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April 10, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-04-10

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Vol. LXXXViI, No. 152 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 10, 1977 Ten Cents Eight Pages plus Su


More MSA results
Five of the eight Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) ballot proposals have passed, the most over-
whelming approval gding to an amendment to the
All-Campus Constitution recognizing the right of
students to participate in University decision-mak-
ing. The proposal passed 1,047-189. Also passing
by a large margin, 860-526, was Proposal Two,
calling for a 25 cent-per-term student fee assess-
ment for revenue going to the MSA Student As-
sembly Housing Law Reform Project and the
Tenants Union. Narrowly getting approval was the
15-cent fee assessment per term of students for
Course Evaluations. Proposal Five, recommending
that MSA donate $7,500 to the Child Care Action
Center for the 1976-1977 fiscal year failed by a
considerable margin, 532 for; 764 against. In the
Board of Student Publications elections, Bruce
Chew captured the undergraduate seat with 221
votes, next to second place Janet Hanka with 160.
Patricia Thomas took the graduate seat with 278
A happy, happy Easter
While the kiddies eagerly hunt-for their colored
Easter eggs and marshmallow bunnies, some older
Ann Arbor kiddies are rumored to be seeking out
hidden holiday treasures of gold - Columbian,
that is. The annual "Easter joint hunt," popular
enough to merit two kegs of beerthis year, is
appropriately being held somewhere within the
city limits of the famed Dope Capital of the World.
The exact location, isn't being publicized, perhaps
because the hosts fear intruding dopeheads will
snatch up the holiday weed. Some University stu-
dents will reportedly be in on the fun, wherever
the festivities are held. Whoever said you need
the Easter Bunny to have a good time?
Happenings .,..
Zilch. Nothing, absolutely nothing, besides church
services and the rumored "Easter joint hunt" are
in store for today, as far as we know. You have
your choice ... Tomorrow, however, your alterna-
tives are not quite as limited. At 4, hear Frances
Svensson speak on "The New Tribal Frontier: In-
dians and Siberians in the Industrial World" in
Rackhams's E. Conference Rm. ... or- go to Rm.
3050 in the Frieze Bldg. at that time to hear Dr.
James Sauer, director of the American Center of
Oriental Research in Amman, Jordan. He will be
discussing "Recent Archeological Work in Jordan
(1973-1976) ... at 7, the continuing Future Worlds
lectures offer Gay Luce in Rackham Aud. ... at
7:30 choose between the following: "Cabaret" of-
fered by the School of Music with the Chamber
Winds, conducted by Allan McMurray in the Pen-
dleton Rm. on the second floor of the Union ...
two films, "Orienteering" and "Alive and Feeling
Great," will be shown at the North Campus Rec.
Bldg. They are sponsored by the Dept. of Recrea-
tional Sports. Bring student I.D. or user pass ..
at 8, hear the Arts Chorale's spring concert in
Hill Aud. 1.. and at 8:30, hear a debate on the
existence of God between Madalyn (Murray)
O'Hair, renowned for her stance on prayer in the
schools, and Harry Veryser,tassistant to the Presi-
dent of Hillsdale College. They will argue in the
Union ballroom.
California follies
Despite dwindling water supplies and increas-
ing inconvenience, Northern Californians have
apparently managed to retain a sense of humor.
Take, for example, a booklet put out by the East
Bay Municipal Utility District, located in Oak-
land. The six-page primer offers some ingenious
tips on how to save water. Some hints might prove
useful, and some are just plain silly. Consider the

fish water hint. Use the old water from your
fish bowl to water your planties and you not only
save water, but you get some primo fertilizer. Or
if you don't have fish, you might scrape the con-
densation off your cocktail glasses and onto your
green little friends. Other tips include swallow-
ing aspirin dry, bathing syour kids in the same
bath water, cleanest kid first, and making your
waterbed into a beerbed or winebed. Not all so
useful perhaps, but lots of fun.
On the inside . .
Carter will have to scrounge up some more votes
in Congress if his $50 rebate plan is to pass, ac-
cording to two Congressional leaders. It's all on
Page 3 in the Daily Digest ... Philosophy Prof.
Carl Cohen airs his views on the Bakke vs. U-
California reverse discrimination case on the Edit
Page ... and Eric Olson reports on yesterday's
tennis match with Kalamazoo College on the
Sports Page.

