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February 24, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-24

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Page Two


T hursdoy, February 24 ,1977


Union strike spur

(Continued from Page 1) by law to actually stop vehicles1
from delivering, but they arel
las Rowe, a maintenance me- geeaI loedt lwte
chanic, was struck by a laun- egenerally a1akwegd to slow the
dry truck about 10:30 a.m. at vehicles down by walking slow-I
the main loading dock of Uni- ly in front of them. The tactic
zroe!L~+t. y rLIJujfl~arni. iX I was working yesterday. Many

treated at St. Joseph Mercy
Hospital and later returned to
the picket line.

versity administrators hunkered
down for a strike that seemed
likely to last at least through
the week, and were unwilling
to say when they thought nego-
tiations might resume. Admin-
istrators admitted problems but
said they were handling the
strike fairly easily; union offi-
cials vowed to hold out indefi-
nitely for a bigger wage hike.
AFSCME's strategy is to cut
off supply lines to University
buildings and drastically deplete
staffs. Picketers are forbidden

Teamster truck drivers were
honoring the picket lines and re-
fused to deliver their cargoes,1
and other drivers were sloweda
"The University is an island:
at this point," said AFSCMEa
local president Joel Block. "The'
strike has been a lot more ef-
fective than we anticipated anda
we are very confident things
are going to get a lot better
for us."
JUDY DiMATTIA, associate
director of University housing,
said housing supervisors "have
been preparing for a strike and
are doing just fine."
At the main supply storage fa-
cility south of I-94, Teamster

truckers refused to deliver food.
Picketers were slowing Univer-
sity trucks taking food and oth-
er supplies to the campus, but
not stopping them.
At University Hospital, where
the walkout threatened patient
service, supervisors and doctors
were desperately trying to keep
normal operations running. Hos-
pital administrators were con-
cerned that accumulating trash
and dirty laundry might pose
health risks.
strike," said hospital spokesman
Jrxseph Owsley. "This institu-
tion runs on services, and you
can't stockpile services."
According to a hospital labora-
tory supervisor, "(People in the
labs) are helping out. Speci-
mens are being brought down
by everyone - doctors, nurses,
whoever is around. On the first
day, everyone is pitching in. It's
not that we don't miss (the strik-
ing staff.) We do."
Nurses in some wards had
stocked up on clean linen, but
others feared that supplies would
dwindle away almost immedi-
at these dorms:
* East Quad - Probably hit
hardest because many student
staffers honored the strike and
refused to come to work. The
dorm reported it had enough
food stockpiled to feed students
for a few days with a limited
menu. Some regular mainte-
nance staffers were work-
ing, but no garbage was pick-
ed up all day. According to one
staffer, "When we get garbage
u o our ass, we'll close."
* South Quad - All student
staff reported for work, but all

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s camj
union members were off the
job. No food was delivered and
no garbage picked up. Build-
ing director Max Smith spent
part of the day washing pots and
pans in the kitchen as "a change
of pace." Smith said he was
"taking the strike day to day.
It's hard to say how long we
can last."
* West Quad - All union food
and housekeeping staffs were
out. Paper plates were used in
the cafeteria, and a notice to
students said food probably
would not be served after Fri-
day night. Garbage was picked
up by supervisors in the after-
" At Stockwell, Mosher-Jor-
dan, Alice Lloyd, Couzens,
Markley, and Bursley Halls, su-
pervisors were likewise should-
ering the brunt of the work and
issued strong appeals for stu-
dent aid.
DiMattia promised rebates of
$3.76 per day to dorm residents
for meals that may be missed
should supplies vanish.
Meanwhile, rumors flew trick,
particularly about alleged police
harassment of picketers. Strik-
ers at University Hospital said
they were poked by' officers and
not always allowed to walk in
front of delivery trucks.
AT THE Plant Operations fa-
cility adjacent to Michigan Sta-
dium, where most University
trucks and buses are based, po-
lice watched picket lines most
of the day. A University spokes-
man said 25 tires on 13 busts
were damaged at the Transpor-
tation Services Bldg. on Hoover
St. before midnight Tuesday.
Police would usually confrontl
picketers this way: when union
members moved in front of a
truck and walked slowly m
circles to slow it down, Univer-
sity security staffers nearby'
would notify police, who would
arrive and ensure that the strik-
ers did not stop trucks complete-
ly. In some cases, AFSCME
members charged, police for-
bade them from impeding the
vehicles at all.
Mayor Albert Wheoler visited
the hospital shortly after the
morning truck-picketer mishap
and said he had told Qo)ice
Chief Walter Krasny to assign
"'mature and responsinie police


