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March 17, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-03-17

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Thursday, Morch' 17, 1977


Page Three

Thursday, March 17, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY


MARCH 17, 1977

From Wire Service Reports
India votes.
NEW DELHI, India - With
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's
political future at stake, record
numbers of voters turned out
yesterday for what may be the
most crucial elections in In-
dia's 30 years of independence.
. eports from around the coun-
try indicated +that well over 6
per cent of the eligible elector-
ate had voted in the 300 parlia-
mentary constituencies in the
first round of polling.
Voting was generally peaceful,
though three people were killed
and several injured in various
incidents. The highest turnout
was in Bombay, where 85 per
cent of the voters cast ballots.
Results will not be announced
until Sunday evening, -after vot-
ing ends in all 542 parliamentary
constituencies. The number of
Parliament seats won deter-
mines which party controls In-
dia's government.I

to take part in this week's gen-
eral elections, the sixth since
independence and the first with
a single, united opposition group
pitted against the Congress Par-
ty. -
Congress spokesmen said the
were confident of a decisive ma-
jority despite acknowledged op-
position in many parts of the"
country to authoritari'an curbs"
imposed by Gandhi under a
"state of emergency" proclaim-
ed in June 1975.'
The elections themselves were
delayed a year by Gandhi's em-
ergency rule, and curbs on po-
litical criticism and press free-
doms were eased only after the
January announcement that elec-
tions would be held.
Jumblatt killed
BEIRUT Lebanon - Kamal
Jumblatt the leader of Leban-
on's leftist Moslems was assas-
sinated by unknown gunmen
yesterday raising immediate
fears of renewed Christian-Mos-
lem bloodshed.
A police spokesperson said
Jumblatt and two of his body-
guards died instantly when their
car was sprayed by machine-
gun fire near the town of Baak-
line, 21 miles southeast of Bei-
rut in the craggy mountains of
the Chouf district.
The assassins' getaway car
was later found abandoned in al
nearby village. Police said they
found three Soviet-made Kalash-
nikov automatic rifles and a pis-
tol in it.
Theretwas no immediate indi-
cation who the killer were or
what cause they espoused. The
Chouf district is home both to
Maronite Christians and to Mos-
lem Druzes.
Jumblatt, -59, a milionaire-
landlord, was the leader of Leb-
anon's Progressive Socialist
party and the tribal chief of the
country's. 175 000 Moslem Dru-
zes, a sect of tough mountain
warriors who believe firmly in
revenge. -
He emerged as the over-all
leader of the alliance of leftist
Lebanese Moslems and Pales--
tinian guerrillas who battled
savagely in the 19-month civil
war to overcome the traditional
domination of the government,
army and commerce by right-
wino Tharonite Christians
The news of the 'assassination
was greeted in Beirut with an
eruption of gunfire and explo-
sions both in Moslem and Chlis-
tian sectors. But there were no
immediate reuorts of renewed
Christian-Moslem fighting.
The shooting apneared to be
an expression of Christian jubi-
lation and Moslem sorrow over
Jimblatt's death. Arabs tradi-
tionallv mark both events in this
Ther government and both
Moslem and Christian feaders
issued calls for restraint.
A government statement
broadcast by Beirut radio smd
all necessary measures were be-
ing taken "to prevent repercus-
sions which would only benefit
those harboring evil intentions
against Lebanon."
In Cairo, shaken Palestinian
guerrilla leaders whose forces
fought alongside Jumblatt's

