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Vol. LXXXVI I, No. 84 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 13, 1977 Ten Cents Ei
ght Pages
Professor Ford
Rumors that the University hasn't seen the last
of alumnus Gerald Ford continue to circulate
Washington. Newsweek magazine reports in its
current issue that the lame duck President has
included our campus on a list of a dozen schools
he will grace sometime after leaving the capital,'
lecturing as a visiting professor of political sci-
ence for a week or so. Ford has already dis-
cussed his plans with University President Rob-
ben Fleming, and may announce his academic
career a week from today, the day he loses his
current job. Newsweek said Ford intends to spend
about three monthe-a year on the college lecture
circuit, plus another twelve weeks annually mak-
ing speeches.
Happenings. ..
"Tapestry", a feminist counseling collective,
offers a noon luncheon at Guild House (822 Mon-
roe) with soup and sandwiches . .. The Pendleton
Arts Center will feature Robert Logsdon and
Michael Howard in a demonstration of painting
and sculpture entitled "The Language of Color
and Form" at noon on the second floor of the
Union . . . the Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship
meets at 7:30 p.m. in the League . . . the Michi-
gan Men's Glee Club holds a mass meeting at
9 p,m. in MLB Aud. 3 . . .and there's a reunion
were gracing. Then - President Richard Nixon
threatened by investigations by Archibald Cox,
ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to
fire the special Watergate prosecutor in wht be-
came known as "The Saturday Night Massacre".
Richardson, refused and submitted his resignation,
but Nixon pled with the Cabinet member to& stay
in office, at least until the "emergency" with
the Soviets had passed. Richardson, who con
firmed this new account of the drama in an inter-
view this week said he believes Nixon deliberate-
ly exaggerated dangers of a U.S.-Soviet military
confrontation "to shake my resolve" to quit. He
related that the meeting that night with Nixon
was low-keyed but tens, with a lot left unsaid.
Told by his boss the resignation would harm "the
national interest", Richardson says he renlied:
"You, Mr. President, should have thought of that
Like a Rolite Stone
Rock star Keith Richard was conirted of non-
sessg cocaine and find 750 nonds dra.ain in
Aylesbury, England vestordav. The Rolli r Stones
gnitarist, who had pleaded not gnilt, was accus-
ed of hating coke in a the atnighed to a silxer
necklace found i his Bentley limo"sine after an
accident last May. Richard maintained the neck-
lace did not belong to him, and that a small tan-
tity of LSD is a piece of naner in his pocket could
have been put there by a fan. He was cleared of
the LSD charge, arguing that he would have
dumped the evidence if he'd known it was there.
Payien t in po k
We think this item says a lot about government,
justice and taxes: ideed, this is a story of Amern -
c' itself. Richard Panza, a farmer in Pennsylvan-
ia's Harmar Township, has run up a $133 bill in
wage taxes, fines for the delinquent account and
court costs since 1972, but has refused to pay what
he believes is an unconstitutional tax. Too poor
to settle the bill when township officials threat-
ened him with 30 days in jail, Panza offered them
Sarah-his pig-instead. District Magistrate Ar-
thur Sabulsky, however, made it clear that "we
aren't taking' payments in pigs" and threw the
farmer in the pokey. Panza's dispute with the
township erupted last September when he walked
into a local government meeting wearing cover-
alls and a straw hat with the terrified, squealing
Sarah under his arm. Panza was forcibly remov-
ed. "That pig was squealing so loud I couldn't
think," grumbled one attendant.
On the inside *
Sports whiz Ernie Dunbar has a preview of the
upcoming track season . . : the Editorial Page
offers some comments from MSA member Mike
Taylor . . . and the -Arts Page has a story on the
year's nominations for the Grammy Awards.
tells of
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Daily Photo by PAULiNE LUBENS
University sophomore Gary Shifflet takes a dvantage of yesterday's glacial conditions to
artake in a ittle frozen frisbee playing at Burns Park.4
Congress hears President
bid wonderful co
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - President Ford told Congress last
night that he leaves to Jimmy Carter a better world
and a stronger America than he found, then bade his
farewell with a.prayer for "this wonderful country,"
its people and its leaders.
"Taken in sum, I can report that the State of the
Union is good,", he said.
IN EIGHT DAYS it will end, and the Congress assembled
'Taken in sum, I
can report that the
State of the Union
is good.'
- President Ford
in joint session applauded the
The applause sounded long
and loud as Ford entered the
House chamber in which he
served forh25 years. It echoed
again, as he wished to Demo-
crat Carter "the very best in
all that is good for our coun-
Carter, who had planned to
watch the speech on television,
had no immediate reaction to
Ford's statements.
Congress reacts to Ford's
address. See s'ory, page 2.
THE OVATION when Ford ap-
peared lasted 2 minutes and
40 seconds and his 45-minute,
nationally televised address was
interrupted by applause 25
times. Betty Ford, accompanied
by son Jack and daughter Su-
san, also drew a standing ova-
tion when she took her place
in the visitors' gallery.
See FORD, Page 2
departing President again andW
Teng restored to power
in, China, rumors claim
HONG KONG (AP) Teng Hsiao-ping has been
restored to favor and named premier of the Chinese
government, a Hong Kong Chinese language newspa-
per reported today. It quoted unconfirmed reports cir-
culating at Canton, the nearby metropolis of south
The Ming Pao, politically independent, quoted an
arriving traveler from Canton as saying that a Com-
munist official reported that Teng's appointment was,
contained in "an internal document" from Peking and
that Teng has already started his duties as premier.
