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January 13, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-13

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Page Two

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, January 13, 1 r

Court rejects attempt to
delay Gilmore's execution'

Carter sees hope
in Middle East

By AP and Reuter co'iragement of Gilmore, who
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Su- has repeatedly declared he
preme Court yesterday rejected wants to be executed without de-
without comment a new attempt lay.
to delay the execution of con- WALLACE - an excommuni-
victed Utah murderer Gary Gil- ca ed Mormon - said the Utah
more, who now is due to face a death penalty statute was un-
firing squad at sunrise on Mon- constitutional since it had been
day. j dictated by powerful Mormon
The court turned down with- i Chrrch figures who controlled
out comment a petition for delay the legislature.
filed by Douglas Wallace of Van- Meanwhile. in Salt Lake City
couver. in Washington state, yesterday. Gilmore issued a let-
without the authorization or en- I ter thanking "the thousands of

peo' le" who have written to By AP and Reuter for the sake of having an agree-
him. WASH'NGTON - President- meat . . . what we do must be
"I appreciate the care, con- elect Jimmy Carter vesterday wor hwvhile and, of course, not
s deration, concern, and love discussed foreign polcy with harmful."
reflected in these letters," Gil- U.S. congressional leaders and S e n a t e Republican leader
more wrote. "There are some said he detected "a fine oppor- Howard Baker said he warned
pretty nice oeople in the world." tunity for a dramatic improve- Carter they will disagree at
GILMORE described himself ment in the Middle East." times during the next four
as "fi' as a fiddle and cool as Sneaking to reporters diring years, bt added that Carter
a cucumber " according to one a break in a nine-hour talk on wants to minimize those dis-
of his attorneys. Ronald Stanger. foreign policy with the coneres- agreemen's. Baker said he was
Officials said they will take sional leaders he disiosed he nleased by "Carter's death of
precautions in case of trouble in ended to send negotiators to knonwedge" about foreign af-
either inside or outside the various trouble spots within the fairs and his willingness to con-
orison as the execution date first weeks of his alministra- sier ,ongr .s.sional advice.
dears. tion. "If you're going to have an
Salt Lake County Sheriff Del- CARTER, WHO takes over the ali-st-r>in show. von're going to
mar Larson said there. have Presidency on January 20. also fall f'at on yor face," Case
been no reports of problems, al- revealed he planned to meet a s,4id he warned the President-
though the international atten- number of foreign leaders in el-ct.
tion drawn to Gilmore's bid for t this co'ntrv and said some such CARTER invited more than 60
death has prompted extra se- meetines had already been nersons to the meeting. in§hid-
curity measures. scheduled. ing congressio-,al leaders, key
LARSON characterized as He game no de'ails. mrembrs of his Cabinet and
"baloney" published accounts of Sen. Hhbert Humphrev. (D- i-zherc of his National Sccur-
threats by protestors to storm i'in.,) did not give any details it- transition team.
the prison and stop the execu- but told renorters: "We had a Thev -onferred on a wide
tion. "That's eastern talk," the verv extensive discussion on the range of foreign nolicv matters


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sheriff said.

whoe sribject of the Middle East for nearIv nine hours in a red
___ and the opnortunities that now sanp' one castle used by the
are available there for ori ent S n-in, Institwion for its
and nersistent negotiations." headquarters.
CLIFFORD Case of New Jer- The President-elect and Cv-
sev. ranking Republican on the rats Vance. his designated secre-
Senate Foreign Relations Com- tarv of state, outlined incoming
mittee, said members of Con- administration positions on is-
vress and the new administra-; s'es ranging from the Organiza-

AP Photo
A BUOYANT PRESIDENT Ford beams last night after giving his farewell State of the Union
speech to Congress.
Ford tells of stronger. U.S.

1.. 1 R #h riiFa

tion agreed that "there's no
ATR sense of having a Strategic
Arms Limitation agreement just!


