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January 07, 1977 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 79 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 7, 1977 Free Issue Twi

elve Pages




of tax cuts and reform

MICHIGAN quarterback Rick Leach (7) had a rugged tim e moving the football against USC in the Rose Bowl on Satur-
day. But Bo Schembechler anticipates no changes in the basir character of the Wolverines' offense.

PLAINS, Ga. (AP) - President-
elect Carter said yesterday he may
recommend to Congress an eco-
nomic stimulus package including
both permanent and temporary tax
cuts and some elements of tax re-
"We're discussing as options a per-
nanent tax reduction compatible with
long-range reform plus the possibility of
some temporary tax stimulus as well
which would be only for one year," Car-
ter said.
HE SAID he will present the options
to key Democratic members of Congress
today and that if they reach "some com-
patible understanding" he will announce
the plan at that time.
"'If there are some small elements
that would obviously be part of an over-
all tax reform package, we might very
well include them at this early stage,"
Carter said.
HE ADDED that a jobs-creation pro-
gram remains his first priority and that
whatever additional stimulus is needed
will be in the form of a tax cut.
Carter was not specific about the ele-
ments of tax reform and declined to state
the size of the economic stimulus pack-
age under consideration. But he said
his advisers will have projections for
fiscal 1977 and 1978 with a rough esti-
mate of the cost in future years.
He said the package will be compat-
ible with the long range goals for his
administration and take into consider-
ation such factors as preservation of the
environment and energy conservation
as well as the need to reduce unem-
ployment and spur the lagging economy.
CARTER'S incoming budget director,
Thomas Lance, had said earlier that the
new administration's program to stimu-
late the economy should be limited to
$15 billion in tax cuts and spending.
Lance, who participated in the after-
noon meeting, also mentioned the pos-
sibility that tax cuts would amount to
See CARTER, Page 2

$10 billion of the program.
Carter staff aides presented the Pres-
ident-elect and his advisers with a set
of legislative proposals for fiscal 1978.
Stuart Eizenstat, Carter's issues direc-
tor, told reportersr the proposals range
"from A to Z" and fulfill every cam-
paign promise "that we can afford." He
offered no specifics.
In other developments:
* Carter asked members of the Dem-
ocratic National Committee to elect
former Gov. Kenneth Curtis of Maine a

party chairman. "I know he shares my
strong belief that the Democratic party
must belong to 'the people and not just
the political figures," Carter said.
Curtis is expected to be elected to the
party post when members of the Demo-
cratic National Committee meet Jan. 21
in Washington to elect new officers.
Present chairman Robert Strauss is re-
turning to his Dallas law practice.
0 Carter designated Sidney Harman, a
See CARTER, Page 2

Defeat won't change



Some things never change - especially
Michigan football and coach Bo Schem-
Once again, the Wolverines failed to
win the last game of the season, and
once again, Schembechler sees nothing
seriously wrong with his team.
THIS TIME the season-ending sour
note was a 14-6 loss to the University
of Southdrn California (USC) in last Sat-
urday's Rose Bowl. The year before end-
ed with a 14-6 Orange Bowl loss. In his
fight years at Michigan, Schembech-
er's teams have compiled an 0-7-1 rec-
orl in season-ending games.
But Schembechler isn't worried. De-
spite criticism from fans and the media
oncerning Michigan's poor passing and
pass defense, he's not going to change
"This is- the winningest program in
he country - we're not going to make
ny big changes," he said yesterday.
We're always one of the best teams in
GEO faces
The 'University's graduate student as-
sistants (GSA's) did not get a new con-
tract for Christmas.
The two grievances concerning the
definition of research assistants (RAs)
and staff assistants (SA's) filed by the
Graduate Employes Organization (GEO)
Aunder the last contract, are still stand-
'g in the way of a settlement. So, the
"ew year marks the beginning of a sec-
ond contractless term for some 1,400
A DATE for arbi'ration of those dis-
putes has finally been set -January
17 - and it is unlikely that an agree-
ment will be signed before a decision is
handed down, according to both sides.
"There is no indication at this time
that the situation will change," said GEO
President Doug Moran, "but a good deal
of time has elapsed since we last spoke
to them (the University)." he added.
Moran said he thinks the University
will again ask GEO to drop the griev-
ances, which charge that the adminis-
tration illegally removed people from
the union by changing the definition of
RAs and SAs in certain department.
BUT, Moran says, the union won't
comply wi h the University's request un-
til it "sees what the University has to

