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January 11, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-11

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See Editorial Page

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Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI INo. 82 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 11, 1977 Ten Cents E
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ight Pages

Stranded students
Five Michigan students stranded in Latin Amer-
ica due to the financial collapse of an Ann Arbor-
based exchange program will be coming home
Jan. 18, state officials said yesterday. The five
were among 22 U. S. students originally stranded
because the International Cultural Exchange
lacked the funds to bring them home. According
to state Attorney General Frank Kelley, World
Airways, Inc. is offering the students empty
spaces on a flight from Brazil to Detroit that
day, free of charge. The same airline is also of-
fering free flights to foreign exchange students
stranded in the United States. The federal Civil
Aeronautics Board must still approve the ar-
rangement, and is expected to do so.
Struggle for Zimbabwe
If you're interested in a) the South Africa con-
flict, or b) simulation games, you might check
out Course Mart's "Struggle for Zimbabwe," a 2-
credit class employing simulation games as a
serious learning technique. The course will meet
Wednesdays at 2 p.m., but instructors Len Sur-
ansky and Edgar Taylor need 50 students to en-
roll before they can go ahead with it. Call 764-
6810 for more information.
Happenings **
. . . begin with "First Ladies on Parade", a
presentation of inaugural gowns from the Smith-
sonian, modeled by real life University women.
It's sponsored by the Sarah Brown Smith Alumni
Association and takes place at 1:30 p.m. and 7:30
p.m. at the Crisler Center auditorium on North
Campus. Tickets are at the door; proceeds will
go to scholarship funds . . . the University Tae
Kwon Do Club offers a demonstration at the new
Central Campus Recreation Bldg. at 7 p.m. .
the ski team holds a meeting at 7 p.m. in the An-
derson Rm. of the Union . . . and there's a weight
training clinic, primarily for women, at 7 p.m.
in the Central Campus Recreation Bldg. - bring
your student ID.
Phyllis philosophizes
The latest words of wisdom from Phyllis Schla-
fly, Republican activist and prominent opponent
of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) for wo-
men: "Today there are approximately 40 mil-
lion women who are homemakers and I can't
think of anything worse than if you move any per-
centage of them into the work forces. Where are
all the jobs? I feel that anybody worried about the
job market would encourage women to stay at
home." In an interview, Schlafly also said she
agreed with th Supreme Court decision ruling
last month that companies can refuse to pay
pregnancy sick leave. "I don't think that industry
should have to pay for babies," she said. "That's
the job of the father, whether he's married or
Beard ban
The Argentine military government has ban-
ned bearded photographs on mandatory ID
cards, meaning a compulsory shave for thous-
ands of bewhiskered Argentine men. No reason
was given for the ordered ban, announced last
week, but presumably the government intends to
prevent confusion or deception in the use of cards,
which every citizen has carried under threat of
indefinite imprisonment since 1974. "From now
on," said the federal police department notice,
"all persons wishing to obtain documents at the
federal police's identification department must do
so clean-shaven." Not surprisingly, many observ-
ers objected to the ruling. "It is quite obviously
a response to the widespread prejudice among
military personnel and policemen against men
with beards, of which I am one," fumed a British
newspaper writer.

The quiet bunch
Police in the Bronx thought they had uncovered
a new routine among youth gangs when mem-
bers of "Crazy Homicide" began using sign lan-
guage-but it was not a put-on. All of the gang's
members are deaf and mute. "At first they ap-
peared to be a normal, wild bunch of kids," said
Detective John Daly,(if setting fire to a car can
be called normal.) It wasn't until the cops had
chased the gang members about three blacks
from the scene of the crime that their common
handicap was noticed. A sign language specialist
from the police department quizzed the teen-
agers, who were held on charges of malicious mis-
chief. "We come into contact with the unusual
all the time," said Daly, "but this was very
On thei nside ...
PNS reporter Carla Rapoport has the story be-
hind the high accident rate of Liberian tankers for
the Editorial Page . . . Mike Taylor and Wendy
Goodman review last weekend's Bryan Bowers
concert at the Ark for Arts Page . . . and Snorts

U' plows on despite big snow

Winter at its worst clobbered Ann Arbor yesterday, leaving
eleven inches of wet, clinging snow in its wake. But, like the
vaunted postman, the University saw no reason not to pursue the
swift completion of its appoin ed rounds.
As students in 300 school districts throughout the state enjoyed
a day off, as did students at Eastern Michigan University and
Washtenaw Community College, University students trudged their
normal routes to class. It took them considerably longer than
usual, of course,
ON NORTH CAMPUS many students were forced to walk
to central campus as most buses were suck in the drifts. Sev-
eral buses bypassed Bursley Hall altogether until roads were

cleared late in the morning. Some undaunted stu'dents depended
on their new cross-country skis to transport them to class.
According to Dennis Kahlbaum or tie University's weather
observation center on North Campus, a total of 11.3 inches of
snow was on the ground in Ann Arbor at 3 p.m. yesterday. How-
ever, winds of up to 35 miles per hour created drifts of up to
two feet.
The National Wea her Service called the storm the worst to
hit Michigan since December 1974, when 18 inches of snow fell
in less than 24 hours, crippling, much of the Great Lakes region.
Yesterday's storm, according to Kahlbaum, centered over
Lake Erie near Cleveland, Ohio. Illinois, Indiana and western
Pennsylvania also received heavy snow.
See SNOW, Page 2

Daily Photos by ANDY FREEBERG
It was miserable. Cars got stuck, snow got in your socks, and
you kept almost falling down and making a fool of yourself.
But there were better moments in all that snow yesterday:
Joe Vining (above) navigated Monroe St. on his cross-coun-
try skis, and four fellows (above, left) on State St. helped
a friend out of a jam.

