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February 24, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-24

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See Editorial Page




See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVII, No. 121 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 24, 1977 Ten Cents Ei

ght Pages

T U's turtles
In an effort to get a financial monkey off its
back, the Ann Arbor Tenants Union (TU) has been
selling raffle tickets for the last month which give
the buyer a chance to win two turtles. Well, the
returns are in, the money - $750 - has been
counted, and Richard DeVarti is the lucky winner
of "Escrow", a Mississippi map turtle, and
"Edith", a yellow pond slider named after Edith
Epstein of Reliable Realty, the company TU has
been striking since December, 1975. DeVarti and
the other winners will have their choice of such
other ingenious prizes as "breakfast with a land-
lord" or a TU T-shirt. "One of the winners has
been talking about asking Edith Epstein to eat
breakfast with him, but I don't know if she'll ac-
cept," said TU's Tim Kunin. If Epstein declines,
Kunin said, TU will try to set up breakfast with
a more obliging property owner.
Paper work
The University has received another impressive
set of personal papers - this time from Arnold
Gingrich - a Michigan alumnus and founding edi-
tor of Esquire Magazine in 1933. Included in the
selection are pieces of correspondence with such
luminous literary figures as Aldous Huxley and
Dorothy Parker. The papers - which consist of
some 15 cubic feet of materials - will be housed
in the University's Bentley Historical Library, not
far from where former President Ford's papers
will be enshrined. The collection also includes
photocopied correspondence with Ernest Heming-
way and F. Scott Fitzgerald. Included among the
Hemingway manuscripts is the venerable writer's
short story "The Snows of Kilimanjaro."
Happenings .. .
Applications for the Project Outreach Intern-
ship Program dealing with adolescence are avail-
able today at the Project Outreach office, 554
Thompson . . . the day's kickoff event is a con-
versation with faculty members on our responsi-
bilities for government's social policy, at the First
Methodist Church, State and Huron Sts. at noon
. . . also at noon in the Pendleton Room of the
Michigan Union, pianist Lorenzo Manderville will
tickle the ivories with a variety of popular music
..University of Toronto professor Edward Short-
er will captivate listeners in MLB Aud. 4 at noon
with a talk on "Pain, Mutilation and Death - the
Position of Women in Childbirth During the 19th
Century" . . . people interested in the possible li-
quidation of the Department of Population Plan-
ning can voice their concerns at private meetings
from 1:30 to 5 on the third floor of the Administra-
tion Bldg . . . Dr. Charles Hewitt will talk on "De-
cision Making in Exploration for and Production of
Natural Resources" at 4 in 2501 C. C. Little . . .
a three-day conference on "Black Life and His-
tory" winds up with a panel discussion featuring
Prof. Murray DePillars of Virginia Commonwealth
University and UM Prof. John Lockard at 4 in
MLB Lecture Room 2, coupled with a 7:30 address
by Haki Madhubuti, author of From Plan to Planet
in the Education School's Schloring Auditorium
... Arthur Kopit will perform a program of cham-
ber music in the Frieze Building's Arena Theatre
at 4:10 . . . the Thursday Grad Fellowship Group
holds its weekly potluck supper at 6:30 in the Wes-
ley Foundation's Pine Room, 602 E. Huron, fol-
lowed at 7:30 by a slide show on "B-1 Bomber:
Demonic Destruction" . . . the Ann Arbor Public
Library, 343 S. Fifth, will show a free movie on
the Women's Crisis Center at 7 . . . also at 7
the Gay Academic Union holds a meeting in the
Gay Community Services Center, 612 S. Forest
... the Guild House, 802 Monroe, plays host to a
poetry reading by Paul Hubbell and Bell Plumpe,
at 7:30 . . . the Inter Cooperative Council Affirma-
tive Action Committee will hold an informal ses-
sion on ICC's minority recruitment program at

7:30 p.m. in South Quad's Afro Lounge . . . the
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship holds its weekly
meeting in the Michigan League at 7:30 . . . Allan
McMurray conducts the University Concert Band
in Hill Auditorium at 8 . . . Brian Kuttner of the
South African Liberation Committee sneaks on
"DelMonte, Namibia, and the Food We Eat" at 8
in the International Center, 603 E. Madison . . . a
non-happening fails to take place in the Schloring
Auditorium at 8 because Neal Bush's sneech on
"The Politics of Crime and Punishment" has been
cancelled . . . and a long and arduous day ends
up at 9 as Hillel, 1429 Hill St., prenares for Purim
with "All About the Megillah: How to Read It,
With Whom, What to Do/Not Do Afterwards."
On the inside-..
... Idi Amin claims he suppressed a U. S. para-
troop raid. Read about it on the P. 3 Digest . . ,
Ricky Dutka discourses on tenants' rights for Edi-
torial Page . . . Arts Page features Nicola Binns
discussing sirrealist art critic Nicolas Calas . . .
and Don MacLachlan profiles Wolverine cager
Tom Staton for Sports.

