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March 01, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-03-01

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See Editorial Page

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High - 32*
See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 125 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 1, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages plus Su


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Head count
The last little noggin has been counted and the
tally is in. You might be interested to know that
you are one of 33,250 students enrolled at the Uni-
versity of Michigan's Ann Arbor campus. That's
312 fewer tuition checks than last year. Enroll-
ment figures for individual cdlleges and schools
reveal that the College of Engineering registered
the largest increase of students - from 4,115 in
winter, 1976 to 4,429 this year. The biggest drop
in enrollment came in' the School of Education
where there were 3,175 last year and only 2,639
this year. As for Literature, Science and Arts,
enrollment is 15,524, as compared to last year's
The beat goes on
Were you wondering why we can still publish
the Daily even though our printers belong to the
striking AFSCME union? Bet you thought you'd
caught us contradicting ourselves - supporting
the strike on our Editorial page, but using scab
labor to put out a paper. Well never fear -
the Daily is still the bastion of liberalism you
always thought it was. We aren't using scabs, it's
just that in the interest of keeping students in-
formed, AFSCME has asked our printers to stay
on the job. Hope that answers all your questions.
...start off today with a reminder for those
of you who are filling out Project Outreach intern
applications that the deadline is March 4 ... at
11 a.m., the Student Support Committee for
AFSCME will hold a rally on the Diag ... at the
Ecumenical Campus Center at noon today, Brian
Kuttner of the South African Liberation Commit-
tee will speak on "Inside-South Africa: The Mean-
ing of Apartheid" ... also at noon, these will be
"Music at Midday" in the Pendleton Arts Center
of the Union ... Anne Waldman will hold a poetry
reading in the Pendleton Rm. at 4:10 ... and, lo
and behold, you can go to the Pendleton Rm.
at 7 tonight and listen to John Trudell, chairman
of the American Indian Movement and Selo Black
Crow, who'll speak on "Native American Sovereign-
ty"...and after you're good and sick of the Pen-
dleton Rm., you can mosey on over to Rackham
Auditorium to hear a free .concert entitled "Con-
- trasts," featuring the music of Bartok, Mozart and
Brahms. Musicians will include William Doppman,
pianist, Gordon Staples, violinist, David Shifrin,
clarinetist. Boogie on down, fellas.
The great cover-up
You can't judge a book by its cover, the old
adage goes, and no one knows it better than An-
drew McNair of Hartford, Connecticut. It seems
McNair went out the other day and picked up
Alex Haley's "Roots." However, upon settling back
to read it, McNair sensed that something was
not quite right. About ten pages into the book,
it dawned on McNair that he wasn't following the
heroic struggle of Kunta Kinte but rather the graci-
ous, Old South existence of Scarlet O'Hara, Rhett
Butler, Mammy and the rest of the "Gone with
the Wind" gang. Bamboozled representatives of
Doubleday company, which publishes both books,
theorize that the "Roots" bookcover found its way
onto a copy of "Gone with the Wind" by way of
a mix-up at the printing plant. Pass the grits.
Keep the faith
Of all the things car salesmen have been ac-
cused of, under-confidence is-not a trait that readi-
ly comes to mind. But according to Detroiter Joe
Girad, that is the largest obstacle any huckster
has to overcome. Joe siould know. He's the num-
ber one car salesman in the world, by authority
of the trustworthy Guinness Book of World Rec-
ords. And after ten years in the numero uno

spot, Toe is naAw revealing the secrets of his rec-
ord-breaking sales technique. "The first person
you have to sell in " your life is yourself," Joe
preaches. "This was my problem in life - I
used to leave the house a non-believer." Now
Joe sports a gold "1" pin in his lapel. "I put
it there because I'm 'the greatest person. There's
no one in this world better than me. Remember
one thing, when God put you on this world he
made you one of a kind. And that makes you.
the No. 1 person in the world. -'I ain't no better
than you and you ain't no better than me. Tihere's
nobody better than nobody." Okay, all you folks
got that? Now get out there and sell!
On the inside ...
Take a gander at the Digest on Page 3 and
read abort the first PBB-related lawsuit. On the
Editorial Page, there are some MSA notes ... Arts
Page features Jim Stimson's review of Leo Kottke's
Sunday night oerformance ...and on Sports page,
Dave Renbarger gives some tips on how to get
your paws on some NCAA trylrnament tickets.






contract demands

When representatives of the American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal Employes (AFSCME, Local -183) sit down
with the University at the bargaining table today, they will be
offering essentially the same economic proposals they offered
when they first sat down last November.
Although Chief University negotiator William Neff would not
comment on the union's proposals last night, several months ago
he had called them "unreasonable."
AFSCME BARGAINING TEAM members will demand that
the University "take the cap off the cost of living" and offer
"a $1.04 (per hour) wage increase over 23 months" ending Sep-
tember 30, 1979.
The union also demands that no holidays be taken away from

Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
Striking AFSCME workers try to prevent a University garbage truck from picking up trash
at West Quad yesterday afternoon. Refuse collection has been disrupted since the strike
began last Wednesday.