Mott Hospital: Home away
from home for sick kids

Michael Normand is just like any other six-year-old. He's
learning how to read; he idolizes Popeye Spiderman and Ultra-
man; he raves at the antics of Mark "The Bird" Fidrych, and he
plays a mean game of "Uncle Wiggly."
But in another way, he's very different. Every 14 days, Mi-
chael comes to Ann Arbor from his home in Ypsilanti for a week's
stay at the University's Mott Children's Hospital, where he is
undergoing chemotherapy for a very serious form of cancer. For
Michael, doctors in white smocks, medication, and IVs are as
much a part of life as riding his bike and watching cartoons.
MOTT HOSPITAL, located in the University's Medical Com-
plex, offers children like Michael eight floors of advanced medical
equipment and highly-trained, experienced personnel. But beyond
these technical aspects of pediatrics, Mott provides its youngsters
with a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere designed to reduce their
fears of hospitalization. Brightly colored murals decorate the hall-
ways, activities are planned and visitors are welcome-all in an
effort to lift the spirits of some 200 children.
Connie and Tim Normand, Michael's parents, have been very
pleased with the care their son has received at Mott. The Nor-
mand family's physician referred them to the hospital last Sep-
tember when it became apparent that he had neither the facilities
nor the experience to help Michael.

"The care has been fabulous," says Ms. Normand.t "The doc-
tors and nurses are always there to help and they're friendly; it's
not like trying to talk to a brick wall."
When Michael was diagnosed in September, his doctors at
Mott sat down with the Normands and explained to them exactly
what was wrong with their son.
"THEY DREW PICAURES on a blackboard to show where
everything was and how large the tumor was," explains Ms.
Normand. "They explained everything so fully that there-'was no
way that we could have misunderstoo4."
The Mott staff also deals, frankly with Michael. When he is
given a medication they explain why they are giving it to him
and what side effects he can expect.
"Michael's the type of child that has to know what's going on,"
says his mother. "He wants the truth, he doesn't want anybody
to come in and lie to him."
During his hospital stays, Michael becomes very sick from the
large doses of drugs he must take to sustain himself and to ease
the pain caused by the tumor which has developed in his abdomen.
Some nights, he will be awake for hours vomiting because of the
drugs' side-effects. The IV attached to his right hand provides
another painful reminder of Michael's illness.
EVEN THOUGH his mother says that her son enjoys the hos-
pital on the days he's feeling well, those days, are unfortunately,
See A HOME, Page 5

Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
Parked on a pillow, Michael Normand says he doesn't much
like Mott Hospital. But he doesn't realize how well his accom-
modations stack up against other facilities for children. Mott's
halls are lined with colorful murals, and activities for its pa-
tients are planned for every day of the week.

Rhodes to ask DPP elimination

. "Wummw m"

Office of Academic Affairs
makes final recommendation

The Office of Academic Af-
fairs has produced a final rec-
ommendation to the Regents
calling for the elimination of
the Department of Population
Planning (DPP) by July, 1978.
If the action request is ap-
proved at the Regents' Friday
meeting, the teaching and re-
search activities of the eleven-
year-old department will be di-
vided between a new "Interde-
partmental Program" and the
already existing Center for Pop-
ulation Planning.
AFTER M 0 R E than two
months of meetings, a review
committee headed by Vice Pres-
ident for A c a d e m i c Affairs
Frank Rhodes, concluded on
Friday that the Dean and Ex-
ecutive Committee of the School
of Public Health (SPH) "will
guarantee a minimum core cur-
riculum in Population Plan-
ning . . ." with the new pro-
The "core" would include the
degrees Master of Public Health,
Master of Health Services Ad-
ministration, Master of Science,
and a doctoral degree. Profess-
ors would teach these d'egrees
through the Interdepartmental.
Proram, but they would be re-
assigned to another department
within SPH.
With the help of a $25,000 per
year support from the Office of
Academic Affairs for the first
two years, the existing Center
would "coordinate research ef-
forts in population planning" and,
handle service activies, field-
training assignments, and doc-
toral research in the field.
EACH OF THE programs
would be managed by a director

