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March 17, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-03-17

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Vol. LXXXVII, No. 131 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 17, 1977 Ten Cents Ei

ght Pages

Non est quorum
The major issue at Tuesday night's Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA) meeting - proportional
representation of undergrads, Rackham students
and professional grads in the Assembly - was
shelved for lack of a quorum. Brian Laskey,
sponsor of the proposal, has said that if it doesn"t
appear on the Winter Term ballot, he will sue
MSA for malapportionment. In other action, MSA
increased an assessment which will help fund the
Tenants Union, allocated $500 to something called
"Madison Street Entertainment" to put on its
third annual street party in April, and resolved to
work with the University Council to alleviate prob-
lems caused by "outside youths" (i.e., high school
students) flocking to the Diag for the April 1
Hash Bash.
Wearing of the green
Nobody parades their ethnicity like the Irish, and
if you've been in any of the commercial establish-
ments which turn green into greenbacks this
week, you know what to expect this morning -
green shirts, green pants, green greeting cards,
green donuts, green sweaters for dogs. Dooley's,
a bar which prides itself on Irish trappings, is
even putting green food color in its beer. "It goes
hand in hand with our image," said bar manager
Craig Wolfsfeld. What is less generally known is
that descendants of Welshmen, Ulstermen, Orange-
men, and other assorted riff-raff of Irish history
occasionally celebrate the day by sporting orange
shirts, orange ties or, in areas like Sout Bend,
Indiana, a discreet orange button. Done mainly to
taunt the Irish, the wearing of orange is meant to
symbolize the Irish defeat at the Battle of the
Boyne in 1690. The Orangemen have a parade of
their own in northern Ireland on July 12 to cele-
brate the battle, during which the Irish presum-
ably wear green.
Happeinrgs ,..
. ..grab an earful of early aria at noon today in
the Pendleton Arts Information Center of the Mich-
igan Union. as the School of Music presents select-
ed scenes from its spring production, Mozart's
opera "Cosi Fan Tutti" . . . students interested in
a B.A. degree program in Video Studies will meet
at 1:30 in 1041 Frieze Building (the TV studio) .. .
the University Regents hold their monthly public
discussion session, concentrating on the 1977-78
budget, at 2 p.m. in the Regents' Room of the
Administration Building . . . Shelley Schreter, di-
rector of the ARAD Institute will speak about the
world union of Jewish students at 3 p.m. at Hillel,
1429 Hill . . . Tomas Venclova, humanrights ad-
vocate and Lithuanian poet will speak on "Human
Rights in Lithuania and the Soviet Union" at 4
p.m. in Rackham's Assembly Hall . . If you're
not into Lithuania. try lithospheres, as Prof. Ches-
ter Langway speaks in 2501 C.C. Little at 4 p.m.
on "Polar Gaciology - Greenland and Antarc-
tica" . . .and if even polar glacioogy leaves you
cold, there are still two other 4 p.m. lectures. Dr.
Francis Kepnel, director of the Aspen Institute
for Humanistic Studies will give the annual Krans
Memorial Lecture in the Rackham Amphitheatre
on "The Crisis in Schools of Education and Grad-
Rate Schools." while in Rackham's East Lecture
Room, Abraham Hakin will sneak on "Jewish Mes-
sianic Movements" and Jacob Lassner will speak
on "Cross-cultural Currents in Jewish and Islamic
Movements" . . . the graduate fellowshi group
holds its weekly 6:30 notlock dinner followed by
the program, "A Celebration of Ireland " at the
Wesley Foundation. 602 E. Huron . . . the Inter-
Varsity Christian Fellowhin holds its weekly meet-
ing at 7:30 in the Michigan League .. .also at
7:30, GEO will hold a membershin meeting in the
Rackham Arnnhitheater . . feel Jng again with
two Jnnian analysts Dr. James Kirsch and Ms.
KathlePirn C'arlon, sneaking on "The Practice of
.T"eian Analvsis: A Conversation Across Two

GPprnfirs." n.m. af Canterburv House corner
of Catherine and Division . . . Dr. C. D. Prater,
G"If Oi res'archer. will sneak on the offshore
drilling ind'itrv in the West Engineering Build-
ing. Room 311 at 8:00 . . Prof. Abraham Halkin
sneaks on "The Sanctity of Tsrael and the .Jewish
Tradition "8 t .m. at Hillel. followed at 8:30 by
a renort on the first season of the Lahav Archaeolo-
ca] Proe^t . . . and a1 day tomorrow members
of the AFSCME student sutnort committee will
be ar.oend the camnus accertine donations and
giving out "I Support AFSCME" tags.
On the inside ..
Today's Page 3 Daily Digest reports on the first
day of India's general election . . . Sue Hilde-
brandt'- discusses the Ann Arbor Prison Teach-In,
which starts today, for Edit Page . . . Arts Page
features a review of last week's Detroit Santana
concert by Jim Stimson . . . and in Sports Rick
Maddock reports on the WCHA hockey finals from
Madison, Wisconsin





