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February 18, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-18

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Page Two


Friday, February 18, 1977



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---2 price on beer
7-11 P.M.
-/ 2rice on
all drinks 7-10 P.M.

jl KAMPALA, Uganda - The
Anglican archbishop of Uganda
and two cabinet ministers were
killed in what the government
said yesterday was a motor ve-
hicle accident. It occurred after
they had been accused of plot-
ting against President Idi
The government said Arch-
bishop Janani Luwum, Internal
Affairs, Minister Charles Oboth-
Ofumbe and Lt. Col. Orinayo
Oryeman, minister of land and
water resources, were being
taken for questioning Wednes-
day when they, tried to over-,
power the driver, causing the
Amin was described by a
senior government official as
"shoced and stunned" by the
deathg. "There was no foul play
whatever," said the official. "It
was just one of those terribly
sad things."
However, the deaths set off
a new international outcry
* against Amin, who has been
accused of ruling his EastAf-
rican nation by terror since he
deposed President Milton Obote
in 1971. Amin has survived num-


-15c hot dogs
2-5 P.M.

erous alleged plots to oust him. ials was assured today when Ohio (SOHIO), leader of the 171
Anddrew Young, the U.S. the House voted to adjourn for oil companies that backed the
ambassador to the United Na- the weekend. test project, said not one oft
tions, also called it "assassina- Members who oppose the pay' those companies is ready toa
tion." Referring to Uganda's raise or the way it is being put commit money to the next step:
claim that the deaths were ac- i into effect wanted to hold the construction of a full-size com-
cidental, Young said, "The House in session as long as pos- mercial processing facility. 1
world knows better than that." sible and the House first mov-I
He also included in his criti- ed to fight over the issue during School
cism the death earlier this , the weekend but then reversed
week of a young black under itself. Without a House vote ,desegreg ation
police detention in South Africa. specifically on the pay raises,}
The police had said he fell from the increase goes into effect WASHINGTON - Secretary
a building while trying to es- automatically at midnight Sat- of Health, Education and Wel-
cape. urday. It will apply to senators, 'fare Joseph Califano Jr. yester-,
representatives, federal judges day ordered an immediate re-;
Moscow letter and high officials. / view of a threatened cutoff of
MOSCOW - A personal letter Under the increase, salaries federal funds to six Texas and
fom Presidet arerase for members of Congress would Arkansas school districts ac-
from President Carter was de- be hiked from $$44,600 to $57,- cused of violations of the Civil
livered yesterday to dissident 500 Rights Act.
leader Andrei Sakharov in anf sup- At the same time, Califano
port that could escalate the fil Shale said any schools or other edu-
- oational institutions thalt fail to
U.S. - Kremlin conflict over hu- DENVER - An estimated 600 ionalgr ntitution til to
man rights in the Soviet Union. billion barrels of oil are trap- desegregate are on notice that
The letter, which Sakharov ped in oil shale rocks in the t epartment , "
said was the first he had ever Rocky Mountains - enough to cutoffs if we must."
received from the U. S. govern- supply the nation's total oileNoschoo district in the Unit-
ment, reaffirmed Carter's com- needs for 10 years at present ed States has lost federal edu-
mitment to support human consumption rates. cation funds for civil rights vio-x
rights and closed with the sen- But it will stay theresay lations in nearly five years.
tence, "I am always glad to the operators of a three-year,
hear from you, and I wish you: $10-million test project, unless
well."the federal government steps in
A U. S. Embassy spokesman with multimillion-dollar air, en-
said he could not, recall an vironmental regulations are re-
American president's ever be- laxed, domestic oil price con- E
f sen a letter to a So- trols are lifted and crude oil}
prices rise still further.I
Hailed just a few years ago
*t 1as a potential solution to the
Na o . nation's energy crisis, oil shale
remains today just that - aI
potential solution.
Pay hike It is feasible and it is market-
able, officials of the Parabo{
WASHINGTON - A pay oil shale demonstration project
raise for members of Congress, reported here Wednesday. But a
federal judges and high offic- spokesman for Standard Oil of


FEBRUARY 18, 1977

Califano, in emphasizing the
Carter administration's commit-
ment to civil rights enforce-
ment, said: "It should be un-
derstood that, hereafter, cases
that reach my desk for decision
on termination of funds because
of discrimination practices will
be acted upon swiftly.
"We have no desire ever to
cut off funds to any school dis-
trict or other educational insti-
tution. But the way to insure
compliance with civil rights
laws is to make clear that we
will order fund cutoffs if we
P1;B problems
LANSING - Michigan Farm
Bureau President Elton Smith
yesterday accused the state Ag-
riculture Commission of caving
in 'to political pressure to low-
er the allowable level of PBB
in food.
"The michigan Department
of Agriculture has twice consid-
eded poposals to lower the
tolerance levels of PBB and
both times after public hearings
and reviewing all scientific
evidence, found , the present
tolerance level to be safe,"
Smith said.
The commission earlier this
week reversed its earlier stand
and said it would support
legislation to reduce the PBB
tolerance level, which currently
stands at .3 parts per million.
"Farmers are as concerned
as anyone about the quality of

Sunday Entertainment
9 P.M.-1 A.M.
Featuring: DON CHAPMAN
Guitarist & Vocalist


r----------- -.. - , ..-_.... ,r




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food since they are the produc-
The six school districts are: ers as well as consumers of
Marshall, Marlin and Uvalde in-' that food," he said. "A reduc-
dependent school districts in tion of the tolerance level would
Texas, and Sparkman District be of no benefit whatsoever if
No. 3, Marion District No. 3 and the state is not equipped to do
Hughes District No. 27 in Ar- the required testing."



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