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March 15, 1977 - Image 1

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Vol LXXXVI No. 129 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 15, 1977 Ten Cents Tw

elve Pages

Welcome back
The time has come, the Walrus said, to think of
many things; of shoes and strings and sealing wax
and cabbages and .,, . spring? Well, that may not
be exactly how the little ditty reads, but that's
got to be what's on the minds of most students this
post-spring-break-week, including those of us here
at The Daily. Just like you, we didn't relish the
thought of returning to the grind either, but vac-
tion's over and it's time to resume the business
of reporting. A lot happened while you were gone,
but we kept track of it for you - a quick perusal
of today's Daily and you'll be up to date. Mean-
while, welcome back to Ann Arbor and welcome
back to The Daily. We missed you.
You oughta be in pictures
There's a new researcher in town this week,'but
he isn't a Nobel laureate from Harvard or a mathe-
matician from MIT. His name is David Chan and
his calling card reads Playboy Magazine. Chan, a
photographer for that grandfather of contemporary
girlie magazines, is in our fair city preparing for
his next Playboy project: "The Girls of the. Big
Ten." And -you guessed it - he's looking for*
some local subjects. To prove he's legitimate, he
produces a stack of newspaper articles chronicling
his campus crusade for models, and then proudly
boasts that he was in on. breaking the Liz Ray-
Wayne Hays bedtime story. This week, he's setting
up shop in the Campus Inn where he's accepting
phone calls from University women who would like
a session with Chan and his cameras, as well as
visiting local haunts to search out subjects. How-
ever, it's not quite clear why Chan and Playboy
have chosen college campuses, because they sure
aren't looking for brains.
Happenings. ..
are omnipresent today. At noon in the Pen-
dleton Arts Information Center in the Union, Louis
Stout Jr. plays his French horn as part of the Music
at Mid-Day Series . . . also at noon the Ecumeni-
cal Campus Center at, 921 Church hosts a lunch
discussion on "Family Structure and Fertility" led
by Prof. David Goldberg . . . MSA will hold a
steering committee meeting at 1 in their Union of-
fices . . . from 3:30-5:30 Hungarian violinist Denes
Kovacs will present a master class in the Recital
Hall of the School of Music. Free . . . Dr. David
Ayalon of Princeton University lectures on "The
First Years of the Ottoman Occupation of Egypt
and Syria" at 4 in 200 Lane Hall . . . "I Am Some-
body" will be on the big silver screen in MLB Lec-
ture Rm. 1 at 4 p.m. and then again at 7:30 . . .
Science Magazine editor Catherine Stimpson will
speak on "The New Scholarship of Women" at 7:15
in the Rackham W. Conference Rm. . . . a Com-
munity Arts Council informational meetingwill be
held at 7:30 in the Pendleton Arts Information Cen-
ter, second floor of the Union . . . also at 7:30 the
Native American Solidarity Committee will hold
an organizational meeting at the Lord of Light
Lutheran Church at Hill and"S. Forest . . . for a
third 7:30 activity, hear Soweto Student Represen-
tative Council leader Khotso Seatlholo speak in the
Schorling Aud. at the School of Education . . . and
to round off the list of 7:30 happenings, attend the
Games Club meeting for a discussion of regroup-
ing and reassessment in Rm. 2338 of the School of
Education . . . at 8, 76-year-old Jungian analyst,
Dr. James Kirsch will speak on "Issues of a Re-
ligious and Psychological Nature for the Current
Generation" in the Green Lounge of East Quad ...
Prof. Miriam Rosen-Ayalon. from the Hebrew Uni-
versity in Jerusalem will discuss recent archaelogi-
cal discoveries in Jerusalem at 8 in 203 Tappan
Hall . . and with your last ounce of energy, drag
yourself to the final event of the day, an 8 o'clock
showing of the film "Sorry, No Vacancy," spon-
sored by the World Hunger Task Force at the In-
ternational Center. That's it.
Excuses, excuses
"My wife has halitosis and the doctor has pre-
scribed milk of magnesia, about a quart a day.

Also, she uses a bottle of ;nouthwash a day. If she
didn't use it, you couldn't be in the same room
with her, especially after she eats garlicky food.
Can I use this as a write-off on-my taxes?" As
April 1, - D-Day for money-makers country-wide-
approaches. the taxpayer service at the Internal
Revenue Service office in Detroit, has been getting
some mighty odd questions and the one just cited
is onlygthetbeginning. There's also thecase of the
man who has a skin ailment and must, poor boy,
bathe daily. "Can I deduct the cost of the water?"
he asked. 'No' was Uncle Sam's reply to both re-
On the inside ...
President Carter has a new proposal aimed to-
ward the decriminalization of marijuana. Details
in the Page 3 Digest . : . the Commission for Wo-
men discusses handling a household and a career
simultaneously for today's Editorial Page . . . C.S.
Nichols previews this week's Ann Arbor Film Fes-
tival in a feature for the Arts Page . . . and there's
a rehash of the spring break basketball happenings
by Tom Cameron on the Sports Page.
Onthe outside ...

