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March 04, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-03-04

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See Editorial Page




igh -49°

Latest Deadline in the State See Today for detal


Vol. LXXXVII, No. 128

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 4, 1977

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


_,. ._._

Au revoir
There's a time to reap and a time to sow, a time
to work and a time to rest-and then there's a time
to go to Florida. In other words, like all mortals
at this great institution of learning, we're going to
take next week off. Cherish today's Daily for it
will be the last issue before the great March mi-
gration. Look for us again Tuesday, March 15. In
the meantime, eat, drink and be merry.
In our Feb. 22 article on the Ann Arbor Transit
Authority's efforts to encourage downtown em-
ployes to take, the bus to work, we incorrectly
quoted Huron Valley National Bank's personnel
assistant Maria Spooner as saying only seven of 78
eligible employes are taking advantage of the
bank's bus pass program. The actual figure is,17,
and Huron Valley is the best example the city has
of a business helping to alleviate the downtown
parking shortage. This in no way, however, makes
the situation any less desperate: Huron Valley and
Jacobson's are the only area businesses cooperat-
ing with AATA, and the bus pass program is not
being forcefully promoted by the city.
begin bright and early today with an invita-
tion for those who wish to take part in a Seal Day
rally that will be held at noon in Kennedy Square
in Detroit. Transportation will leave at 10:45 from
People's Plaza in front of the Administration Bldg.
from 1:30-3:30, there will be a presentation
given in the Dean's Conference Room in the School
of Education. Large Copeland will speak on "Ob-
taining Responses from Typical Non-Respondents"
... the Commission for Women will have a special
meeting from 2:30-5 in the President's Conference
Room in the Administration Bldg. . . . there will
be a demonstration of Chinese Brush Painting by
May Hsiu at 3 in the InternationalCenter, 603 E.
Madison... chow down for dinner, and then run
over to Canterbury House on the corner of Cath-
erine and Division and catch Selo Blackcrow's lec-
ture on Sioux Traditions of Healing at 8 . . . also
at 8, the University Folk Dance Club will meet at
Max Kade house in Oxford Housing . . . finally, a
reminder that Project Outreach Internship applica-
tions are due today.





TU ready
to sign
Trony Associates and the Ann
Arbor Tenants Union (TU1.) are
on the verge of signing an agree-
ment, according to union rep-
resentative Peter Downs.
Trony and TU agreed upon the
contract January 26, but word
changes have delayed signing of'
the pact. Tenants will continue
withholding rent until the agree-
ment is signed, Downs said.
"Trony said they lost the con-
tract in the lawyer's office. Not
a very plausible excuse," said
According to the contract, the
management will provide a rent
schedule which does not exceed
the maximum rent increase,
Downs said. The rent was de-
termined by increased taxes,
insurance and utility costs.
The agreement, which ends a
two-month-old strike, also in-
cludes management recognition
of TU's right to call a strike.
The contract will also provide
* The right for a tenant to
move out of the apartment if
the management does not cori-
ply with an order given by a
mediation panel;
* fire extinguishers in each
unit by September 3, 1977;
* if management and tenant
disagree about the adequacy of
a repair,aanarbiterd shall rule
within 24 hours of the complaint.
If the ruling is against Trony,
See TRONY, Page 10

Defeats Illini 87-72-
Green injured early
Spedal to The Daily
CHAMPAIGN - You can start to send for tickets to the
NCAA's in Bloomington for next Sunday. Michigan will be there.
A.=second half explosion triggered ichigan to an 87-72 vic-
tory over Illinois last night. Michigan clinched a tie for the
Big Ten championship and assured itself an NCAA playoff
"IT'S OUR SECOND CHAMPIONSHIP in four years," said
Michigan Coach Johnny Orr. "That's a good feeling."
"They (Michigan) were superb in the second half," Orr con-