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Bell pled
FBI chki
(Continued from Page 1)
of a new federal law requiring
law enforcement personnel to
retire at 55.
HE SAID Kelley has told him
"he wants to assist in the tran-
sition" which the retirement law
will bring to the bureau.
Bell hinted that Kelley might
be appointed to an advisory,
position after a new director
is named.
Though Bell declined to elab-
orate on the timing of the
change, there has been specula-.
tion that Kelley will remain with
the department in some capacity
until October when his pension
E. LlBERTY-668-9329
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tion of Petroleum Exporting
Contries (OPEC) to South Af- I (Continued from Page 1) ada had never been stronger. nent jobs created by a thriv-
rica. Panama. and the Far East. Ford's third and last State of The framework for peace in ing economy," Ford said.
the Union address presented the the Middle East had been built WITH THAT he put in another
hour for such tributes. It was and the prospects for a settle- plug for his proposed $10 billion
not the standard litany of re- ment were brighter now than income tax cut and for busi-
S s tw. i-commendations for congression- they had been in three decades, ness tax measures to stimulate
al action, for as Ford said, "the he declared. investment.
peonle have spoken: they have "This administration leaves Actually, Congress already is
chosen a new President. . ." to its successor a world in bet- poised to adopt a different set
f And it is for Carter to out- ter condition than we found," of proposals outlined by Carter.
line his priorities and recom- the President said. "We leave, The President closed his ad-
mn'dqtions. .Ias well, a solid foundation for dress by saying it w-#s not easy
wo'ild increase considerably be- FTRD DTD PENEW tax andprogress on a range of issues to conclude the valedictory in
cause of the new retirement ener v nronosals he had ad- that are vital to the well-being the House chamber where he
law. vanced bpf.ore, but in large of America." served as a congressman for
KELLEY SAID last year he mI'n hi address was a me- CLOSER TO HOME, Ford 25 years. He said he will al-
wol.ld not resign voluntarily ;iew of ' rre thin 29 months said he was encouraged at the ways treasure the memories of
during a change in administra-inthe itH reces- ihis congressional career as of
I daiin theageWhitdmniHous e. lft+nation's recovery from rcs-Ihis White House days, and thenj
tions in order to avoid setting The President said he left sion and return to sound eco- hese
a precedent that future FBI the nation more confident, nomic growth, and suggested
directors must leave when a stronger militarly and in bet- that last autumn's slump might "My fellow Americans, I once
new president takes office. tar ehenomik c e.)Hitiein than have stemmed from campaign asked for yo-r prayers and now
Kelley believes that could en- e, i w to fi be s uncertainty. I give you mine: May God guide
courage political appointments r I He said the economic recov- this wonderful country, its peo-
of FBI directors and inject the a nroud of the lon way we ery is now continuing "after ple and those they have chosen
bureau into partisan politics. h ere rm, together the recent period of uncertain- to lead them. May our third cen-
.m , Thre 1a room for imsb tday w ty, which is part of the price tury be illuminated by liberty
In bastng theCommtte s et.as lway, ht tday'wewe pay for free elections.'' an lse it rteh
interrogation of Bell, NAACP's have a more Terfect union than "Our most pressing need and blessed with brotherhood
Mitchell asserted that if Bell when my st:wardshin hpaen," y so that we ay bl ho cme
had been a Republican nominee, ho s ad. Ford enhaced he day and in the future is more afterus may be the humble
-d h - n ivand nerm servants of thevpeace. Amen."

the Democratic-controlled com-
mittee "would had given himl
the kind of going over to con-
vince the country he is not the
right nominee."

was not bitter over his elec-
Hon dpfent, wi.hed Carter the
"very best" for the next four
years, and said he had been de-
tarmined'to heln the transition

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Mitchell noted that the Sen- to tie new nd'nistration
ate had refused to confirm for- PCLNG the agony of the
mer Federal- Judge Harrold Watergate scandals and the tur-
Carswell as a Supreme Court ml in which he succeeded
J ars lls at Su e o his Richard Nixon on August 9,
Justice partly because of i974. Ford de'Iared: "I want-
P the new President to get
off to an easier start than I1
INCH EON F,'rd said economic trends are
a-, ribut too many Americans
nd Sandwiches 50c sgll are inemploved. "This is
my greatest regret as I leave,
Jan. 14 offce," he said.
Brt he snoke more of prog-
counseling collective" re's than of setbacks.
HOUSE ;° aves to its successor a worldl
in better condition than we'
ONROE foand," he said. "We leave, as
Oakland well, a solid foundation for pro-
gress on a range of issues that
are vital to the well being ofI
Ford did bequeath to Congress
a series of general proposals
that would benefit the new
He urged the Republican mi-
nority to give Carter loyal sup-
port in foreign affairs. He said
past abuses do not justify con-
Z gressional intrusion upon presi-
'dential responsibilities in fore-
ign and defense matters.
FORD SATD he hopes the new
Congress will examine its role
i in international affairs. "There,


