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March 19, 1977 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1977-03-19

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Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml 48109

The male role and'


Saturday, March 19, 1977

News Phone: 764-0552.

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Beicler should have been open to
public on his airport policy position

O A CANDIDATE running for office, any and
every move can be potentially disastrous. Inno-
cent comments can often be twisted to mean com-
pletely different things to different people. Perhaps
it was with this in mind that mayoral candidate
Louis Belcher, wishing to communicate his posi-
tion on the issue of the Ann Arbor Municipal air-
port, chose to write a private letter td county com-
missioner Bent Nielsen instead of issuing his posi-
tion in .public.
On Feb. 24, the City Council, with Councilman
Belcher present, unanimously voted to adopt an air-
port plan which specifically ruled out the building
of a new east-west runway. On March 3, in his let-
ter to Nielsen, Belcher stated that nothing could be
done until after the election, when he hopes to be
elected mayor and establish a Republican majority
on Council. He emphasized the need for cooperation
with Pittsfield Township Supervisor Bob Lillie, who

favors the new runway, and with other county GOP
BELCHER DENIES THAT he has changed his posi-
tion, claiming that the Feb. 24 vote was a legal
formality to bring the Master Plan into conformity
with Council policy regarding the airport. The point,
however, is not whether Belcher has altered his posi-
tion; he can change his mind anytime he wants.
The point is that he did it by sending a private
letter, written on Ann Arbor official stationery, to
Nielsen's home.
If government, at any level, is to accomplish
its task, officials must be open with their consti-
tuents. It is with this in mind that the state legis-
laure has just passed two "sunshine laws."
Had Belcher issued a public statement explain-
ing his position, he could have attained his objec-
tives, and might have averted the volatile situation
in which he finds himself now with election day
barely two weeks away.

D0 MEN TOUCH people differently than women do If you had
your eyes closed, do you think you could identify hands
touching you as male or female?
In an experiment at last weekend's workshop on Sex Roles
and Sexuality, a male volunteer mistook male touches as fe-
male and vice versa four times in six. A female volunteer
guessed three right of six.
What does this suggest as to the nature of how men touch?
Perhaps that men can be as gentle as women.
The sense of touch is certainly a powerful communicator
and one of the most important tools in deciphering our envi-
ronment. It isn't hard to think of many examples of how touch
helps us relate to the world and to other humans. Think of the
feeling of moist sand between your toes as you walk on the
beach, making a snowball without wearing gloves, or a lover's
BUT HOW DO MALES use the sense of touch with other
males? The handshake is still the standard in: most situations
as men greet. More a wall than a bridge, the handshake keeps
another man an arm's length away. Traditionally a firm hand-
shake denoted a strong character so men were conditioned to
overwhelm each other at the outset instead of offering an ac-
cepting, tender gesture of friendliness.
Beyond the handshake, there is very little touching between
men except in certain well-defined situations. The sports arena
is the classic example of the extent of touching that is allowed..
It is expected that team spirit will demand a slip on the butt
or even a bear hug on special occasions. The earlier in the
game or the season, the briefer the hug. But these are brawny
athletes whose masculinity is beyond question - they are re-
lating in physical activities where it is a meeting of bodies
rather than feelings.
PERHAPS THE WAY men communicate by touch (or rather
by preventing touch) is an indicator of hoW men view their
relationships with other men. Most friendships between men are
activity focused rather than being oriented to feelings. Men friends
"do" things, rather than ponder, share, explore, or reveal. Time
is often spent playing, talking, or watching sports, playing cards,
or sitting in bars. Most of these encounters pit man-against-man
as competitors, your team against my team. Although they are
supposed to be playing for fun, society doesn't make it easy to
be a loser.
At the end of the activity together, it is obvious that the
person who is broadly smiling, glib, and demonstrably patting

