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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 116 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 18, 1977 Ten Cents T
en Pages
Camera bug
If you've got a photographic flair, come to
tonight's 7:30 meeting for all folks interested in
joining The Daily's photography staff. If you are
unable to attend, please feel free to stop by or
call 764-0552.
Rhodes update,
August 5 is the date University Vice President
Frank Rhodes intends to begin his term as Cor-
nell University president, according to a report in
the student-run Cornell Daily Sun yesterday. At
a press conference at the Ithaca, N:Y. campus
Wednesday night, Rhodes promised to make af-
firmative action for minorities and women a top
,priority of his administration. Out-going President
Dale Corson originally indicated his intention to
leave Cornell July 1, but a source at Cornell's
information office said it was "extremely likely"
Corson would wait out Rhodes' arrival before re-
tiring. Also, in our story yesterday, The Daily
said Rhodes was a zoologist, rather than a geolo-
gist. We also erroneously indicated he came to
the University in 1968, instead of 1967.
Happy New Year!
Maybe you didn't know the Year of the Snake
slithered in today, but it's not too late to cele-
brate. For those who did plan ahead, though, an
elaborate 10-course meal awaits them this eve-
ning at Couzens Hall. Diners will enjoy such cul-
inary delights as spiced beef, been curd, barbe-
cued spare ribs and Chinese pickles, but if you
haven't made reservations, you'll just have to eat
your heart out instead - the dinner is all sold
out. Happy New Year, anyway!
Happenings ..*
. get off to an early start at 9:30 when the
support group on "Continuing Growth for Women
45 to 60," holds its regular meeting at the Cen-
ter for Continuing Education of Women, 328-330
Thompson ... Lunch at noon for 50 cents with
Carol Hollenshead, development coordinator of the
Gerontology Dept., who will be speaking on "Old-
er Women: Are They Getting a Fair Share?"
'at Guild House, 802 Monroe ... at 12:30, check
out the display, "Ann Arbor In Fiction," where
Wystan Stevens shows his books about the com-
munity at Kempf House, 312 S. Division ... from
1:30 to 3:30 the School of Ed. will launch its 1977
Dissertation Colloquia Series with doctoral candi-
date Patricia Heller speaking on "The Relation-
ship Between Cognitive Styles and One Type of
Logical Reasoning" in the Ed. School, dean's con-
ference rm. All are welcome ... A coffee hour
follows the 3 p.m. session of the International
Center's Informal Art Series where this week's
demonstration by Sue Nisbett is on making marzi-
pan candies, 603 E. Madison f.. also at 3, the
Advisory Committee on Recreation, Intramural and
Club Sports will hold a meeting, open to the pub-
lic, in the Central Campus Rec. Bldg. Conference
Rm. ... and at the same time, there will be a
presentation of a new diagnostic test for lymphatic
cancer in U Hospital's sixth floor amphitheatre ...
At 6:30 the Chinese New Year celebration din-
ner, originally scheduled to be held in Markley
Hall, has been moved to the Couzens Hall cafe-
teria instead. The dinner is sold out, but all are
welcome to enjoy cultural entertainment at 7:30
following the dinner ... At 7 when Tyagi Ji, a
cosmic transmitter, will hold a session in Friends'
Meeting House, 1420 Hill St. Admission is free ...
And Bob Jacobs will give a presentation on "I
Ching and Mind Patterns" at 8 at Canterbury
House, corner of Catherine and Division.
Stick-on candidate
Republicans who vote in Monday's First Ward
primary will be confronted not only with the usual
placards and sleepy poll watchers but also with
die-hard Republican voters carrying stickers which
say "Jaskiewicz." It seems that the 'Republican
First Ward candidate, Val Jaskiewicz, forgot to
file for the election before leaving for Christmas
break and the the city Republican chairman, Wil-
liam Gudenau, couldn't file for him. Why? Be-
cause Gudenau couldn't spell Jaskiewicz's name.
Jaskiewicz decided to run as a write-in candidate
in the primary - if he can get SO write-in votes;
his rather improbable name will be on the April
general election ballot. But the same problem crop-
ped up - voters couldn't spell "Jaskiewicz" in
order to write him in. Consequently, city Republi-
cans have printed up 300 stickers with the can-
didate's name and mailed them to potential Re-
publican voters in the ward. Voters will simply
stick Jaskiewicz's name to the write-in ballot.
According to the city clerk, it's all legal. 9-nd
Jaskiewicz now must hope that he doesn't run
up against another write-in candidate named
"Smith" or "Jones."
On the inside...
