Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, .mvI 48109
Wednesday, February 9, 1977
News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
City Council park plan will
revive downtown Ann Arbor
ANN ARBOR Mayor Albert Wheel-
er overcame his doubts at Mon-
day's City Council meeting long
enough to help pass the"$200,000 al-
location for city parks and downtown
development projects. Though his ap-
proval was not vital to the success.
of the motion, it was a relief to know
that Wheeler values downtown's suc-
cess enough to set aside his private
The controversial part of the $200,-
000 Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG), allocation concerned
a $75,000 appropriation for the pro-
posed downtown park at Liberty and
Division Streets. The total cost of
the park will be $114,000, but the
other $39,000 is to be supplied through.
private donations.
It is understandable that the
mayor and others - Including Coun#
cii member Liz Keogh (D-First Ward),
who voted against the allocation -
should be concerned lest the down-
town area benefit from federal dol-
lars at the expense of other parts
of the community.
But downtown's success is the key
to the success of the community as
a whole. If the Central Business Dis-
trict prospers, Ann Arbor will pros-
per; if it decays, the rest of the city
cannot survive. Nor can Ann Arbor
Democrats continue to cash in on the
dichotomy between "business inter-
ests" and "people interests;" the fact
is, we're all in this together.
The dogmas of the past are no
longer relevant to the situation in
which our city finds itself. It is time
we realized the possibility that aid
to private enterprise is not in and
of itself a blow to the poor. And that
parks, no matter where they are, be-
long to everybody.
Second of Two Parts
THE DEFEAT OF THE anti-imperialist move-
ment of the Iranian people, manifested in
the downfall of the progressive government of
Dr. Mossadeph by a C.I.A: engineered and fi-
nanced coup,, brought with itself a reign of
terror. Political parties and organizations were
banned and destroyed, the press was heavily
censored, trade Unions and workers' syndicates
were outlawed and most basic and elementary
rights such as the freedom of the press, speech,
assembly and thought were denied to the peo-
The defeat of 1953 was not as often por-
trayed the defeat of the heroic working and
toiling masses of the Iranian society, but as
a defeat for all sorts of reformist ideologies
and parlimentarian methods. It was a strategic
defeat for the Iranian peoples' movement with
massive and various implications.
The reformist and inconsistant leadership
of the Tudeh Party (the Iranian Communist
Party) which could not direct the struggle in
any resolute fashion and transfer the revolu-
tionary potential of -the masses into an in-
surmountable force, only served to cut short
the efforts of the progressive and anti-imper-
ialist government of Dr. Mossadegh.
RIGHT AFTER THE COUP. the leaders of
the party turned their back to the masses and
fled the country, leaving the masses at the mer-
cy of their sworn enemy. The reformist leader-
ship of the movement left with the people
pessimism and cynicism to the vanguard. Peo-
ple simply lost faith in the leadership. The
prevailing political atmosphere was colored by
feelings of impotency and powerlessness, and
it continued to be so for the years to come.
And when it came, it came through the
shining blood of the militant vanguards. But
still more years had to be passed, more peo-
ple killed and imprisoned, so that the move-
ment could exclude reformism and parlimentar-
ism forever. The lesson was learned on June
5, 1963, when as a result of political and eco-
nomic crisis, more than 10,000 unarmed peo-
ple who took to the streets, wete machine-
gunned, while peacefully and bare-handedly
demonstrating against the regime of terror.
The illusion prevailing among the people
that major social and economic changes can
be achieved within the existing system and
through parlimentary means and reformist
ideologies was shattered by the events of June
5th. It was after this period that a new era
in the struggle of the Iranian people came into
being. The first lessons to be learned was that
there is no alternative but the armed over-
throw of the regime and the substantial over-
haul of the system. Since then, various revo-
lutionary groups and organizations were form-
ed; exploring new means and methods of strug-
gle, as well as new forms of organization and
political mobilization.