the other person on the back, saying, "We'll have to get together
more often," is the winner while the person who is forcing a
meek smile, shrugging his shoulders, and saying to himself, "How
did I do so badly?" is the loser. So the friends part, one feeling
the exhilaration of a conquest, the other the humiliation of los-
ing not just a game, but face.
How conducive is such a competitive encounter to growing
together, or learning cooperation? Would such a shared activity
lead friends to feel compassionate and understanding toward each
SO IT IS THAT THE BEHAVIOR that a man uses in - the
work world is applied to his personal relationships. Because
achievement gets positive reinforcement at work, he seeks to
"accomplish" things at play. If he is losing, he must necessarily
be cool and reserved, not admitting to himself that his clinched
jaw or sweaty palms indicate that he is feeling stress. Ulcers,
high blood pressure, heart attacks, and suicides are common
consequences to men whose need to dominate is foremost irre-
spective of their emotional stamina.
Is there an alternative? Men can interact with other men
in a more humane way by creating accepting environments
that allow for the expression of strengths and weaknesses and
by responding to their sensory messages. Non-competitive games
are becoming more popular. Playing together, but only scor-
ing against yourself, is a method for continuing an activity you
enjoy without feeling antagonistic toward your "opponent."
Perhaps men friends have similar interests that are un-
explored that could be sought out through a cooking or pho-
tography class together. Or teaching a male friend a skill you
have, maybe auto repair. (Not all males learned auto repair
as a part of growing up.) On pursuing a fun project like build-
ing and flying a kite, or. having a picnic. Or taking' turns read-
ing a book alound. Or just talking about your dreams and dis-
MOST MEN PRIMARILY depend upon women for an emo-
tional outlet, thereby limiting themselves and inhibiting other
men's growth to note and deal with their emotions, to be able
to express hurt and gratitude. By having caring friendships, men
can become happier and healthier as they shift the emphasis
away from competition so their relationships won't be just so
many marks in a won/lost column.
Shower the people you love with love,
Show them the way you feel.
Things are going to be much better
If you only will.
- James Taylor

'U' refusal to arbitrate shows
callousness toward AFSCME

'ESTERDAY, the University formally declihed to
submit their differences with striking service
workers to binding arbitration. They might just as
well have said "we don't care about you people."
But that's nothing new. The University has said
the same thing in the way it has handled negotia-
tions with AFSCME all along. In fact, administra-
tors have made it apparent they don't care about
their employes in every action they have taken since
the walkout began almost a month ago.
AFSCME is justified in calling for binding arbi-
tration. They have reduced their original wage de-
mands by 34 cents per hour. The Uniyersity, by
comparison, has hardly budged.
Administrators are obviously afraid to leave the
final details of a settlement in the hands of an
arbitrator. They're afraid that an arbitrator - who
is assumed to be neutral - will put too much stock
in the sad fact that most union members just aren't
making enough to support their families. They're
afraid that the University will be exposed to the
public as an ogre which shows no concern for the
quality of the lives of their employes.
S THERE WILL BE NO binding arbitration. Ad-
ministrators argue that the process is meant to
be utilized before a strike occurs, not after. Aside
from this, they say if the arbitrator awards AFSCME
more than the University can afford, the students'
as "consumers" must pay for the hike in their tu-
Because of yesterday's refusal to consider arbi-
tration, the strike will continue. University nego-
tiators are well aware of this, which is perhaps
the most infuriating aspect of this whole mess. Ad-

ministrators don't care. They don't care about the
striking workers, they don't care about the over-
worked supervisors, they don't care about the inno-
cent students.
Apparently, all the administration wants to see
is the AFSCME Local shatter into disorganization
due to a long strike. Administrators figure that if
they can break a union, they can do anything. And
that's not even the scary part..
The University has gone to great lengths to
hire temporary replacements for striking workers.
It is reported that area high schools and employ-
ment agencies have been brought into the talent
search, in addition to the recruitment of students
on this campus.
ADMINISTRATORS now have the legal ability to
rid themselves of this troublesome union busi-
ness once and for all. AFSCME is no longer under
the protection of a contract, and its members can
all be fired.
The dismissal of some 2,000 employes, how-
ever far-fetched it may seem, is right in line with
the administrator's attitude toward this walkout
since the day it began.
News: Brian Blanchard, Ken Chotiner, Lani Jordan,
Jay Levin, Patti Montemurri, Mike Norton, Martha
Retallick, Sue Warner, Margaret Yao
Editorial Page: Michael Beckman, Keith Richburg,
Bob Rosenbaum, Julie Rovner, Jamie Turner
Photo Technician: Alan Bilinsky

Helihomes whirl into the airways


GUESS WHAT THE latest de-
velopment in that world re-
knowned American technology
is. Go on, guess. Helihomes.
That's right - motor homes
built into helicopters.
Sounds like fun? Aren't you
just drolling to go out and get
yourself a helihome? Well then,
plunk down 400,000 smackers
and you can be a proud owner.
Think of all the terrific spin-
off businesses these new toys
will create!
The intent of the manufactur-
er is that eventually the price
will be brought down to roughly
to $120,000, well within the reach
of the average consumer pro-
vided that he is not overfond
of eating. Then there would be
a network of heli-parks, with
gas and electricity hookups so
that the owner could slide hith-
er and thither at will.
For my part, I'm going to go
out and get myself a franchise
for a KOA landing pad. Of
course, there would have to be
precautions taken against mad
drivers, else we might have to
give new meaning to the term
"crash pad."
THE FAA WILL have to ex-
pand drastically, hiring hun-
dreds of clerks to handle the

