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February 16, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-16

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February 16, 1977


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FEBRUARY 16, 1977

Hundreds of young black Rho- guard that he "had come as a
ternatio ial desians are flowing through an tourist" to visit the locks. Tor-
overcrowded camp outside rijos left after a brief visit dur-
Francistown each week, head- ing which he and a canal guard
ing for guerrilla training camps reportedly took turns pokingly
Gandhi's son in neighboring Zambia. saluting. each other.
"Only by shipping them out
nominated almost daily on flights to Zam- Italian gang
bia can the authorities manage
NEW DELHI - Prime Minis- to. control them all," says one leader ca
ter Indira Gandhi's 30-year-old British aid official, who reports
son Sanjay, whose rapid politi- the flow of volunteers is increas- ROME - Italy's most want-
cal rise has become a central ing steadily. ed criminal, who had vowed
issue in the campaign for March Volunteers for the guerrillas never to be taken alive, sur-
general elections, entered the come across Rhodesia's west- rendered meekly to police yes-
race for Parliament yesterday. ern border into this industrial terday after a tear gas barrage
The ruling Congress party, al- city with refugees from the on his hideout stocked with
ready faced with a rebellion guerrilla war. All are funneled weapons and explosives.
over the increasing political into a cramped, heavily guard- Hours after the arrest of Re-
role of the young industrialist ed camp and turned over., effec- nato Vallanzasca, police arrest-
during the 20 months of emer- tively if not officially, by Bots- ed four men and two women
gency rule, nominated Sanjay wana police to Joshua Nkomo's believed to be part of his gang
for a traditionally Congress seat Zimbabwe African Peoples Un- and officials said the capture
in the Amethit constituency of ion.ffcassadte atr
m ion. would help solve political
Uttar Pradesh \near his moth- Nkomo's group is one of two crimes. solveaoltial
er's seat of Rae Bareli. Rhodesian nationalist move- ionmodelsought a 2year-old fash-
Mr adh ilbe opposed ments with guerrilla ar ionmoe sought for sheltering
Mr. Gandhi will beops et ihgerlaarmies Vallanzasca apparently slipped
by a 35-year-old lawyer, Ravin- fighting across the border to through their net. l
der Pratap Singh, who will unseat Rhodesia's white minor- Vallanzasca a 27 - year - old
stand as candidate for the op- ity government. Many of the formernasca, at2g styeat wo
position anata Party. He is an refugees quickly volunteer for ormer accounting student who
unknown/ force. training in ZAPU camps set boasted he was irristible to wo-
Sanjay will be making his up with the blessing of Zambian I men, was wanted on multiple
first bid for public office. President Kenneth Kuanda. murder, kidnaping and robbery
The nomination served to bol- Hundreds each week are charges.
ster Sanjay politically against flown 450 miles northeast to the "I have been betrayed," he
dissidents who had rebelled Zambian capital of Lusaka, told newsmen at police head-
against his behind - the - scenes traveling on scheduled flights quarters, still limping from a
maneuvering on behalf of the of Zambia Airways or on spe- leg wound that police, said he
Youth Congress. cial charters. received a week ago in a shoot-
The revolt broke into the open "Word has gotten around Ma- out in which two highway pa-
two weeks ago when Mrs. Gand- tebeleland the source of Nko- trolmnen and a bandit were
hi's old-timd ally, Jagpivan mo's tribal support that the killed.
Ram, resigned from the Cabi- people are wanted as freedom Officials said Vallanzasca
net and the party with a blast at i ghters," one Botswana policercame out coughing, rubbing his
the way the prime minister officer said. "As a result, they eyes and begging for mercy af-
had let her son become a p0- 'are pouring across the border tear police launched a predawn
litical leader. to volunteer.,"t tear gas raid on his borrowed
tA system of concentrating tapartment on the outskirts of
power in a coterie or even an Pan~ama tals Rome.
individual has been ruthlessly "He first threatened to blow
o" the 68- -no the place with a hand gre-
old leader declared as he quit nade and explosive," officer An-
with other party leaders to tonio Cornacchia reported.
fo a nhew party o ess PANAMA CITY, Panama - "Then we hurled tear gas bombs
found a new party of Congress Pnm adthUiedSts