Arrest spurs





PARIS (AP) - An interna-
tional storm blew up yesterday
around the arrest in France of
an alleged Palestinian terrorist
on suspicion of commanding the
1972 slaying of Israeli athletes
at the Munich Olympic games.
Israel said it would ask France
to hand over the suspected ter-
rorist, but Israeli newspapers
and experts doubted that
France, which depends on Arab
oil for its energy requirements,
would comply.
both claimed the other initiated
the arrest of Mohammed Daoud
Audeh, or Abu Daoud, whose

capture appeared increasingly
embarrassing to France.
Arab ambassadors trooped to
the French Foreign Ministry
to protest the "unfriendly ac-
tion" by France in arresting
a member of an official Pales-
tine Liberation Organization
delegation. The office of the
Frenchspresident emphasized
the arrest was a "police deci-
sion" on an international war-
Some French officials point-
ed out the possibility that acts
cited against Abu Daoud in pos-
sible extradition proceedings
might be considered political
See ARABS, Page 2

Carter heartens
Soviet Baptists
MOSCOW (AP)- Half a million Baptists are avidly
awaiting the inauguration of a fellow Baptist as president of
the United States, but they don't worship in the American
South's Bible Belt. They live in the Soviet Union.
And the Soviet Baptists anticipate Carter's inaugural for
vastly different reasons, because their ranks are split by
opposing idealogies.
THE ALL-UNION Council of Evangelical Christians
Baptists - the Baptist church officially recognized by the
Soviet government - says Jimmy Carter's expressed re-
ligious principles will make him more dedicated to peace
and detente.
But the nation's dissident Baptists, who exist on the
fringe of the law and have several of their members im-
prisoned for illegal religious activity, hope primarily that
Carter will press the Soviet government for increased re-
ligious freedom.
"The situation for Baptists in this country has been
getting a little better, but it could be better still," says one
Soviet Baptist in touch with the dissidents. "I think it will
be helpful if Carter raises this question with Soviet offic-
The officially-recognized Baptist church does not com-
plain about Soviet restrictions on religion. In the Soviet
Union, such activities as open-air religious meetings and
Sunday schools, common to Western Baptists, are prohibit-
ed by law.
"WE TRY TO carry on our work in line with the exist-
ing laws in our country," the Rev. Alexei Bichkov, 48, gen-
eral secretary of the all-union church, said in an inter-
view. "Our believers are like little Billy Grahams. People
,till have the right to say what they want in personal con-
tacts and no one is going to go to a policeman and com-
plain we talked about God."
But the dissidents, who called the officially-recognized
See SOVIET, Page 2
i:1': **.**.**a*a ..*.m.* *.*.**.** .

claims of

wouldn't permit
Soviet military

ry Kissinger, in a valedictory
to the capital's press corps,
yesterday dismissed the notion
that the Soviet Union has gain-
ed military superiority over the
United States.
In a nuclear age, Kissinger
said, "the term supremacy,
when casualties on both sides
would be in the tens of mil-
lions, has practically no op-
erational significance as long
as we do what is necessary
to maintain a balance."
HOWEVER, Kissinger recom-
mended that the incoming Car-
er administration modernize
and strengthen U.S. forces that
wouldtbe involved in "regional
conflicts," which he said were
the greatest military dangers
facing the country.
Assessing the last eight years,
in which he was a principal
architect of American foreign
policy, Kissinger said possibly
his largest achievement was
helping the nation steer past
"the trauma of Vietnam" and
the "nightmare of Watergate."
Praising President Ford as a
leader whose "strength and

VANCE: 'There is
parity between the
two nations.'

Tanker splits up off


One crewman drowned, one was
missing and five were plucked
from freezing waters beside the
floating wreck of an American
tanker yesterday after the ves-
sel split apart in stormy seas
off Cape Ann.
The 281-foot Chester A. Pol-
ing, its tanks empty of oil,
was sheared in half by gale
winds and 25-foot waves in the

tankers, two Panamanian ones
and two U.S. vessels - the
Poling and an Ohio River oil
In addition, a Liberian-reg-
istered bulk cargo carrier had
an explosion on board last Sat-
urday off New York and was
headed into port for repairs.
The foundering of the Poling
was the third mishap off New
England. In a similar wreck,

debris and life jackets with the
name "Grand Zenith" on them.
While rescuers near the Po-
ling watched helplessly, the
ship's bow sank and the stern
floated toward the rocky break-
water protecting ; Gloucester
When the tanker broke apart,
two crewmen standing on the
bow were thrown into the icy
Atlantic. A Coast Guard cutter

er but later said the ship was
carrying only seven.
The vessel was en route from
Boston, about 30 miles away, to
Atlantic Terminals in Newing-
ton, N.H., when the accident
The incidents involving fore-
ign registry ships have led to
a call for greater regulation of
such ships while operating in
U.S. waters under international

,s. ' . ..................................................{................t.

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