flood for helihome pilots' licens-
es. One assumes that the FAA
will loosen their requirements,
much as the FCC has, due to the
flood of new CB operators. In
fact, one hand washing the oth-
er as it is won't do, the im-
pending helihome craze will
lead to a further increase in
the CB radio fad. More fliers
will need contact with the world,
hence more radios. Electroni-
cally, we may run into trouble
- the airwaves are already
crowded with CB-ers, who will
not take kindly to the setting
aside of one or two bands for
use by heli-pilots. But such is
The FAA will have to regulate
the air - making sure that
flight patterns are understood
and respected. There will have
to be speed limits set, and heli-
police, too. I can just picture
some of the new CB conversa-
tions: "Smokey behind Cloud
Nine, good buddy," or some
For my part, mobility would
be the lure. If I wanted to lunch
the Grand Canyon - not at it,
in it - I wouldn't have to hike
down the sides with a sandwich.
Why, I could settle my very
own home right down in the
middle an~d prepare, say, pheas-
ant under glass. Or have a mar-
tini. The possibilities are limit-

other point. The hazard of the
drunken pilot. Drunken or reck-
less flying ought to be punish-
able by at least a ten-day sus-
pension of license. This is fair.
But to promote good air safety
habits, sky riders will drape the
atmosphere with ephemeral
warnings that "Point Ten" is
now the law, and like that.
The larger model helihome
will include a two-helicopter ga-
rage, with sporty little fly-about
helicopters that would make the
Jetsons simply green. There
will be new fly-in restaurants,
with waitresses who put out to
your 'copter on antigravity
boots, or perhaps would simply
send the food over on a minia-
ture jet-powered tray.
Further, this trend would have
some lasting and desirable so-
cial benefits. With everyone tak-
ing to the skies, land-bound re-
actionaries would find the hous-
ing market glutted, and they
could pick their lodgings at
popular prices. Even the nicest
neighborhoods would be open-
ed up for a song. Of course, the
very best people would no long-
er be living there, but that's
always true when, the market
drops out.
The whole thing makes per-
fect sense, really. Suburbs took

up all the available land around
the cities, and farmlands are
desperately needed to produce
food for an ever-growing popu-
lation. Hence up. There is, as
they say, no place to go but up.
Some partypoops will talk
about energy waste. But this
can be handled with the cheap,
clean, and absolutely safe use
of nuclear power to get them
little 'copters going. Of course;
gas as we know it would be too
outrageous - helihomes prob-
ably wouldn't get more than
forty gallons to the mile. If that.
that you don't get anywhere by
denying the wave of the future.
Look at those who sneered at
Edison. Look at those who
wouldn't buy IBM. Look at -
well, you fill in the list.
All I know is, I've asked for
all the overtime I can get at
work, and I'm saving my nick-
els and dimes. At my salary,
I can afford one by the year
2065. If the price drops a bit.
Actually, the company is con-
sidering a plan that would al-
low you to buy a helihome and
spread the easy payments over
as many as three generations.
So by the time your great grand-
children are all krown up, the
home will be yours free and
clear. It's a revolution! Isn't it

Spring is AWOL, winter re-enlists

L etters


H, THE SIGHTS and smells of spring! The birds
are in the air, the trees are green, the flowers
are in bloom. To be young and in love in the spring-
Not so fast. The weatherperson hath once again
played a cruel trick upon us. Just when it appeared
that the bikinis and baseball bats could be brought
out to stay, the Arctic winds whistled and the sky
belched forth that white, frozen substance that is
more conducive to snorkel jackets than sun-tan
It was an abrupt about-face, to be sure. The
quickness with which the 70 degree temperatures
of mid-week hibernated, only to be replaced by the

temper tantrums of Old Man Winter serves to dem-
onstrate Natures's fickleness and cruelty.
THERE JUST ISN'T much to be done. It's some-
thing akin to popping the cork off a bottle of your
favorite vintage, taking a sip, and then having the
bottle crash to the ground. It just isn't fair.
So unpack your boots, don your downs and
wipe the dust off the cafeteria trays. But don't take
the' pine tar off of the baseball bats, and don't put
bathing suits, tennis rackets and golf clubs in stor-
age. Spring has left us cold, but will be coming
back to stay soon.
In the meantime . . . On Dasher, On Blitzen,'
On Donner - tally ho and away we go!