together trying to pick them up.
But Fred Cowan, a 6-foot,
250-pound weight-lifting giant of
aman, "could never make it
with them, he never had a girl
friend in the seven years I've
known him," Parks said the
morning after his 33-year-old
friend went on a rampage in a
New Rochelle warehouse, killing
five people, wounding five oth-
ers before taking his own life.
It was the frustrations in Cow-
an's personal life that his
friends were speaking of yester-
day as they tried to put together
the puzzle of a neighbor ap-
parently gone gun crazy.
They recalled Cowan's inordi-
nate interest in guns and the
arsenal of pistols and rifles he
kept in his attic room. The big
man was -so proud of his guns
that he often traded neighbor-
hood kids a look at the collec-
tion for washing his car.
Shy with women, Cowan was
more relaxed in the neighbor-
hood Galway Bay Bar where he
would display his huge muscles
in the mirror and ripple his ta-
toos, including a swastika.
Cowan would often accom-
pany his muscle - flexing with
a tirade against blacks and
Jews. "No doubt about tat, he
was real prejudiced," said his
friend Parks,jwho often went
on hunting trips with him.
His neighbors said yesterday
they were not fully aware of the
extent of Cowan's prejudice and
did not know'ofsthe attic trove
of Nazi arm bands, swastikas,
and books on Adolf Hitler's
Third Reich.
Parks contributed part of the
puzzle of his friend's violent
Monday whe nhe told reporters
that Cowan had felt he been un-
fairly treated when he was sus-
pended for two weeks by a mov-
ing and storage company for
not moving a refrigerator.

news conference as the panel re-
leased a report to President Car-
ter and Congress.
"School segregation is most
acute in our cities where the
majority of black and hispanic
American children live and at-
tend racially isolated public
schools," the commission ob-
"In the wake of two migra-
tions - the movement of black
people from the rural south to
big cities throughout the coun-
try and of whites from central
cities to suburbs - the racial
composition of these school sys-
tems has changed dramatically
from predominantly white to
,predominantly black."
In Chicago and Detroit, for ex-
ample, the public school enroll-
ment in 1974 was more than 70
per cent black and other minori-
ties, the report said. Minority
enrollment was more than 60
per cent in New York and Phil-
adelphia and more than 50 per
cent in Los Angeles.
That means, the commission
said, that effective school inte-
gration cannot be accomplished
within the boundaries of most
big cities.
School officials must reach-
into the white suburbs, and they
should do so voluntarily without
waiting for court orders, Flem-
ming asserted.
Clues scarce;
brothers dead
lice worked through a "moun-
tain of information" yesterday
in search of a clue to the killers
of four young brothers in the
farmlands of western Indiana.
The officers said one of the
clues was a description of the
slayers they said could fit al-
most any young men.
The investigation centered on
the possibility that the shotgun
killings were the work of a small
gang of youths who terrorized
and robbed two couples from a
neighboring county within the
past week. The slayings here,
early Monday, came after in-
truders robbed the victims of
about $30.
At Indianapolis, State Police
Supt. John Shettle said the in-
vestigation was making "defi-
nite progress" and has top prior-

ity "until we have the perpetra-!
tors behind bars." He said police
were sifting "a number of leads
and a mountain of information."
He revised that later to say
"we're working a mountain of
general information, hoping to
find a clue. But we don't have
a specific clue."
Officers on the scene said they
were baffled, with no leads and
no suspects.
"I have no information that
would indicate we have any con-
crete leads that would enable us
to crack this case in the very
near future," said Sgt. Robert
McClure, commander of the In-I
diana State Police post at Terre
PB.B bill package1
DETROIT-Saying the people
of Michigan are "literally being
poisoned," U.S. Rep. William
Bra headi (D?-Mih) i1vld a