Ford talk raise
WASHINGTON (MP)-President Rep. Robert McClory, (R-Ill.),
Ford's former congressional col- swas one of the few members la-
leagues praised his presidency belling Ford's speech as "his-
and his farewell address last toric." He compared it to
night in terms varying from George Washington's farewell
"historic" to "a nice eulogy." address. saying "it sets forth
Two Republican senators said principles that are to guide us
they wished Ford had spoken . . . such a- we can't have Con-
as effectively during his losing, press interfering in foreign af-
presidential campaign. f-Ars."
I Two senators said they wished
HOUSE SPEAKER Thomas ,Ford had been as good during
"Tip" O'Neill. who introduced the campaign as he was in his
Ford to the joint session of Con- swan song.


gress as "an old friend - the
President of the United States."
declined to comment afterward
on the substance of the speech,.
including Ford's criticism of
congressional .spending.
But he said the reception giv-
en Ford, who served in the
House for 25 years, showed the
warmth members felt toward
him and he said he was "the
? right man at the right time" to
occupy the presidency.
Senate Republican Leader
Howard Baker called Ford's
speech "magnificent - the most
touching State of the Union mes-

"IF HE had made that speech
during the campaign. he would
have won the election," said
Sen. Charles Percy, (R-Ill.).
"It was upbea* and optimistic,
a ereat speech for America."
Sen. Barry Goldwater, (R-
Ariz.). said if Ford "had been
that forceful during the cam-
naian. he would have been bet-
ter off."
Vice President Nelson Rocke-
feller called the speech inspir-
ing and said "it had great
breadth. vision, humanity and



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can be only one commander-in-
chief," 'he said. '
He said the nation's defense
is in good shape, but added: "It
will require a sustained effort
over a period of years to main-
tain these capabilities. We must
have the wisdom, the stamina
and the pourage to prepare to-
day for the perils of tomorrow."
Ford said a new strategic
arms limitation treaty (SALT)
was welldwithin reach in 1977.
He added that he was proud
of the way he had pursued de-
tente and also had built strong
defenses and strong alliances.
REVIEWING foreign policy,
he said U.S. alliances with Wes-
tern Europe, Japan and Can-

sage I've ever heard." Sen. Henry Jackson, (D-
Wash.), called it Ford's best
"IT WAS A nice enlogy by a gneech. He said it was "magni-
nice man " said Rep. Jack ficent . . serious thoughtful.
Brooks. (D-Tex.). "It was a Te was at his best tonight."
good, fair administration by a 1 However. Jackson declined to
man who did his level best toIcnmment on Ford's remarks
improve the countrv - with aboit national defense or Con-
some success and some fail-re." I -ress' action in foreign affairs.
Salas speaks On


population control

(Continued from Page 1)
medical clinics, offers popula-
tion and family planning educa-
tion and garners support for oth-

he significance of the Univer-
sity's population research, es-
pecially in Asia.


er development assistance agen- IN A PRESS conference ear-
cies. lier in the day. Salas noted the
According to Salas, the Fund "close association" of the UN
has acted as. 'honest broker' with the University, and said,
between developing and devel- "There must be a continuous
oped countries, encouraging self- link be ween the academic com-
sufficiency on the part of Third m nity and the Fund."
World countries. Salas stressed the mutual in-
The University is the first stop terdenendence between Univer-
l of the distinguished Filipino; sity s-holars and the Fund, not-
scholar's speaking tour through ing the exchange of ideas and
the country. Salas acknowledged information.
I _ - --- . - -
NEEDED: 4 students with 20-20 vision

mI Irtn:





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