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March 01, 1977 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1977-03-01

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Eie 3fr41gan Dai jj
Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Tuesday, March 1, 1977

News Phone! 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
payments -t foreign.
leaders aren 't'appropriate'

(1YRUS VANCE said Sunday that CIA
payments to Jordan's King Hus-
sein and other world leaders were
"appropriate," and added - almost
as an afterthought - that "These
kinds of things cannot be done in
the glare of public publicity." It
should be obvious that the subsidiz-
ng of another country's intelligence
network cannot be done publicly, for
what nation likes to admit that its
security is underwritten by another?
And what American administration
likes to admit that its allies are in
fact paid flunkies? .
It would have been more conveni-
ent for Hussein if the bankrolling
of his "security forces" - used in re-
cent years to suppress Palestinian
rebels - by the nation which has his-
torically been Israel's strongest back-
er could have been kept under wraps.
And it would have been earier for the
Carter administration to disassociate
itself from some of the more repres-
sive measures taken by its allies had
the payments never come to light.

THE FUNNELING of funds through
the CIA is "appropriate" only if one
accepts the U.S. role as overlord of
Western political stability and the
CIA as the world's police force. No,
these kinds of things cannot be done
in the glare of publicity, and we won-
der what other dealings the CIA has
funded would not bear up under the
weight of public opinion.
It is disappointing when an ad-
ministration voted into office because
people trusted it to be candid, pro-
duces only a Secretary of State who
says CIA payments are "appropriate"
and a President who says he "sees'
nothing improper" about them. Be-
cause routine has been followed; be-
cause payments have "been made by
the last five Presidents," in Hussein's
words; in short just because the gov-
ernment has always done so, does not
make the action "appropriate." We
expected better from an administra-
tion which vowed new faces and new

THIS WINTER'S unusually harsh weather, and
the resulting natural gas shortage has spur-
red increasing interest in energy conservation.
However, few members of the University com-
munity realize the efforts being made at the
University to decrease energy use. The purpose
of this report is to describe how the Energy
Conservation Task Force (ECTF) is helping to
bring about a reduction in energy use at the
One area of concern for the ECTF is regard-
ing the reduction of natural gas and electricity
consumption over winter holidays by drastically
reducing heating in many University buildings.
For example, over the four day Thanksgiving
vacation, the heating cutback saved $28,000 over
the previous year, and $42,000 over normal op-
erations (i.e. no conservation). Thanks to the
efforts of the University's Energy Management
Engineer Robert Pesko, a $77,500 reduction in
total energy consumption was achieved over the
Christmas break by requiring occupants to con-
tact Pesko to avoid having their heat turned
However, there were some complications over
this break. For example, many University em-
ployes were not on vacation the whole period
between Christmas and New Year's, so many
buildings could not be shut down for the whole4
vacation. Also, there was a problem with frozen
pipes bursting in some of the buildings that
were shut down. As a result of these problems,
the monitoring, maintenance, and repair bill
for the program was about $10,000. Since this
was a "new mode of operations" for the Plant
Departments, some problems were anticipated
and will be easier to avoid next year. It should
be noted that access to the buildings that were
turned down was not restricted, and with. very
few exceptions, the' buildings were kept at or
above 55° F, so they could be used if the users
were willing to bundle up.

'onserva tion



ture sensitive research that requested not to be
turned off and yet were occupied by less than
10% of their normal users. P e s k o said that
the $77,500 that was saved is only 53% of the
possible savings, due to the unexpectedly high,
number of requests for exceptions. The ques-
tion being raised at this point is, should the
ECTF push more strongly to have these build-
ings turned down at the expense of a few peo-
ple's comfort?
Another area of concern is the present harsh
weather and the natural gas shortage in neigh-
boring states. At the end of January, it was
decided that the boilers at the University's
steam generating plant (that'heats most of the
central campus), be switched from natural gas'
to oil (an emergency-but not conservation-,
measure). When further needed supplies of oil
did not materialize, the Plant Department was
forced to again use natural gas.
At the other end of the steam pipe the ECTF,
at the, suggestion of President Carter and
Governor Milliken, advised that all University-
thermostats be lowered to 65"F, and President
Fleming wrote a letter to ,the deans and other
key administrators urging support of this move.
However, support from University employes is
needed. Even though the Plant Department has
finished a "sweep" through all buildings turn-
ing down thermostats, usually, the occupants
can turn them back up. Although some older
buildings cannot be controlled well enough to
turn them down this way, in those that can, the
help and support of University personnel is
urgently required.
Some ongoing projects include the following:
* Installation of an automatic, centralized
system (called Central Environmental Control
System) to monitor and control heating and
cooling in all University buildings to avoid
wasting energy;
* A pilot program to test the effectiveness
of incentives in reducing departmentally con-
trolled energy use (such as lighting) involving
the Chemistry Department and the Institute
for Social Research. Also, Director of Physical