The Department of Popula-
tion Planning (DPP) in the
School of Public Health will get
a one month reprieve, the Fac-
ulty Senate was told yesterday.
Associate Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Carolyne Da-
vis told 45 Senate members at a
special meeting that the contro-
versial plan to drop DPP would
go to the Regents at their April
meeting, rather than in March
as originally scheduled.
"WE DON'T NEED to rush
the process," she said, adding
that the extra month will allow
further review of the recommen-
dation to eliminate the depart-
Davis outlined the third draft
of new University policies on
elimination of programs. She
said these guidelines could see
service as often as twice a year
because of the University's bud-
get crisis.
The new policy, tentatively
approved by the Regents Feb-
What's wrong with Dial-A-
The University's Institute for
Social Research (ISR) has em-
barked on an $80,000 study to
find ways to improve the ser-
vice of the Dial-A-Ride and.
other Ann Arbor Transit Au-
thority (AATA) programs.
sample of approximately 1,500
city residents - including both
students and permanent resi-
dents - will be contacted by
ISR to find out if they use the
transit systems, and if not, to
find out why.
According to ISR Project Di-
rector Sandra Newman, the fed-
erally-funded study will try to
See CITY'S, Page 7

ruary 18, is being applied in the
cases of two programs proposed
for scrapping, DPP and the
Speech and Hearing Sciences
Program. '
SENATE members expressed
concern with certain provisions
in the program discontinuance
guidelines, including provisions
for tenure status and faculty
participation in the review pro-
Hoping to insure faculty par-
ticipation in the final program
closure policy, the Faculty Sen-
ate members unanimously ap-
proved a motion by Jesse Gor-
don, psychology professor, ask-
LONDON - Uganda's Presi-
dent Idi Amin has declared
that American residents are
free to go anywhere they like,
inside or outside Uganda, Ra-
dio Kampala reported today.
By AP and Reuter
Ugandan President Idi Amin
has postponed a meeting set for
tomorrow with some 240 Ameri-
cans, Radio Uganda said last
pala said another date for the
meeting would be announced
later but gave no further de-
After the broadcast, the U.S.
State Department withdrew
plans to have top American
diplomat Talcott Seelye attend
the Entebbe meeting, depart-
ment sources said.
Secretary of State Cyrus
Vance called for an explanation
from Ugandan Charge d'Af-
faires Paul Cherubet, of Amin's
VANCE TOLD reporters he
had no idea what lay behind the
latest Ugandan radio announce-
ment: "I just don't know," he
Vance said he expected Cher-
ubet to call at the State De-
partment later last night but
did not expect to see him per-



ing the Regents to postpone ap-
proval of the document until the
Senate Assembly endorses it.
Even though Davis explained
she didn't "expect a total fac-
ulty . . .,to determine the posi-
tion the group (faculty) would
take" in reviewing programs for
termination, Robert Weeks, a
humanities professor, asserted
that "people in this room are
quite willing to sift through
reams of data" to evaluate pro-
grams. "The faculty wants to be
meaningfully involved," he said.
THE MOST recent draft, dat-
ed Feb. 23, promises .that "ev-
See FACULTY, Page 10

AFSCME workers, that no jobs
that the University place a freeze
no tradeswork be included in
maintenance mechanic classifi-
The six proposals to be of-
fered today are taken from dis-
cussions held between picket
captains and union members
since the AFSCME walkout be-
gan last Wednesday.
"THAT'S WHAT people are
talking about," Union Local
President Joel Block said last
night. He said he was "sure
there will be more, demands"
submitted to the union bargain-
ing team by membership.
On February 16, the' Univer-
sity and AFSCME reached a
tentative contract ;agreement
which called for a 55-cent per
hour wage raise over a two-year
period, and no cost of living al-
lowance. The proposed contract
was overwhelmingly rejected by
union members.
Block confirmed that he will
be present at negotiations to-
day, "to show that I'm with
the bargaining team and see the
University's attitude at the ta-
Union members had request-
ed that Block join the other
bargainers when talks resumed,
apparently because they were
See AFSCME, Page 10