THE NEWSPAPER said the traveler reported that an
official announcement of the appointment will be made
late this month.
The paper, respected for its China coverage, said the
report could not be confirmed.
Israeli anger mounts
By AP and Renter
TEL AVIV, Israel - Israelis
angered by France's release of
a suspected Palestinian terrorist
massed outside the French em-
bassy yesterday, hurled eggs,
denounced the French president
and demanded that France's
ambassador be thrown out of
Israeli television said Foreign
Minister Yigal Allon was to
meet his top advisers today to
discuss fur her steps in response
to Tuesday's release of the Pal-
estinian, Abu Daoud, who was
flown to Algeria. Daoud was
suspected of plotting the mas-
sacre of Israeli athletes at the
1972 Olympic Games in Munich.
ISRAEL'S recalled ambassa-
dor to France, Mordechai Ga-
zit, returned home yesterday.
He held discussions at the air-
port with Shlomo' Avineri, direc-
tor general of the Foreign Min-
istry who had returned to Israel
two hours earlier from Ro-
And in Washington yesterday,
the State Department confirmed
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - Griffin Bell,
the attorney-general designate,
promised yesterday to replace
Clarence Kelley as FBI direc-
tor "before too long."
Testifying at the second day
of his confirmation hearing be-
fore the Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee, Bell signalled for the
first time that the Carter ad-
ministration has decided to let
Kelley go.
BELL ALSO pledged that as
attorney general, he will not
authorize electronic surveillance
against American citizens with-
out court warrants. That would
carry the current 'Justice De-
partment policy a step further
toward protection of individual
Bell, an Atlanta lawyer and
former federal appeals judge,
also said he will personally go
into courts to urge judges to
impose prison sentences against
convicted price fixers.
Bell again was questioned
closely about his role in the
school desegregation turmoil in
the late 1950s in his native
Georgia, where he was counsel
to then Gov. Ernest Vandiver.
MEANWHILE, a black civil
rights leader accused the Sen-
ate Judiary Committee yes-
terday of kid-glove treatment
in its questioning of Bell, and
said it .would be a tragedy if
he were confirmed as Attorney
General in the incoming Carter
In an impassioned attack on
Bell's civil rights record, Clar-
ence Mitchell, an official of the
National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People
(NAACP), declared, "the Pres-
Ke y
that it has formally told France
of its dismay over the release
of Daoud.
State Department spokesman
Robert Funseth did not disclose
the content of a U.S. note hand-
ed to French diplomats here, but
he said it contained the same
U.S. feelings expressed publicly
FOLLOWING Daoud's release
Tuesday, the department said it
was dismayed over the French
action and Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger said later in
New York: "We are outraged."
Outrage in Israel over the
French action was certain 'to
heighten with reports yesterday
from Paris that France has sold
200 Mirage F1 fighter-bombers
to Egypt. It was widely specu-
lated the impending sale was
one reason for the French haste
in freeing Daoud.
Israeli Foreign Ministry offi-
cials had no immediate com-
ment on reports of the Mirage
ALMOST 1,000 noisy demon-
strators gathered at the French
embassy in Tel Aviv and vilified,
French President Valery Gis-
card d'Estaing with obscenities
and chants of "Giscard terror-
Relatives of Munich victims
demanded that French Ambas-
sador Jean Herly be expelled.
Allon planned to nieet today
with the widows of the 11 slain
See RELEASE, Page 8
ident of the United States should
not make him the watchman of
the jewel of freedom."
During his hearing, Bell pro-
fessed pride in his past record,
insisted that he acted as a mod-
erating influence to keep pub-
lic schools open, and claimed
he has become more sensitive
to the rights of racial minori-
ties in the years since. Bell was
a federal judge from 1961 to
SEN. EDWARD Kennedy (D-
Mass.), asked Bell about Kel-
ly's future.
"We'll look forward to having
a new director of the FBI be-
fore too long," Bell responded..
"I can't give you a time frame,
but it would 'not be long."
Bell disclosed that in inter-
viewing candidates for other jus-
tice posts, he also has been con-
sidering their qualifications to
lead the FBI.
ard Nixon appointed Kelley in
July 1973 to head the FBI. He
has presided over the bureau
during a period of major dis-
closures about wrongdoing un-
der his legendary predecessor,
the late J. Edgar Hoover.
Though Kelley has brought
some major changes to the FBI,
he has been criticized for 'fail-
ing to move fast enough to cor-
rect past abuses.
Bell noted that Kelley at 64
is near retirement age and that
many ranking bureau officials
must leave this year because
See BELL, Page 2
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KELLEY: An ax in
his future
Employment up;
price outlook gloomy,
WASHINGTON (k) - The national unemployment rate dipped
to 7.9 per cent in December, the first drop in three months, the
government reported yesterday. But at the same time, there was
a signal of higher grocery prices to come.
Soaring costs for coffee, pork and poultry triggered the big-
gest jump in wholesale farm and food prices in eight months, an
increase soon expected to show up at supermarket counters across
the country.
S alas speaks, on
population control
In a late afternoon address on campus yesterday, Rafael Salas
under-secretary general of the United Nations,, stressed the need
for integration of population control and poverty assistance in aid
to Third World countries.
Soliciting support from the academic community for the United
Nations Fund for Population Activities, which he heads, Salas
pointed to the need for "an internal restructuring and redistribu-
tion within developing countries, a direct attack on poverty and
its causes."
"WITHOUT IT," the slight, middle-aged Fund director said,
"programs of contraception may well be regarded by the mass of