exiled Argentines in the
Pendleton Room at 7:30 ... at 8, University gradu-
ate students will present a dance concert in the
Dance Building's Studio Theatre A . . . also, at 8,
Prof. Paul Remy will speak on "The Modern
Archivolt and the Arthurian Enigma" in Aud. D,
Angell . . . the Dept. of Classical Studies will pre-

sent a performance of "Plautus Pseudolus" or
"The Birthday Party" in the foyer of Angell Hall
at 8 . . . That's all folks.
On the inide .. ..
An East German dissident who wrote to President
Carter and a Romanian novelist who demanded a
human rights investigation are reportedly under
arrest in East Berlin. Read about it in the Daily
Digest on Page 3 .. . On the Editorial Page, Jeff
Selbst spins a sordid tale in his Up and Coming
column . . . Owen Gleiberman and Andrew Kurtz- '
man preview the remainder of the Altman Festival
on the Arts Page .. . and Cindy Gattiolis has the
scoop on yesterday's Michigan-Wayne State base-

By The Associated Press
South African officials
yesterday reported fierce
new internal fighting in
Angola, while Z a m b i a
charged that air force jets
from neighboring Zaire had
crossed its borders and
bombed two villages and a
The reports fed new ten-
sions on a continent sim-
mering with ideological, re-
gional, tribal and racial

orities in Windhoek, capital of
South-West Africa (Namibia)
said about 700 black refugees
have fled south from Angola in
recent weeks to escape new
fighting-between Cuban backed
government troops and guer-
rillas of the Union for the To-
tal Independence of Angola
UNITA, led by Jonas Savim-
bi, was one of two black na-
tionalist factions that battled
against Agostinho Neto's Marx-
ist - oriented Popular Move-
ment (MPLA) during the civil

Regents to discuss
tuition, PPtoday.
An eight to ten per cent tuition hike, an amended procedure
for program discontinuance and the re-organization of the Depart-
ment of Population Planning (DPP) are practically assured of
approval at the Regents' monthly meetings today and tomorrow.
Although the Regent will probably not settle on an exact figure
for the expected tuition increase for the 1977-78 school year, they
are expected to approve tentative figures tomorrow.
THE FINAL DRAFT of the Guidelines for the Discontinuance
of Academic Programs, tentatively approved at the Regents' Feb-
ruary meeting, have since been amended by the Senate Assembly.
See REGENTS, Page 7

war in the former Portugu
The MPLA was declared v
ner of the war last year, la
ly with the help of Soviet ai
and 12,000-15,000 Cuban trot
many of whom are still in,
gola. But UNITA has contin
a bitter guerrilla campaign
the south, reportedly v
strong support from rt
Angola's eastern night
Zambia, charged that jets of
Zaire air force had crossed
unmarked bushland border o
on Saturday and twice on M
day, striking two border
lages and a mission hospital
spokesman said nothing at
The bombings appeared to
a spillover of Zaire Presid
Wobutu Sese Seko's campa
against rebel exiles who inv
ed from Angola last month
have occupied a third of
copper - rich ShabaProvi
in southwestern Zaire.
The Zambian spokesman s
a delegation from Zaire arri
in Lusaka, the capital of Zz
bia, to hold urgent talks m
President Kenneth Kaun
Kaunda had sent a message
Mobutu Tuesday night infoj
ing him of the "grave bomb


Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX
Watch out, Richey Green
Give Harry a few more years, and he may become another All-American. He's already got
the concentration, now if he can just improve that aim .
Direc(or s accusations
irk Stockwell studentts'

Letelier tells of terror

Isabel Letelier, widow of the late Chilean exile Orlando Letel
last night discussed her husband's death and the terror surround
Chileans who oppose the junta government.
"That morning, we said goodbye," she told a crowd of
who gathered in the Pendleton Room of the Union. "The n
thing I knew, I was fighting FBI agents at the George Washi
ton Hospital so that I would be allowed to see what was left
my husband."
ORLANDO LETELIER was killed in September when a bo
blast destroyed the car in which he and his companion, Randi M
fit, were riding.
His death, she charged, was never investigated.
Letelier requested government investigation of the death
her husband.-She named possible collaborators in the assassinat
See LETELIER, Page 12

