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March 04, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-03-04

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Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, Marc

h 4, 1977

terrorists quit

cap ives was harmed.
Police said the men
over their weapons at
a.m. and emerged onel
wearing headbands with
ing sun emblem, from
story headquarters of
ren, a federation of 896t

The rightists had scattered
handed leaflets denouncing big business
about 3 for "poisoning" Japan's postwar
by one, society and landscape and they
the ris- cited the Lockheed payof scan-
the 14- dal as one example. But beyond
Keidan- drawing attention to their cause
busines- the purpose of their seige was
not immediately clear.
said the The armed men surrendered
w i t h after talking for more than three
ns a n d hours with the widow of Yukio
egal de- Mishima, the noted Japanese
and il- writer who had championed a
ng. return to ancient Japanese val-

TOKYO - Four Japanese na- ssaiustries.
tionalists armed with a samurai A police spokesperson
sword and guns surrendered four would be charged
early today, 11 hours after seiz- violation of the firearm
ing hostages in the headquartersE Sword Control Law, ill
of Japan's most powerful eco- tention, acts of violence
nomic organization. None of the legal entry into a buildi

ues. The writer had figured pro- Acholi and Langi tribesmen and;
minently in the group's leaflets. other Christians involved wide-
* spread killings and arrests.
A spokesperson for the Ro-
tga dan p rge jman Catholic Holy Cross Order,
NAIROBI, Kenya - Refugees which has 35 American mission-
from Uganda claimed yesterday i aries in Uganda, said in Nair-
that President Idi Amin is con- obi
tinuing a bloody purge of Christ- "I speak to them (the mission-
ian tribes inhis troubled East aries) every day. They are in
African country. very good spirits and are all
Kenyan church sources in staying in Uganda. Nobody has
touch with American missionar- pressed the panic button yet."
ies in Uganda, however, said l
they have received no reports of
Americans being molested and'
that missionaries there appear National
determined to remain in the
country and continue their work.
Other missionaries. they said... T

While the men worked, Ronald available on thousands of term-
Adley, who attracted rescuers by inals in IRS offices.
rapping on the walls, of his Currently, only about 10 per
smal prison nearly a mile back cent of each year's 132 million
from the mine's entrance, wait- tax returns are instan-y avail-
ed with a supply of chewing to-1 able on IRS computers in aI
baccotand food pushed to him limited number of IRS offiees.
through a tiny shaft bored The rest are held on magnetic
through coal and rock. tape that take days to or ain.
Adley's tapping was heard by "TAS will make large quati- I
rescue workers at 4:50 p.m. o ties of personal infurmatioa
Wednesday, nearly 33 hours af- about people available in t h e
ter a mass of water crashed time it takes to snap two fing-
through the roof of a shaft where ers," the report said.
the men were working in ti e It may offer resources for
Kocher Coal Co. mine. surveillance, through idenifica-
Sveral men escaped ahead o n and location of peop . that
the surging water, and three could prove Irresistible, or at
the snurdg atr, an wereeleast highly tempting to future
were injured. But 10 men were Congresses, presidents and \fed-
not accounted for. On Wednes-Coreses,"ride d.
day, two bodies were found, and eral agencies, it added.
Adley's signal was heard later "Although laws may make it
in the day. illegal to disseminate IRS in-
Askteday.tuorhformation for illegal or unconsti-
Asked about rumors that other tutional surveillance p'irposes,
noises had been heard inside the bu l '
mine, federal mining official these laws may not be enougto
JohnShaackrepled:"Weve The IRS vwill ask for funds to
John Shutack replied: "e've start on zhe system for the next
heard some reports but we fiscal year, according to Patrick
haven't confirmed therm. Out- Ruttle, assistant IRS c mrnis-
side of Adley moving and out- r i admniscrition.
side of our own people, we have * *
not been able to pick up any
other sounds." Oilspi
* * s -.

are waiting in neighboring Ken-
ya for a suitable time to go to
The sources stressed that in-
dependent confirmation of re-.
fugee reports is difficult to ob-
tain and there is no accurate es-
timate of the number of persons
Reports reaching Nairobi from
refugees recently arrived from
Uganda said Amin's purge of

Miner rescued
TOWER CITY, Pa. - Work-i
ers using hand tools chipped
gingerly at a 50-foot-thick coal3
seam yesterday to rescue a min-
er trapped alone in a tiny
chamber deep underground forl
more than two days.
There was no word on seven;
men still missing in the mine.!
Two bodies had been recovered.