classifications be downgraded,
on union parking fees and that


Waldo owes the University
nearly $260 for his February
room and board fees. He wrote
up a check for the amount, by-
passed the Student Accounts of-
fice, and took the money to the
Ann Arbor Tenants Union. Wal-
do has joined the dormitory rent
It's simple: The Accounts of-
fice 'won't see his cash until the
cafeteria food is fresh again, the
bathrooms are sanitary again
and the sidewalks are cleared
again. And that won't be very
likely to occur until campus ser-
vice personnel go back to work.
"IT'S ALL LEGAL," rent


Students opt
to withhold

strike organizer and Alice Lloyd
resident Bob Miller assures stu-
dents. "It is our right as resi-
dents to withhold rent if our
landlord (the University) is neg-
ligent in providing services."
Sofar, about 97 students have
taken advantage of their
"rights," signing up for the rent
strike and handing their money
- about $23,600 worth - over
to the Tenants Union (TU) for
TU has offered to take stu-
dent rent paymerts and hold
them in escrow while the strike
by 'campus service workers is
on. After the University and
AFSCME settle their differenc-
es, TU will release the funds
and University bills will be paid.
The students and the TU as-
sume that as long as the Uni-
versity is informed that a stu-
dent is participating in the rent
strike, no penalty will be levied.
Under normal. circumstances,
any bills paid after the due date
are given a five dollar sur-
charge until the following
month's bill comes due.
accu stomed to organizing rent
Strikes,the idea Isa new one
for University dorm residents.
By withholding their rent, /stu-
dents who support AFSCME
hope to out financial pressure
on the University to meet the
demands of the striking service
workers and have services re-
stored as quickly as possible.
Since the AFSCME walkout
See SOME, Page 2

postpones meeting

The Ugandan announcement
monitored in Washington ap-
parently took the State Dep art-
ment by surprise.
Kampala radio said Amin told
a small group of Americans at
Entebbe they were "brothers
and sisters" to Ugandans and
he intended to honor them and
all other Americans in the coun-
try at the mass meeting tomor-
The Narobi newspaper Daily
Nation, however, reported that
armed plainclothesmen have
been following the Americans
day and night.1

In Washington, President
Carter sent a message to Amin
thanking him for his assur-
ances that the lives of U. S.
citizens in Uganda were not in
danger. A White House spokes-
man said the message was sent
through the West German Em-
bassy, which represents the
United States in Uganda.
IN ITS earlier broadcasts, ra-
dio Kampala quoted Amin as
saying President Carter "was
still new and young in office"
and not quite familiar with Af-
rican affairs. It said .Amin had
told a Saudi Arabian diplomat
that Carter should have studied

the situation carefully and
found out "the true facts" be-
fore making any public com-
At the same time, Amin was
said to have told,the Saudi
charge that the Americans in
Uganda were secure and well
and that Amin "has no problem
at all" with them.
A government source in Kam-
pala, Uganda's capital, said
more than 800 dancers and 1,000
chieftains and officials were to
have been at Entebbe tomorrow
to entertain and honor the
See AMIN, Page 2

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Love says we must
choose a new future
"I believe that a set of images of the future has been painted
in our minds; and that certain things are happening right now,
such as the energy crisis, that are causing those images to break
down, and leaving us with just a vacuum," Sam Love told a crowd
of over 150 at the Rackham Amphitheatre last night.
Writer and environmental activist Love's slide presentation
and lecture, entitled "Remember Tomorrow," was part of the Fu-
ture Worlds lecture series.

Van kills pedestrian
crossing Waslitenaw

LOVE'S WIDE-RANGING talk touched on topics, from solar
houses to flying cities to World War II advertising campaigns.
Love said Americans. have a view of the future that doesn't
coincide with reality anymore. He noted how energy-intensive
many former views of the future have been. "It's an image many
of the national publications have projected. It may be that this
future that we've projected for ourselves will have to be totally
re-evaluated (because of the energy crisis)," he said.
Love stressed the role that advertising by major corporations
during World War II played in building American's views of the
future. Since the major industries were so busy producing arms,
they could only offer consumers promisest of things to come, rath-
e than nnds for immedite u se he sa id A . entra ltheme th1

A 28-year-old pedestrian Was
fatally struck Sunday morning

2:40 a.m. and Traskas was an-
nounced dead on arrival at St.
Joseph Hospital. He suffered a


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