to Two Stockwell residents are seeking action
rm- against their building director, Mildred Morris,
ing who they charge has falsely accused them of
setting a fire outside the women's residence hall
last month.
The two Filipino sophomores, Consuelo Ancog
and Evalour Ramos, have gone before housing
officials with their complaint against Morris.
They allege that she called them into her office
on April 1 and stated that she had seen them
at the site of the March 15 fire.
HOWEVER, MORRIS' only official action in
the case has been to write both women a "warn-
ing" letter asserting that they started the blaze
ier, and emphasizing the dangers of fire.
ing In the letter, Morris explained the two-week
delay between the date of the fire and her con-
70 frontation with the two women, saying that she
ext had consulted with other housing officials and
rng- concluded that the letter would be more effective
of than harsh disciplinary action.
Morris was unavailable for comment yesterday.
mb She is out of town for the week as is Housing
of- Director John Feldkamp, who is studying the
THE BLAZE, set on a concrete apron just out-
of side of Stockwell's cafeteria, did not cause any
ion serious damage to the building.
"We deny the charges and have proof of where

we were that night," Ancog said. "We're bring-
ing it to the housing directors and telling them
that we're innocent. We don't know why Mrs.
Morris is saying this. We'd like to see the guilt
properly established."
However, Associate Housing Director Robert
Hughes explained his office's immediate plans
for dealing with the problem: "We're asking Mrs.
Morris to try to get this matter resolved with
the students when she returns next week.
"IF IT CANNOT be resolved at that level," he
said, "then it will have to be resolved at a higher
level in the organization. But we won't make a
decision until all the facts are in."
"She has accused us in writing and we want
some action taken by the housing directors," An-
cog said. "If nothing is done, we'd like to take
her to court and charge her with fabricating false
accusations or defamation of character, but we're
not really sure we have a case."
"We don't think she's capable of taking care of
400 girls," she charged. "We'd like to see her
suspended or demoted."
,According to Ancog, a group of Stockwell resi-
dents are discussing the idea of starting a peti-
tion, demanding Morris' removal from her posi-
tion. The students claim Morris has demonstrated
incompetence in other areas as well as the recent
fire incident. Ancog particularly cited irregulari-
ties in Stockwell's room lottery system.


Holden: Ba bies get a second chance


The proud parents of three
other healthy children, the Issels
were hardly prepared when their
fourth child was b o r n. two
months early-and nearly dead.
With underdeveloped lungs in
danger of collapse, David Issel's
tiny, gray body was unable to
sustain itself without outside aid.
Ten years ago, David would
have certainly died within hours
of birth. However, new special-
ized facilities like those at the
Holden Center in the Univer-
sity's medical center complex
offered David a chance to live.
NOW ONE of Holden's success
stories, 18-month-old David has
since developed into a normal,
healthy t o d d l e r who races
through his Ann Arbor home at
a pace his brother Mark de-
scribes as "nerve-wracking."
At the University, critically ill
newborns can receive special-
ized medical assistance at the
Holden Intensive Care Nursery.
This unit, part of the James and
Lynelle Holden Perinatal Re-
search Laboratories, provides a
specialized staff and sophisti-
cated equipment, among the
best in the state, to treat babies
born prematurely, with birth de-
fects or with metabolic diseases.
TTa T~n1Aan Ani1ina annnpan

by his premature birth. His un-
derdeveloped lu n g s made his
breathing undependable. His im-
mature liver could not break
down food and waste products
efficiently, so jaundice was a
constant threat. And a fetal
blood vessel that usually closes
at birth, remained open, caus-
ing much of his blood to bypass
the lungs and travel through the
body without sufficient oxygen.

"David wasn't expected to
live for the first 24 hours," Issel
says. "We had people all over
the country praying for him.
"When I went to see David,
he would grab my finger and
pull. When I prayed for him, it
seemed like he pulled harder. I
think he could sense that we
wanted this baby, and that he
had to fight to live."
TO TREAT problems such as

David's, the Holden staff relies
heavily on complex equipment.
Each newborn lives in an in-
cubator that controls the heat
and humidity of the baby's en-
vironment. S p e c i a l sensors
taped to the infant's body lead
to monitors that register vital
signs-heart rate, body temper-
ature, blood p r e s s u r e-and
alarms sound when the signs
See BABIES, Page 2



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