Moslems in Lebanon greeted the
news of his death with vows of
JERUSALEM - I s r a e l ac-'
cused the Soviet Union yester-
day of opening the worst cam-
paign of persecution against So-
viet Jews since the days of
Foreign Minister Yigal Alon
said in the Knesset (parliament)
that the Soviet government was
creating "an atmosphere of hat-
red and discrimination aganst
Jews throughout the Soviet Un-
After discussing the problem
of Soviet Jews who want to im-
migrate to Israel, the Knesset
turned to another pressing prob-
lem - Israelis who want to
emigrate from the Jewish state.
The Knesset adopted a resolu-
tion decrying emigration from
Israel, and urged Jewish organ-
izations abroad not to empley
Israeli expatriates.
It demanded'that the gwern-
ment imlrove its adverising
abroad of enticements such as
cheap housing and tax exemp-
tions to lure back the estimated
300,000 Israelis who have ief for
North America, South Afica,
Europe and Australia.
"It is time that the Soviet Un-
ion recognizes that it cannot
strangle or absorb the tews of
the Soviet Union, nor their cul-
tural or national aspiration" Al-
lon told the Knesset.
He cited charges published in
Izvestia the Soviet government
newspaper, accusig nine Jew--
ish activists of spying for the
United States, and charged that
anti-Semitic documentary films
were being shown on Soviet tele-
vision and in cinemas.
Pflkistcini riots
LAHORE, Pakistan - At least
two people here renorted shot
dead yesterday amid reneved
demonstrations in major cities
by opposition supporters cle-
manding the removal of Pakis-
tani Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali
Reliable reports said two neo-
ple were gunned down in Hvcier-
abad, one of the most volatile
onoosition strongholds during a
clash between protest marchrs
and the para-military federal
senuity force.
Another rceort said five or six
neonle were killed. There was
no official confirmation of the
renorts. which said seven nronle
were taken to hospital with bul-
let wounds.
Violence also flared in the
country's two biggest cities,
Karachi and Lahore. Evewit-
nesses said ix peole were shot
and wounded in Laore when
nolice oened fire on demonstra-
trs, while at least 10 people
were inured in street fighting in
The demonstrations, now in
their third consecutive day, fol-
lowed a weekend call by the on-
nosition Pakistan National Al-
liance (PNA) for a mass drive
to force Bhutto to resign over
charges that he rigged general
elections held on March 7.

del C
the H
any in
ate K
ing ti
1 Jack


store, even if much-needed
heavy spring rains come as fore-
A blizzard late last week that
brought death and destruction
to parts of the Midwest proved
a mixed blessing to farmers.

Oil s pills


affican te


SHINGTON - Santos Traf- Experts estimate that the
:e, sole survivor of three ground may have soaked up sev-1
underworld figures who eral inches of moisture in areast
d with the CIA against Fi- where heavy snow fell. But
astro, declined to answer where there was no snowfall, the1
questions yesterday from storm's high winds blew away l
[ouse Committee on assas- topsoil from parched fields and
ons, including whether he grazing land. ,
ssed plans to murder Pres- Snow turned to rain in many '
John Kennedy. of the hardest-hit states, and' r
id you ever discuss ,with ranchers and farmers hope i
individual plans to assassin-' spring rains this month and next
:ennedy prior to his assas- may help them recover from
on?" chief counsel Richard earlier dust storms and lack of I,
gue asked. precipitation. ,
afficante, a former gam- Brief periods of rain or snow;
figure in Cuba, refused to alternating with longer dry,
er that and the 13 other snells have been characteristic
ions put to him, invoking of the drought, according to
itutional provisions includ- Fred Ostby, deputy director of
he Fifth Amendment privi- the National Severe Storms '
against self-incrimination. Forecast Center. But with the
afficante refused to say if recent moisture. "it certainly
Ruby, the man who killed looks better than it has for a
uorcocr (locr~l '^ nnn lr.-.-. :.ro>> lof~RZ o"

Carter is considering toughening
standards for oil tankers in
American waters to prevent ac-
cidental oil spills that foul coast-
al waters and beaches, a White
House spokesperson said yes-
terday. Carter's tentative plans i
include barring from U.S. ter-
ritorial waters ships that are
known to frequently discharge
oil into the sea, said press sec-
retary Jody Powell.
Although final decisions have.
not been made, Powell said, the
President probably will propose
legislation to provide compensa-
tion for damages or loss of in-
come caused by oil spills and
support an international agree-
ment on fighting pollution of the
world's oceans.
A specific plan is expected to
be announced Friday, he said.

Highland Park Mayor Jesse'
Miller said his city has lost 250 '
businesses in the last five years LANSING - Gov. William
a a result of X-rated entertain- Milliken was scheduled yester--
ment dens. i day to begin an unprecedented
"These pornography strips , three-day "listening tour" of
have all but destroyed cur city's the Upper Peninsula, fulfilling a
tax base," he said at a public ?pledge to gather first hand vi-


hearing on the question. ' dence of
"We have a lot of empty problems.
store fronts. Legitimate busi- The tou
nesses cannot survive in that to SaultS
kind of atmosphere." Menomin
Several spokesmen for home- aba. Hout
owners associations agreed that way point
establishments offering both li- iken aide
quor and hardcore pornographic.meeting.
entertainment have affected
their neighborhoods as well. "The co
Critics of the current stand- are desig
ards say they are too vague on ear what
what can and cannot be re- esidents
vealed. sula." M

the region's special
r, taking the governor
Ste. Marie, Newberry,
ed, Marquette, Escan-
ghton and several mid-
's, was likened by Mil-
es to a protracted town
onference and the visits
ned to allow me to
t is on the minds of the
of the Upper Penin-
illiken said.