the country and I think we'll continue
that." '
MICHIGAN quarterback Rick Leach
completed only four of 12 passes in the
Rose Bowl, while USC's Vince Evans hit
14 of 20, including several third down
completions that kept the Trojans mov-
i- ; all afternoon.
Many pinned the blame for Michigan's
loss on the Wolverines' poor passing and
pass defense. Similar complaints were
lodged after -each of Michigan's losses
over the past eight years. But Scheni-
bechler predictably discounted the im-
portaonce of the pass.
"I don't care about the fans," he
said' "We didn't throw very well, but
it wasn't the passing that beat us. It,
was our failure to possess" the football
in the second half. Our defense had to
play too much and we got tired. (USC)
is a strong, capable team that moved
the ball.
"WE WILL make no great changes.
We figure our passing attack is better
this year than last year, and we hope
to make the same improvement again
for next year. But the important thing
is that there are other areas besides
passing where we have to improve. We
have to improve several aspects of our
game, and passing is just one of them,"
Schembechler added.
Some blamed Michigan's inability to
pass on the "option" offense for the loss.
The quarterback is the key to the option
plays, and so, the critics say, he must
practice his running and pitching at the
expense of his passing.
Leach himself said after the Rose
Bowl, "I think I would be more effec-
tive if I passed more during the early
part of the season." But no changes are
"IT'S ABSURD to think we'd abandon
the most prolific offense in the coun-
try," Schembechler said. "Had we ex-
ecuted the offense as it should have
been, we would have won the game.

We'll work on improving our passing,
but not at the expense of our offense."
Schembechler said nothing about
Leach's comment..
Michigan's pass defense also came un-
der attack after the gamed As usual, the
Wolverines laid off the opponent's re-
ceivers, allowing short passes but pro-
tecting against the bomb. Quarterbacks,
the thinking goes, won't be able to hit
the short passes with enough consistency
to sustain a drive. Evans, however, did
just that.
"EVANS HAD a helluva day," said
Schembechler. "He had THE day. He
hit what he had to hit.
"But there were a lot of factors in-
See BO, Page 7

AP Photo
President elect Jimmy Carter reviews facts and figures given to him yesterday
by his economic advisors at a meeting in Plains, Ga.


Nite -owl
By LAURIE YOUNG continue
While city police coptinue searching we will
for clues to the rash of attacks on local thing to
women during the past two months- he said.
including a third rape near the Gandy The b
Dancer restaurant on Fuller Road be- ily the'
fore Christmas vacation - the Univer- the sam
sity will continue to provide the Nite tween 7
Owl Bus Service. ficers a
"In the foreseeable future there is no structure
cut-off date in mind (for the service). people h
The decision (to continue the service) service
. (which u
is governed somewhat by its usage," no long
said University Safety Director Freder-
ick Davids, who said that ridership av-
eraged approximately 130 per night
during the last month of the fall semes-
"IF PEOPLE continue to use it, we'll We




to run it. Particularly, if no,
nsion (of an attacker) is made,
run it. We want to do every-
make students comfortable,"
us service, which covers primar-
"hill" housing area, will keep
e route and operating hours (be-
p.m. and 1 a.m.), Security of-
t the Church Street parking
e security office will still escort
ome, but the door-to-door escort
between 1 a.m. and S a.m.
was available during finals) will
oer be in effect, explained