Properties J a c k Weidenbach and Director of
Plant Operations Donald Wendel have met with
deans and other unit heads to make them aware
of the money their units spend on energy.
Weidenbach feels they have succeeded in mak-
ing them aware of the fact that they can help
conserve energy;
* Installation of time clocks on fan systems
so that, for example, air conditioners do not run
late at night;
0 Urging class scheduling to avoid unneces-
sary heating, such as reduction or elimination
of Friday afternoon or Saturday classes, and
holding all night classes in one or two build-
ings, and so on;
* Reduction of lighting in many over-illumi-
nated rooms and hallways (according to stand-
ards set by the Fsederal Governments' General
Service Administration and the Illuminating
Engineering Society).
taken to mean that the University's rising en-
ergy use is under control. All of the conserva-
tion so far has been in the area controlled by
the plant department and it works out to about
10% or 15% on an uninflated dollar basis. Un-
fortunately, this savings is more than offset
by the fact that most other energy consuming
units of the University are steadily increasing
their energy consumption, and a few are even
accelerating their energy use. It is clear that
the ECTF has its work cut out for it.
The Energy Conservation Task Force cannot
operate in a vacuum. To be effective, there must
be input from students, faculty and staff. For
specific comments or questions concerning heat-
ing or lighting, contact the o f f i c e of Jack
Weidenbach at 764-3402. Also, the ECTF is con-
sidering sponsoring workshops, speakers, poster
campaigns, etc. Any ideas along these lines or
any other general areas of energy conservation
that you would like to see the ECTF discuss
should be directed to m e m b e r s of the Task,
Force. The student representatives are David
Alexander (995-4147) and A I an Petro (761-

HOW serious is U' about.
bargaining with AFSCME?

do about the many buildings,

ECTF is what to
without tempera-

Letters to the Daily

Native American lecture tonight

THERE WERE TWO new develop-
ments in the ongoing AFSCME
strike over the past weekend - the
University has agreed to return to
the bargaining table today, and sev-
eral hundred students have finally
told the administration that they are
fed up.
It goes without saying that we are
pleased with the University's decision
to resume negotiations. But, just how
serious is the administration? Are
chief bargainer William Neff and the
rest of his crew prepared to make'
AFSCME the kind of offer that is
can live with,-or are they simply go-
ing to continue to cry about their
austere budget while proposing that
service workers accept a poverty level
wage? AFSCME is determined to win
a just contract, and it equally de-
termined to continue the strike until
the University offers that kind of
contract. We can only hope that the
administration is taking this matter
seriously, and intends to bargain in
good faith. Because if the University
is still trying to play games with
this union, then it is just wasting
everyone's time.
In a related incident, ,over 400
dorm residents have organized a rent
strike, to protest inferior service they
have received since the strike began.
The law says that it is legal to with-
hold rent from a landlord who has
not provided the services agreed to
in the lease. With the University
closing certain cafeterias, serving only
one entree at dinner, forcing stu-
dents to clean their own bathrooms,
News: George Lobsenz Mile Norton,
Martha Retallick, Annemarie Schia-
vi, Jim Tobin, Barb Zahs
Editorial Page: Michael Beckman, Ken
Arts Page: Lois Josimovich
Photo Technician: Brad Benjamin

and making other assorted service
cutbacks, students are within their
legal rights to withhold rent. Wheth-
er this strike will have any effect
on how the University bargains with
AFSCME, no one can say, for sure,
but it can't hurt, and we urge all
dorm students to participate in the
rent strike.
treated any union on this cam-
pus fairly, and it won't give AFSCME
what it deserves unless it is, forced
to. The union walkout has put some
pressure on the administration, but
if we really want this matter settled,
we have to pressure the University
ourselves. And the best way to force
the administrators to react to our's
and AFSCME's demands is to hit
them where they- will feel it most-
right in the old pocketbook.
The Ann Arbor TenantsUnion is
holding the rent in escrow for the
students participating iP the strike,
so if you wish to support AFSCME
by withholding your rent, contact the
Tenants Union now.
Power to the people -- good luck
Business Staff
O!TnORAH DREYFU1SS ..... Business Manager
KArBLEEN MULHERN Ass't. Adv. Coordinator
DAVID HARLAN ..............Finance Manager
DON.SIMPSON ...............Sales Manager
PETE PETERSEN ... Advertising Coordinator
CASSIE ST. CLAIR ........ Circulation Manager
BETH STRATFORD........Circulation Director
Photcgraphy Staff
PAuTLINE LUBENS .. ..... Chief Photographer
ALAN BILINSKY...............Picture Editor
BaAD BENJAMIN .......... star Photographer
ANDY FREEBERG .........Staff Photographer
CHRTSTINA SCHNEIDER ....Staff Photographer