India's newly united political;
opposition claimed the heavy;
turnout pointed to victory. The
new Janata - Peoples' - par-a
ty, an alliance of four important
non-Communist parties, is try-l
in'g to end 11 years of power by
Gandhi and 30 years by her Con-1
gress party.
"The response has surpassed
our expectations," said L. K.
Advani, secretary-general of t'he;
Janata party, which is headed
by 81-year-old former deputy
prime minister Morahai Desai.
The Janata party has been;
helped by the breakaway Con-;
gress for Democracy organiza-
tion formed by Agriculture
Minister Jagiivan Ram when,
he defected from the Gandhi
ranks earlier this year. Ram, 68,
is the leader of the politically
important "untouchable' class,
in India and his organization
has fielded 40 candidates whose
farte could- become important in
a tight race..
Heavy polling in previous elec-
tions has always been good for
Congress opponents. The Con-
gress Party suffered its most'
serious losses to date in the
1967 general elections, when
61.3p cent of the electorate
voted and set the still standing"
voter turnout record.
An estimated 320 million vo-
ters -the world's largest demo-)
cratic electorate - were eligible

Lee Harvey Oswad, had once nng time, stby sad. strips
visited him when he was in pris- MSf $fri"L
on in Havana, Cuba. And he'Sq cchcirin fIE1I1 L A N S I N G - Home-owners
refused to say if he was involved
sin CIA assassination plots WASHINGTON - Legislation and city officials told the Liquor
against Castro or whether any giving the Food and Drug Ad- I Control Commission yesterday ,
federal agency had tried to keep ministration-(FDA) new leeway that "smut strips" are ruining'
him from testifying before the 1 in deciding whether to take off their communities and urged ,
House committee. the market cancer-causing prod-' adootion of a regulation to ban
Chairman Louis token(D- ucts was being prepared 'bars from offering X-rated en-
hirdecined os d ese w ' Wednesday in Congress as the tertainment.
Ohio) declined to desdribe what o~blic otcv over the planned Th ,e lto udrstd y
evidence, if any, the committee ;ibi oicvovrteIlne The regltion uinder study bya
staff had to support such clues-. ban of saccharin continued, the commission would prohibit
tions. The FDA last week announced adult movies and bottomless
Stokes was asked if he was its nlan to ban saccharin after dancers in establishments with
concerned about jeopardising Canadian researcheirs reported state liquor licenses.
Trafficante's life by calling him !that rats fed large amounns of ;
to testify.t bg sacharin developed ladder TilE MIsi(;r.A* lnAl VY
"I don't know how to answer cancer. volume LXxxvI, No. 131
y o qtin, Sto aid. In a statement yesterday, the Thursdpy, March 17, 1977
"our question," Stakes said.ou aev said it would welcome a i edited ani managed by student I
I'm concerned about any mar- ressiona hearing on the tt the University of Michigan. News
der in the United States." phone 764-0562. Second class postage
Stokes said the committee had laws under which it must oper- naid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
k s htate Published d a i y Tuesday through
some idea in advance that Traf-u adit the agency urged Cn nday mrning during the Univer-
ficante would refuse to answer'st era 2 anr tet n
questions but called him any- ress not to just exempt sac- Arbor. Michigan 48109, subscriptIon
way. bdhar nfromdpresent laws say- rates: $12 Sept. thru Apri (2 senes- I
I wain r "to do so would be to decide ters1: $Vi by mail outside Ann
Asked if the committee plight , Arbor
give Trafficante immunity from a comnlex issue of food.safety summer session pubished Tes-
prosecution in an effort force isive fat rather than day thronugh Saturday mrning.
praSby stientn ancEforvestigation." ~ ittscripti'on aes: $6.50 in Ann!
him to testify, Stokes said, MbSientcinves atonrmer FDA Arbor, $7.s4 av mal outsideAnn
"That certainly is in the realm 'Meamwhile,_aormrDAj-Aror.
of possibility." commissioner also ured Con-
areS to re-examine the laws
Tl . j ~nder which the FDA must op-4s
n3ears I2(w Dr. Hrbert Lev the former
corymiqcioner. said nresent law
The midwestern drought which iares the anencv "no alternative
is costing farmers and ranchers, to baniniig sa charin " the last
' millions of dollars in last crops '; s;labtle lrifi-ial sweetener. Tonght at 7:00-8:25-9:50
and 1ivestack may be near an , Tev. who lust his ,jab as FDA Open :45
end after 18 months. But agri- !TnhmiTssiTaner:se0e82ears59A50
cultural experts warn that the in the contro'ersT over cvcla-
effects of the dry spell will hot'-ate. anther artifical sweeten-
likely disappear soon. er. onestioned whether the law
A shortage of some crops and was consistent with the public
higher beef prices may be in;interest
231 o thst
Tonight at 7:00-9:00
The year's most shat-
tering film event.
ti.:: ..'; .
Toniht at 7:00-9:00
:; - -
A N D U LO V E I ' C S mtd P~turs nustris. ic 19Y
YOU CAN BE TOO. Applications are now being accepted _
for committee coordinators for the 1977-78 school year.
Students are needed to produce plays, concerts, travel pro-
grams, special evenits, ticket central, speakers, movie
series, and assist senior officers. Applications are available
at the UAC offices, 2nd floor, Michigan Union. DEADLINE:
March 21, 1977.