Congress is on the verge of approving a
$13,000 pay hike for federal officials, details in the
News Digest on Page 3 ... Paul Eisenstein on
the Edit Page discusses the question of carcino-
gens in children's clothing ...On the Arts Page
Michael Jones reviews PTP's current production
of "Uncle Vanya" ... and the dynamic duo, Kathy
Henneehan and Don MacLachlan of the Snorts
Regen ts
"Now we're not just
cutting off fat - we're
cutting off bone."-
Regent Thomas
Concerned members of the Department of Popu-
lation Planning (DPP) - whose future is hanging in
the balance - crowded into yesterday's Regents
meeting and heard the administration's proposed
guidelines for the future elimination of University de-
Stating that "in times of economic hardship it is
better to be willing to make harsh decisions than
face a general decline" in University quality, Vice
President for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes asked
the Regents to consider his criteria for dropping
degree programs.
THE TREND-SETTING proposal indicates a re-
versal in the University's emphasis on expansion.
Regent Thomas Roach (D-Detroit) said: "This is
the fourth year of budget stringency. Now we're not
just cutting off fat - we're cutting off bone."
The procedure will become University policy if the
Regents approve the final draft at their March meet-
Rhodes outlined three basic steps for cutting de-
partments: First the prograi is reviewed by the
ndividual school or college. Next the Office of the
Vice-President for Academic Affairs examines the
chool's decision before making a recommendation
o the Regents who then take a vote.
IF THE REGENTS adopt the proposal; the follow-
ng criteria will be applied in the review procedure:
* What is the quality and viability of the pro-
0 Is the program worth the financial strain on
he college or school?
* How unique is the program?
0 Can relocation, redefinition, or consolidation
;ave the program?
An irate group of DPP students and faculty, speak-
mg under strict time limitations, expressed their
dissatisfaction with the procedure used by School of
Public Health Dean Richard Remington in his rec-
ommendation to cut DPP from the University cur-
riculum in 1978.
A number of sources within the (epartnent have
related that members of DPP are so inpensed with
the conduct of Dean Remington that there is an ac-
tive movement to have him removed from his po-
TODAY THE Regents will vote on the Housing Of-
fice's proposed dorm and family housing rate hike
of 8.4 and eight per cent respectively. Housing Di-
rector John Feldkamp, told the Regents yesterday
the present housing rates are "be'ow the rates
charged by our academic peers," but, Feldkamp
added that the current rates were high for other
Big 10 and state schools.
odds over new
Serious problems a r e
cropping up for the con-
tract settlement between
the University and the
American Federation of
State, County and Muni-
cipal Employes (AFSCME,
Local 1583) because of a
union leadership split 'on
whether the tentative
agreement should be rati-
AFSCME members, who
will vote on ratification
next Tuesday, have been
urged by the union b a r -
gaining team to accept the
proposed contract arrived
at Wednesday.
BUT UNION local President
Joel Block condemned the set-
tlement only hours after it was
reached, calling it a "totally un-
acceptable, dirt-cheap offer,"
and telling members to reject
the agreement and organize for
a strike.
The tentative settlement pro-
Vides a 55 cent wage increase
over a two-year contract, a 10
cent premium for employes on
special schedules or afternoon
and midnight shifts, revisions
and upgrading in job classifica-
tions, changes in employe pro-
motion and transfer procedures,
and revisions in union grievance
According to the agreement,
union workers will receive an
initial 25 cent wage increase
retroactive to January 1, an ad-
ditional 5 cents as of this July 1,
and another 25 cent increase in
wages in January, 1978.
Supplemental cost of living
payments, while still a tart of
the contract language, will not
be in effect for the duration of
See AFSCME, Page 10
Street repair
on ballot again-
Ann Arbor voters will get another chance to vote funding
for repairs to the city streets on April 4.
At this week's City Council session, Council- Republicans
succeeded in having two proposals placed on the spring elec-
tion ballot which ask for a total of $3.4 million in bonds to
finance street repairs.
VOTERS LAST YEAR REJECTED a five-year levy of, one
mill which would have done the same thing.
But even the Republicans admit the proposals will cost tax-
payers almost double their face value, if passed. Council mem-
ber Roger Bertoia (R-Third Ward) said when the loan for the
bonds is repaid in 10 years it will have cost the city almost $6
Doily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Diag i ce folliesr
Grenadine Sparrow glides across the "Diag Ice Arena," near the Chemistry Building. Freezing
temperatures following last week's thaw have covered most of the Diag with a layer of the
slippery stuff. Move over, Dorothy Hamill.