town hail meeting

Special to The Daily
CLINTON, Mass. -- Fol-
lowing his campaign pledge
to keep in touch with the
American people, President
Carter appeared here last
night at an old fashioned
New England town meeting,
fielding questions from vo-
ters crowded into Clinton's
town hail.
The unique 19-minute ses-
sion - the president's first
major trip outside Wash-
ington -- contributed little
additional insight into sub-
stance 'of the new Presi-
dent's planned domestic
query from a concerned Clinton
minister, Carter unexpectedly
developed a three-part sctheme
for Mideast peace that seemed
to imply that Israel and sur-
rounding Arab countries will
have to accommodate some ter-
ritorial demands of Palestinian
"The first prerequisite of a
lasting peace is the recognition
of Israel by her neighbors. The
second one is very very diffi-
cult - the establishment of per-
manent borders for Israel. And
the third ultimate requirement
for peace is to deal with the
Palestinian problem: there has

to be a homeland provided for
the Palestinian refugees who
have suffered for many, many
years." he said.
Otherwise, Carter, for the
most part, merrily provided as-
surance - although in some of
the strongest, most pointed lan-
guage of his young presidency -
that he indeed intends to encour-
age ongoing citizen input and of-
fer the firm moral leadership
he repeatedly promised during
last year's campaign.
"I HAVEN'T been in politics
very long. I've got a lot to learn
- I don't know ill the answers,"
the President said.
"I'd like to remind you that
we're partners. It's not an easy
thing for a President to stay
close to people, but I'm going
to try and work with you."
Although the questions cov-
ered a broad spectrum of spe--
cifi^ topics = ranging from reg-
Tilatornro cedures for the truck-
ing industry to highway con-
sruction near Clinton.. most
seemed to fall in two of Carter's
favorite subject areas: econ mic
issues and moral orientation of
the federal government.
sived that he viewed inemploy-
ment as his administration's
"number one priority" - a
statement that drew loud sneers
in a region where more than
eight per cent of the labor force
is out of work.
"I believe that in a nation like


ours everyone who wants to
work should have a chance to
do so," he said. "We've got
hundreds of thousands of ,ob
openings - if we can just get
the Department of Labor and
HEW to work together." f
He renewed his earlier orom-
ise to present comprehensive t e-
form packages for the nation's
welfare system in May and the
federal income tax code in Sep-
"THE CONGRESS is eager to
do it - and I'm willing to meet
them halfway," he stated.
Carter eagerly defended his
vocal public support of human
rights, a practice criticized re-
cently by some foreign poicy
analysts as endangering U.S.-
Soviet relations.
"When people are put in p is-
ons and deprived of their hu-
man rights, the President ought
to have the right to say s'jme-
thing about it." he contended.
"The voice of the American
President can set a standard


Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Sleight of hand
The spring weather is too great a temptation. A student forsakes his daily mental gymnastics
to sharpen his manual dexterity by juggling on the Diag yesterday. Care to try for four?

Strikers get $10,000


Striking campus service work-
ers yesterday received a $10.000
"shot in the arm" from their
parent union, along with assur-
ances of additional financial and
moral support for the duration
of their walkout.
Arriving in Ann Arbor with
the check last night were 'two
representatives from the Wash-
ington, D.C. headquarters of the
American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employes
LOCAL 1583 spokesman Phil
Clevinger said last night that
the representatives and finan-
cial aid were sent here by
AFSCME International Presi-
dent Jerry Werf as a show of
support from AFSCME Inter-
national's 750 000 members.
Don McLure, a public rela-
t ons representative, and Kim
Pittman, an International staff
representative, will remain in
Ann Arbor "to help co-ordinate
the strike."
Clevinger said more people
may be sent in from the Inter-
Members of the Graduate Em-
ployees Organization (GEO),
working without a contract since
August,will meet this evening
at 7:30 in the Rackham Amphi-
theater to assess their position
with the University administra-
tion and discuss future plans
which include the, possibility of
a strike.
GEO has been uncertain about
what strategy to take since the
University rejected its last of-
fer' on Feb. 18. That offer close-
ly resembled the University's
final proposal on Nov. 18, when
contract negotiations broke
SEEMINGLY successful nego-
tiations were 'halted in Novem-
ber, 1975, when the University
refused to sign the contract un-
til two GEO grievances con-
cerning controversial language
were settled. GEO reacted by
filing an unfair labor practice
(ULP) charge against the Uni-
versity with the Michigan Em-
ployment Relations Commission
(MERC) for refusing to sign.