Brodhead, who represents
Michigan's 17th congressional
district encompassing parts of
Detroit and western Oakland
Couaty, said he has asked state
Attorney' General Frank Keiley
to halt sale of PBB-tained meat
under existing state laws.
"The people of Michigan are
literally being poisoned," he
said, "and we must put a stop
to it immediately. We know that
PBBs are dangerous poisons,
and we -cannot afford to take
chances on the health and safe-
ty of our children while we ar-
gue about how much poison we
can eat without suffering dam-
Brodhead called for the dis-
missal of Ball and other depart-
ment administrators responsible
for the scandal in a letter to
Gov. William Milliken.
"It's just disgraceful the way
they've handled this thing," he
said. "I think it's amply docu-
mented that they have approved
the sale of diseased animals for

could be plunged into chaos by
the end of the year.
"We are facing a catastro-
phe," Johnson said.
The Department of Corrections
expects its inmate population
will swell from its current 12,-
668 to 14,200 by the end of the
That would mean the prison
population has almost doubled
since December, 1973.
Earlier estimates had put the
prison population peak at 14,000
by early 1979. Prison officials
say the climb is faster than an-
ticipated and are unsure what
the upper limit will be.
There are 1,524 more prisoners
than last year at this time. The
state's prisons already are about
1.000 beds short of the number
needed to adequately house pris
"The expected 1,500 increase
during the next 11 months will
result in absolute chaos," John
son said. "We must immediate-
ly find additional housing to hold
prisoners until some of "the pro-
posed new prisons can be built."
Johnson said new prisons will
not be finished in time to meet
the crisis expected this year.
The department is currently
pursuing the possible acquisition
of the Wayne County Child De-
velopment Center near, Ply-
mouth as a prison for about 450
men and 60 or more women.

DL/"ia, c k 1lCl. ), nveieu a
six-point program yesterday he -
said would halt the sale of PBB- Prisons
contaminated meat. overloaded
Among other things," he pro-
posed the immediate dismissal LANSING - State Corrections
of state Agriculture Director B. Director Perry Johnson said
Dale Ball, calling that agency's yesterday the need for inmate
handling of the PBB problem housing has reached the crisis
"disgraceful." point and the state's prisons

British accused
of torture
The European Human Rights
Court announced yesterday that
it would open a full-scale public
trial in April on Irish allega-
tions of the use of torture by
British security forces in North-
ern Ireland.
The court made the decision
despite a British plea to the
Irish government to drop fur-
ther international litigation on
the issue, which Attorney Gen-
eral Sam Silkin said could only
harm bilateral efforts to stop
the violence in Northern Ire-
The 18 judges ruled in favor
of the Irish government follow-'
ing a three-day preliminary
hearing in Strasbourg last week
to establish the-scope of their
Ireland asked the court to
take into account more than 220
alleged violations of the Euro-
pean human rights convention,
which forbids torture or degrad-
ing treatment of detainees.
Dublin referred the matter to
the international tribunal after
the European Human Rights
Commission, a fact - finding
body, said after a four-year in-
vestigation that British forces
in Northern Ireland had violated
sections of the convention in
their interrogation of 14 named
detainees in August, 1971.
It is the first dispute between
the states to come before the
court since it was set up in
Before the court last week,
the British government did not
contest the 14 specific charges
included in the commission's re-
port, although it did not con-
cede that the disputed inter-
roeation methods were torture.
Britain pledged never again to
use the interrogation practices
branded as torture by the Irish
- blindfolding suspects. depriv-
ing them of sleen and adeciate
food and furring them to stand
for lone neriods.
Phocdo. an
Daily Official Bulletin
orr,.}-r;°f>;t+."',"4 ''{if'i yr!.r.{;,,}..;."r"4""

resumed high-level negotiations
for a new Panama Canal treaty
yesterday on the resort island of
Contadora off the Panama
A Panamanian government
spokesman said the two nego-
tiating teams met in secret for
their first round of informal
talks, which are to deal with
Panamanian demands that they
take over operation and intome
from the American-run canal.E
He said the talks were ex-'
pected to last about two weeks.
Foreign Minister Nicolas

and ne iustartedbeggig jt.
'mercyand gave up. It took
half an hour in all."


