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January 11, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-11

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Tuesday, January 11, s ,1977

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, January 11, 1977

1313 SO. UNIVERSITY (Continued from Page!)
HOME COOKING IS OUR SPECIALTY and thus exempt from extradi-
stAll Day Beef Stroqaiof FRENCH AUTHORITIES step-
Bekatped AlDl efSranf up security vigilance
3 Eaqs, Hash Browns, Chinese Pepper Steak againstreprisal attacks at ma-
Toast & Jelly-$ 1.35 Eaa Rolls jrFec iprs
Home-made Soups, Beef. Israel and the West German
Ham or Bacon or Sausane Barlev, Clam Chowder, etc. state of Bavaria, site of the
with 3 Eaqs, Hash Browns, Home-made Chili
Toast & Jelly-$1.95 Yeaetable Tempuro Munich Olympic Games mass-a
(served after 2 pnm.) acre in which Abu Daoud is a
3 Eoas, Ribe Eve Steak, Homburer Steak Dinner- prime suspect, both asked the
Hash Browns. Toast & , Spahetti in WineSauce French to continue holding him
Jellv-$2.25 Beef Curry Rice in a Paris jail pending formal
Baked 'lounder Dinner
We make Three Eaq Omlets Delicious Korean Bar-b-a Beef extradition decisions. Eleven Is-
(Bul-ko-gee) on Kaiser Roll raeli athletes and a Germanr
-Western Omlet Fried Fresh Bean Sprouts policeman were killed in Mu-1
-Bean Sorout Omlet Kim-Chee nich in 1972. The seizure of I
the Israelis allegedly was su-r
Monday-Friday 8-8 pervised by Abu Daoud fromt
Saturday 9-8 a safe distance outside the Mu-t
t 4Sunday 10-8 nich Olympic Village.t
S769-2288 A Munich court issued an ar-
76-28rest warrant yesterday for Abui
1313 So. University Daoud and sent it to Justice
Ministry officials in Paris.
is I~q
The Phi Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau, one of Michigan's all timet
largest and most successful fraternities, is finally making it's return tor
the Ann Arbor campus!
The National Headquarters, on behalf of the UM Alumni of ZBT,
are seeking young men to form the nucleus of a new ZBT chapter on
campus. We are looking for men who wish to start THEIR own fraternity
-based on their own ideas. Located in a new house, these men can
carry on the rich traditions of ZBT which for nearly 70 years was a vital
part of the UM community, and which produced scores of outstanding
alumni ... Andrew Goodman (Bergdorf-Goodman) and Mike Wallace
(C.B.S.) to name a few.
If you are interested and would like to know more please call
663-4554, or send a card (or drop by) to ZBT, c/o Fraternity Coordi-
nating Council, 4010 Michigan Union, with your name and phone (
number and we will be in touch with you.
ZBT., Why just join a Ir'ternity when you can build your own.

protest arrest


IN BONN, a Justice Ministry
spokesman said he could not
explain why the French coun-
ter-intelligence service arrest-
ed Abu Daoud. He said no Ger-
man authority had issued a
prior international warrant for
the man reputed to be a found-
er of the Black September ter-
rorist gang.
He said Bavarian authorities
sent an arrest warrant only aft-
er they were informed the
French were holding him.
Shortly before the Bonn state-
ment, French officials said Abu
Daoud had been arrested with-
in hours of receiving an inter-
national warrant from West
Germany. They could not im-
mediately clarify the discrepan-
The newspaper Le Monde said
it had established that no sen-.

for French ministers had been
notified in advance of the ar-
rest and speculated it may have
been a lower level operation.
ceived at the Ouai d 'Orsay by
the Foreign Ministry's secre-
tary-general, Jean Marie Sou-
tou, expressed their "profound
concern" over the "unfriendly
act" towardsthe Arab world,
Syrian ambassador Abdel Ka-
rimc said. Observers noted it
was the first time since the end
of the Algerian war in 1962 and
the start of France's develop-
ment of close relations with
Arab states, that such terms
had been used.
The Algerian official newspa-
per El Moujahid commented
that the arrest had "stripped
naked the anti-Arab face of the
French administration."