The strike:

U; AFS.CME closer...


fruitful, and the wage dispute
sened considerably.

had been les-

Striking campus service workers begin their
fourth week of picketing tomorrow with no con-
tract settlement in sight, despite recent advances
in negotiations with the University.,
Bargaining between the American Federa-
tion of State, County and Municipal Employes
(AFSCME, Local 1583) and the University broke
off last night, leaving the two sides with no fu-
ture talks scheduled.
THE CAMPUS, meanwhile, continues to offer
most services in the absence of some 2,000 food
service, hospital, maintenance and grounds work-
According to Chief University Negotiator Wil-
liam Neff, exactly what the next' official move
will be and who will make it are "open ques-
Over spring break, AFSCME officials an-

but (not close enough

nounced a change in their demands at the bar-
gaining table. The union originally sought a
$1.04 per hour wage increase over three years
after the walkout began, but it changed its de-
mands to a 70 cent per hour hike over two
THE UNIVERSITY also altered its position,
considering a 60 cent per hour increase over
two years.
But Neff clarified at another bargaining ses-
sion last Friday that the University would not
make its offer official unless AFSCME ratified
the settlement beforehand.
AFSCME bargaining leaders discovered in a
membership meeting last Sunday that the union

was cool toward the University's new wage posi-
tion. At negotiations yesterday, AFSCME said
it would not consider the 60 cent proposal.
ON FEBRUARY 22, union members overwhelm-
ingly rejected a 55 cent per hour wage hike over
two years offered them in a tentative settlement.
AFSCME went on strike the next day.
Negotiators spent over six hours in bargain-
ing yesterday, but came no closer to an agree-
ment than they were on Friday..
The breakdown came as a bitter disappoint-
ment to both parties. The two sides were look-
ing forward to a possible settlement yesterday
since talks over spring break were relatively

doud, present at contract talks since early Feb-
ruary, said last night that there were "no plans
at the minute" to schedule new talks between
the University and AFSCME.
Badoud added that he could not see any furth-
er compromise on the wage issue at the present
AFSCME Local President Joel Block last night
called the University's bargaining procedures "ab-
surd." He echoed previous claims that Univer-
sity bargainers are "more intent on busting our
union than on settling."
ASIDE FROM WAGES, the Universtiy and
AFSCME have begun discussions on another issue
See 'U', Page 2


By AP and UPI
DETROIT - A federal
attorney yesterday ordered
FBI agents to interview a
psychiatrist and others
familiar with a hospital
nursing supervisor who re-
portedly confessed to poi-
soning patients before she
committed suicide.
U.S. Attorney Philip Van
Dam responded to reports
that Betty Jakim, who died
from a tranquilizer over-
dose Feb. 3, left a note ad-
mitting to the Ann Arbor
Veterans A d m i n istration
(VA) hospital poisonings.
Jakim, 51, suffering from
terminal cancer, was under
psychiatric care before she
killed herself in Florida.
ACCORDING to a report pub-
lished in the Detroit Free Press,
Jakim made statements to a
psychiatrist last August which
amounted to a confession in the
patient deaths. The report said
she also made wconfessional
statements to another psychia-
trist and medical personnel
while she was confined to an
Ann Arbor mental hospital.
The suicide note left by Jakim
could destroy the case against
two other nurses on trial for
allegedly injecting Pavulon, a
powerful muscle relaxant, into
nine intensive care patients at
the VA hospital. Two of the vic-
tims died.
The nurses, Filipina Narcisco,
30, and Leonora Perez, 32, both
worked in the hospital's inten-
sive care unit when a string
of respiratory failures occurred
in the summer of 1975. More
than 50 patients suffered breath-
ing difficulties between July 1
and August 15 of that year.
Eleven died of unexplained
each charged with two counts
of murder, seven counts of poi-
soning and one count of con-
Defense (attorneys plan to




meet with U.S. District Judge
Philip Pratt today to discuss
the new developments and pos-
sibly a dismissal motion. Jury
selection began March 1 but
the trial was in recess yester-
The lawyers warned yester-
day that Jakim's reported con-
fession may complicate the se-
lection process.
as O'Brien said the confession
report might have wiped out
the tentative choosing of jurors,
who have not been shielded,
from news accounts of the case.
"This may further complicate
the process," O'Brien said.
"The judge may have to bring
them all back in and ask them
if they read the material and