national if Local 1583 calls for
THE $10,000 will be used to
cover "immediate needs," Clev-
inger said, including such things
as printing costs, publicity, ad
campaigns and coffee for pick-
None of the badly-needed
funds will be used to pay the
salaries of striking union mem-
bers, he added.
Local 1583 will use the sum as
it is needed, without dividing it
up for specificallocations.
Clevinger added that more
money is available, if needed.
International support, W e r f
"called upon other labor organi-

zations in Michigan to lend, fi-
nancial and moral support" to
the strike.
Many local unions have al-
ready endorsed the AFSCME
cause. as have many University
student groups, a committee of
clergymen and faculty mem-
bers, the Dembcratic Party of
Washtenaw County and other
Union Local President Joel
Block last night called the two
arriving representatives "pret-
ty much experts" In union ac-
"We want to show that the
strike is still on," Block said.
THE SUDDEN - yet strong -
support came because it was
"obvious that the Local was


dealing with management that
doesn't want to move," accord-
ing to Clevinger.
AFSCME International's inter-
vention may prove vital to keep-
ing the 23-day-old walkout going,,
since the local union is prohib-
ited by law to keep a rrike
fund, and has had constantly
dwindling finances since the
strike began.
The additional -support will
also undoubtedi; invigorate the
morale of some 2,000 campus
IN A MOVE said to be unre-
lated to the support announce-
ment, the AFSCME local sent
an "emphatic and unanimtus"
call for the use of binding arbi-
See AFSCME, Page 2

County to control floods

The threat of spring flooding has passed, but
Washtenaw County Drain Commissioner Thomas
Blessing said that has not altered the county's
plans for more than $16 million in new drain-
age projects.
According to Blessing, five drainage projects,
designed to protect county residents against- ma-
jor flooding, are in the preliminary construc-
tion stages.
"WE DIDN'T HAVE a bad time this year,"
Blessing said of the spring flooding. "We are
very "iortunate that snow melted slowly, that
we had gentle rains, and that the ground thawed
Blessing added that while there was no seri-
ous flooding in Ann Arbor, there was some flood-
ing in the eastern portion of Ypsilanti and in,
Augusta Township.
But while there are no major problems cur-
rently facing the commission, that was not the
case a few months ago.

BLESSING, 27, ELECTED last fall, said he
took over a commission that Was besieged by
careless planning and a lack of direction.
He explained that previous drain commission-
ers did not design drain capacity in accordance
with future community needs.
"The drain commissioners way back in the
1940's and SO's did not have (drain capacity) as
an emphasis in their programs," Blessing said.
"The capacity of the drains are undersized and
to go back and replace them is expensive."
BLESSING ADDED that drain projects are
now designed to insure against water unoffs
which are a major cause of flooding.
"One of the largest nationwide causes of water
pollution is storm runoffs," he noted. "Sewage
treatment plants take care of it at one point.
In the design of drain projects, we can do a
great deal of droppipg off sediments."
Blessing added that drain projects are now
designed to insure against water runoffs which
are a major cause of flooding.
See NEW, Page 8

'U' Hospital volunteers Art Greenlee and Martha Fisch
lend a bit of moral support to an emergency patient.-,
Volunteers chase
' "
~'' ospital bues
Art, the tall, brown-haired man in the white smock,
blows up the balloons with uncanny skill. First a yellow
balloon takes shape, then a blue one envelops it, joining
the room's multi-colored furniture in battle against the'
sterile pastel green walls.
Martha, the short,. brown-haired woman in the white
smock, watches Art hand his creation to the little girl.
The toddler's face glows, erasing painful memories of the
bandaged gash on her forehead.
FOR THREE YEARS, some 250 volunteers like Art
Greenlee and Martha Fisch have added a human touch to
the emergency room procedures at University Hospital. The
primarily student roster, which ranges from Outreach pro-
gram participants to a Ford Motor Company supervisor,
has become a vital cog in emergency room operations
over the years.

LSA reconsiders; grants
tenure to award-winning prof

Last fall, English professor
William (Buzz) Alexander was
presented an award for excel-
lence in teaching. Three weels
ago, Alexander was denied ten-
ure by the Executive Commit-
tee of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts (LSA).
But thanks to efforts of con-
cerned students and staff mem-
bers, the Executive Committee

Alexander noted. "At the end,
it was half surprise and half
a sense that as the dynamics
of the thing progressed, the
outcome would not be surpris-
"What did surprise me was
the amount of feeling there
would be, the strength of the
arguments that were voiced,
and that enough people cared."
lie praised students for their
role~ in nhtainin7,. the re~ver~al

"We went to talk to the Dean
for Academic Appointments,
Eva Mueller," explained supporf
committee member Ann Lau-
rent. "She said that we could
write letters, but that would
have only a marginal effect.
She told us there was probably
nothing we (as students) could
Mueller expressed surprise at
the students' eventual role in
obtaining the appeal. "After the,

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