Meanwhile, Ann Arbor Police Chief
Walter Kr'sny now believes that there
may be two people responsible for the
assaults. One person may be commit-
ting the rapes and the other person
may be committing the muggings, he
THERE is, however, a "peculiar"
similarity in general description and
clothing attire of the attacker(s), he
said. The suspect(s) wear a drab olive
green pocket length "snorkel jacket"
with a fur trimmed hood. Usually, a

short knit stocking cap is worn- under-
neath the hood and sometimes a ski
mask is used over the eyes.
Krasny, who has a number of pblice
still working in specific areas around
the city with two detectives doing fol-
low-up investigations on new informa-
tion, warned: "We can't let our guard
down. too far just because it (another
assault) hasn't happened for three
Davids also warned that the bus
service is only one means of safety.
"Personal safety is the individual's re-
See 'U', Page 2

U' black enrollment
stalls at '75 l evel

Black enrollment at the University re-
mained at slightly more than seven per
cent of he student body this fall. While
total .minori'y enrollment declined in
seven schools and colleges, according to
figures made public at the Dec. 16 Re-
gents meeting. "
Associate Vice President for Academ-
ic Affairs Richard English, who pre-
sented the report to the Board, said he
saw "a reflection of some progress" de-
spite data which showed black enroll-
ment up this fall only two-hundredths
of one percentage point over 1975-76:
7.23 per cent to 7.25 per cent, repre-
sevting a net gain of 13 black students.

English shied away from drawing any
conclusions about what he referred to as
a "stable enrollment" among black stu-
dents. He pointed out that while the col-
lege-age population is expected to de-
cline during the last quarter of this cen-
tury, "there is the expectation that there
will be an increase in the birth rate of
minorities. They'll be there."
Other minority groups showed dis-
cernable, if not dramatic, enrollment
gains this fall, according to the report.
Spanish surnamed Americans showed
the largest increase with 105 more stu-
dents enrolled this fall than in 1975,
bringing their total to 465. Native Amer-
icanis increased their ranks hv 20 hrina-

the c
to end
ed las
bers I
rect t
of its
9-5 vo
san S

haven't published a paper since
tber 12, and we've missed some
tant doings on campus and in
ity. Here's a sunnmary:
regardingran advisory referendum
id the dorm lettuce boycott, the
rsity Housing Council (UHC) vot-
st month to maintain the ban for
er semester.
here was a feeling of (UHC) mem-
that there was a moral issue of
er the farm workers should be
rted-that it was the morally cor-
hing to do," according to UHC
dent Gary Fabian. National media
, however, that the United Farm
ers union (UFW) is considering
g off its lettuce boycott because
recent success in obtaining con-
to represent California lettuce
E UHC DECISION came with a
te at its December meeting. Su-
pringgate, who represents West,

for the report a
against the UH
gents' December
Murder -suspe
son stood mute,
Circuit Court J
shortly before C
enter a plea on
der charge. Wils
University freshv
kai last October
for one week af
which he is expe
Sources told7
that Wilson, 21,
tum killing to a
after surrenderin
reportedly told t
kai's motorcycle
amount of cash,
ing a "contract
her own life.
ll ;m, in rir v

were gone...'
after a student spoke distributing tickets for athletic events.
C action at the Re- Under the system, students will use
16 meeting. computer cards to indicate whether
they want athletic tickets and whether
DERI they wish to sit in a small group or
act Rigky Wayne Wil- in a block. Each student, group, or
at arraignment before block will be assigned to seats within
Judge Patrick Conlin their class priority sections.
,hnistmas, declining to
a first degree mur- SCOTT KELLMAN, former MSA stu-
on, accused of slaying dent organization coordinator, said MSA
woman Jeannine Bou- hopes to implement the system by fall.
, yesterday postponed The system will not, however, be a
pre-trial conference at part of the CRISP registration proce-
cted to respond to the dure. Students will have to act at
another time if they want tickets, he
The Daily last month said.
admitted the Arbore- "I think this will be better," Kell-
uthrities in Alabama man said. "Then people will know who
g to the FBI. Wilson they'll be sitting with and (incoming)
hem he received Bou- freshmen can be included."
and an unspecified The University Computer Club will
apparently for buy- write the computer program for the
Boukai offered on ticket distribution:
COURT has entered a IN THE FINAL MSA meeting last
CORnT ha. nered a term, members elected officers for this


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