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February 06, 1977 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page




See Today for detaits

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 106 Ann Arbor, Michigan--Sunday, February 6, 1977 Ten Cents Eight Pages plus St


t ,
Fold, don't spindle or
We've been trying out some innovative ideas
at The Daily lately and today, putting your Sun-
day paper together, you'll notice we've slipped
a couple of pages in sideways. But there's a rea-
son for this lunacy. That sideways stuff is the
new tabloid-sized, 8-page Sunday Magazine. All
your favorite features; investigative pieces, and
book reviews are there as well as such added
attractions as an exclusive acrostic puzzle, a new
comic strip, and the week's "Happenings" calen-
dar. If you take those cockeyed pages out and
fold them on the crease, you'll get a better idea
of what the Magazine is all about. Better yet,
why don't you read it?
Begin today at 11:30 a.m. with Prof. Carl
Cohen speaking on "The Bakke Case: Prefereptial
Admissions Reconsidered," at Hillel, 1429 Hill ..
things don't pick up until 3 p.m. when the Sun-
day Gay Discussion meets at Canterbury House,
corner of Catherine and Division, to discuss "Deal-
ing with Straight Friends" ... dorm residents and
fraternity and 'sorority folks whose houses don't
serve Sunday dinner are in for a break with dis-
counted buffet meals served at the University Club
on the main floor of the Union, from 5 to 8 p.m.
... With stomachs satisfied, at 7 p.m. you can
trot up to MSA meeting room on the third floor
of the Union where the Housing Council will vote
on the lettuce boycott in residence halls ... Also
at 7 p.m., Hillel offers another speaker, Arnold
Michlin, who will speak on the "Soviet Jewry
Movement in America Today," sponsored by the
Committee for Soviet Jewry, 1429 Hill ... and fi-
nally, at 7:30, Josh McDowell will speak at Hill
Auditorium on Biblical prophecy ... sleep in Mon-
day morning until 1 p.m. when exiled Soviet dissi-
dent Vladimir Maximov, editor of Paris-based Kon-
tinent magazine, will speak on "The role of Kon-
tinent in the Third Emigration," in MLB, Rm. 1
. then at 3:30 p.m., English lessons for pre-
schoolers whose native tongue is not English will
be held at the Pound House Children Center, 1024
Hill ... at 4 p.m., "The Exploitation of Patchy
Environments by Insects," a discussion sponsored
by the dvision of biological sciences, will be ex-
pounded upon by Dr R. Root of Cornell Univer-
sity in MLB, Aud. 4 .. the Washtenaw Reading
Council will offer "Elementary/Secondary Night"
with two speakers presenting methods of infusing
career education into reading and language arts
from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Ypsilanti High School,
2095 Packard Rd. ... at 5 p.m., the film, "Third
Day of the War and U.N. Proceedings: Anti-Zionist
Resolution" will be shown in Alice Lloyd North
Cafeteria and "Night and Fog" will be shown in
S. Quad at 6:30 p.m. ... at 7, a Middle East film,
"To Live in Freedom" will be offered at the In-
ternational Center, 603 E. Madison ... also at 7
p.m., Rackham Student Government meets in
Rackham, east alcove ... and Josh McDowell again
has the stage inHill Aud. at 7:30 to speak on
Biblical prophecy.
Cattuh on a cot
President Carter hopes to bring the Presiden-
cy closer to the people - right into your guest
bedroom if you would have him. The former pea-
nut farmer is considering staying in private homes
when he travels around the country. The Presi-'
dent "really doesn't get much input by shaking
hands with people," explained Greg Schneiders,
Carter's director of special projects. Citizen hosts
and hostesses, though, should be sure to turn their
thermostats down to 650 and don sweaters like
the casual Carter. Nobody has asked if all those
Secret Service men will have to be bedded up

A Girl Scout is?
While Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan and fol-
lowers are burning bras to get the Equal Rights
Amendment, Mary Anne Holman and Dot Sched-
ler have lit up their pea green Girl Scout uni-
forms in protest of the organization's endorse-
ment of the ERA. The two Austin, Tex. Girl
Scout leaders tearfully watched their blazing uni-
forms go up in smoke Friday, and Mary Anne,
Holman said determinedly, "I wish we had some
cookies, we'd throw them in the fire too." Now,
that's the ultimate, isn't it, Mary Anne?
On the inside...
..check out the new tabloid Sunday Maga-
zine ... the Daily Digest offers a story on the
VA nurses' defense motion to dismiss their case
... star reporters Tom Cameron and Don Mac-
Lachlan comment on the Ohio State basketball
game in their column on the sports page ... and
the Week in Review is featured on the new Sun-
day editorial page.




By AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - President
Carter declared a state of emer-
gency in Michigan yesterday be-
cause of the impact of snow, ice
and cold.
The action permits the use of
federal funds in relief and re-
covery efforts in designated por-
tions of the state.
A WHITE House spokesman
said the money will be used pri-
marily "to reopen vital supply
routes to agricultural, educa-
tional, governmental, commer-
cial and industrial establish-
ments, and-such other emergen-
cy assistance as may be re-
quired to save lives and public
property, public health and safe-
Emergency declarations also
provide these special benefits:
Military personnel and equip-
ment to clearsblocked highways
and streets; special equipment
to thaw frozen water mains;
helicopters for rescue and the
delivery of food and essential
supplies; funding to provide the
unemployed with jobs related to
emergency recovery work.
Although the spokesman said
the declaration applied to the
entire state, 11 counties were
singled out by the Federal Dis-
aster Assistance Administra-ion
to receive aid.
THEY ARE Allegan, Barry,
Cass. Chippewa, Eaton, lenia,
Oceania, Ottawa, Sanlac, Shia-
wassee and Van Buren counties.
All but Chipewa located in
the upper peninsula, are cental
and western lower peqinsula
counties hard hit by the Jan.
26-31 blizard conditions.
Carter's declaration .ame in
response to Gov. William MNili-
ken's request for federal aid
last week.
IN' A letter to Carter earlv
Friday, Milliken said state and
local units of government have
spent nearly $1.6 million fkr
snow removal and related b.Iz-
zard costs - causing a " eVere
financial strain" in many ares.
He also asked for reimburse-
ment for expenses already in-

curred by local government in
cleanup efforts.
Upon Carter's announcement,
a .iteam of federal disaster as-
sistance specialists set up an
office in the Lansing Post Office
building yesterday to start aid-
ing severely hit areas.
A SPOKESMAN for Milliken
said an additional three coun-
ties may be added to the list
tomorrow following a review of
conditions by the State Police
Emergency Services Division,-
the state coordinating agency
advising the governor.
The three counties that could
be added to the emergency dec-
laration are Berrien, Muskegon

and Newaygo - all, in western
A State Police spokesman said
snow removal in the 11 cou'nes'
will be carried out under con-
tract at the direction of :he U S.
Army lCorps of Engineers dis-
trict office in Detroit.
The spokesman said priority
will be given to clearing roads
which are currently blocked
while roads with at least one
lane of travel will receive sec-
ondary attention.
Army Corps of Engineers per-
sonnel will be dispatched to the
most seriously affected areas
following a survey to determine
the extent of closed roads in
each of the 11 counties.

Trai'n wreck,
laid to driver
By AP and UPI
CHICAGO - Transit authority officials yesterday blamed "man
failure" or human error for the deadliest elevated train crash in
Chicago history. The death toll climbed to 12 in the collision which
sent two crowded cars tumbling into a street at rush hour Friday.
"All of the equipment appeared to be in excellent working
shape," Regional Transportation Authority chairman Milton Pi-
karsky said. "There is evidence of man failure."
Appearing with Pikarsky at a joint news conference, Chicago
Transit Authority (CTA) chairman James McDonough said it was
decided to disclose the apparent error of motorman Steven Martin
in the slow speed crash to assure the public that the CTA's com-
muter trains were mechanically safe.
McDonough gave no details yesterday but said late Friday Mar-
tin could have nudged his eight-car Lake Street-Dan Ryan train
forward to strike the rear of the stopped second train on a sharp
curve in the Chicago Loop, in spite of the CTA's $25 million safety
A federal investigator said Martin violated CTA rules by - ad-
vancing his train under a caution light without first getting per-
mission from his superiors.
McDonough said the conclusion was based on an examination of
the CTA equipment and a conversation with Martin, hospitalized in
serious condition Saturday at Northwestern Memorial Hospital with
a broken pelvis and under sedation.
The 12th fatali'y victim, an unidentified woman, died at North-
See TRAIN, Page 5

Daily Phot& by ALAN BILINSKY
PHIL HUBBARD appears to be holding a simon-says exercise in yesterday's triumph over r
Ohio State. Actually, the Wolverine center is pulling down the rebound from Buckeye
Jim Ellinghausen. Tom Staton and Steve Grote observe the action.