THE CRYSTALIZATION of a prolonged pro-
cess of preparation was on Feb. 8, 1971, in 'Siah-
kal in a northern province of Iran,' where the
militants of the Organization of the Iranian
Peoples Fedayee Guerrillas undertook their first
armed operation.
February 8th, 1971 marked the beginning
of the armed struggle in Iran. For 6 years now,
the armed struggle of the revolutionary organi-
zations has radically changed the Iranian po-
litical scene and deeply influenced all aspects
of the peoples' life. The distrust for the van-
guard is now replaced by the active support
of the people for the revolutionary organiza-
tions. Since the inception of the armed strug-
gle, a new atmosphere of resistance and strug-
gle against the Shah has prevailed in Iran.
(This can be well seen in the struggle'and re-
sistance of the workers, peasants, intellectuals,
students, artists, religious leaders, etc.)
At the head of this revolutionary move-
ment arse the two organizations of the Iranian
People Fedayee Guerrillas and the Organiza-
tion of the Mojahedeen of the People of Iran,
who are now politically and organizationally
established. The narmed struggle has entered
a new stage after firmly establishing itself.
in the society. It is now aiming at building a
strong mass base among the masses and in
particular, the toiling Iranian men and wom-
en. Special emphasis is laid on organizational
task within the workers, students and other
popular sectors of the society.
frightened by the growing strength of the move-
ment, has taken new oppressive measures,
against the people and its fighting vanguards,
debunking his mask and exposing his true na-
ture. The number of political prisoners at best'
estimates now stands between 40,000-100,000,.
subjected to the most barbaric tortures ever
known in human history. Announcements of
one-party system, in which his fascist "Nation-
al Resurgent Party" has been named as the
sole legal political organization of the coun-
try, in which each Iranian is obliged .to be
a member, along with his launching of major
offensives to discover and annihelate the net-
works of the Iranian freedom fighters are only
two instances of the Shah's latest tactics.
The United States government has been
the Shah's biggest supporter, particularly after
the CIA-engineered coup of 1953 which return-
ed the Shah to power. This support of one of
the most fascist and inhuman governments in
the world has been economic, political and mili-
tary, going so far as to supply the most so-
phisticated methods of torture to. be used
against the political prisoners in Iran. Com-
mitting the saine, mistakes made in Vietnam;
the United States government is in the dan-
gerous position of supplying the Shah with
more than 12 billion dollars worth of the most
advanced military hardware in the past 5 years
alone, and stationing more than 30,000 Ameri-.
can "military advisors" and their families in
tween the U.S. government and the Shah of
Iran, it comes as no surprise to learn that
SAVAK is freely operating in the U.S., as in
a number of other countries. Illegal activities
abroad by SAVAK, admitted to by the Shah on
CBS' "Sixty Minutes," are well-documented in
papers and secret documents seized by the Con-
federation of Iranian Students -National Un-
ion (CISNU) after occupying SAVAK headquar-
ters in Geneva. As the SAVAK documents re-
veal, the aim of these illegal activities is to
gather information as to the names and activi-
ties of Iranian students abroad, and to harass
these students and their families back home
in order to stop the very basic and just strug-
gle of the students that is revealing the true
nature of the fascism that exists in Iran.
The U.S. State Department undertook a 2-
day "investigation" into SAVAK activities in
the U.S., and "found no evidence" of SAVAK
operations. We have revealing documents to the
We are also concerned about the American
youth who will be forced to participate in an-
other foreign. war and be killed trying to keep
the fascist Shah in power. The Vietnam ex-
perience cost the American people over 60,000
of their sons, and billions of tax dollars. The
same losses must not be repeated in Iran.
We urge the American people to force the
U.S. government to end its support of the
brutal and fascist' Shah of Iran.
We urge the American people to wage an
all-out fight against the illegal activities of
SAVAK and to demand its expulsion from the
This piece was written by th Iranian Students As-
sociation of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti.
Admiral Turner for CIA
boss* Just .iot good enough,
ed his lesson.