if it affected their ideas on the
Prosecuting attorney Van Dam
said FBI agents questioned Ja-
kim during an 11-month inves-
tigation of the mysterious
breathing failures, but no gov-
ernment official knew of the
confession note. He said all
pertinent records on Jakim
were given to defense attorneys,
as ordered by Pratt.
"I DON'T KNOW 'what was
held back. They have every-
thing we have relative to Mrs.
Jakim as far as I know. I've
asked the FBI to go out and
interview those people familiar
with Mrs. Jakim. We'll just have
to see where that leads."
According to the Free Press

report, Jakim was once con-
sidered a suspect in the case
because she had worked eve-
nings, w';en most of the breath-
ing failures occurred, and had
access to most parts of the hos-
She was later dropped as a
suspect because investigators
said she was not at the hospital
at certain times they 'believed
the killer had to have been pre-
O'Brien said failure to share
information about Jakim with
the defense could lead to dis-
missal of the charges.
r'ratt almost threw out the
government's case earlier this
year when defense attorneys
learned prosecutors had with-
held some evidence.

Open meetings law will have
fe~w effects, city officials say


Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Schumacher: Scale
down technology
British economist E. F. Schumacher told a Future Worlds
crowd of 1800 at Hill Auditorium Sunday that the world must scale
down "this stupendous, breathtaking technological development
which enables us to land people on the moon, but has not abolished
degrading poverty."
r Schumacher. who wound up a two-day visit to Ann Arbor with
a series of workshops yesterday, espoused his theory of "inter-
mediate technology," which he defined as "more productive than
traditionalized methods in agriculture and industry, but less com-
plex, res.ource-depleting and capital costly than western 'high'
THE AUTHOR of the book Small is Beautiful criticized the "al-
most universal idolatry of giantism," and the drive for unlimited
growth and profits, emphasizing the need for scaled-down tech-

The U.S. Weather Service hasn't
forecast yet, but on March 31 the sun
ally shine in Ann Arbor City Hall.

issued its
will offici-

That's the day a new state "sunshine law"
- formally titled the Open Meetings Act -
takes effect. The law requires the meetings of
many public bodies to be open to the pubhic
and calls for advance notification of those meet-
BUT CITY OFFICIALS say the law is likely
to cause few, if any, changes in local govern-
ment policies, contending the sun has always
shone on city meetings.
The law will apply to the Ann Arbor City
Council, the Ann Arbor Transportation Authori-

ty, and the city's Planning, Housing, Historic
District , and Building and Safety Commissions.
"I can't see how the sunshine law will open
any more doors than already are," said Council
member Roger Bertoia (R-Third Ward). "We've
been so open all along anyway, I just can't im-
agine how it would affect the Council."
UNDER THE NEW LAW, closed executive
sessions will still be permitted for personnel
matters, strategy sessions concerning labor ne-
gotiations or real estate acquisition, and confi-
dential communications with an attorney regard-
ing litigation.
The only executive sessions I can remem-
ber," said Council member Robert Henry (R-
See 'SUNSHINE,' Page 9




City sewage debated

During a special working ses-
sion lastdnight, Ann Arbor City
Council discussed plans for the
city's new $27 million sewage
treatment facility, which is
scheduled for construction some
time this summer.
Public Works Director Joe
Price presented Council with the
plans for the waste treatment
plant. It includes expansion of
current incineration facilities
which convert sludge, a sew-
age waste product, into solid
COUNCIL will vote on the is-
sue next Monday.
The incineration process con-
sists of burning the sludge prod-
uct an'd then disposing of the fi-
nal waste material in a landfill
-Co'incil members debated the

out the sewage treatment cen-
ter. He said a composting sys-
tem, on the other hand, would
use energy in the vehicles which
are needed to remove the re-
maining material.
David Sprow, a representative
from the State Department of
Natural Resources (DNR), said

if Council decides to substitute
the incinerator with a compost-
ing system, the entire sewage
treatment plan would have to be
taken back to the DNR for full
approval of the facilities once
"It would be going back.to
See COUNCIL, Page 2

ascend to
The rate at which lofts are
being erected in University
dormitory rooms has left ad-
ministration officials lost in a
cloud of sawdust. All across
campus, the loft has become {~ '
the newest symbol of status and
efficiency. Styles vary from
dorm room to dorm room, rang-
ing from stark, functional stru-
tures to wooden mazes replicat-
ing the utmost in total enter-
tainment centers.:
Regardless of cost or charac-
ter, however, owners feel alike
about their lofts: They wouldn't x
live here without one.
"THESE ROOMS without
lofts look like caverns," Bursley
resident Carl Szczechowski.
"-They add a nice, rustic touch
and make the rooms a lot
warmer, especially the way
mine is stained. Other rooms
you walk into have nothing but
doors that look so plastic and
cold tile floors. They look so
institutional "

LSA delays vote on
{ nglish requirement
A change in graduation requirements for English composition
floundered yesterday when the LSA Governing Faculty delayed
until the end of the month its vote on the matter.
Thie recommendation for the change originated from a report
of the English Composition Board (ECB), chaired by English Prof.


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