m _11 __.'_ 1'_ _1


officers to the strike scenes." AFSCME members all over ta n is 1 i m n
Wheeler said he wvunld call on campus were rejoicing over the
strikers, police, and University havoc the strike was creating,
leaders 'o meet today tok .gree and promised to stay off their (Continued from Page 1) cording to Neff, "I don't think
on picket procedure. jobs until their wage demands "Right now, we're not in fear we'll meet without him."
KRASNY SAID last night, were met. of closing the University," Neff said the University would
"There are always going to be George Haley, a kitchen staff- Fleming said.-I not seek a court injunction on
accusations that we're taking er at South Quad, said, "I'll stay the AFSCME walkout until it
sides. We're not taking sides. out here until we get a decent CHIEF UNIVERSITY negotia- had secure evidence that essen-
We're just doing what the law contract. The University offer tor William Neff said he receiv- tial services such as food prep-
says we're entitled to do." Kras- stinks. I'd say they have enough ed official notification that aration, sanitation, and hospital
ny said Wheeler gave him no supply for three days of full AFSCME "will be available to operations, were being crippled
special instructions for handling meals and in two weeks there meet" for renewed contract and endangering students.
strike sites. won't be any supply. From what talks "at any time." Neff and Lemmer both empha-
Public employes are forbidden they're offering now, I'd esti- But Neff said it would prob- sized that an injunction was not
to strike by state law, and pick- mate it won't be settled for at ably be well into next week the only response the University
tes sre fbidden to compete- least two weeks." before either side makes seri- had to choose from. "There are
eters are forbidden to complete- tcous efforts to sit down together. a number of variables that say
ly block passage or deliveries to Other strikers condemned "We need a much clearer un- an injunction is not the first up-
buildings. some of their own bargainers,,' f
who made the tentative settle- derstanding as to what is at tion," Neff said.
Many of the trucks which ment with the University last issue with the contract, Neff
drove through picket lines were said. "The University can sus- SOME University administra
occupied by members of the wkpet that certain areas are in tors said they were impresse
University trades union, which SAID North Campus mainten- question ... but we need further by the effectiveness of th
represents electricians, carpen- ance staffer Jim Harvey, indications from the union." .strike's first day. AFSCME pick
ters, plumbers, and other work-1 , ets successfully halted deliver
ers. Such drivers often slowed '"We've got elections coming up,
evenstoped nd nd chie neotitor)ArtAn- THE availability of a media- Its of food and supplies, garbag
considerably, even stopped and and (chief negotiator) Art An- tor will play an important part pickups and even some mail de
chatted with picketers, then derson is just about out of here. in bringing the teams back to liveries.
moved on. That turkey's gone." the bargaining table and, ac- Local 1583 presented a unite
-- ---- ---- ------Usfront against the University yes
terday, despite internal divisions
between union leaders whic
surfaced late last week.
r FY1' Y i h Fp 7}f r Block rallied membership te
a' strike despite the recommen
dation of the AFSCME bargain-
V44ing team that the tentative set
lement be ratified.
UNION bargaining leader Ar
Anderson has demanded tha
Block take his place as bargain
ing head, should the Universit
v< and AFSCME return to negotiat
"I will give up my chair," An
.{r derson told Tuesday's ratifica
tion meeting. He said that i
Block wanted a better contrac
.:, 4aF Fwith the University, he woul
have to take the responsibilit
upon himself to bargain for it.
Block refused to accept th
post as bargaining head. "'
not on the bargaining team, an
I don't intend to be," he said
BLOCK was accused by som
union members of pushing
";:strike for personal gain.
At the same time, other mem
bers assailed Anderson beaus
:v y 'v .4.qq the proposed contract cont'ine
\ FFa sizable salary increase for his
Ik"In the end, AFSCME workers
opted to reject the contract and
I go on strike by a vote o 1,311
to 314.
University administration is
well aware of the union's intern-
al problems.
ACCORDING to Fleming, "the
strike results essentially fro'n a
division in the union as to who
is representing them in bargain-
mg. It has become a problem
they will have to straighen out
Daily Photo by PAU.INE LUBENS before they can resume bar-
TWO AFSCME pickets on North Campus stand in front of a sidelined University bus. Pickets gaining."
of the union hampered bus service between campuses and a group of ten or fifteen succeeded Block said any divisions have
in blocking several deliveries to Bursley Hall. nothing to do with the wakout.
- "I think it's a totel miscon-
ception of the situation," he said
Friday, February 25 A correction ofFlemng's comments. "H's
Moham ad enot een looking at it realitic-
D r. Md E ste lami In Tuesday's story on the De- !ally. We overwhelmingly voted
.dto reject the offer. If he can't
PROFESSOR OF PERSIAN LITERATURE partment of Population Plan- see that, all his credentials .. .
TEACHER TRAINING UNIVERSITY, IRAN ning, the Daily incorrectly at- haven't helped him see a very
"CONTEMPORARY tributed the quote "You have a serious situation."
responsibility to train those peo- Since the strike vote, Ander-
son has emphasized that he is
pE R IA I LITE RAT URE" pie for those positions"*to Pra- "one hundred per cent bead
santa Majumdar. The statement the union."
- p.m.was actually made by a student I "All of the leadership , is to-
4 0 named Nizamuddin, although gether in this," he said.
Lecture Room 1 the first quote in the article at-- -_______
Modern Languages Building tributed to Majumdar is cor-
Sponsored by the Center for Near Eastern rect. We apologize for the er-
and North African Studies ror.
F W '
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