and separate executive com-
mittee appointed by the dean
and the Executive Committee of
SPH itself.
Carolyre Davis, associate vice
president for academic affairs,
discussed the final document
with some DPP students and re-
ported that they were in "pretty
complete agreement" over the
request. She said the recom-
mendation is "in good shape to
movethead" to the Regents.
But Diane Gureiva, president
of the DPP Student Association
and one of nine students who
met with Davis and Rhodes,
said that although "the paper is
something that we feel pretty

comfortable with," sht is "ask-
ing for safeguards." Gureiva is
concerned over the role of SPH
Dean Richard Remington in the
new programs. Reminpton, who
was the first to call for the
elimination of DPP, will coordi-
nate the reorganization.
student, also registered concern
over the implementation of the
proposal. "It sounds like what
happens, is up to the dean
Davis said, "There will have
to be trust by all parties" in-
volved in the plan.
See RHODES', Page 2

Israeli Labor PartV
leaders back Peres
TEL AVIV, Israel OF) - Israel's ruling Labor party leaders
selected Defense Minister Shimon Peres to be the party leader and
choice for prime minister in the May 17 elections, Peres' office an
nounced yesterday.
The decision followed hours of consultations and came after
Peres' chief rival, Foreign Minister Yigal Allon, withdrew from
PRIME MINISTER Yitzhak Rabin submitted his resignation
Thursday because of a scandal involving illegal accounts in an
American bank.
His resignation was another blow to the Labor party, already
under severe attack because of inflation, unemployment and
earlier charges of governmental corruption.
Peres and Allon had met three times within 24 hours, and Radio
Israel said Allon was demanding that he be named defense min-
ister and given the second place on the ballot.
BUT THE STATEMENT from Peres' office said that under the
final agreement, Peres would be able tw name himself to any
other ministry, in addition to being prime minister, if Labor wins.
"If he chooses the portfolio of defense he will get it," the
See ISRAELI, Page 5

Taking a break from his unicycle antics, Nolan Wells transforms from performer to ob-
server. The Diag, dressed in a splash of sunshine yesterday, was the perfect place to
people-watch, stroll, or just ride around on y our-unicycle (?).

Night watch: Keeping ud quiet

Long after the residents of warring dorms have
shouted their last battle cries of the night, and
after the last student die-hard has drifted off
into oblivion, dorm security guards continue to
pace the University's hushed halls.
Still, though some security guards spend more
time in the confines of the dorm than, do the stu-
dents they protect, the keepers of nocturnl peace
are often little known. "Traffic" coming over
the guards' walkie-talkies are their only company.

so much that he returned to Ann Arbor the very
next year. The University offered Parks a job
as a security officer at Stockwell Hall. He took it.
SINCE 1972, the veteran has moved about the
campus quite a bit and these days, East Quad is
his territory.
Parks begins his 10-hour shift at 9:00 at night
with a quick tour of the sprawling East Quad
complex. As he walks, he makes sure outside
doors are locked and stops occasionally to talk
with a student.
"There are a lot of bright students around.

He recalled a time late in January when a
woman resident offered to let a man from Ohio,
who had been attending a conference, stay in
her room. The man made s e x u a 1 advances,
prompting her to call security.
PARKS ARRIVED on the scene and read the
Michigan State Trespass Statute to the violator.
The six foot three inch, 230-pound Ohioan left
without a confrontation.
Being aware of possible fire hazards is also
part of the security officer's duties, especially
in the large, maze-like East Quad.

is not his fob to discipline delinquent residents
and that behavior standards are set by resident
-directors and resident advisors.
Parks added that a close relationship between
the housing staff and the security officer is essen-
tial to the job:
"I ENJOY working on problems with the resi-
dent advisors and directors and solving things
within the building, with our own competence
and resources," he said. "We have an adminis-
tration here in East Quad that is very aware and

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