Because of graduation and term expiration, Student Govern-
ment has student openings on all of the:
POWERFUL PEOPLE are needed to fill these vacancies and
deal with the administration and faculty members.
If you feel that you can handle the challenge and the respon-
sibility, apply now at the M.S.A. offices, 3rd floor, Michigan
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fihursday, March 17, 1977
WUOM: St. Patrick's Day Special,
10 a.m.
ISMRRD: "In Almost Every Fam-
ily," video-tape, discussion on legal
responsibilities regarding child
abuse, 4th fl., Studio, ISMRRD, 3:30
MHRI: S. Leibowitz, "Neurochemi-
cal Control of Appetite," 1057 MHRI,
3:45 p.m.
Turner Lecture Series: C. Lang-
way, SUNY, "Polar Glaciology -
Greenland & Antarctica," 2501 C.C.
Little, 4 p.m.
Kraus Memorial Lecture: F. Kep-
pel, Aspen Inst. for Humanistic
Studies, "The Crisis in Schools of
Education & Graduate Schools,"
Rackham Amph., 4 p.m.
History/Judaic Studies: A. Halkin,
"Jewish Messianic Movements," J.
Lassner, "Cross-cultural Currents in
Jewish & Islamic Messianism," E.
Lec. Rm., Rackham, 4 p.m.
Studio Theatre Series: O'Neill's
"The Long Voyage Home," Arena
Theatre, 4:10 p.m.
Prison Teach-In: C. Garry, "The
Overview: Prisons as a Means of
Social Control," 7:30 p.m.; M. Lane,
"The Use of the Judicial System
Against the American People," 9
p.m.; P. Thomas, "Imprisonment of

the Mind," 10 p.m., Mendelssohn
Bachmann Lecture: R. Breslow,
Columbia U., "Template Directed
Reactions in Steroids," 1300 Chem.,
8 p.m.
Aerospace Engineering: W. Kuhn,
"On the Habitability of Mars - An
Approach to Planetary Ecosynthesis,"
Chrysler Ctr., Aud., N. Campus, 8
Music School: String Dept. pre-
sents, SM Recital Hall, 8 p.m.
Art School: opening reception,
BFA Exhibition, Siusser Gallery, 8
3200 S.A.B. - 764-7456
March 21-25:
March 21: Intermetrics, Inc.
March 22: Action/Peace
March 23: Action/Peace
Corps/Vista. K-Mart Apparel,
and ROTC
For information on the following
call 764-7460:
The Weyerhaeuser Company is
sponsoring a Science/Engineering
Intern Program. Selection of in-
terns is made in early March with
notification no later than April 1.

First week is orientation to the com-
pany. Permanent employment will
be offered to interns whose per-
formance standards are high and
who evpress an interest in a career
with Weyerhaeuser. Send your re-
sume to Weyerhaeuser Co., Science
& Engineering Summer Intern Pro-
gram, Tacoma, WA 98401. Include
your present address and phone (and
permanent, if different), name of
your college or university, copy of
transcript, of courses and grades,
and description of extra curricular
and employment activities. State
briefly the types of assignments you
feel are most appropriate to further
your professional development.
Small Northern Michigan Hotel
needs: piano player, cooks, secretary,
maintenance personnel, and rota-
tional workers for food service and
housekeeping. Ann Arbor phone:
769-4222 for information.


Home Made Soup and Sandwiches 50c
Committee on Human Rights in Latin Amierica
Chinese Dinner 1.8O
6:00 p.m,-Call 662-5189 for Reservations

4' ~..I
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A Z.. iet f io rtie

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