Campus hurled into turmoil as





New talks
may be
far off
The University administration is
taking a "wait and see" attitude
toward the fledgling strike by the
American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employes
(AFSCME, Local 1583), appearing
at times to be almost disinterested
in the events of the past two days.
Officials say they have no plans
to block the strike or renew con-
tract negotiations right away.
have apparently set aside some internal
disputes in favor of uniting completely
behind the walkout.
Union Local President Joel Block has
said that employes will remain on strike
until the AFSCME bargaining team is
offered something "more agreeable."
"It's going to be pretty much up to
the University to call for the negotia-
tions," Block said last night.
Fleming said yesterday that the admin-

dorms .hit
The abrupt walkout of nearly
2,300 University service workers
yesterday threw the campus into
turmoil and sent administrators
scurrying to find ways to cover
for severe shortages of personnel
and supplies.
Members of the American Feder-
ation of State, County, and Muni-
cipal Employes (AFSCME, Local
1583) - cafeteria workers, custod-
ians, hospital aides, maintenance
workers, and mail carriers - walk-
ed from their jobs to picket lines
across campus yesterday morning
in an effort to obtain a guarantee
of higher wages from the Univer-
parties reached a tentative contract set-
tlement last Wednesday, but union mem-
bers overwhelmingly rejected the agree-
ment on Tuesday. They objected most
to the U~niversity's wage raise proposal,
which was less 'than the increase in
the cost of living. Negotiators did not
meet yesterday, and Universifty attorney

A striking AFSCME employe gives the 'thumbs up' sign yesterday during an afternoon of picketing on North

istration is presently taking stocko
situation on campus, without
formulating any strategies re-
garding the strike.
"It's hard to know what we're
supposed to do at this point,"
Fleming said.
"We're keeping all our options
open," University attorney Wil-
liam Lemme~r added. "But we're
not giving it much thought. We
have other things to do."
the walkout could in some ways
seriously threaten the welfare
of the University.
"You have to assume that you
will have substantial disruptions
in services with the strike. The
question is, 'how much 'disrup-
tion can you take?" he com-
See 'U', Page 2

of the

Pre lude

to a



liam Neff said talks probably would
not start before the middle of
next week.
Dormitories and University
Hospital were hardest hit by the
strike, and supervisors were
forced to recruit extra help
from students to keep key Uni-
versity services functioning.
There were sporadic confronta-
tions between city police and
union picketers, who slowed de-
liveries and brought mail ser-
vice to a near standstill. Doug-


The AFSCME walkout is a result of "a very simple prob-
lem," according to one official - money.
Before wages and benefits came under discussion about
two weeks ago, contract negotiations between the union and
the University were termed very productive.
WHEN NEGOTIATIONS BEGAN last November, bargain-
ers were optimistic about a quick settlement. After all, this
was the foirth contract AFSCME would negotiate with the
University, Chief University Negotiator William Neff reasoned.
The relationship between the two parties had matured consid-
erably. "We know what will work and what won't work,"
Neff said at the time.

When the old contract was about to expire on Decem-
ber 31 of last year and a settlement was not in sight, bar-
gainers extended the deadline by a month. And again, when
it became apparent that a new contract would not be ready
by the end of January, a second extension, through February
15, was agreed upon.
NeguLlators for both the University and AFSCME said the
talks were still progressing well. AFSCME bargaining lead-
er Art Anderson even said deadlines would be ignored as
long as bargaining continued to be fruitful.
"WE'VE GOT ALL THE TIME in the world as long as
(the pay) is retroactive," Anderson said at the time.
See PRELUDE, Page 8

See UNION, Page 2
This story was written by
Jim Tobin with files from
Michael Yellin, Bob Rosen-
baun, Richard Berke, Laurie
Young, Patty Montemurri,
Lani Jordan, George Lobsenz
and Ann Marie Lipinski.

so, c
dent Carter put his stamp of ap-
proval yesterday on all current
CIA activities and said his re-
view of news reports that the
CIA has secretly paid millions
of dollars to foreign leaders has
"not found anything illegal or
Carter also defended the $2.75-
billion reduction in defense ex-
penditures he proposed in the
revised budget he submitted to
Congress on Tuesday. But he
said "I can't say" whether next
year's Pentagon budget will be
THE PRESIDENT promised to
send Congress his proposal for
a new department of energy
"the first of next week" and
said he probably will present
his comprehensive energy poli-
cy in a speech to a joint ses-
sion of Congress around April
In reply to a question about
newspaper accounts of secret
CIA payments to King Hussein
of Jordan and other foreign lead-
ers totalling millions of dollars
in return for intelligence and
other advantages, Carter told
yesterday's news conference:

CIA activities.


irter tells the


independent board, and also by
my predecessor, President Ford.
I have not found anything illegal
or improper."
He added: "Impropriety or
. . .illegality does not exist in
any ongoing CIA operation."
The news reports said the
secret payments were made dur-
ing previous administrations.
ence, the President made these
- He has not reached any de-
cision on whether to go ahead
with production of the costly B1

bombers but hopes to decide by
May. "I have serious questions
whether the BI ought to be in
the center of airborne defense
capability," he said.
Carter said that he would be
less likely to order a production
go-ahead if the Soviet Union co-
operates in "lessening ten-
analyzing the pressures and
problems of inflation, and Car-
ter will speak out on corrective
measures when that analysis is
completed. "I think rigid wage
and price guidelines are a mis-

take," he said.
But Carter said that he will
"retain the option" of asking
business and labor for advance
notice of wage or price increas-
es. He said the program would
be voluntary.
- He prefers to have all pub-
lic elections federally financed,
an extension of the system by
which the government now pays
for the presidential election
vors eliminating the electoral
college and providing "a simple
See CARTER, Page 8

Gary mayor talks
about black future
Mayor Richard Hatcher of Gary, Indiana, last night called
upon a predominantly black gathering to recall its past and, at the

ISR survey reveals
clues to Carter win

An appeal to party sentiments and an avoid-
ance of social issues helped Democrat Jimmy
Carter win the 1976 presidential election, accord-
ing to a recent survey conducted by the Uni-
rnc. : , +i - +o - Qnni V- rh T4mV

election and re-interviewed the respondents after
the polling.
The survey showed that many voters based
their decisions on party affiliation because of the
candidates' nebulous opinions on most issues.
Even during the presidential debates on televi-

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