When he nominated a progres-
sive intellectual like Theodore Soren-,
sen to head the CIA, he was stunned
when Senate criticism became so,
great that Sorensen withdrew. Since
presidential nominees usually face
little opposition in the Senate - es-
pecially with a Democratic President
and a Democratic Congress - this
was regarded as a "loss" for Carter.
"The honeymoon is over," one com-
mittee member said.
But Carter learned the ways of
Washington quickly. Sorensen had
been too controversial, he rightly rea-
soned, so he has now offered the Sen-
ate someone it will be certain to ap-
prove - Admiral Stansfield Turner.
Turner, a former classmate of Car-
ter's at the Naval Academy, is the
commander-in-chief of U.S. forces in
southern Europe -- this shows he has
the administrative background neces-
sary for the CIA post. He clearly has
the intellect that has been so lacking
in former CIA directors; he finished
first in his class at Annapolis (Car-
ter finished 59th) and attended Ox-
ford University in England as a
Rhodes Scholar. Arad last, he is a
moderate liberal politically - some-
one the Senate will accept.
Turner will not do a bad job. He
is a brilliant man who is sufficient-
ly removed from the intelligence
community to add some .insight to
the CIA. But, that simply isn't good
In the past the CIA has instigated
wars in other countries, and funded
assassination attempts on foreign
leaders. We need a director who will
shake-up ,that agency, revamp the
whole intelligence network and fire
the persons responsible for. the years
need a person who will lift the veil
of secrecy off CIA activities and flush
out the injustices that are still shoud-
ed by that veil.
Carter recognized these needs when
he nominated Sorensen, but the Sen-
ators on the intelligence committee
did not want the truth to be known
about the CIA, so they forced Soren-
sen out.
The President finally succumoed
to their pressure, and nominated a
moderate man that "he can trust."
And that's too bad because the re-
organization of the CIA is an essen-
tial and monumental job, and Ad-
miral Turner just hasn't got what
it takes.
News: Lor E. Carruthers, Ann Marie
Lipinski, George Lobsenz, Anne-
marie Schiavi, Jim Tobin, Michael
Yellin, Laurie Young
Editorial: Ken Parsigian
Arts: Nicola Binns, Lois Josimovich,
Dobilas Matulionis, Jim Stimson
Photo: Christina, Schneider
Editorial positions represent a
consensus of The Daily Editorial staff.
I HAVE A FRIEND in Washington,
D.C. who is a research scientist
and who is attached to a govern-
ment research agency. He visited
Ann Arbor in November and par-
ticipated in the International Con-
gress of, Technology Assessment
which was being held at that time.
His reactions to our scientifie
community rather startled me. He
said that e was shocked by the
high level of intellectual dishones-
ty that exists at the university.
"Give me money, and I will do
anything for you," seems to be, ac-
cording to him, the motto of many
scholars. (He also used stronger
epithets such as "pimps" and "in-
tellectual prostitutes.")
Hea It)
Can a virgin be fitted for a diaphragm
IUD inserted?
Technically speaking, yes, if her vagina
wide enough in diameter to insert at least
(as a guide to ease of insertion). However
ability of using a diaphragm or IUD as an
traceptive method is another matter.
As you may already know, each wom
individually fitted for the diaphragm anl
priate size for a given woman will depen
ltength and width of her vagina at a given p
Many factors can change the size of a won
over the course of her life, (i.e., childbir
or miscarriage, and a gain or loss of mo
pounds.) Thus the fit of her diaphragm mi
larly checked (at least every two years) an
after one of these significant events. In
woman should be fitted with the largest siz
that she can comfortable wear.
Although technically a woman can be
diaphragm while she is still ,is virgin. the
sexual intercourse will tend to stretch
This means that the fit of her diaphragm r
change once she starts having intercouri
He confessed that if he has a
research problem to solve, he would
rather go to industry and to spe-
cialized research firms "for they
know what they can do, and will
not attempt something that they
cannot deliver." The chase after
grants is morally corrupting Aca-
dtmia, he mused in summary.
I SAID TO HIM, "You can't be
really serious about all that." "But
I am," he replied. "If you want
me to, I'll put it in writing, in the
form of a letter or something."