council elections
To The Daily:
have spent a great deal of time
getting to know a rather small
section of Michigan quite well.
The 2nd Congressional District
is probably as varied as any
in Michigan. With our city elec-
tions coming up soon perhaps
some comparative thoughts are
in order.
In several areas of the dis-
trict there is virtually no public
housing or federally-assisted
cooperative housing. In such
areas the young and the elder-
ly by and large move out or
never move in because they can-
not afford to,. Such communi-
ties tend to become homogen-
ous with regard to race and
income status. The city govern-
ment of our city has in the past
encouraged subsidized housing.
We have tried to help those who
face hard times and it is the
Democrats who have led in that
arduous struggle.
Many other areas in the dis-
trict have significant numbers
of poor people and do almost
nothing to help them help them-
selves. Public housing is shun-
ned, day care centers are for
the affluent and reasonably
priced medical care is non-ex-
istant. A real underclass of de-
pressed and/or hostile people
are spawned in such places and
in time such areas will reap
the harvest of their neglect. In
Ann Arbor we have not found
adequate solutions for these
+-rvtnnh ,nnhlmc hit a

such a gathering would be ac-
companied by hundreds of uni-
formed policemen to maintain
order. The police presence at
Buhr Park was subdued and
not oppressive and I thank the
Democrats for creating such a
t non-threatening atmosphere.
Living in Ann Arbor is a pleas-
ure because we welcome vari-
ous life styles. Individualism is
very important to all of us and
the tone of the city in many
ways is set by our elected lead-
ers. Al Wheeler and the Demo-
crats running for council de-
serve your careful appraisal
and hopefully your support. The
election is soon.
Edward C. Pierce, M.D.
March 14
Pigeon River
To The Daily:
bor and one who particularly
enjoys vacationing in Northern
Michigan, I feel compelled to
bring to the public attention go-
ings-on concerning the Pigeon
River State Forest oil drilling.
Increasingly the conflict is
coming to an apex. On the one
hand, big oil companies like
Shell are pleaing to the Depart-
ment of Natural Resources and
the Natural Resources Commis-
sion for permits to drill for oil
in this State Forest. On the oth-
er hand, persons with an inter-
est in keeping the Forest in
tact are trying to halt this oil
I fall into the latter category.
I have enjoyed the Northern
wiid,,rne a ll o f my life -,nd

Anyone sharing thes
tionis is urged to take ai
ative action. Write the
ment of Natural Resour
if interested persons
disapproval will the dr
halted. If we don't, pen
be issued, drilling will<
and the future of the
River State Forest wi
Sally C]
I maintain that trying
pare and quantify hu.
fering is a propaganda1
ploy which is used moi
successfully everywhei
convinced that swappi
ity stories is silly, d
behavior, and should n
dulged in by those who
iously concerned about
You have an advant
me in discusing theq
life in the Soviet Unio
never been there, even
months, and (you ma
refused to make pres
about a situation I can
mit I do not understan
ignorance about the S
ion convinces you thatI
ignorant about humanr
lack thereof) in the Un
es, then you will just
keep your misconceptio
life here.

e convic- here in the United S t a t e s,
to affirn*, there are people who go' to pri-
Depart- son for "opinion" crimes. Oth-
ces. Only ers go hungry because they are
express poor, or ignorant, or helpless.
rilling be (And these people are NOT, as
mits will you suggest, simply fussy about
continue, the kind of pate they eat. Even
e Pigeon the United States government
.1 be un- admits that many of our citi-
zens have staggering cases of
hurchill , physical malnutrition. Spiritual
malnutrition is another tragic
sponse matter.) Some people are denied
g to con- homes, jobs, educations, medi-
man suf- cal care, freedom and hope for
ploy - a reasons of circumstances -
re or less age, rface, religion, sex, lang-
re. I am uage, culture, region handicaps
ng atroc- whatever. Our problems a r e
estructive more monumental than e i t h e r
not be in- you or the Detroit Free Press
are ser- seem willing to admit. I am
human heartened that you have joined
the Civil Liberties Union a n d
age over suggest that in your next 3g
uality of years and beyond (may you be
n. I have hanny and healthy), you will
for a few find plenty of injustice and suf-
y notice) ferineto set right.
umptions I WOULD NOT equate s e a-
ididly ad- sickness and drowning, although
nd. If my I would adyocate using Drama-
oviet Un- mine for someone who is sea-
I am also sick rather than saving it for a
rights (or drowning victim. I WOULD
ited Stat- enuate drowning in a bathtub
have to and drowning in an ocean: both
ons about are horrible, preventable ends.

U b bti0
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Contact your reps
Sen. Donald 'Riegle (Dem.), 10DiseBlg., Wsig-

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