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February 22, 1977 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-22

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Page Ten


Tuesday, February 22, 1977

Tuesday, February 22. 1977

_. .


AATA bus pass plan fails





(Continued from Page 1)
Bank personnel assistant Maria
Spooner said seven out of the
bank's 78 eligible employes are
taking advantage of the savings
the bus pass program offers.
But some employes AATA has
asked to consider the program-
including Michigan Bell, The
Ann Arbor News, and the Ann
Arbor City Government - have
not responded with the support
the program needs to get off
the ground.
City Administrator Sylvester
Murray said free bus passes are
being offered to city employes.
However, several other admini-
strators and city employes knew
little or nothing of the program.
"I'M NOT AWARE of it (a
city bus pass program) if they
are (offering it)," said City
Treasurer John Bentley.
"I haven't heard anything
about it," said one city office
employe. "I really don't know
of any program," said another.
Ann Arbor News Personnel Di-
rector Bruce Moore also said he
know nothing of a bus pass pro-
A Michigan Bell spokesperson
said its employes have rejected
a proposed bus pass program.
GUENTHER SAID he was un-

aware of the lack of interest or
support the passes were receiv-
ing from City Hall, and knew
nothing of Michigan Bell's de-
"I didn't realize that was go-
ing on," Guenther said. "I'll
get on it right away."
City Council member and may-
oral candidate Louis Belcher
(R-Fifth Ward) said AATA is
not helping to relieve inadequate
downtown employe parking.
as a panacea," Belcher said.
"They (AATA) can't move one-
eighth of the people in Ann Ar-
Belcher cited the "horrible
problems" of the Dial-A-Ride
service as one reason for the
bus pass program's failure. He
said too many stops and out-of-
the way pickups have turned
away customers.
Mayor Albert Wheeler (D) re-
mained optimistic about AATA's
"WE HAVE TO do everything
we can to encourage mass trans-
it," Wheeler said. "We may
have to increase parking struc-
ture rates to encourage the use
of bus services.
"If all of the parking struc-
ture spaces are gone," Wheeler
added, "people will have to ride
the buses."

According to several city of-
ficials, downtown employes ac-
count for the majority of the
: emand for downtown parking.
As a result of the lack of mass
I ransi se algt~vw mar ar-

of Ann Arbor
Presents Its Youth Choirs
Benjamin Britten's
8:00 p.m.

M U, C11a1 ie pa-k (Continued from Page 1) MERC were to rule that GSA's wouldn't have wasted all this
ing structures are under consid- 'ae' mlys h L ol ieadmny ewudsm
eration. Tentative plans call for tration would have accepted this aren't employes, the ULP would time and money. We would sm-
a combination bus transfer point proposal had it been made ear- be a moot point. Such a ruling ply have refused to bargain with
would mean that GEO isn't even them from the start. Then, when
and parking structure. lier. -ie Lw ol
"I DON'T believe they would a labor union, and that the Uni- I they filed a ULP, we would
ASSISTANT Planning Director have accepted this offer if we versity doesn't have to bargain have challenged their status as
Jae Monroe said the national had made it one week before with GSA's. employes just as we are doing
average for each available park- the ULP hearing," Moran said, "THEY have given us the op-I now."
ing space in a structure is about "and if he told you they would portunity to test the question of The end of this matter is not
$3,000. have then, I think he's lying to whether or not they are emp- in sight. After today's hearing,
City officials said the demand you. )loyes, and we are going to take it will take at least four months
for downtown parking will dra- Moran also contended that this it," Forsyth said. for MERC to reach a decision.
matically increase with the new offer is somewhat different Moran thought this was all That decision can be appealed
scheduled April opening of the than the plan proposed by the part of the administration's to the entire MERC board,
new Federal Building at Fourth University on Nov. 18. game plan. which would take another six
and Liberty Streets. The addi-"Ir"They wanted us to admit that "I think their strategy since to eight months. After that, ei-
tion of the military recruiting we had filed the grievances in Oct. has been to force us to file ther side could appeal tnrough
center and FBI offices will put bad faith," said Moran. a ULP so they could challenge the court system.
even more demand on downtown "Although the memo that they our status as employes and The matter could be taken ail
parking. insisted we sign didn't say it break a union," he explained. the way to the State Supreme
An estimated 200 federal em- quite like that," he continued We have no choice left but to Court, which could hold this con-
noyes will have only 96 off- "they made it very clear at the fight," he added, tract up for years. Both sides
street parking spaces available table that we had knowingly FORSYTH denied the charge have indicated they would ap-
to them. filed a bad faith grievance andthat he was out to "break the neal at least to the entire MERC
COUNCILMEMBER J a i i e that we had to acknowledge that union". board, and neither would rule
Kenworthy (D-Fourth Ward) fact by signing their memo or "If our goal had been to bust out the possibility of a :ourt ap-
Kenwrth (DFourh Wrd) ~ tthe union," he explained, "we; heal.
said bus passes, staggered work eiste.t'
hours, and car pools can help WHAT the memo actually
ease the downtown parking prob- said was ". . . GEO withdraws COUPLE ATTACKS CAPITALISM:
Lem. He said people have to with prejudice (two grievances)
"learn to put up with a little and agrees that its position in
inconvenience." those grievances is inconsstent g g s a r seek s
collective bargaining agree-1
h bShJ ' "That is what it said," For- I
SmC t. The prces svth explained, "andthat is ; n ewsp i t n
what it meant. We didn't say
na c bl yvy o v anything about 'bad faith', and
if he told you that, then, well, (Continued from Page 1) "Creation of the nation began
. 0 ov vt!eath C r he's lying," he added. material gains," Ms. Boggs con- only after the transcendence of