I was sad after this conversa-
tion. I became sadder still when
it occurred to me that it all could
be true. Is it?
AFTER I WROTE this piece, it
LCHIK ition of frequency, or a to
counters (estimated) that mi
we can offer no cu and drie
or have an as a rule of thumb if you c
of times, they are probably n
After' this interval has pas
1 opening is Health Service Gynecology
two fingers diaphragm. When fitted pro
, the advis- the diaphragm is an excellei
iinitial con- of birth control.
an must be The ideal user of the IUD
the appro- viously 'been pregnant, and
id upon the with introuterine devices in
oint in time. (woman who have never had
nan's vagina After a woman has a child
th, abortion manently enlarged and her c
re than ten In addition, after carrying a
ust be regu- be more tolerant to a foreign
d especially reasons, insertion of the IUD
general, a a nulliparous woman tends
e diaphragm addition, women who have
to experience more crampi
fitted for a IUD has been inserted, and
initiation of probability of expelling the
the vagina. Some of the newer IUDs; t
nay not only gestasert for example, wer
ye, but thatnparous woman in mind in h
sel ban tmtadvantages. They are small
occured to me that the problem overcome the sense of moral cyni-
of values in the academia (and cism among its students, it must
a value-vacuum which many ex- not merely offer courses; it will
perience) might be connected with have to. demonstrate its own cori -
mitment to principled behavior by
grantsmanship. If you have to ac- making a serious effort to deal
cept money from whatever source with the ethical aspects of its in-
for whatever proj ect with what- vestment policies, its employment
ever implications, you better for- practices, and the other moral di-
get about intrinsic human values., lemmas that inevitably confront
Derek Bok, President of Har- every educational institution."
vard University, has a point when
he says (in Change, Oct. 1976),
Henryk Skolimowski ii a Humanities
"If other sources of ethical val- Professor in the College of Engineering.
ues have declined in influence, edu- Both he and I would like to know how
cators have a responsibility to con- other profs feel about "intellectual pro-
tribute in any way they can to stitutes". If you are interested in writing
the moral development of their stu- a piece on the topic feel free to contact
dents. If a university expects to me, Ken Parsigian, at 764-0552.
e Handbook
tal number of sexual en- QUESTION:
ight be sufficient. Although Some people I know, whenever they get high on
d response to this request, marijuana, get blood shot eyes. This doesn't happen
an still count the number to everyone. Also, I notice when this does happen it
iot enough. goes away after they come down. Could you explain
ssed you can come to our Ay hs happens?
Clinic .to be fitted for a There doesn't seem to be any good scientific explana-
perly and used correctly, tion available for the cause of this phenomenon. How-
nt and very effective form ever, it seems to be a prevalent condition and has been
reported among common reactions to be expected iv
is a woman who has pre- marijuana smokers. In technical jargon it is known
until recently, experience as congestion os the conjunctive and is probably the
young nulliparous woman least worrisome of the spectrum of possible physical
a child) was discouraging. reactions. The most prominent effect is increased heart
her uterus 'becomes per- rate and in some people there may be dizziness, nausea
ervix remains slightly open. and vomiting. The problem which most investigators are
fetus the uterus seems to concerned about is impairment of coordination. Some
n body within it. For those well-controlled studies have shown that a decline in driv-
into the smaller uterus of ing ability occurs after smoking only one marijuana
to cause more pain. In cigarette. This was seen in 42 per cent of those on a low
never been pregnant tend dose of TIIC (tetrahydrocannabinol) - the active in-
ng and bleeding once the gredient in marijuana; and in 63 per cent of those on a
have a somewhat higher high dose. Unusual behavior included the missing of
device from the uterus. traffic lights or stop signs, passing without sufficient
he Copper 7 and the Pro- caution and unawareness of pedestrians or stationary
e designed with the nulli- vehicles.
opes of reducing these dis- While research has not shown marijuana to cause
er devices and the copper physimal dependence not to cause adverse effects in