Dailv Photo by ALAN BILINSKY
Rubber Band Men
Looking a lot like Gumby's, John Sappington (left) and James Morse of the Humbly
Magnificent Champions of the Universe - better known as Ann Arbor's Humblies -
practice a little frisbee foreplay yesterday in preparation for next weekend's Frisbee
Festival. The fourth annual festival will be held March 12 and 13

tinued. "They always are when
the wall."
Michigan did have its back
against the wall and its hands
full of stubborn Illini in the first
WITH 11 /2 MINUTES remain-
ing in the first stanza and
Michigan up by one, Illinois out-
scored the Wolverines 14-4 in a
four-minute span to take a nine-
point lead.
With the momentum flowing
for the orange and black, Rick-
ey Green was tripped, injuring
his hip, and left the game with
6:17 remaining in the first half.
The Wolverines refused to fold
though, and fought back to make
it a two-point game with 2
minutes still to go in the first
ILLINOIS kept Michigan at a
distance, and with 46 seconds
remaining Michigan was down
by five and Illinois had the ball.
Phil Hubbard then made the
key steal of the game and scor-
ed on the ensuing dunk.
Dave Baxter, in for Green,
followed by forcing Illini guard
Steve Lanterinto into an offen-
sive foul. With two seconds re-
maining, Alan Hardy sprang
opengunderneath and dunked
Michigan to a 40-39 score.
was very important," Orr said.
"Our push right before the half
gave us the impetus we need-
"We really needed tlat push
to get us psychologically up for
the second half," said co-cap-
tain Steve Grote.
"It (the steal) really helped,"
said Hubbard. "Alan (Hardy)
came in and he was really ready
and that really helped $oo."
onto the floor to start the sec-
ond half it played like a tourna-
ment team should.
Michigan scored six points be-
fore the Fighting Illini even
found the hoop and',then jump-
ed to an 11-point lead within
six minutes, 57-46.
Using the power of hitting on
12 of their first 14 shots, the
Wolverines, using man-to-man,
See HUB'S, Page 9

Strikers may alter demand's

they have their backs against

High times
pparently, they still do things the old-fashioned
way over in Saudi Arabia. The Daily Arab News
reported yesterday that two men were beheaded in
a village near Jidda last week for sexually as-
saulting a young boy. The sentence, handed down
by an Islamic court, was rather unusual consider-
ing the case. According to the Sharia, the Koran-
based Islamic law, sexual offenders are supposed
to be executed by being dropped from the highest
spot in the surrounding area. Execution by sword
is only permissible in areas where there are no
sufficiently high mountains or tall buildings. In the
recent past, authorities have not taken the word of
the Sharia lightly. In Yemen, 'a court once bor-
rowed a helicopter from the Egyptian air force
to drop an offender to his death.
Pity the hedgeog
Anybody would agree that the life of the "human
hedgehog" is not an easy row to hoe. But at last.
the long, painful saga of Tjens Jensen may be com-
ing to an end. It all started in April, 1971, when
Jensen fell into a heap of thorny branches from a
barberry bush that he had been trimming. Jensen
tried repeatedly to get up before fainting from the
pain. Since that time, doctors say they have pulled
32,131 thorns from "Jensen's body. And that figure,
according to Jensen's wife, does not include'the
countless inch-long thorns they have pulled out
themselves, and that remain to be pulled out. Doc-
tors are at a loss to explain how one man could
get so many thorns in his body and how they
keep emerging after six years. Jensen himself
does not want to discuss his plight. At any rate,
poetic justice has been done. The day after Jen-
sen's accident, his son cut down the whole barberry
bush and burned it.
On the inside...
Take a peek at the Daily Digest on Page 2 and
read about the rescue of a trapped miner in Penn-
sylvania . . Editorial Page sports a mess of let-
ters concerning the AFSCME strike . . . Steven
Pickover reviews the Fisher Theatre's production
of A Chorus Line . . . and Sports staffers Tom
Cameron and Scott Lewis have the lowdown on last
night's Illinois basketball game for the Sports