Meet the Senate

Soviet Baptists hail
Carter inauguration,

WASHINGTON (IP) - Patricia
Roberts Harris angrily defended'
her sensitivity to problems of c
blacks and disadvantaged Amer-E
icans yesterday during hearingse
on her nomination to head thet
Department of Housing and Ur-t
ban Development.c
The verbal wrangle eruptedt
when Sen. William Proxmire,r
chairman of the Senate Bank-t
ing, Housing and Urban AffairsI
Committee, suggested the de-
partment "needs someone sym-
pathetic to the problems of thec
HARRIS, A member of a pres-c
igious Washington, D.C., law1
firm and former ambassador to
Luxembourg, snapped back:
Snow -
i i
(Continued from Page 1)1
The storm is expected to move
into New England today.
University grounds crews
have been busy since Sunday
night clearing roads and park-
ing areas on campus.
University Grounds Manager
Ken Wanty said that clearing
the area around the University
Hospital and commuter parking
lots was the first priority for the,
cnnw, rarnn rr~wRO~, nrnaof

"You do not understand who by criticizing Carter's failure to
I am. I am a black woman, the appoint someone to the housing
daughter of a Pullman car wait- post who had a background in
er. I am a black woman who housing and urban affairs.
even eight years ago could not "'Do you have that kind of
buy a house in parts of the Dis- track record? Frankly I can't
trict of Columbia. I didn't start? find it " he said.
out as a member of a pres- BUT PROXMVIRE then told
tigious law firm, but as a wo- the nominee: "You are never-
man who needed a scholarship theless going to e confirmed,
to go to school. If you think Ii. . . overwhelmingly. Because
have forgotten that, you are anyone in the Senate these days
wrong." who calls for q'ialificalions other
"It's not enough to be black than brains and character for
or to be a woman or to be poor Cabinet officers is regarded as
or to have any particular kind somehow unrealistic, and you
of disability to understand the certainly have both brains and
problems of so many people," character."
said Proxmire (D-Wis.). Harris. in her opening state-
PROXMIRE, who later said ment and under questioning by
he was undecided whether to! the committee members, said
support or oppose her, predict- she slitnorts:
ed the Senate would- confirm -Piblic housing "so long as
Harris. Carter's only black Cab- there is a disequilibrium be-
inet nominee, as the new HUD tween hoising supply and hous-
secretary. ing demand."
Her nomination received en- -The federal income tax de-
thiisiastic support from other diction for mortgage interest
committee Democrats, as wellI pav"'ents.
as Sen. John Tower, the ranking1 -Exnansion of the urban
Renublican, who said he was I homesteading program in which
"enormously impressed by Mrs. rumdown center city housing is
Harris' background and intel-. made available at practically
ligence." I no cost to persons who renovate
Proxmire opened the hearing it.
Kissinger tells of
American strength

(Continued from Page 1)
church a "servant of Satan"
when they broke away in 1951
to form their own group, see
themselves as victims of anti-
religious repressions. They be-

lieve the official church, which
claims 480,000 members to the
issidents' 40,000, has knuckled
under too much to Soviet au-
The dissident Baptists will
have no direct access to Car-
ter, however. The only ones
who might -have contact with
him would be the official Bap-
tists, then only if Carter tours
the Soviet Union and visits the
official Baptists' central Mos-
cow church as former Presi-
dent Richard Nixon did in 1972.1