Gandhi rally

NEW DELHI, India VP) -
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's
first campaign rally for the
March parliamentary elections
ended abruptly yesterday when
thousands in the crowd walked
out even before the politically
embattled Indian leader finish-
ed speaking.
About 100,000 persons packed

the Delhi fairgrounds for the
well-publicized rally to kick off
the ruling Congress party's
campaign, but large groups be-
came unruly and defied baton-
sWinging police and the pleas
of party volunteers to remain
IN A FIERY half - hour

U'gets grant for pot
dec rimima lizing'.study

speech, the 59-year-old prime
minister defended her 19-month-
old emergency rule and con-
demned the surprise defection
of some major Congress party
figures last week.
The rally, which lasted only
90 minutes, ended before party
president Dev Kant Borooah
and other scheduled speakers
could address the crowd.
Significantly, Gandhi's 30-
year-old son, Sanjay, the target
of increasing criticism from
opposition. politicians and Con-
gress dissidents, did not attend
the rally, although he had been
hilled as one of the main speak-
ers in posters plastered on walls
in downtown Delhi.
color paintings of Sanjay and
his mother flanked the speak-
ers' platform overlooking the
spacious Ram Lila grounds.
It was the same site where
the non-Communist opposition
launched its campaign last Sun-
day with a more orderly and
enthusiastic crowd of 50,000,
most of whom walked or took
public transport to the rally and
staved until it ended four hours
Jn contrast, many attending
Gandhi's mass meeting were
brouight in from neighboing
rural areas in buses and trucks
chartered on behalf of the Con-
gress party.
See GANDHI, Page 5

The Department of Health, Education and Wel-
fare (HEW) Friday approved a $270,000 grant
for a University study on the effects of the de-
criminalization of marijuana use.
Lloyd Johnston, a social psychologist at the In-
stitute for Social Research, said the grant will
fund 4 "sub-study on drug use titled "Marijuana
Law Changes: The Impact on Use."
THE STUDY is part, of a larger, long-term
project called "Monitoring the Future: A, Con-
tinuing Study of the Lifestyles and Values of
Youth," sponsored by the National Institute on
Drug Abuse.A
.Johnston and a fellow researcher, Jerald Bach-
man. have. already collected some- of the data
which will be used in the study. In 1975, the re-
searchers began an annual survey of drug use
among high school seniors. Funded by the HEW

grant, Johnston and Bachman will continue the
surveys through 1978 and conduct annual follow-
up surveys of students after they have left high
"We'll measure all types of illicit drug use, as
well as alcohol use, plus a host of other things -
self-reported delinquency, political alienation,
trust in certain institutions and attitudes toward
sex roles - things you wouldn't think were re-
lated to decriminalization, but might be," John-
ston said.
RESEARCHERS will compare- levels of drug
use for states which have already decriminalized
marijuana before and after any drug laws
changed. States which have not yet decriminal-
ized marijuana use will serve as a control group
for comparison. Johnston said.
Thus far, the surveys have included about 20,000
high school seniors in 38 states'each year.

CAC fights for consumers

It happens to everybody.
You purchase an expensive pair of shoes at the neighborhood
shoe store. Two days later the heels fall off, but the store refuses
to issue a refund. You must be a careless walker, they say.
MONEY down the drain? Nope. The Consumer Action Center
(CAC) can step in to protect your rights.
"If I were to look down State Street and South University, for
example," said John Knapp, CAC director, "I could not objectively
say that all the shops are operated by unscrupulous merchants

merchant involved reside inside the county lines. Another stipula-
tion: an impasse between consumer and merchant must have al-
ready been reached.
Most cases are fairly routine, Knapp says, but he once re-
ceived a complaint that a pornographic magazine didn't meet the
expectations of- the subscriber. "It was not -your run-of-the-mill
case," Knapp confided.
Operating out of the Washtenaw County Bldg. at the corner
of Huron and Main Streets, the Center claims to return two dollars
to complainants for every dollar of its funding. It processed 700
cases last year, and Knapp says the CAC recovered $80,000 for

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