Striking campus service workers last night told their leaders
to go back to the negotiating table with the University and "get
all you can get."
According to Art Anderson, bargaining leader for the Ameri-
can Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes
(AFSCME, Local 1583), last night's action means that the union
bargaining team is no longer "locked in" to demands made earlier
in the week by rank and file AFSCME members.
IN AN UNSUCCESSFUL attempt to renew contract talks last
Tuesday, the union team was asked by AFSCME members to de-
mand a $1.04 per hour wage increase over three years and the
removal of a cap on the cost of living allowances from the Uni-
versity - essentially the same proposals made when negotiations
began last November.
"Before, we were given some demands to meet," Anderson
said, "but now we are free to go back and get what we can get."
With the change in union bargaining posture, contract talks
are likely to resume soon.
Thomas Badoud, the state-appointed mediator who adjourned
Tuesday's negotiations because he felt both sides were too far apart
for fruitful discussions, said last night that the move by AFSCME
members "was the proper thing to do."
The mediator said he had not been contacted by the union,
but expected to receive a call to request that a new meeting be set
up between the two sides.
THE REMOVAL of the rank and file's previous demands, which
took place at a well-attended union meeting last night, was con-
sidered a reaffirmation of faith in the bargaining team. Both An-
derson and Union Local President Joel Block said they were
Block said the union will now consider "any reasonable offer"

on the part of the University. He noted that any settlement again
accepted by the bargaining team "would still have to be ratified
by members."
Block called the union meeting "the best thing that's hap-
pened to us for the last few days."
AFSCME employes walked off their jobs on February 23, after
rejecting a tentative contract agreement arrived at by the union
bargaining team and the University. The initial settlement, arrived
at with the help of a mediator, called for a 55-cent per hour wage
raise over two years, with no cost of living allowances.
MEANWHILE, outside pressures on the University to settle

Hubbard-A mean
23 points
way for
tax cuts.
dent Carter's program for eco-
nomic stimulation passed pre-
liminary tests in tie Senate and
House yesterday.
First the Senate, by voice vote,
and then the House, on a 226-173
roll call, agreed to amend the
budget for the current year to
allow $17.5 billion worth of em-
ergency spending and tax cuts.
Later {action will be required to
approve the specific tax cuts
and spending programs.
REPUBLICANS in both houses
made clear that their vote for
the budget amendment did not
commit them to support Car-
ter's tax-cut plan, but showed
only that they see the need for
some economic stimulus.
Many Republicans favor a
permanent tax cut rather than
the one-shot $50-per-person re-
bate proposed by. Carter.
The budget amendment ac-
cepted by both houses will raise
federal spending in the 'current
fiscal year, which ends on Sept.
30, to $417.5 billion. That will
mean a deficit of $69.8 billion.
The House delayed until next
Tuesday consideration of Car-
ter's modified $13.8-billion plan
of tax cuts, including rebates
for 200 million Americans and
a small permanent tax reduc-
tion for 45 million couples and
individuals. Plans for increasing
federal spending by $3.7 billion
over the next seven months are
movered in senarate legislation.
See CONGRESS, Page 10

Options to DPP cut studied

Seven alternatives to axing the Department of
Population Planning (DPP) have surfaced as
review of the imperiled program continues within
the School of Public Health (SPH).
On Feb. 2, Dean Richard Remington and the
SPH Executive Committee recommended to the
Regents that the 11-year-old department be
scratched in 1978 due to a budgetary crisis and
"serious academic weaknesses."
-ACCORDING TO Ned Doughtery, assistant to
the vice president for academic affairs, his office,
which will make an advisory recommendation to
the Regents before their final vote on April 15,
is "still pretty much in a holding pattern."

But some DPP members have been encouraged
by the internal review and the general tone of
recent proceedings at the school.
Members of the Population Planning Reviexf
Committee joined the SPH Curriculum Commit-
tee to "examine the role of the department in
terms of the school's objectives" at.the request
of the school's faculty on Feb. 21. They will report
the results of their closed meetings to the fac-
ulty along with the SPH Executive Committee on
March 21.
DepartmentChairman Leslie Corsa described
the meetings-as "fruitful". He said the executive
committee ,and DPP faculty together have made
See PUBLIC, Page 10

Wheeler, Beicher clash
on housing, environment

In their third public bout since the mayoral
campaign kickoff, Democratic incumbent Albert
Wheeler and his Republican opponent Council-
man Louis Belcher (Fifth Ward) argued strate-
gies last night on housing, streets and environ-
mental problems.
Addressing an audience of about 30 at the Ar-

supermarket prices are high and doctor's serv-
ices are miles away?"
The repair of a badly rutted and pot-holed sec-
tion of Pontiac Trail drew Belcher's fire. "We
asked to fix it but it was vetoed by Mayor Wheel-
er." He claimed there was $100,000 of Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) money "sit-
ting in the bank" that could be used for repair.

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