Cowan liked
blondes, gnrs
adored only tall, blue-eyed
blondes, according to his best
friend, Jim Parks, and they
cruised.the neighborhood diners

O.K.'s busing
WASHINGTON - Only metro-
politan school desegregation
reachinginto the white suburbs
can save urban black children
-from persistent racial separation
in their schools, the U.S. Civil
"We have concluded that met-
ropolitan school desegregation is
a must if today's children are
to be given equal educational op-
portunities," commission chair-
Iman Arthur Flemming told a

WEEKLY: Wed. 4 p.m. Thurs. NOON
Angell Hall Aud. "A" Lord of Light Luth. (Hill & Forest)
Feb. 16-4 p.m. Leon Howell-U.S. FOREIGN POLICY. Leon is
Ass't. Editor of "Christianity and Crisis" and has
. Feb. 17-noon written for "Far East Economic Review.".Author:
Asia, Oil Politics and the Energy Crisis. He is cur-
rently a freelance writer on U.S. policy matter re-
siding in Wash., D.C.
Feb. 23-4 p.m. John Adams-HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE U.S.-He-
is well known for his advocacy of the victims of the
Feb. 24-noon Kent State Massacre and for his work in support
of the Native Americans during the Wounded Knee
takeover in 1975.
M-Argentina: We are inviting a representative from
Mar. noon the Interchurch Committee in Latin America -
involved with the settling of hundreds of refugees
in Canada.
Co-sponsored by: Lord of Light Lutheran Church (668-7622) Wesley
Foundation (668-6881), Ecumenical Campus Center (661-5529)
Office of Ethics and Religion (764-7442)




Gonzalez Revilla led the Pana-
manian delegation, on the short
flight from Panama City to
Contadora Tuesday morning.
American negotiators, led by
special Ambassador Ellsworth
Bunker and Sol Linowitz went
to the island with their working
staff Sunday night.
They said the United Statesr
had the political will to conclude
a treaty quickly if both sides
were able to compromise.
Former President Gerald
Ford halted the canal talks last
May when the waterway's fu-
ture became a campaign issue.
"A successful negotiation re-
quires that each side bring to
the negotiating table the politi-
cal will to conclude a treaty,''
said Bunker, a veteran diplo-
mat who has been the chief U.
S. negotiator since 1973.
Early yesterday morning,
Panamanian chief of govern-
ment Gen. Omar Torrijos
made a surprise visit to canal's
Miraflores Locks, inside the Ca-.
nal Zone.
Torrijos, dressed in his army
fatigues and wearing a gun hol-
ster on his hip, told a canal

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Wednesday. February 16, 1977
WUOM: The Civil Liberties Board
Proposal, panel discussion, Dr.
Bruce Freedman, ',chairman Civil
Liberties Board, Irving Freeman,
member Michigan Student Assembly,,
and Barbara Murphy, chairwoman
Commission for Women, moderator
Mark Lloyd, WUOM/WVGR staff,
10:15 a.m.
Physics/Astronomy: D. Clark, Stan-
ford U., "Measurement of Nuclear
Sizes and Moments Using Tunable
Dye Lasers," 4 p.m.
Statistics: Prof. Henry N. Pollack,
"When and Where Earthquakes Oc-
cur." 3227 Angell Hall, 4 p.m.
Ind./Opler. Eng.: Terry L. Friesz,
Science Applications, Inc., Washing-
ton, D.C., "Modeling for Regional
Public Investment Planning," 229
W.E., 4:15 p.m.
Volume LXXXVII, No. 114
Wednesday, February 16, 1977







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