economic values in decisions n-
volving oil and gas, Andrus
told the committee.
contractors fined
LANSING - The Michigan
Department of Labor yesterday
assessed more than $30,000 in
fines against contractors involv-
ed in the construction of D e -
troit's $600 million renaissance
State Labor Director K e i t h
Molin said the fines were for
safety violations noted during
recent inspections.
"These fines may be regard-
ed as part of the cost of insur-
ing the health and safety of the
more than 1,800 workers on this
project," Molin said.
He said many of the citations
were for repeat violations -
meaning the company had been
cited for the same violations in
the past.
The geperal contractor on the
project, Tishman Constructinn
Co. of Detroit, was cited for 19
alleged violations and fined S4,-
The violations included failure
to clear debris from nissage-
ways, improper storage of liquid
propane gas, failure to provide
guardrails and failure to have
a fire safety program for em-
Two firms which are installing
fire protection. systems on the
project - Grinnel and Bay'ine
- also were cited for failing
to have fire safety programs for
their employes.

Last yearthe stoof ther
early years won liys.
Now see them 1
their White House years.
One of the most celebrated events on television last year was
the story of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt in their early
years. Now, Jane Alexander and Edward Herrmann continue
their portrayals of the Roosevelts in "Eleanor and Franklin:
The White House Years." Don't miss it.
'Eleanor and Franklin:TheWhite HouseYears'
Sunday, March 13,8 PM.on WXYZL-V-ChanncI7
Brought to you by

The University of Michigan will offer a MINI-COURSE,
NO. 413, entitled "HUMAN SEXUALITY" which is organ-
ized by Dr. Harold Stevenson.'Followinc an initial introduc-
tory session on Monday, March 14th at 4:00 p.m., the
class will meet Mondav, Tuesday and Wednesday, 4:00-
5:30 p.m. for 3 weeks. Reqistration for the course is
through Drop-Add. For permission to register or more infor-
motion contact. Sharon Carlson at 341 Victor Vauqhn or
call 763-1227.

IRS computer

WASHINGTON - A massive
computer system proposed by
the Internal Revenue Service
could offer "irresistible" oppor-
tunities for illegal government
intrusions on Americans' priv-
acy, a congressional study says.
The computer system, which
the report says could cost $1 bil-
lion, would make Americans' in-
come tax returns immediately


WASHINGTON - The Carter'
administration yesterday sup-
ported tough new legislation to
deter oil spills off the U.S.
coastline by tankers and off-
shore oil drilling operations.
Interior Secretary Cecil An-
drus told the House of Repre-
sentatives' Special Committee on
the Outer Continental Shelf the
administration favored a propos-
ed comprehensive bill that would
make oil tanker operators liable
for damages for oil spills off the
American coast.
The committee is considering
an offshore energy production
Ibill which, among other things,
would make tanker operators re-
sponsible for oil spill damages
of up to 35 million dollars.
Andrus said the legislation,
prompted by a rash of oil spills
in recent months off the U.S.
i coast, would be a "powerful in-
centive for responsible manage-
ment" by tanker operators.
Andrus told a House panel
that a law imposing such liabil-
ity would "be a powerful in-
centive for responsible manage-
ment by firms involved in outer
continental shelf activities."
Environmentalists, whose law-
suits have delayesd much off-
shore drilling, would also gain
confidence from such a law that
adequate compensation will be
made for any spills, he said.
"Oil spill liability legislation
would substantially improve the
balancing of environmental and

a ,

- I)

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in aii t~ie world .

> BA5



no shoes like 'em
The Bol Oxford 100 built for hustlin',

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Plat aheace

Dailv Official Bulletin
The Daily Officiai Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of
the day preceding publication and
by 2 p.m Friday for Saturday and
Sunday. Items appear once only.
.Student organization notices are
not accepted for publication. For
more information, phone 764-9270.
Friday, March 4, 1977
Day Calendar:
WUOM:, "Teach-In On Detroit:
Past, Present, & Future," discussion,
"Education-, The Challenge of the
Schools," panelists Dr., Freeman
Flynn,.Director of'School & Com-
munity Relations, Detroit Public
Schools. Mary Ellen Riorden, Detroit
Federation of Teachers, Clara Ruth-
erford, Detroit School Board, and
Cloyzelle Jones, Associate Professor
of Education, U-M Dearborn, 10:10
a. m.
Musical Society: Czech State Or-
chestra of Brno, Hil Aud., 8:30 p.m.
Volume LXXXVII, No. 128
Friday, March 4, 1977
ir edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 164-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published d a i1 y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription
rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
ters); $13 by mail outside Ann
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saburday "morning.
3ubscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor;; $7.50 by mail outside Ann



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Effective March 3, 1977
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