IF CARTER asked whether the snow re
Soviet Baptist need help, Bich- contracted
kov said he would reply, "We University.
rely on God and not on the.
princes of men. We will deal UNIVERS
with any obstacles to our work confirmed:
through our faith."]ofre
t rlated death
Bichkov claimed a loud ever, a h
campaign overseas on behalf said: "It's1
of Soviet Baptists could only one had su
slow down "progress" in rela- from shove
tions between the Soviet gov- juured in
ernment and the religion's fol- dent. We ha
lowers. it."
This is the same point made The snow
the Uonivr
by officially recognized spokes- shutdown
people for Soviet Jews and night repai
Russian Orthodox believers, halls were
and a main reason that such morning.
spokespeople are viewed as The Was'
traitors by religious dissidents. iff's departr
They see them as serving the dents, but
government's cause by trying The Ann
to stifle criticism of the Soviet postponedi
Union abroad. night meeti

moval work has been
to firms outside the
SITY Hospital had no
reports of snow-re-
hs or injuries. How-
ospital spokesperson
hard to tell if some-
ffered a heart attack
ling snow or been in-
a snow-caused acci-
ave no way to record
also caused one of
sity's five boilers to
. Crews spent the
iring it. but lecture
still chilly yesterday
>htenaw County sher-
tment reported an in-
'fender-bender" acci-
no fatalities.
Arbor City Council
its regular Monday
ing until tonight.

(Continued from Page 1)
honesty calmed ouir troubled
land," Kissinger said the Car-,
ter administration would inherit
"a nation recovered."
"The new President and the
new secretary of state, Cyrus
Vance, deserve the support of
all Americans," Kissinger said.
IN DISCOUNTING suggestions
of Soviet superiority, Kissinger
took direct issue with at. least
two teams of experts, one work-
ing with the CIA and the other
outside the government, who
have warned recently that Mos-
cow appears on the verge of
surpassing the United States in
military and nuclear strength.
"I do not believe that any
American administration would
permit a situation to arise in
which the Soviet Union could
achieve military strategic su-
periority over the United Stat-
However, Kissinger went on,
the "essence" of the situation
is that "military superiority has
no practical significance" when
the two superpowers each have
the capability of destroying civ-
ilized life.

NEEDED: 4 students with 20-20 vision
(or corrected to 20-20) to participate in
visual form detection experiments. One
hour is required per day (same hour
each day), Monday-Friday, beginning
Jan. 13 and ending Apr. 19. You must
be available all term. Pay $2.50 per hr.
If you are interested, call Thelma at 764-9398.

k ra, err

"THOSE WHO ARE still talk-
ing abot superiority are not
doing the American people a
service," he said.
Later, at the Capitol, Vance
called the subject of military
superiority "a mixed bag."
Answering reporters' questions,
he said: "In some areas we
are superior to the Soviets and
in other areas they are super-
ior to us. Over-all, there is gen-
eral parity between the two
However, Vance quickly add-
ed that he had not "had a
chance to examine recent es-
timates of Soviet military cap-
Vance had a closed two-hour
session with some members of
the Foreign Relations Commit-
tee. He will testify on his nom-
ination to succeed Kissinger at
an open hearing today.
Kissinger's apoearance at the
National Press Club had its light
moments, with frequent refer-
ences to his celebrated verbal
duels with reporters over the
credibility issue. -
ing" reporters at least once -
when he denied in 1975 that he
had set out for the Middle East
already carrying a list of Is-
raeli prisoners to be released
by Syria. Kissinger said he was
guided by "humanitarian con-
sideration" in telling some re-
porters who traveled with him
that he was negotiating for the
prisoners' release.
Press Club officials teased
Kissinger by preceding his
speech with the "Long Ran-
ger" th Mme. And a belly dan-
cer fronr Vienna, Va., operating
under the name Shadiah but in
reality Linda Dinsmore, bounc-
ed onto a table in front of the
secretary for some energetic
wiggles and hip tosses, and
then grandly tossed her blue
veil at the surprised Kissinger.
In a serious vein, he told the
reporters that what may at
times appear to be a "lack
of candor" is really a govern-
ment trying to make up its mind
about a policy. He appealed for
an end to "a state Nof perpetual
inquest" into government by the
press which he attributed to
cynicism brought about by Viet-
nam and Watergate.
He said it was time for the
United States "to build a new
foreign policy consensus" sim-
ilar in scope to the post-World
II period.
"This should be a time," I is-
singer said, "when the Ameri-
can people rediscover their un-
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