Traffic plan faces opposition
New job recruitment
changes opposed
Although the University Civil Liberties Board (CLB) has ,pro-
posed two major revisions to campus job recruitment policy, sev-
eral groups - including the Commission for Women - have al-
ready voiced opposition to the changes.
The policy revisions will be reviewed at the Faculty Sen-
ate meeting next Monday.J
CURRENT POLICY, approved by the Regents in February
1971, forbids the use of placement services by any organiza-
tion, individual or country which discriminates because of race,
color, creed, sex, religion or national origin.
Companies which do not maintain affirmative action pro-
grams are also excluded from University job placement ser-
The CLB considers the policy a violation of free speech, since
it bars recruiters from speaking on campus. The group proposes
to reword the policy to say that an affirmative action program
must be maintained only "if required to do so by governmental
IT ALSO WANTS TO DROP the limitation on countries which
See CLB, Page 3
"The bond proposal was not
my first choice," Bertoia said.
"But because the voters turned
down a one mill request for five
years in 1976, we decided to
back the proposal as an alter-
nate plan."
UNDER THE Republican-spon-
sored bond purchase plan, the
city must pay not only for the
cost of repairs but also for the
interest charged on the loans by
banks. One of the proposals will
ask for voter permission to bor-
row $2.5 million in general ob-
ligation bonds; the other calls
for $875,000.
Democratic Mayor Albert
Wheeler called the Republi-
can proposal "Shoddy and irre-
sponsible political gimmickery."
According to Wheeler, not
enough time was spent in plan-
ning the proposals.
den costs that they (Republi-
cans) didn't take into account,'
said the mayor, "such as un-
See VOTERS, Page 3
Last summer, the Ann Arbor City Planning
Commission introduced a Traffic Circulation Plan
which may make major changes in the landscape
of the downtown area as well as several residen-
tial areas in the city.
Since then, the plan has met continual angry
objections from city residents. They claim it
over-emphasizes automobile needs at the cost of
mass transit and pedestrian uses and would dam-
age the character of residential neighborhoods.
MANY RESIDENTS have also been angered by
what they say is a lack of response to community
objections and suggestions.
The plan, which the city hopes to implement by
1990, proposes to widen Geddes, Depot and Main
Streets to four lanes and to build up to five new
parking structures -downtown. It also recom-
mehds expanding Hill Street to four lanes be-
tween Washtenaw Ave. and Main Street.
But many individuals and organizations have
criticized the scheme for what they say is insuf-
ficient attention to mass transit alternatives.
Though it promotes some already-recommended
bus service expansion plans, the circulation plan
makes no other provisions for mass transit.
THE ANN ARBOR Ecology Center has sug-
gested several alterna' ives which it claims would
be "much less costly and disruptive" than the
proposed circulation plan. Among the Center's
recommendations are: ride sharing, cheaper park-
ing for high-occupancy vehicles and time-of-work
adjustments. But according to Paul Schrodt of
the Center, the Planning Commission has not
been receptive.
But Elwood Holmes, chairman of the Planning
Commission, defends the plan's automotive pri-
orities. According. to Holmes, the plan is based
on studies predicting a high increase in automo-
bile use. Designing the pian to take cAre of this
increase is being rea'istic, he maintains.
"If growth occurs as projected, then there is
going to be a need to accomodate the needs in
different ways: through transit; automobiles,
bikes." he said. "Mass transit is a viable alter-
native, but we have to get people into the buses.
As long as they have a choice (cars vs. buses)
we will have to work with that choice."
See CITY, Page 10
Candidates seek 2nd Ward GOP nomination
Since 1971, Second Ward seats on the
Ann Arbor City Council have been held
exclusively by Democrats and Socialist
Human Rights Party (SHRP) members.
But Republican candidates Allen Reiner
and'Richard ("Dr. Diag") Robinson are
hoping to change all that this year.
Reiner, a financial consultant, and
Pnhmn i-.-i parnparA iT un nrn n
"High rent comes out of supply and de-
mand. I think if we increase supply, rent
will drop."
Reiner opposes rent control, calling it
an "interim solution," and suggests re-
laxation of the city's housing code as an
alternative means of keeping rents low
and increasing the housing supply.-
"WE SHOULD open up a number of
units that currently can't be used be-
is not in use so the University will not
be forced to raise dormitory rates.
REINER, who was employed by Gen-
eral Motors forsix years. said he differs
from most. Republicans because he fa-
vors mass transit, though he says he has
his doubts about the city's proposed traf-
fic circulation plan.
"You can re-route traffic all you
want." he said. "but you still have too
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