GEO face





February 24

February 25

[ CamvG dine wit/M u$- fry

Shrirvnp, L.obste, t,4,s

TRAVIS BRYANT, Stage Director
Over 100 Performers with Orchestra

A o rec, so
~L<G xL6IC +0

Stephen Bryant

Sally Carpenter
Mrs. Noye


$3.00 Adults
$1.50 Children, Students

At the church office
1432 Washtenaw Ave.

ha aa om e ctep
\ ~
The Real Seafood Cg.
3y ,ath anS.(e~ aarmti 1Ni M- a-m6- VT

Forsyth explained the Univer-.
sity intends to go through with
the ULP hearing, and that its
main defense will be that grad-
bate student assistants (GSA's)
are students, not employes. If
Midwest's Largest Sclection of
Errep:iC harters
Canadian and U S.
from $289
CALL 769-1776
-,Great Places
216 S. 4th Ave, Ann Arbor

tinued. ethnic and tribal identity," Ms.
Boggs added. "We can never be
She contended the American happy unless we create a new
people have been deprived of identity; it is something humans
the civilizing effect of work and mst create, not discover," she
nhrcno .n~iiti ( A Y. ".

U 1

phy sical activity. American
people are only sources of prof-
it," Ms. Boggs stated. She said
capitalism has reduced Ameri-
cans to parasites, self-defeating
and self-hating. "The good life
is the goods life," could be the,
American motto, she remarked.
"BIGGER is not better," Ms.
Boggs said. She stated Ameri-
cans have arrogantly insisted on'
no limitations to a technology;
which she feels could destroy us.


James Boggs spoke next, giv-
ing his views on a range of is-
sues. About California's water
shortage, he remarked, "there
are no more toilets to flush
there." On the Arab oil embar-
go, he said, "We shouldn't have
blamed the Arabs for cutting the
oil; it was their oil."
He also gave an opinion on
U.S. defense spending: "Every
time it's time to make up a new
budget, they bring out the Red

w i r w n


show no
(Continued from Page 1)
FIFTH WARD Democrat Ju-
dith Hanks won easily over her
truculent opponent, Kenneth
Ludwig, 367-70. Hanks walked
away with the party nomination
in every precinct of the ward.
She was the Democratic candi-
date for Council in 1976, when
she lost to Republican Louis
"I had been very anxious
about this election," said Hanks.
"I was really grateful for this
Hanks said she harbors no ill-
will against her opponent. "I'd
like to see Ken run again," she
said. "I do respect him. He's
offered to help me with my cam-
paign, and we're meeting next
week to start work for April."
Ludwig refused to comment.
This story was written with
reports from Eileen Daley,
Lani Jordan, Stu McConnell,
and Shelley Wolson.
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_ '' . .
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