To the Daily:
Once a g a i n, D a i1
Chuck Anesi finds it im
to look further than3
needs and desires. This
blinding ethnocentrism
him to self-contradictio
a few paragraphs.
His article of 2/22
about removing energ
controls. He claims tha
companies should char
the traffic will bear, the
couraging conservation.
and good-except if you
to be among those mi
Americans or billions
Americans who simply
afford to pay more fore
Neither Anesi nor my
be too sorely stricken if
to pay slightly more
energy we consume.
For many Americans
er energy price means
between heat and groce
the Vietnamese f a rr
means never switching
primitive, plow to a
powered tractor. .(Will
upset that we have to
world with our resourci
It looks like the pro
Editorials and cartoon
appear on the right
the Editorial Page ai
opinion of the a u t h
artist, and not nece
the opinion of the pap

A nesi the poor are their own. Anesi
has to worry about breaking
U.S. "slavish dependence on
y writer foreign energy."
npossible Mr. Anesi, we can no more
his own be "energy independent" in to-
time his day's , world than we can be
has led economically independent. Or
n within morally independent. Your keep-
the-money-at-home argument is
glories the crudest form of mercantil-
y price istic t h e o r y -that money is
t energy wealth in itself.
ge what The U.S. needs the rest of the
reby en- world. Both for trade and sur-
All well vival. And that definitely means
u happen compromising an overly-selfish
illions of "independence."
of non- I find it surprising that Anesi's
y cannot isolationist thought so closely
ergy, parallels that of our nation's
self .will founders-for whose Constitution
we have he has so much contempt. (See
for the his article 2/13).
But the most illuminating ex-
a high- ample of Anesi's incoherence is
choosing his contradictory assumptions.
ries. For He praises the fact that natural
m e r, it gas price controls have been
from his lifted, "and now consumers will
gasoline be forced to pay what natural
Anesi be gas is worth." It's O.K. when
feed the U.S. energy barons charge what-
es?) ever they can. But when the
blems of Arabs- do precisely the same
thing, we must "inflict upon
them the humiliation and de-
of gradation they so richly de-
,.A fka serve."

TONIGHT, JOHN Trudell, National Chairman of
the American I n d i a n Movement, and Selo
Black Crow, Lakota spiritual I e a d e r, will be
speaking about issues in native American sover-
eignty at the Michigan Union Pendleton Room at
8 p.m.
The quest for native American sovereignty has
grown particularly acute in the last four years
for two reasons. First has been the diligent and
heavy government repression of Indian activists
in South Dakota, beginning with the 71-day siege
of Wounded Knee by dozens of FBI and para-
military personnel in 1973.
Armed with tanks, helicopters and M-16 rifles,
these warring forces were prevented from re-
enacting the Indian massacres of the past by the.
international attention that focused on the con-
frontation. Since then, however, in the absence
of media coverage of life on the Pine Ridge
Reservation, many Indian deaths have occurred
amidst the continued presence of armed FBI per-
sonnel there.
SOMEWHAT AMAZED at the numerous reports
of federal misdoings and violence at Pine Ridge,
I went to FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.,
in December 1975 to hear the 'official' line. After
being told by an FBI guide that I could talk to
someone in their South Dakota field office across
the street, I never got past the FBI telephone
receptionist inside the front door.
There, when I told the FBI receptionist what
I wanted, he said I would have to go to South
Dakota to talk to somebody. After asking me
my name, address, birthdate, and sources of in-

formation, he snidely told me that I did not need
to know what the FBI was doing in South Dakota,
that only the FBI needed to know, and the "FBI
doesn't have to tell you anything."
A second reason for increasing desire for
native sovereignty has been the growing revela-
tion of the extent of valuable resources on Indian
land, and the desire to maintain Indian control
of those resources, such as coal, uranium, and
oil. As Trudell said last year, today's "federal
war exists because of the resources of the land."
WARY OF THE exploitive, capitalistic man-
ners of the large energy compames, natives are
seeking to develop their resources as they see fit.
Thus, because such major corporations as 'Pea-
body Coal, Standard, Shell, and Gulf Oil are in-
voved in exploiting ndtive resources, the second
International Indian Peace Treaty Conference in
1976 decided to apply for membership in the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEC). It was also hoped that OPEC could pro-
vide technical and legal advice and assistance.
Also, in order to elicit international support for
self-determination, the International Indian Treaty
Council has been vying for status as a "non-gov-
ernmental organization" in the U.N. After two
years, this non-voting position in the U.N. was
attained last week.
Trudell will probably talk about Leonard Pel-
tier, the last of four AIM men still charged with
the murder of two FBI agent* in Pine Ridge on
June 26, 1975. His case raises many issues, such
as why the FBI was on Indian territory at all,
and why AIM members have been selectively
subjeot to harassment and arrest. Leonard is
currently in solitary in Sioux Falls Pen.itentiary
South Dakota, where he awaits his March 14th
trial in Fargo, North Dakota.

or or

Come on Anesi. make up your
-Laurence S. Kahn




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